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" When Love speaks, it is Master.

" " Your true friend is the one who never lets you do mistakes, but forgives you everything. " " Never let anyone come to you and leave without being happier. " " The soul of a great man can be recognised in the sparkling eyes of his lady. " " We must love ourselves enough to know how to forget about ourselves. " " If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it, but rather, blame yourself and know that you have not been poetic enough to capture it's richness. " " Music gives soul to our hearts, and wings to our thoughts. "

" There are no uncrossable obstacles, there are only more or less energetic wills. " " You will be young for as long as you stay receptive. Receptive to all that is beautiful, good and great. Receptive to the messages of nature, men and God. " " Old age which is a decadence for ordinary beings, is for geniuses, saints and Initiates; an apothesis. " " In young woman, beauty contributes to spirit. In older women, spirit contributes to beauty. " " A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. " " God and men are like two lovers who have made a mistake on the location of their meeting place. Men waits for God in time, and God waits for men in eternity. "

" God is an infinite sphere of which the center is everywhere and the circonference, no where. " " To give a glass of water for a glass of water is nothing. True greatness consists of giving back good for wrongdoing. " " When you are sorry, look at the other person in the eyes. " " Those who have a great "why", can endure any "how". " " Choose a work which you love and you won't have to work a single day of your life. " " Everytime you wish to know the true nature of something, give it to time. " " Rest from having done your best, and let others speak as they want. "

" Man builds himself only in the pursuit of what is greater then him. " " We must never think of the distance, whatever it may be, that separates us from virtue. " " To listen well, is almost to answer. " " No matter if the beginning is small. " " It is in efforts that we find full satisfaction and not necessarily in success, a full effort is a full victory. " " There are no great realisations which were not utopias first. " " To the happy heart a joyful smile. "

" The secret of hapiness is to work on yourself so that you may give to others."

" The most beautiful prayers are those who ask for nothing but give everything in return. " " Saints are only, accomplished Saints. We are all Saints in the making and will get there, eventually : ) " " True cosmic justice always takes place first ... in the human heart. " " When a being learns to love all creatures, he becomes invulnerable. " " The people who are joyful and positive never are by chance. It is a great Teaching that they are following either consciously or unconsciously. " " If there are so many obscurities in this world, it is perhaps only because we do not live according to the laws of light. "

" It is not Life that is wrongly made, it is humans that don't live right ! " ( for now only, we will get better later ! ) " Wherever we are, that is where our work is. " " The harder the winter, the Greater the spring. " " To complain without working to better a situation is neither beautiful nor noble, and certainly not very useful ... " " By critisizing, our conscience levels itself with the problems. By putting solutions into practice, it surpasses them. " " When we have surpassed a situation, we become able to laugh about it. That is perhaps why the great sages have such a sense of humor. : ) " " Live each day well, and you will have an

extraordinary life ! " " Men needs to beleive and aspire towards something bigger then him, not because he is so small, but really because he is much greater then he knows himself to be ! " " The search for God often has but one reason, rememberance ... " " Life is a gift, an absolutely free gesture which is only up to us to honor. " " Illumination is the ultimate synthesis of things. "

- Quest

" Sometimes, hope is what makes us smile. Other times, a smile is what can bring us hope. "

- Tibetan Monk " What is false lasts until tomorrow, what is pure lasts for eternity. " - bulgarian proverb " A world of non-violence can only have it's roots in a non-violent food diet. " - John Robbins author of " Diet for a new America " " We are not human beings having spiritual experiences, we are spiritual beings having the human experience. " - nde researcher " A person who asks love of others, but does not himself give it, cannot be loved. Always be the first to give love and it shall be given to you. As long as you do not give your heart first, you will be far from love. "

- Peter Deunov " Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor... Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting. " - Mother Teresa " A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and spac" You must become the change you would like to see in the world. " - Mahatma Ghandi

" A mistake is not a truth because it is shared by many people, just as a truth is not false because it is emitted by a

single individual. " - Mahatma Ghandi

" The yogi who as conquered the mind, as conquered the world. " - Paramhansa Yogananda e. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. " - Albert Einstein

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