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An Intergalactic Fairy Tale by TOM BENTON

tombenton@ymail.com (802) 249-2226

FADE IN: EXT. THE PLANET EARTH sits in space. Our home. We drift toward it...

Suddenly, we stop. Lean to the right... and SOAR PAST IT! SOARING THROUGH A SEA OF STARS... to... EXT. A GREEN PLANET streaked with the BLUE of oceans, laced with the MIST of jungles. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. DESERT - THE PLANETS SURFACE - DAY Rolling DUNES stretch for miles under a GREEN SKY. WIND kicks up DUST. As we glide across the dunes, we hear: A MANS VOICE (V.O.) You think you arent ready, but you are. You always have been. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. SEA - THE PLANETS SURFACE - DAY At the deserts end, the sand descends, becoming a BEACH. Beyond it, GREEN SEA stretches across the horizon. We soar across the sea... A MANS VOICE (V.O.) Theyve called you a dreamer. Used it against you. DISSOLVE TO: A HARSH

2. EXT. JUNGLE - THE PLANETS SURFACE - DAY ...and soar over thick jungle. EXT. OASIS - THE PLANETS SURFACE - DAY A RIVER flows through a POOL in the jungle, a lush little OASIS. EXT. WATERFALL - THE PLANETS SURFACE - DAY The river culminates in a WATERFALL, water crashing over a sixty-foot drop. A MANS VOICE (V.O.) But we know something they dont. Dont we, Pyne? DISSOLVE TO: EXT. THE DESERT - DAY - SCENE CONTD Soaring again over the desert... but this time, moving toward a ROCK ENCLOSURE amidst the sand. EXT. INSIDE THE ROCK ENCLOSURE - DAY Dust rushes past A WOMANS SILHOUETTE, coated with shadow. A MANS VOICE (V.O.) To dream... is to awaken. THE WOMANS LIPS part, as she whispers... THE WOMAN Agamemnon... SMASH CUT TO:

3. INT. PYNES APARTMENT - NIGHT PYNE (25) wakes from his dream. his breath. Powerful dream. He sits up in bed, catching

Pyne gets out of bed and crosses the room. He stands in front of a WIDE WINDOW spanning half the room, and looks out over his world. Its a moon, HISHII -- a rock in space. Pynes third-story window overlooks a dismal FRONTIER TOWN. Barely a mile of squat, fat, ugly buildings. Theres no sky here, just space and stars -- giving the appearance of perpetual night. INT. PYNES APARTMENT - MINUTES LATER Half of Pynes modest apartment is a small KITCHEN. cooks breakfast on the STOVE. INT. ELEVATOR - MINUTES LATER Pyne waits as the elevator descends, still half-asleep. wearing a HUGE COAT, a BIG HAT, BIG MITTENS. INT. FACTORY - MINUTES LATER GRINDING, SCREECHING, HISSING, POPPING: a sea of MACHINES hissing steam and SPITTING GLOBULES of OIL. Each machine has its assigned operator. Pyne stands at his machine, his WORK CLOTHES coated in GREASE and GRIME. The machine stops working. Pyne goes to a KEYPAD on the machine. He quickly, effortlessly inputs a complicated algorithm -- and he still looks half-asleep. The machine starts back up. EXT. MAIN STREET - LATER The towns main street is nothing but a long stretch of dirt. On one side: the big, wide FACTORY. Seems to be working double-time. Hes Pyne

4. On the other: a small string of dusty, ugly shops, advertising basic clothes, or women, or a TAVERN with the usual advertisements in neon. Pyne hurries along the stretch, just off work, shivering in his big coat and hat and mittens. His fellow workers surround him, all shivering, all heading back toward THE APARTMENT COMPLEX at the far end of town, the sole building on this rock more than one story tall. Its only three stories tall, but it towers over the town. INT. APARTMENT COMPLEX LOBBY Pyne hurries in with the stream of other workers, all rushing for the elevator. A VOICE (O.S.) Pyne. Pyne stops, hurrying out of the flood for the elevator. A YOUNG MAN stands off to the side -- 30s, handsome and fit. He holds out his hand. This is: YOUNG MAN Ran. CUT TO: INT. PYNES APARTMENT Pyne lets RAN in. Ran looks the place over.

Pyne keeps his eyes on him -- who the hell is this guy? RAN Are you happy here? PYNE Its a place to sleep. RAN You dream?

5. PYNE Doesnt everybody? RAN No. (a moment) Well, yes, but their dreams. on the back of forgotten when they dont remember Theyre just movies their eyelids, they wake.

Ran goes to the window and stares out. RAN I remember one dream in particular. I remember dunes, and water. A jungle. A woman whispers one thing... PYNE Agamemnon. Ran approaches Pyne. RAN Its real. A planet... somewhere out there, in the stars. Im going to find it. PYNE How? RAN The dream, Pyne... clues on a primal level. PYNE Guess I ought to keep my detective notebook by my bed. Ran gives him a look: Come on. PYNE I dont know where it is. think it was real... RAN Its real. I didnt

6. Pyne seems to consider it. PYNE (after a moment) Anyway, I cant leave.

No money.

RAN Two words: Funded. By. (realizes) Three words. Four words. (continues) The. Government. Pyne hesitates. Ran goes in for the kill.

RAN The Federation militarys -PYNE (cuts him off) The militarys involved? RAN Theyre explorers, too... PYNE No. (after a moment) No. My father was in the military. It didnt end well. Ran stares at him, surprised and disappointed. had him. After a moment, he says: RAN How do you think youll sleep tonight? CUT TO: INT. PYNES APARTMENT - LATER Pyne stares out the window at his world, deep in thought. He thought he


7. A CALENDAR beside the window catches his eye. Hes written something on todays date: ITS TIME. He SIGHS, cursing in another language. Pyne goes to his ANSWERING MACHINE, a TABLET attached to the wall. Touch-screen interface. He turns it on and starts playing messages. Theyre all VIDEO MESSAGES, in 3D. A WOMAN Hey Pyne. Its Stalia. Pyne DELETES IT, cutting her off. Remember -Next message.

ANOTHER WOMAN Pyne, I... I know we just met -DELETE. Next message. WOMAN 3 Wow, really gonna make me work for it. Its been five days -DELETE. WOMAN 4 You think youre that hot, huh? Its been a week -Pyne DELETES IT. WOMAN 5 (hysterically sobs) PYYYNNNE... I REALLY JUST -Pyne DELETES IT. PYNE Phone: message count. PHONE VOICE (V.O.) You. Have. Thirty-six. New. Messages. Pyne THUMPS his head against the wall. CUT TO:

8. EXT. MAIN STREET - LATER Pyne shivers as he hurries toward NEON LIGHTS and a WOODEN SIGN, reading: TAVERN. INT. THE TAVERN Warmth washes over Pyne as he enters. clothes. He strips off his huge

PYNE You got the heat synth working again... He goes to the bar. The BARTENDER grins.

BARTENDER Told him you came in here, round this time. Every night. PYNE Told who? Pyne looks around. Theres only ONE OTHER GUY here, sitting alone toward the back. BARTENDER Hes taking a leak. PYNE Who? BARTENDER Hes taking a leak! (after a moment) The usual? He gives Pyne a MUG of beer. suspiciously. Pyne sits at a table. at the BATHROOM DOOR. inside. Pyne takes it, eyeing him

He glances at his beer... then glances Its closed. No indication anyones

He glances again at his beer... again at the door.

9. He takes a sip. Looks around the place... then he looks back at the bathroom door. PYNE (impatient) Youre sure its a leak hes taking? The TOILET FLUSHES. The bathroom door opens.

Pyne looks like hes seen a ghost. He leaps up, shaking. His SHAKING HAND makes the BEER in his mug dance inside the glass. He sets it on the table, never taking his eyes off: JON (50), ruggedly handsome, standing him in front of him and smiling. JON Pyne. PYNE ...Dad? Jon wraps Pyne in a big hug. even hug back. They break. At first Pyne is too stunned to

Pyne wipes mist from his eyes.

PYNE (manages) I thought you were dead... JON Im right here. Silence -- Pyne is speechless. the hell is going on? The bartender watches -- what

All Pyne can do is stare at his father, just standing there and smiling. Pyne cant believe his eyes. Finally, Jon says: JON How would you like to go on an adventure?

