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BAC meeting 9-5-12 Attendance: Ellen Jones (Ward 3), Jeanie Osburn (Ward 5), David Cranor (Ward

6), Jay (Ward 8), Jameel Alsalam (Ward 4), David Alexander (Ward 2) DC Office of Planning 11th Street Bridge Presentation The meeting began with a presentation on the potential uses of the old 11th Street Bridge by Patricia Zingsheim of the DC Office of Planning. She noted the linkage it would provide to the trails network. Also would connect neighborhoods that are currently not well connected. The ideas that are being shard with the community include active and passive recreation, arts and some commercial activity. Opportunity to improve public health by promoting active living. Jeanie reported on the facilities committee bike tour of M and L Street proposed cycle tracks. Thomas Circle presents a lot of problems for M and L. Suggestions were a bike box, bike signal, squeezing a bike lane in. Transitioning from the 15th Street cycle track to the M Street bike facility will be awkward. Another trouble spot on M is the convergence of Connecticut Avenue and Rhode Island Avenue. Sgt. Thorn seconded concerns about the transition from Thomas Circle to M Street. DDOT pledges to study this problem. Jeanie reported that the Crescent Trail connections into the city are poor. The intersection of L and New Hampshire is dangerous because of fast moving traffic. Another tricky connection to the L Street cycle track at the 15th Street cycle track. Next meeting will be in October and will tour the Metropolitan Branch Trail. Get Sgt. Terry Thorne requested to be in GoogleGroup. Resurfacing L Street will take another month. Looking like November for cycle track completion. Ellen stated that she'll ask Jeanie to create a checklist out of her ride notes in order to follow-up with DDOT. Need to determine how effective we are being as an Advisory body. Jameel reported on the Automated Enforcement Task Force meeting. General discussion about the desirability of expanded camera network. Motion moved by David Cranor, seconded by David Alexander. David Cranor accepted

a friendly amendment by Ellen. Passed unanimously. Discussion about motorcycle parking impacts on bicycle parking and sidewalks. The legislative committee will take this up with CM Cheh's office. Megan Kanagy gave an update on the Downtown BID bike parking plan. Discussion on bikes in tunnels. Agreed that it is important to connectivity. BAC meeting 9-5-12 Attendance: Ellen Jones (Ward 3, BAC Chairperson), Jeanie Osburn (Ward 5), David Cranor (Ward 6), Jay Stewart (Ward 8), Jameel Alsalam (Ward 4), David Alexander (Ward 2), Heidi Goldberg (Mendelson, At-Large), Erick Kugler (Brown, At-Large), Sgt. Terry Thorne (MPD), Josh Ghaffari (DCOP), Jim Sebastian and Mike Goodno (DDOT) DC Office of Planning 11th Street Bridge Presentation The meeting began with a presentation on the potential uses of the old 11th Street Bridge by Patricia Zingsheim of the DC Office of Planning. She noted the linkage it would provide to the trails network. It also would connect neighborhoods that are currently not well connected. The ideas that are being shard with the community include active and passive recreation, arts and some commercial activity. The Office of Planning sees this as an opportunity to improve public health by promoting active living. There will be additional opportunities for community input. Josh Ghaffari, OPs representative on the BAC, will keep us informed. Facilities Committee Report Jeanie Osburn reported on the facilities committee bike tour of M and L Street proposed cycle tracks. Thomas Circle presents a lot of problems for M and L. Suggestions were a bike box, bike signal, squeezing a bike lane in. Transitioning from the 15th Street cycle track to the M Street bike facility will be awkward. Another trouble spot on M is the convergence of Connecticut Avenue and Rhode Island Avenue. Sgt. Thorn seconded concerns about the transition from Thomas Circle to M Street. DDOT pledges to study this problem. Jeanie reported that the Crescent Trail connections into the city are poor. The M Street cycle track could be a connection into and across downtown from the trailhead on Water Street/K Street, NW under the Whitehurst Freeway. The intersection of L and New Hampshire is dangerous because of fast moving traffic. Another tricky connection to the L Street cycle track at the 15th Street cycle track.

DDOT reported that the concrete work and resurfacing of L Street will take another month. Looking like November for cycle track completion. Next meeting of the facilities committee will be in October and will tour the Met Branch Trail. Ellen stated that she'll ask Jeanie to create a checklist out of her ride notes in order to follow-up with DDOT. Need to determine how effective we are being as an Advisory body. Safety and Education Committee Report Jameel reported on the Automated Enforcement Task Force meeting. He circulated his notes to BAC members earlier in the day by email. A general discussion ensued about the desirability of expanded camera network and the role of fines in changing motorist behavior. A motion was made by David Cranor, that the BAC supports the expansion of automated enforcement in the city. The motion was seconded by David Alexander. David Cranor accepted a friendly amendment by Ellen that the BAC supports a fine structure that contributes to the existing trend of reducing motor vehicle related injuries and fatalities. The amended motion passed unanimously. Jim Sebastian asked the BAC for its opinion on the safety aspect of bicycles using tunnels, such as DuPont Circle. There was a general agreement that tunnel access is important to connectivity. It was also noted that only one traffic Circle, Thomas, had accommodated bicycles. The tunnel under DuPont actually reduces cyclists exposure compared to the unprotected, chaotic experience of mixing with cars on the surface at that location. Parking Motorcycle parking impacts on bicycle parking and sidewalks was discussed. David Cranor indicated that the legislative committee will take this up with CM Cheh's office. Megan Kanagy gave an update on the Downtown BID bike parking planning project. Shes hoping to have a draft completed in the next couple of months.

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