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Elahim One

I did not like the idea that I had to show, through word study or comparison, that the author of an article I might have used in my research, may have used a befuddled word or puzzled conclusion in his/her premise. I could not change the wording in his/her essay or report but I did bring alternative discourses to clear up a particular word or premise previously used. I used many cross references to sustantuate an idea given by me or given from a Historical, Biological, Scientific or Religious word or premise I may have used. This may confuse those that have not previously read my 1, 2, 3, 4, Volumes or just were not familiar with the subjects. This discoursing a word gives me great dismay that the reader will not be interested in continuing to read these books. In addition, those that have religious convictions may take offense to a particular religious subject even though their apprehensible perception of the premise I may have used may be erroneous. I have used the word occult as the dictionary defines it : A group or organizations belief in the unexplainable. However, to most people, the word occult has been related to Witchcraft. Since a word can relate to peoples opinion, thoughts, or beliefs and not to its denotative or connotative definition, writing this book made me realize that there is a whole matrix of meaningful words and symbols that convey resentment or good in a language to be misunderstood. For this reason it has discouraged me for many years to publish these books. This books information made me realize that my

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Elahim One

cultures veracities had been nothing but just illusionistic perceptions that I conceived through environmental influences from an industrialized society. The popular use of befuddled words used in most ancient to present cultures had created confusion in the religious and political arenas. The accuracy of this book is dependant on pure logic, not the {ruling organizations} establishments perception nor to my personal essays and reports, but to the readers own logic. I find the relevancy of this book showing the worlds epics of ancient World History, Astronomical Religions and ancient Industrial civilizations are proportional to the dire situation in todays international scene. - - - End - - Astronomical Religions

Dragon-Serpent cultures exists in both the Eastern and Western world. Dragons are deeply rooted in Chinese culture, so Chinese elite often consider themselves, 'the descendants of the dragon.' [The

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Elahim One

Great flying Dragon is, astrologically speaking, the Milky Way/WaterGate-galaxy.]

Signs of the zodiac within "gothic" frames at Amiens.

Signs of the Zodiac and Labors of the Months c. 1250, Stone [Catholic] Cathedral, Amiens Industrialized society under a One (Secular) World Order.

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Elahim One

The burghers educate their Labor Force to become skilled laborers for their world industry see {a Chartered } Corporate Governments Burgher System specified by the World Education Organization {UNESCO}! See United Nations Charter -the Laws that govern the worlds States! Their World Bank regulates international merchants and the worlds monetary systems {WTO}! Their world Maritime Laws of the WTO rule all waters and sky! The

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Elahim One

World Bank Board of Directors are of the families of the International Trades Industrial Complex!

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