10. GUY TOWARD THE BACK Id like to go on an adventure! They ignore him. Pyne tries to speak. He cant.

JON You can take your beer with you. BARTENDER That mug aint goin anywhere! JON (to Pyne) You drink half, Ill drink half. Pyne cant believe this is happening. CHUGGING HALF THE BEERs no problem. He passes it to Jon. Jon CHUGS the other half. Then he pulls out some change, and drops it on the table. There. JON Finally bought you a beer. CUT TO: EXT. END OF TOWN - LANDING PAD - A MINUTE LATER Pyne hurries to keep up with Jon. JON We have to move fast. than an hour. PYNE Til what? Thats when Pyne sees it, on the LANDING PAD ahead. A DOZEN or so small SPACECRAFT... and ONE GIGANTIC SPACESHIP. JON What do you think? PYNE Howd you get that thing past customs? We have less

11. JON We didnt go through customs. Were still dislodged from time. Ill explain, just get on board. PYNE Dislodged from time? The ships BOARDING RAMP lowers. As he heads up the ramp, Pyne reads, on the ships side: MORPHEUS. INT. MORPHEUS - BOTTOM DECK Jon leads Pyne to an ELEVATOR LIFT. JON Going up. Pyne looks at his father. Is this just another dream? They get in.

INT. MORPHEUS - TOP DECK CORRIDOR The elevator stops. Pyne follows Jon down the corridor.

SPARKY (late 50s), mustached, hurries down the corridor toward them. SPARKY Im heading down, Jon. JON Okay, Sparky. Sparky and Pyne shake hands. SPARKY Nice to see you again, Pyne. PYNE (dazed) Huh? Sparky leaves. They continue down the corridor.

12. PYNE Have we met? JON Sparky worked with me back on Minos. Youve met. (after a moment) You were five. LOOR (mid-30s) comes toward them. Handsome... but not exactly human. No ears, pure blue eyes, and blue-tinted skin. JON This is Loor. Pyne and Loor shake hands. LOOR Its great to meet you, Pyne! (to Jon) He looks just like you! JON Make sure that Diggers running. LOOR See you around, Pyne! They keep walking. Loor goes the other way.

JON Hes android. PYNE You have a Digger? JON Yeah. PYNE Thats hugely illegal. Jon chuckles. JON I know.

13. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Jon and Pyne enter. (late 40s). Jon takes the pilot seat, beside MAYA

MAYA Wheres your boy? (she twists in her seat) There he is! Hi Pyne! Im Maya! PYNE Hi Maya. Im unfathomably confused... JON Lets get you out of here. He enters coordinates into the dash computer. The ship RISES. Pyne goes to the window.

THROUGH THE WINDOW he watches his dismal world recede beneath them. EXT. IN SPACE NEARBY MORPHEUS rockets away from Hishii. ANOTHER SHIP comes into view, hanging in space. After a moment, its ROCKETS IGNITE, and it soars forward -- following Morpheus from a distance. CUT TO: EXT. THE PLANET RUA - IN SPACE RINGED and ORANGE-PINK. Morpheus rockets toward it. Ruas satellite, is visible in the distance. The OTHER SHIP follows... EXT. ON RUA The planet looks like a PERPETUAL SUNSET. whistle. OCEANS cover the surface. BLUSTERY WINDS Hishii,

14. Morpheus zooms past us. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT BUILDINGS, even SMALL TOWNS, are visible below, floating on the water. JON There it is. A WIDE ISLAND is visible ahead. EXT. TRADING POST - RUA The island has been turned into an INTERGALACTIC TRADING POST. Dozens of small, muddy buildings offer clothes, firearms, entertainment -- even souvenirs. MORPHEUS sets down on a landing pad. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT PYNE What are we doing here? Jon and Maya get out of the pilots seats. JON Theyre going to get supplies. MAYA See you soon. She walks out with a smile for Pyne. PYNE And were... JON ...going to get you caught up. He turns to Jon.

15. EXT. TRADING POST - RUA - SCENE CONTD The Morpheus crew come down the ramp, shielding themselves against the vicious wind. Jon and Pyne stick together, raising their voices over the wind. JON (points) Ever been? Pyne follows his finger to a building at the end of the stretch labelled CLUB RUA. PYNE Yeah. A BLIMP floats overhead. A VOICE CALLS:

VOICE (V.O.) (from blimp) WARNING! WARNING! MITG SIGHTING, FIVE MILES FROM SHORE! It repeats in alien languages. JON Whats a Mitg? PYNE Its like an Orp. JON Oh. CUT TO: INT. CLUB RUA SPOTLIGHTS cast the club in DEEP PASSION COLORS. Strange future DANCE MUSIC blasts. The place is full of SMOKING TRAVELLERS, ROWDY DRUNKS, and all-around SHADY INDIVIDUALS. ON THE STAGE

16. a sexy and not entirely human DANCER TELEPORTS -- first across the stage... and then around the entire club, drawing RABID APPLAUSE and CATCALLS. Jon and Pyne take a BOOTH. JON You want a drink? PYNE No, thanks. Dislodged from time? JON We were on our way to pick you up, when... Hishii exploded. Your whole moon, gone. It was a... drifting rock mine. (after a moment) You were dead, Pyne. He pauses to fight his emotions. JON (continues) Wed just come through a hole. The force of the explosion colliding with the wormhole... it mustve caused some sort of time distortion. It was an hour earlier. And you were still here. He gives Pyne a chance to respond, but Pyne is speechless. JON (after a moment) Working factory on some rock... this is exactly the life I didnt want you to have. PYNE You know, I always think of that story... when you were in the military, and you crashed on that planet? You told me, everyone was focused on staying down, whether they could survive down there... but you were focused on getting up. (MORE)

17. PYNE (CONT'D) You had a reason. You wanted a family. Jon almost winces. right now. Family is a topic hed rather avoid

PYNE I didnt literally crash on that moon, Dad, but I might as well have... and I stayed down, Dad. I didnt have a reason. JON Theres always a reason. example, your dreams. ACROSS THE ROOM, AT THE BAR A tall figure sits in shadow. He leans forward, coming into the light. This is JOTHAM (early 40s), a scruffy, handsome, tough-looking son of a bitch. A WIRE runs from his skull under his suit. He keeps his eyes on Jon and Pyne. JON AND PYNE JON Its all true, Pyne. Everything you ever dreamed. (after a moment) Remember that time we went on a picnic, you and me and Mom... your mother rode that Texas mare? You dreamed it two weeks before. Or when you came in screaming and said Siri and Charles were killed in an accident. PYNE You said they moved... JON They did. Out of existence. (after a moment) (MORE) For

18. JON (CONT'D) Your dreams, theyre prophecies, Pyne. Your mother and I knew it, and... it scared us. PYNE Is that why you left? Jon pauses, as though letting the question fade away. JON (after a moment) There was one dream... you said there was a girl, in a desert. You said she said one word... PYNE Agamemnon. JON You remember. PYNE I still dream it. A man came to see me about it. Ran. JON Whyd he run? AT THE BAR Jotham watches Jon and Pyne. He glances to the side. A creature -- like a TALL LIZARD COVERED IN FUR -- GRINS at him. Jotham leans in toward the BARKEEP. JOTHAM Is that Wes Diesel? BARKEEP Sure looks like him. Jotham glances toward the far corner of the room. stare back. Two men

Jotham eyes Jon and Pyne. A group is forming across the club, inching its way toward Jon and Pyne in subtle shifts.

19. The BARKEEP leans forward. BARKEEP Looks like theyre infringin on your gunslingin, Jotham. JOTHAMS HAND slowly lowers to a LEATHER THIGH PAD. POPS it open. STEEL HANDLE of a PISTOL SHINES inside. JON AND PYNE PYNE You say youve researched my dreams... is that why you left? (realizes) Youve been... youve been literally chasing my dreams. Jon opens his mouth... but something catches his eye. JON Time to go. PYNE What? JON Gunslingers. PYNE On us? Jon slowly slides out of the booth. Pyne does the same. The


On the other side of the room, Jotham stands with his pistol drawn and aimed.

