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Joo Cruz jjcruz@fba.up.


What is Digital Culture? The Beginnings of Digital Culture The Cybernetic Era The Digital Avant-garde

What is Digital Culture?

Y2K apo-kalyptein Digital Now Digital Pervasion Digital Metonym Historical Contingency


Y2K = millennium bug

Y2K = apo-kalyptein

Digital Now / O Digital hoje

Produo e distribuio digital Convergncia com outras manifestaes digitais: Internet, World Wide Web e os jogos de vdeo

== MEDIASCAPE exclusivamente digital

Governo digital Dinheiro, notas e moedas, no so mais que informao digital materializada Toda a informao e para qualquer fim, em formato digital

Pervasion / Penetrao, alastramento

Globalizao Mercado Livre Capitalista Ubiquidade das TIC A influncia da Tecnocincia Toda a informao e para qualquer fim, em formato digital

The computerization of banking, international currency exchange and trading has greatly aided the rize of globalization and financial liberation. The possibilities of convergence and integration that digital technology offers has led it to dominate technical developments in media and communications. Computers are also the essential means by which the vast amounts of data that large techno-scientific projects require are managed and manipulated (Gere, 2002:10)


FAST-FORWARD EFFECT (Cincia + media + capital) + tecnologia digital = Fast-Forward Effect

A aniquilao da distncia fsica A dissoluo da realidade material O aparente fim do humano e a emergncia do denominado ps-humano

Digital as metonym

== [word] DIGITAL technical = data in form of discrete elements

simulacro virtual comunicao instantnea ubiquidade dos media conectividade global

it is possible to propose the existence of a distinctive digital culture, in that the term digital can stand for a particular way of life of a group or groups of people at a certain period in history (). Digitality can be thought of as a marker of culture because it encompasses both the artefacts and the systems of signification and communication that most clearly demarcate our contemporary way of life from others. (Gere, 2002:12)

The discourse of digital culture, appears to be animated by two interconnected beliefs. One that such a culture represents a decisive rupture with what has preceded it, and the other is that digital culture derives from and is determined by the existence of digital technology. Both these beliefs seem reasonable at first sight, and in the most practical sense, both are true. (Gere, 2002:13)

The existence of a distinct digital culture is only recognizable in the light of recent technological developments, and gives every appearance of being distinctly different from what came before. But, as this book will attempt to demonstrate, as a culture it is neither as new as it might appear, nor is its development ultimately determined by technological advances. It would be more accurate to suggest that digital technology is a product of digital culture than vice versa. (Gere, 2002:13)

As Gilles Deleuze points out, the machine is always social before it is technical. There is always a social machine which selects or assigns the technical elements used (Gere, 2002:13)

O digital no se refere apenas aos efeitos e possibilidades duma tecnologia em particular. Define e condiciona formas de pensar e fazer que so corporizadas na tecnologia, e que tornam o seu desenvolvimento possvel. Incluindo, a abstraco, codificao, auto-regulao, virtualizao e programao. Estas qualidades so concomitantes com a escrita e duma forma mais geral com a linguagem, tanto quanto a linguagem, escrita ou falada, digital no sentido porque lida com elementos discretos, e assim quase toda a cultura humana pode ser denominada digital.

Historical contingency

Digital culture in its present specific form is a historically contingent phenomenon

As suas vrias componentes emergem numa primeira instncia como resposta as exigncias do capitalismo moderno () tornadas realidade pelas exigncias da mquina de guerra de meados do Sec. XX

A WW II foi o evento catalizador a partir do qual a computao digital binria moderna emergiu e a Guerra Fria o contexto na qual se desenvolveu assumindo a sua forma actual.

Outras origens (que contribuiram para o desenvolvimento da cultura digital actual) incluem os discursos tecno-cientficos acerca da informao e dos sistemas, as prticas artsticas da avant-garde, a utopia da contra-cultura, a teoria crtica e a filosofia e mesmo as formaes sub-culturais como o Punk.

What is Digital Culture?


== interaco complexa e dialctica entre estes elementos

== a sua compreenso feita a partir da distino da heterogeneidade dos elementos que a constituem

== e da compreenso do contexto em que se desenvolveram e a forma como interagiram para produzir essa cultura

Information R/evolution Michael Wesch

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