20. JOTHAM Anyone else want a tall glass of laserfire? Bars open. No one moves. Except for the music, total silence.

A WOMAN bursts in through the back door, out of breath. She tries to catch her breath... then screams, at the top of her lungs -WOMAN MITG!!!! THE SCREAM ISNT EVEN OUT OF HER THROAT WHEN THE WHOLE BACK WALL COLLAPSES -- A CREATURE BURSTS IN, A CROSS BETWEEN A FISH AND AN APE -- IT ROARS -Jotham hurriedly holsters his gun -JOTHAM Holy -THE PATRONS RUN FOR THEIR LIVES. Jon grabs Pyne.

ONE OF THE GUNSLINGERS pulls his pistol to fire on it -- the MITG FLINGS HIM AGAINST THE WALL LIKE A DOLL -LASERFIRE ricochets off a STRIP POLE on the stage -- SHOT GLASSES EXPLODE -The teleporting dancer PLUGS HER NOSE and teleports out of there. EXT. OUTSIDE THE CLUB Jon and Pyne run with the flood of patrons fleeing for their lives. SPARKY comes out of an alleyway on an ATV. SPARKY Hey Jon, you think this onell be able to carry everything? Jon and Pyne leap on the ATV.

21. JON Drive!! POLICE VEHICLES IN THE AIR FLY past them. They set down outside the club. officers hurry out, drawing their guns. WES DIESEL, the furry lizard who gave Jotham a grin, notices Jon and Pyne on the ATV, speeding down the stretch. He draws his pistol. ONE OF THE POLICE OFFICERS stops. A VISOR over her face BEEPS. Police

THROUGH THE VISOR a targeting system focuses on Wes Diesel, running down the strip. A MUGSHOT of his furry face appears, followed by a readout, and a blinking message: WANTED. THE POLICE OFFICER points down the stretch. POLICE OFFICER Forget the Mitg! Thats Wes Diesel! The police officers take off in pursuit. WES DIESEL looks over his shoulder. Sees the police officers running after him. He holsters his gun and ducks into an alleyway. OUTSIDE THE CLUB a PATRON shouts -PATRON Forget the Mitg?! THE MITG BURSTS OUT OF THE CLUB, GRABS THE SCREAMING PATRON, AND DEVOURS HIM. CUT TO:

22. EXT. THE ATV speeds down the stretch. JON (to Pyne) You get Loor! Ill get Maya! Jon LEAPS OFF the ATV. PYNE Dad? But Jons already gone. PYNE Wheres Loor? SPARKY Look for women! Pyne sees a GROUP OF WOMEN running down an ALLEYWAY. INT. A TRADE SHOP Jon rushes in. clothes. He runs to Maya, standing by a bunch of JON Maya... MAYA Hey hon... She holds a very feminine dress over herself. MAYA (mocking) Oooh, what a pretty dress! JON Were gonna be pretty dead if you dont come on. He grabs her hand. Pyne turns to Sparky.

23. EXT. BEHIND ONE OF THE SHOPS A BURLY GUY gets off the ground, fire in his eyes and pain all over the rest of him. He wipes BLOOD from his lips. He glares at Loor... whos surrounded by women. hands him a DRINK. LOOR Wow, thank you! He chugs it, then crushes the can and tosses it aside. The burly guy takes a step forward. he goes down. His knees give out and One of them

The ATV SKIDS to a stop by the alleyway. SPARKY Loor! Loor faces the burly guy. LOOR If I hear about this again, I will be really mad and wish I were here to do something about it. He picks up two huge DUFFELBAGS, runs to the ATV, and JUMPS ON. EXT. TRADING POST STRETCH The ATV shoots out of the alleyway and STOPS. Further down the stretch, Jon and Maya are running toward them -- but the roaring Mitg isnt far behind. PYNE Lets go! SPARKY Get off! PYNE What?

24. Loor gets off. Pyne follows his lead, bewildered. revs the engine. Sparky

Then... he spins a U-turn and shoots back the other way. PYNE Come on! He looks back at his dad and Maya running toward them... the Mitg close behind. Pyne books it toward them. Loor runs after him.

They meet Jon and Maya in the middle and start running the other way. The Mitg ROARS, 15 yards away and closing fast. PYNE Some crew, Dad! He looks up at a sudden ROAR ahead. MORPHEUS IS IN THE AIR, hovering over the dust toward them. JON I know! PHVEW! LASERFIRE from Morpheus HITS THE DIRT. scatters, running for cover. The Mitg

Morpheuss loading ramp lowers as the ship glides toward its grounded crew. MAYA Form a line! They do so, Pyne smiling like a kid on a rollercoaster -hours ago he was working in a factory. Morpheus glides overhead without stopping. They LEAP on to the ramp and crawl up, one after the other. The ramp lifts... Morpheus rises... The Mitg ROARS as Morpheus soars into the sunset sky. EXT. IN THE AIR Morpheus flies over the water.

25. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Jon, Pyne, and Maya rush in. Jon relieves Sparky from the helm. Maya takes the co-pilot seat. JON How much time? SPARKY Seven minutes. Maya presses a button, speaking into the COMLINK. MAYA Loor, that Digger ready? LOOR (V.O.) Its mole-happy to dig! FLYING POLICE VEHICLES glide past, sirens wailing. Jon eyes the REARVIEW DISPLAY SCREEN on the dash. Pyne looks at the screen. It shows ONE POLICE VEHICLE peeling off from the squad, turning to follow their ship. PYNE Is that after us? police? Howd we get

Maya looks at Jon disapprovingly, waiting for him to say it. He glances at her nervously out of his peripherals. MAYA The ships not inspected. PYNE The ships not inspected?! EXT. IN THE AIR Morpheus rockets toward the atmosphere. in pursuit. The OTHER SHIP appears on their tail. The police car wails

26. INT. JOTHAMS SHIP - COCKPIT Three PILOTS at the helm, dressed in WORN ARMOR and HELMETS concealing their faces. Jotham stands behind them, watching Morpheus on a GIANT VIEW SCREEN. JOTHAM Cannon the leech. EXT. MORPHEUS HULL A SMALL DEVICE -- a LEECH -- attaches to the hull with a THUD. INT. POLICE VEHICLE The POLICE OFFICER presses a button. POLICE OFFICER This is Cart, one-one-three-eight, Im going space. (muses) Lotta fuss over an inspection sticker... EXT. IN SPACE Morpheus zooms away from Rua -- the police vehicle and Jothams ship in hot pursuit. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT JON We got less than a minute. (hits a button) Loor, turn the Digger on! LOOR (V.O.) You should be seeing it now! EXT. IN SPACE A gigantic WORMHOLE FLASHES into existence -- a WIDE HOLE in space, like one of Alices rabbit holes.

27. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT - SCENE CONTD Pyne gapes at the wormhole. PYNE I would be drinking beer right now... (after a moment) This is so much cooler than beer... A GLINT catches his eye. HISHII EXPLODES. Pynes world literally goes up in flames -- the devastation reflects in the GLASS over Pynes face. Thats it! MAYA Hit it! He runs to the side window.


28. INT. SHUTTLECRAFT - COCKPIT Ran is at the helm. TRANSMISSION. Ran hits a button. The VIEW SCREEN flashes: INCOMING A GLUTTONOUS VOICE fills the cockpit.

GLUTTONOUS VOICE (V.O.) It is reported that Hishii has been destroyed, Mr. Ran. RAN Thats awful... GLUTTONOUS VOICE (V.O.) By the way, I removed rock mine from your cargo manifest. RAN Thank you. EXT. RANS SHUTTLE - IN SPACE soars toward a RED PLANET. CUT TO: EXT. A GIGANTIC WORMHOLE SPITS OUT Morpheus. The wormhole DISAPPEARS.

INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Jon looks at Pyne, breathless. Pyne looks like he just stuck his finger in an electrical socket. PYNE (notices) Youre panting... JON Im not thirty anymore. Or forty. MAYA Or forty-five.

29. Pynes struck -- its like hes never realized his father could age. Jon shoots Maya a look as she grins. He looks at Pyne. JON Howd you like to see the ship? INT. MORPHEUS - CORRIDOR Jon stops outside a door with a strange KEYPAD to the right. Pyne recognizes it. PYNE You have a holoroom? INT. MORPHEUS - HOLOROOM High, high ceiling. Completely unfurnished, nothing but cold steel. Pyne gawks at the height of the room. JON (O.S.) Pyne! Pyne sees Jon in front of him. He looks to his left -- AND THERES JON, TOO. Pyne looks between the Jons. PYNE You didnt... JON Holoroom: off. The other Jon is suddenly gone. JON Its pretty easy. Hook up your brain to the scanner and sit. (after a moment) Now youll have someone to talk to. INT. MORPHEUS - CORRIDOR Pyne follows Jon into the corridor. They continue walking.

30. PYNE Id like to talk to the real Jon first -Jon stops beside another door. JON Just wait. We need to figure out what were going to do. INT. MORPHEUS - PYNES ROOM The door slides open. JON This is your room. Pynes immediately taken by a LONG STRETCH OF WINDOW on the far side of the room. Through the window, he gazes up at the colorful wisps of a NEBULA. JON Isnt that something? Nebula. Maya quickly passes in the hall. MAYA (as she passes) Its Shizeau. Pyne hesitates... then turns to his father. PYNE Are you and Maya... together? Jon hesitates a second. JON Yeah. Pyne notices something on his BEDSIDE TABLE. Its A PHOTOGRAPH He picks it up. The Sheezoo

31. Dashing, happy YOUNG JON playing with FIVE-YEAR-OLD PYNE -in motion, like a movie. (These futuristic pictures are more like movie clips than still photos.) Jon hesitates as Pyne stares at the picture. JON (after a moment) Hows your mom doing? PYNE She remarried. Jons hit. JON (quickly) She happy? Yeah. PYNE She lives on Wail-Mon-Fais.

JON Ive never heard of it. PYNE No one has. Its a little moon. Two-hundred people, freshly colonized. Theres a sound from the corridor. lights up. PYNE What the -Two little ROBOTS stand in the doorway. They look like living stuffed animals, stuffing and all. One is a DUCKBOT, the other a BATBOT with wings outstretched. Pyne!! DUCKBOT PYNE The Bots?! He Pyne!! BATBOT Pyne turns. His face


Pyne crouches. The Bots WADDLE and HOP into Pynes arms. hugs them close. Jon watches with a smile.

32. DUCKBOT We missed you, Pyne! BATBOT We missed you, Pyne!

PYNE I thought Id lost you guys! When we moved, we looked everywhere... we thought you were gone! DUCKBOT We just went for a walk! JON I found them at the old house. Pyne releases the Bots and stands. PYNE You went back? Duckbot quacks. Duckbot and Batbot respectively waddle and hop with excitement. Yes. Why? JON I couldnt stay away. Pyne looks at his dad... words on the tip of his tongue -JON This Ran... did he tell you how hes going to find Agamemnon? PYNE No. JON You didnt ask? JON Ten years later. PYNE

33. PYNE A man showed up after I got out of work and offered me an all-expensespaid trip to the place of my dreams. No, Dad, I didnt ask. I was a little surprised. JON Did he at least tell you where to find him? PYNE Khione. Jon thinks. JON You have to get in there and see what he knows. PYNE Me? JON Youve met him! PYNE Why dont we go with him? Hes working with the Fed military -- no more worrying about gunslingers or cops, which we also wouldnt have to worry about if you just got the ship inspected. Itd be an adventure, like you said! JON We need to know who were dealing with. He walks to the door. JON I dont trust him. He walks into the hall and disappears. Moments later he reappears.

34. JON I got some Kibordian fruit twinkles in the cockpit if you want some. He disappears again. PYNE (after a moment) What? CUT TO: EXT. KHIONE CITY An ice planet. Its entire surface formed from ice. MOUNTAINS OF ICE line the horizon, a natural wall enclosing ICE CRYSTAL BUILDINGS -- KHIONE CITY. The planets ARTIFICIAL ATMOSPHERE casts everything in brilliant red-pink, a RUBY SKY. Morpheus soars toward the city. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT An ICE CASTLE sits on the highest part of Khione City, separated from the rest of the city. Morpheus approaches. JON Theres a tower on that thing separate from the rest of the castle. (looks at Maya) Id keep my secrets in a tower. MAYA Sure. (after a moment) What secrets? JON (to Pyne) That ought to be a safe place to jump in.

35. PYNE Juwhat? INT. MORPHEUS - LOADING BAY Jon stands beside Maya, holding CABLES. pale. Pyne looks very

JON Have you ever used jumper cables before? PYNE No... JON Dont worry. Theres nothing to worry about. Ive used them plenty of times. MAYA Once. JON Its not scary. Maya gives him a look. INSERT: EXT. MORPHEUS - ANOTHER TIME The ship hovering over WRECKAGE on another planet -- Jon hooked into the jumper cables, attached to Morpheuss hull, scared shitless. JON Get me out of here!! EXT. IN THE AIR OVER RANS CASTLE Morpheus glides toward the castle. lowers. The ships loading ramp

36. INT. MORPHEUS - LOADING BAY The jumper cables are wrapped around a HARNESS around Pynes waist. Two STICKY PADS, also attached to the cables, are on his palms, and he has a PARACHUTE on his back. Jon shouts to Pyne over the rush of air from the open bay. JON We cant slow down over the castle or well seem suspicious, so youre just going to have to jump! Pyne looks at the incredible distance between himself and the castle below. PYNE When would be good? Now. Now. JON Go!!

Pyne cant take his eyes off the distance. Maya walks right up to him and gives him a HARD KICK. PYNE FLIES OUT THE BACK OF THE SHIP WITH A SCREAM. Maya hits a button and the ramp comes back up, sealing the bay. JON You kicked my son off the ship... MAYA What were you going to do? JON Push him off. But I was going to shout, Good luck. EXT. OVER RANS CASTLE PYNE PLUMMETS TOWARD THE TOWER. He pulls his PARACHUTE. parachute OPENS but barely slows him down -- hes still coming up on the TOWER pretty fast -He HITS the tower with a grunt... SLAPS HIS RIGHT HAND DOWN... The

37. one of the STICKY PADS STICKS to the roof, creating a base for the jumper cable... Pyne SLIDES off the roof, INTO THE AIR, TWO-HUNDRED FEET OFF THE GROUND... The CABLES PULL TAUT, swinging Pyne toward the TOWER. He hits it hard. He manages to SLAP DOWN his LEFT STICKY PAD. He looks over his shoulder. THROUGH A CASTLE WINDOW, he can see PEOPLE IN MILITARY UNIFORMS moving through the castle. SOLDIERS, not all of them human. The STICKY PADS have created a kind of VERTICAL CLOTHESLINE. Pyne pulls one of the cables and hoists himself up. INT. TOP OF RANS TOWER AN OPEN WINDOW. Pyne swings on to the windowsill. at the open window, stunned. PYNE Luck is real? Pyne presses something on his cable harness. His belt releases slack cables, allowing him to walk into the room. Pyne notices the room is made of something like STEEL instead of ICE. Theres an AIRTIGHT HATCH sealing the front of the room. The room is filled with paintings, statues, papers, books -its the ultimate cluttered, obsessive study chamber. Pyne looks at a 3D TABLET DISPLAY on a table. He wakes the tablet. IT PROJECTS A 3D IMAGE OF PYNE IN HIS FACTORY UNIFORM. A readout gives his statistics: date of birth, height, weight, etc. Pyne slides his fingers across the tablet. Next file. It projects an image of a YOUNG WOMAN, about Pynes age. Pyne stares in shock... its -INSERT: THE WOMAN IN PYNES DREAM whispers: THE WOMAN Agamemnon... He looks

38. Pyne excitedly looks at the womans readout: NAME: SELENE. LOCATION: AGAPE. SOMEONES COMING. Pyne rushes around the room, trying to examine whatever he can fast. He spins and freezes, startled by a statue in his face: AGAMEMNON, the mythic Greek king. THE AIRTIGHT HATCH SLIDES OPEN. Pyne looks like a doe in the headlights. Ran enters with A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN. They stare at Pyne. He stares back.

RAN Hishii exploded... PYNE I saw... RAN (after a moment) This is General Farica... PYNE Hello... FARICA looks like she could run a used bookstore, if not for the hardness in her eyes and jaw. FARICA Youre under military arrest, of course. PYNE I didnt see anything. Ran and Farica give him Cmon looks. PYNE (after a moment) I am so bad at this...

39. RAN Im sorry to tell you this, since you went through all the trouble of crossing the galaxies and parachuting and then cable-jumping through my window to see me, but theres not a place for you on the journey anymore. PYNE Too enthusiastic? Farica pulls out her PHONE. FARICA (into phone) Troops in Tower: prisoner to be escorted outside top chamber. Respond. SOLDIER VOICE (V.O.) Troops responding, sir. Pyne looks at Ran. PYNE (realizes) ...Because you were testing me. You were figuring out what I know... if I know how to get there. (after a moment) You blew up Hishii... RAN (lazy denial) Oh -PYNE (cuts him off) Did you try to kill her too? RAN Who? PYNE The woman.

40. RAN I cant figure out where it is. My dreams are re-filtered memories. You dont know where it is. Your dreams are shameless flirts. But her... PYNE Memories? Ran goes to the window. RAN Do you see that? Pyne leans back and peers out the window. outside. A LAKE is visible

RAN The artificial atmosphere raises the planets internal temperature. Thats not natural. Humans deserve to survive... its just so hard to do so harmoniously. But on Agamemnon... Pyne sees THREE SOLDIERS appear at the door. RAN I wish you could see it. I still feel the red rain over the dunes... The soldiers approach Pyne. HE HITS A BUTTON ON HIS HARNESS. THE CABLES SHARPLY YANK HIM BACK -- HE SHOOTS PAST RAN, OUT THE WINDOW, AND DISAPPEARS. Ran turns to Farica. RAN People jump out windows at the first sign of poetry.

41. EXT. RANS TOWER Pyne plummets. He grabs the STICKY PADS -- twists mid-air and SLAPS DOWN one of the pads on the tower... finally manages to SLAP DOWN the other... the cables pull taut, hard. Pyne looks down. Hes six feet off the ground.

He hits his harness, releasing the sticky pads as the cables rush into his harness. He drops to the ground and starts running. EXT. RANS DRIVEWAY Pyne sees half a dozen MILITARY SPACECRAFT on the ground. runs for the nearest. Pyne notices nearby SOLDIERS in his peripherals. faster. Halt! SOLDIER Stop! He runs He

The door on the military spacecraft OPENS as Pyne approaches. INT. MILITARY SPACECRAFT Pyne hits the door lock and runs to the controls. PYNE Oh, boy... just gotta get it off the ground... He desperately fiddles with the controls. EXT. OUTSIDE THE SPACECRAFT A MISSILE FIRES. ANOTHER SPACECRAFT EXPLODES.

INT. INSIDE THE SPACECRAFT Pyne goes back to pressing buttons. PYNE Dads going to kill me...

42. The spacecraft starts to RISE. FORWARD. EXT. IN THE AIR The spacecraft SOARS into the air. EXT. ON A LANDING PAD IN THE CITY Morpheus sits. INT. MORPHEUS - KITCHEN Sparky and Maya sit at the TABLE while Jon and Loor prepare a meal. JON At least he didnt get my gut. LOOR When are you going to tell him? Jon stops. Jon. Maya and Sparky freeze, silent. LOOR Are you... going to tell him? A FEMALE VOICE BOOMS over the intercom. FEMALE VOICE (V.O.) Incoming communication. JON Engage. FEMALE VOICE (V.O.) Communication engaged. PYNE (V.O.) Dad? JON Pyne? Loor looks at Pyne THRUSTS the THROTTLE

43. PYNE (V.O.) The militarys after me. you to pick me up. A moment of silence. JON What? CUT TO: INT. RANS TOWER - CORRIDOR Ran walks with Farica. Her phone BEEPS.

I need

FARICA (into phone) General Farica. SOLDIERS VOICE (V.O.) Sir, a man just stole one of our cruisers. Were in pursuit now. She presses a button on her phone. FARICA Farica to Zeus. CULLEN (V.O.) This is Cullen, General. FARICA Pyne is here. He just stole one of our cruisers. Prepare remote deactivation. EXT. IN SPACE OUTSIDE KHIONE A GIGANTIC SPACECRAFT GLIDES OVER US. It makes Morpheus look like an insect -- this thing looks like an Industrial-era factory in space. Its a WARSHIP. On its side, the name: ZEUS.

44. CULLEN (V.O.) Zeus standing by.

Yes sir.

EXT. PYNES SHUTTLECRAFT soars over the lake. EXT. MORPHEUS glides over ICE MOUNTAINS on the citys edge, heading toward the lake. INT. PYNES SHUTTLECRAFT A BLIP flashes on the view screen: INCOMING TRANSMISSION. Pyne searches for the right button. He finds it. JON (V.O.) Pyne, were going to try a cradle. PYNE A cradle?! JON (V.O.) Just head spacebound. INT. A MILITARY SHUTTLECRAFT The two SOLDIERS at the helm see Pynes shuttlecraft veer up in the air until its directly vertical, heading straight up toward the atmosphere. ONE OF THE SOLDIERS You think hes been drinking? INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Jon and Maya at the helm. JON Hold on... Jon steers the ship straight down, diving toward the LAKES SURFACE. FOUR MILITARY SHUTTLECRAFT in pursuit.

45. INT. ZEUS - COMMAND CENTER A massive control room filled with high-tech, like a futuristic Apple store. Monitors and devices everywhere. Dozens and dozens of MILITARY PERSONNEL at their controls. FARICAS VOICE (V.O.) Engage remote deactivation. CAPTAIN CULLEN (mid 50s), the classic military commander, muscled, stubbled, tougher than nails, barks at one of the operators. CULLEN Make it so! INT. A MILITARY SHUTTLECRAFT INCOMING COMMUNICATION flashes. FARICA (V.O.) All shuttlecraft, fall back and await further orders. INT. PYNES SHUTTLECRAFT Nothing on the view screen but pure red sky. PYNE Come on, Dad... EVERYTHING GOES DARK -- THE VIEW SCREEN, CONTROLS, EVERYTHING. PURE DARKNESS. EXT. UNDER THE RED SKY Pynes shuttlecraft stops going up... and starts coming down. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT - SCENE CONTD Five seconds from crashing into the lake -- Jon PULLS UP --

46. EXT. MORPHEUS PULLS UP, a sort of vertical U-turn, ENGINES ROARING off the water. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT - SCENE CONTD Jon and Maya see Pynes shuttlecraft falling backwards, directly above them. MAYA They shut it down! JON This is going to be tough... MAYA Not tough enough. (explains) Hes your son. She gives him a WINK. here it goes. Jon cant help a grin. He exhales:


INT. PYNES SHUTTLECRAFT - SCENE CONTD PURE DARKNESS -- nothing but the sound of PYNE SCREAMING. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT - SCENE CONTD Seconds away from meeting Pynes plummeting shuttlecraft... JON Once it hits, hit the bay doors! Pynes shuttlecraft plummets past the windows. IN A FLASH: MAYA HITS A BUTTON -- JON YANKS DOWN THE THROTTLE COMPLETELY -- MORPHEUS JOLTS, PULLED DOWN BY THE IMPACT -JON RAILS HIS HEAD OFF THE DASH, KNOCKED OUT COLD --

47. MAYA Jon!! Maya gets up and staggers to his chair as Morpheus falls toward the lake -- she SHOVES HIM out of the chair -- Jon hits the floor -Maya THRUSTS THE THROTTLE TO FULL and takes the CONTROLS. EXT. MORPHEUS HITS THE LAKES SURFACE WITH A GREAT SPLASH... ...JUST AS IT ROARS FORWARD AND RISES INTO THE AIR. INT. RANS TOWER Ran and Farica watch Morpheus soar over the lake, heading up into the sky. RAN This kid was working in a factory. EXT. IN SPACE OVER KHIONE Morpheus flies away from the planet Khione. ANOTHER WORMHOLE OPENS. EXT. ON MORPHEUSS HULL Just before it reaches the wormhole... we see Jothams LEECH, FLASHING RED. Tracking. CUT TO: INT. JOTHAMS SHIP - COCKPIT Jotham looks at a STAR CHART on the view screen. A BLIP suddenly moves from one corner of the chart to another part of the grid. Morpheus rockets toward it.

48. JOTHAM Jumping again? That Digger were a worm, itd be begging for a nap. His THREE PILOTS are at the controls. identical: they sound like Jotham. Their voices are

PILOT #1 If Pyne wants to kill Mr. Ran, why do they keep Digging away from his position? JOTHAM Ran says theyre assembling a band of outsiders to race Zeus to... somewhere. PILOT #2 Are you suspicious of Mr. Rans intentions? After you tracked Pyne to Hishii, Hishii exploded. JOTHAM And after I found Selene on Agape, Agape stayed in space. The universe is too frail for most oddities to be anything but coincidence. (after a moment) Then again, a drifting rock mines too steady for anything but suspicion. Surest way to get the truths -PILOT #3 (interjects) Down the barrel of a gun? JOTHAM No! To ask, face-to-face. So Im gonna do that. (after a moment) Quite possibly while looking down the barrel of a gun.

49. EXT. JOTHAMS SHIP soars through space. CUT TO: INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Jon opens his eyes, slumped against the wall. blood off his forehead. MAYA Not bad, old man... He sits up. JON Wheres Pyne? INT. MORPHEUS - LOADING BAY Jon rushes in. He sees the military shuttlecraft... one side BRUTALLY DENTED against the far wall... all the GLASS BLOWN OUT... a brutal crash. PYNE WRAPS HIS ARMS AROUND JON, startling him. damn good hug. Gives him a Maya cleans

Over Pynes shoulder, Jon cant hide his surprise... or his relief. Pyne pulls back as Jon puts on his game face. PYNE We oughta be gugnar riders with stunts like that! JON What happened? PYNE You wouldve loved it -- I was in Rans chamber, and there were all sorts of files and statues and military secrets... (MORE)

50. PYNE (CONT'D) Ran came in with this general, and these soldiers came to get me, and I just... (he taps his belt) Phew! Right out the window! JON Whatd you find out? PYNE Wait, listen to this... I got in the military cruiser, and Im hitting buttons, trying to figure out -JON Maybe later. Right now, whatd you find? Pyne pauses, surprised, a little hurt. PYNE (after a moment) Rans been there before. on Agamemnon. JON Then its real... PYNE So is the woman. JON What? PYNE He had a file on her. Agape. Shes on From my dreams.

Hes been

JON (after a moment) What does Ran want with Agamemnon? PYNE I dont know. But he destroyed Hishii to kill me. Hes no hero.

51. JON We have to get there before Ran... PYNE To Agamemnon? How? Ran doesnt even know where it is. We have to get to the woman. We have to help her! JON We can help a lot more people by getting to Agamemnon first. PYNE How can you say that? JON Because I know the military. They dont take joy rides. Theyre a defense force. There must be something on Agamemnon they can use, some tool. That means Ran can use it too. Pyne contains his frustration. JON Come on. There was a meal ready... although all that action mightve scrambled a few eggs. INT. MORPHEUS - CORRIDOR Pyne follows Jon. PYNE Ran will stop on Agape first. Hell kill that woman. He said she might know where Agamemnon is -our best chance of finding it is to find her! Jon stops and faces Pyne.

52. JON Well head to Agape... but Pyne, now that we know all this is real... we have a duty to stop these people. INT. MORPHEUS - KITCHEN Pyne stops in the doorway. PYNE What do you mean Now that we know? Jon stops. PYNE You knew it was real before I did... you left your own family, your whole reason for living, just so you could find out if my dreams... He trails off. PYNE (realizes) That wasnt it... you didnt know... JON No. PYNE (softly) Whered you go, Dad? JON (after a moment) I was working factory on Geminon. (after a moment) When you were little, you said that in one of your dreams the dark ate a blue sun.

53. EXT. GEMINON FACTORY - A YEAR AGO Jon comes out of a FACTORY BUILDING, covered in grime, just like Pyne back on Hishii. A SHADOW FALLS over everything. JON (V.O.) I came out of the factory one day... Jon stares up at A BLUE SUN obscured by shadow in A SOLAR ECLIPSE. JON (V.O.) ...and the dark ate a blue sun. INT. GEMINON LIBRARY - A YEAR AGO Jon activates a TOUCH-SCREEN INDEX of the library archives. JON (V.O.) I started looking up prophetic dreams, distant planets on the outer rim. You didnt just mention Agamemnon and the woman, Pyne... you said Bad People were coming to hurt it. Jon presses the wrong button. screen clears. He stares, dumbfounded, as the

MAYA (O.S.) Need a little direction? Jon turns... and sees Maya. Shes the librarian.

INT. MORPHEUS - KITCHEN - SCENE CONTD PYNE Then whyd you leave? JON I was scared.

54. PYNE Of what? JON Myself... (after a moment) You were so smart... your mother and I, we werent in love anymore. I couldnt lie to you... I didnt want you to grow up in a lie. PYNE So you left? JON You have no idea the strength it took -PYNE The strength it took? How about the strength it takes a kid to live alone? Mom wasnt there! Where was my dad when kids said I wasnt man enough to play with them? Where you when I taught myself to fly, or when I got in my first fight? The first time I had sex? JON Why would you want me then? PYNE Did you even come back for me? JON Yes. PYNE Why? JON Because... He trails off. Cant even say it.

55. PYNE (after a moment) You always did the right thing, Dad... JON People dont do the right thing, Pyne. They do their best. (after a moment) Mine just wasnt good enough. Pyne looks at his father through tears. Jon looks back... nothing more to say. Silently, Pyne leaves. Jon notices CRACKED EGGS on the ground... scrambled from all the action. CUT TO: EXT. THE WOMANS LIPS whisper: THE WOMAN Pyne... SMASH CUT TO: INT. MORPHEUS - PYNES ROOM - LATER Pyne sits up in bed. Another dream.

He stares at the picture of he and his father from years before: young Jon, happy little Pyne. The Bots waddle and hop at the foot of his bed. quacks. DUCKBOT Lets play, Pyne! PYNE Not right now, Duckbot. Duckbot and Batbot look up at Pyne, confused. happily resume their waddling and hopping. Then they Duckbot

56. Pyne stands and picks up the picture. He carries it to a MIRROR on the other side of the room. He holds the picture up beside his face, then leans toward the mirror: 5-year-old and 25-year-old Pyne reflect side-by-side. He glances toward the window. Both Pynes reflect in the glass, out among the stars... beyond them, a BLUE AND GREEN PLANET, much like Earth: AGAPE. Almost there. Theres a KNOCK at the door. PYNE Yeah? LOOR (O.S.) Its Loor. The android. Door. PYNE Open.

The door slides open, revealing LOOR. LOOR Want to see her heart? CUT TO: INT. MORPHEUS - ENGINE CHAMBER The ENGINE is a GIANT ROARING CYLINDER. Sparky holds a CANISTER up to another MACHINE -- it looks like a GIGANTIC, PERVERTED CAR ENGINE. Loor walks in with Pyne, and goes to work. Sparky. SPARKY Howdy Pyne. Sparky. You bet. up. PYNE Is that the Digger? SPARKY I was just juicin her Pyne walks to

57. PYNE I heard theyll suck up a whole planet if you start it on the surface. SPARKY Its never been proved... PYNE Ever been tempted to try? SPARKY (sighs) I almost started it up outside my exs house. Pyne laughs. CUT TO: EXT. IN SPACE A WORMHOLE SPITS OUT ZEUS. INT. ZEUS - CORRIDOR Ran walks with Cullen and Farica. Cullen and Farica salute back. Passing soldiers SALUTE.

Despite the fact hes not being saluted, Ran cheerfully waves to the soldiers. INT. ZEUS - CONFERENCE ROOM Cullen, Farica, and Ran sit around a conference table. rises from Cullens CIGAR. FARICA Youre sure we dont want soldiers in Agape City. RAN (shakes his head) All we need is patience. (MORE) Smoke

58. RAN (CONT'D) Pyne will find her. And then theyll find Agamemnon. INT. ZEUS - CARGO BAY DOZENS OF MILITARY VEHICLES -- HARVESTERS, SHUTTLECRAFT, ATVs. HUNDREDS of SOLDIERS -- HUMAN and OTHERWISE -- are hard at work, welding, tuning up vehicles, and preparing HARVESTING TOOLS. A HORN SOUNDS. The workers stop. One of the walls becomes a VIDEO SCREEN displaying Faricas image. Listen up. in. FARICA Its time to fill you

She has the soldiers attention. FARICA Were traveling to the outer rim of the universe, to an area not yet colonized. The exact coordinates of our destination must remain secret. Its a planet... a place called Agamemnon. (after a moment) Few beings have ever set foot there... but according to their accounts, its resources are wholly unique. At the planets core is a natural energy that could revolutionize interspecies technology. If these accounts are true... Agamemnon is the glue between the stars. (after a moment) Were going to bottle it up. INT. ZEUS - CONFERENCE ROOM Farica looks at Ran. forefinger. He makes an O with his thumb and

59. RAN You hit the gugnar on the head. EXT. ZEUS glides into a wormhole. Both the ship and the wormhole DISAPPEAR, leaving only empty space. CUT TO: EXT. IN SPACE Morpheus soars past us, toward Agape. Moments later... JOTHAMS SHIP ROCKETS PAST US. EXT. ON AGAPE - DAY A planet of tall mountains and high valleys. valleys arent far from the clouds. Even the lowest

Morpheus soars through the clouds, navigating between mountains. EXT. AGAPE CITY - DAY stretches across the planets longest valley. A clutter of SKYSCRAPERS rise into the clouds. FLOATING SHOPS are scattered in-between. A SPIDER WEB of STREETS stand thousands of feet above ground with no visible supports. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT - DAY Jon pilots Morpheus toward a LANDING PAD in the city. CONTROLLERS VOICE comes over the comlink. CONTROLLERS VOICE (V.O.) Morpheus, you are cleared for landing. Welcome to Agape City. Maya enters. A

60. MAYA Pyne must be hungry. Jon doesnt respond, under pretense of landing the ship. MAYA (after a moment) Why dont you bring him some food? JON He doesnt want to see me. INT. MORPHEUS - PYNES ROOM - DAY Maya stands in the doorway with a tray of food. on the wall. MAYA Pyne? The room is empty. INT. MORPHEUS - ENGINE CHAMBER - DAY Sparky and Loor lock arms, about to arm wrestle. LOOR Ready? Sparky waits, then nods. Loor takes his arm down in a second. Sparky shakes it off. Sparky nods. They lock arms again. LOOR Ready? SPARKY Yep... Loor takes him down in a flash. Again Sparky shakes it off. She KNOCKS

LOOR Why do you keep trying, Sparky? He taps his biceps.

61. LOOR Theyre literally made of steel. SPARKY It doesnt matter if I ever beat you, Loor. Every time I try, I get stronger. (after a moment) And sadder... Loors PHONE BEEPS. LOOR (into phone) Yhello. JON (V.O.) Loor, is Pyne down there? LOOR You just missed him. He said he was going into the city. CUT TO: EXT. IN AGAPE CITY - DAY TRAFFIC FLIES in every direction. are filled with busy people. A TAXI FLIES PAST US. INT. FLYING TAXI - DAY Jon looks out at the city. JON Taxi: that diner. He sees a FLOATING DINER below. Set down. The spiderweb of streets

THERES NO ONE DRIVING THE TAXI, just a computer system. TAXI COMPUTER (V.O.) Scanning. The taxi circles around.

62. TAXI COMPUTER (V.O.) Location registered. Setting down. EXT. THE TAXI sets down on the street across from the diner. The taxi LIFTS OFF. FLOATING PLATFORMS line the street. platforms. Jon gets out.

Jon boards one of the crossing the

He uses a CONTROL PAD to steer the platform, air between the street and the diner. INT. THE DINER - DAY Jon walks in.

Most of the booths are filled. WAITRESSES wander, serving coffee. On the radio, the future equivalent of oldies music, something like a mix of electronic punk and r&b. Jon sits in a booth, opposite Pyne. PYNE Knew right where to find me, huh? JON Cute place. A WAITRESS stops by the table. WAITRESS More coffee hon? PYNE Please. She fills his cup and leaves. Pyne looks around the place with a big smile: this is his kind of joint, a far cry from the dusty tavern on Hishii. JON You cant just run off like that, Pyne. I realize you dont want to see me. (MORE)

63. JON (CONT'D) Youd probably rather jump off a street than spend time with me. But when you have something you need to do, Pyne, you need to do it. Pynes smile fades. First hes shocked, then sad -- he doesnt want to see his father? Doesnt Jon get it? He opens his mouth to explain... then he sees his fathers stern expression, and his sadness becomes frustration. Hes about to let it rip... when SOMETHING CATCHES HIS EYE. Jon follows Pynes stare to: A WOMAN IN THE KITCHEN About Pynes age, wearing a HAIR NET. She puts an ORDER OUT on the counter. TIME SEEMS TO SLOW AROUND HER. THE WOMAN Order up! Pyne cant take his eyes off her. JON That your dream woman? THE WOMAN pulls off her hair net. shoulders. Pyne almost gasps. THE WOMAN Im off, Janny! She disappears into the kitchen. Pyne LEAPS UP -- he RAILS his crotch off the table and knocks over his coffee in the process. He tries to wipe it up. JON Ill take care of it, go! Pyne rushes to the kitchen counter. Shes already gone. Flowing dark hair cascades down her Jon notices.

64. An OLD MAN seated at the counter notices Pyne. Not a human old man -- this guy looks like a HUMANOID WALRUS, with GLASSES and GREY HAIR. OLD MAN You know the waiters will come to you... PYNE That woman... she was just in the kitchen -OLD MAN You mean Selene. PYNE Do you know her? OLD MAN Im a regular. Shes a piece! PYNE Do you know where she lives? OLD MAN Im a regular, not her romantic partner. That doesnt help Pyne at all. OLD MAN (after a moment) ...Although I did used to be a pretty good dancer. PYNE She likes to dance? OLD MAN No, man, I like to dance. Pynes heart sinks. OLD MAN She loves to dance. Pyne runs back to the table.

65. PYNE We gotta go, Dad, come on! EXT. THE DINER - SUNSET Jon steers the platform back toward the street. Before its even docked, Pyne leaps off and runs down the street. EXT. AGAPE CITY STREET - SUNSET Pyne speaks to a group of TEENAGERS. CUT TO: INT. COFFEE SHOP - SUNSET Selene sits at the counter. Her wild-haired friend BROMI is behind it, polishing the counter. SELENE I can see my future in that counter. BROMI I try to keep my future in a galaxy far, far away from this place. (after a moment) So? Selene looks at her: So what? BROMI What do we do every single day when you get out of work. (after a moment) What did you dream last night? SELENE It was like the other dream -BROMI The one with the name? (fumbling) Ah... ga... ret --

66. SELENE Agamemnon... When she speaks it, she almost whispers it, like a holy word... and also like in Pynes dream. BROMI Was Cutey Starkiller still the star? Selene laughs at Bromis nickname. SELENE He always is. BROMI So what was different? Help me out. A customers going to walk through that door any second and Ill be an organic nametag again, forced to do their bidding. Selene remembers... then looks at Bromi, a little embarrassed. SELENE We danced? EXT. RIVERSIDE - AGAMEMNON - NIGHT SELENES BARE FEET move gracefully along the riverside. the water. Moonlight reflects in But then she almost sighs-

Behind her, those great waterfalls CRASH. SELENE (V.O.) I was walking by the river, in a jungle. (after a moment) Wed never been there before. Its always been the desert. BROMI (V.O.) You and... I forgot his name.

67. She sees him. PYNE. Further down the river, looking up at the stars. Selene smiles. SELENE (V.O.) Pyne. Pyne sees Selene. He grins. Selene walks to him. words, they take each others hands. They slow-dance by the water. IN THE SKY The STARS of THREE CONSTELLATIONS SHINE as bright as spotlights. INT. COFFEE SHOP - SUNSET - SCENE CONTD Lost in her dream, Selene sighs. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. OVER THE MOUNTAINS - NIGHT The sound of MUSIC carries through the mist. EXT. A MOUNTAINTOP - NIGHT A HUGE AMBER-COLORED DOME is set up on the mountaintop. MUSIC comes from inside. INT. MOUNTAINTOP DOME - NIGHT Pyne hands CREDITS to an ATTENDANT outside the dome. ATTENDANT Hope you dont get grav-sick! Pyne walks through the DOME. Its a FORCEFIELD -- casting everything inside in a HONEY AMBER HUE. Pyne watches in awe as HUNDREDS OF DANCERS Without

68. rise and fall, as though JUMPING in SLOW-MOTION. Its an ANTI-GRAVITY DANCE -- gravity reduced, like dancing on the moon. Then Pyne sees her. SELENE, dancing on a table, surrounded by an ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCE. Shes so happy shes radiant -- it seems to be her smile making everything twinkle like honey. She LEAPS UP, slowly, gracefully. Pyne LEAPS UP too. Selene peaks as gravity kicks in. Then she notices Pyne, level with her in the air. They fall slowly, never taking their eyes off each other. The moment seems to last forever. Selene kicks off the table as she comes back down and sets down on the ground. Pyne lands in front of her. PYNE (after a moment) Ive seen you -SELENE In your dreams? PYNE At the diner. Selene realizes hes playing. She smiles.

PYNE The sun sets fast here. SELENE Were close to the sun. The days are shorter. We have two moons to make up for it. PYNE Sounds like a dream. Selene just smiles at him.

69. PYNE (after a moment) Is it? SELENE I was born here. Pyne doesnt get it. SELENE (explains) Dreams arent what youre born into. They take you out of it. She SUDDENLY LEAPS UP. IN THE AIR: SELENE My names -Selene. Pyne. As Pyne falls A GLOWING EEL FLOATS in front of his face, distracting him. Beautiful, graceful, translucent. He notices other eels swimming through the forcefield. He sets down in the middle of the dancing crowd. PYNE How did you know? He looks around. Selene? He sees her at the far end of the crowd. She leaps up and glides through the forcefield, dropping fast due to gravitys return on the other side. No Selene. PYNE PYNE Im -SELENE Pyne leaps up after her.

70. PYNE Selene! He pushes through the crowd. EXT. OUTSIDE THE FORCEFIELD - NIGHT Selene climbs in the back of a CRUISER with a bunch of GIRLFRIENDS -- basically a flying convertible. PYNE emerges from the forcefield moments later. INT. SELENES CRUISER - NIGHT dives off the mountaintop. LAUGH at the sheer thrill. Selenes girlfriends SCREAM and He watches as:

Selene looks back at Pyne, standing on the mountaintop in the moonlight. Her dream guy, right there. She closes her eyes, smiling ear to ear. EXT. THE CRUISER levels up and soars between the mountaintops, through the mist, under TWO BRIGHT MOONS. CUT TO: INT. MORPHEUS - LOADING BAY Pyne talks with the Morpheus crew. PYNE How do you talk to someone youve only met in dreams? LOOR Does she have a sister? Sparky whacks him.

71. MAYA Why dont you take her out? JON Theres no time. PYNE Besides, Im not going to know her better after a date. MAYA Youre not going to know her better after a lifetime, honey. Youve been dreaming about this girl (to Jon) since he was, what -JON Six or seven... MAYA (to Pyne) -- six or seven. And it looks like it goes both ways. JON Thats love, Pyne. Thats not the kind of thing you make after a date. Pyne smiles: his dad, finally giving him advice. LOOR (after a moment) You might make love after a date. Sparky and Maya both whack him. CUT TO: INT. SELENES ROOM - DAWN The dreariest bedroom ever seen. No decorations, all grey. The bedsheets are even moth-eaten. Selene sits up with a sleepy groan.

72. INT. SELENES BATHROOM - DAWN Selene squeezes two drops of toothpaste-ish liquid into her mouth. Swishes. Spits in the sink. She examines her teeth in the mirror. Shiny clean. She picks up a SUITCASE off the floor. INT. SELENES APARTMENT - DAWN Selene tiptoes past Bromi SNORING on a MATTRESS in the corner. Selene still carrying the suitcase. EXT. AGAPE CITY STREETS - DAWN Light traffic flies. This must be the bad section of town: it looks like a floating Chinatown -- neon everywhere and trash to go with it. Selene walks with her suitcase, keeping her eyes on the ground. EXT. THE DINER - DAWN Selene rides a platform toward the diner. INT. THE DINER - DAWN Selene goes into the KITCHEN. She puts on the COFFEE. She starts the grill.

She puts on her HAIR NET. They rise,

Selene presses a button by the CLOSED SHADES. sunlight filtering in... ...illuminating Pyne in the corner. Sorry. long.

Selene jumps.

PYNE I havent been in here SELENE

How long?

73. PYNE Alright too long. He approaches Selene. heart pounding... She stares into his eyes, mind racing,

PYNE Were on an adventure. Were looking for a planet -SELENE Agamemnon. PYNE (after a moment) Have you ever had that feeling like youre stuck in the prologue, and the authors really wordy? You cant wait to get to Chapter One, but just when you think the prologues over, a new paragraph starts. SELENE You know I have. PYNE I also know your your favorite food is Njapian pie, you dont think lifes bad, even when it sucks, and you have a really strong thing for red velvet curtains... SELENE Oh god, you had that dream too? PYNE Selene... I dont know if you have a life here. I dont know if anyone would just take off with a stranger on an intergalactic adventure. But I feel like... like our lives, theyve been on pause, and... now weve met, so... someone pressed play.

74. SELENE (after a moment) I do live here... but it doesnt mean I have a life here. And I dont know if anyone would just take off with a stranger on an intergalactic adventure either. For a few awful seconds, Pyne thinks hes fucked up. SELENE But were not really strangers, are we, Pyne? Pyne smiles. PYNE Whyd you run? Last night? Selene holds up her suitcase and grins. SELENE I had to pack. She removes her hair net. Her hair flows down her back. CUT TO: EXT. THE DINER - MORNING Pyne and Selene come out of the diner. A LASERPISTOL appears beside Pynes head. JOTHAM Unless you ordered brains with blood on the side, be still. Pyne and Selene glance at each other. SELENE (whispers) Im not afraid. PYNE Of anything? They freeze.

75. Selene looks into his eyes... what does he mean? JOTHAM You realize that as a living being in your presence I can hear you in Surround Sound, right? PYNE GRABS SELENE AND LEAPS OFF THE DINER -- plummeting through the air... Jotham watches them fall. JOTHAM (wowed) Insert remark here... EXT. PEOPLE ON THE STREETS watch the blur plummet past them. EXT. PYNE AND SELENE holds on to each other in the air. A RUSTY FLYING CAR comes out of nowhere -- Pyne and Selene CRASH on to the hood, splintering the glass. INT. INSIDE THE CAR The driver freaks out. THE DRIVER Not on a work day!!! EXT. PYNE AND SELENE - SCENE CONTD hold on to the car for their lives. The wind rushes against them. The car rises, about to pass over the streets... PYNE Get ready... The cars over the street. They let go, dropping...

76. EXT. ON THE STREET - MORNING Pyne and Selene land, Pyne close to the edge. balance, starting to tip backward... Selene GRABS him. SELENE Come on! They run down the street, weaving through BUSINESSPEOPLE -some distinctly not human, like the GIANT PRAYING MANTIS in a suit. Jotham lowers over the street, small JETS of BLUE FLAME on the bottom of his thick BOOTS. People go about their business as though oblivious, too caught up in their routines to care. JOTHAM Get out of the way! PYNE AND SELENE run toward a FLOATING BUILDING connected to the street. A STATUE of a HEROIC MAN outside holds what looks like a SWORD, smiling triumphantly. The sign over the door says: GEORGE CAMPBELL MEMORIAL. INT. GEORGE CAMPBELL MEMORIAL - MORNING Pyne and Selene run past bewildered visitors. his PHONE. PYNE (into phone) Morpheus! Morpheus! JOTHAM rushes in, plowing through visitors. He aims and FIRES. The LASERBLAST RICOCHETS off a GOLD MURAL. Pyne and Selene duck, narrowly avoiding the ricocheted blast. JOTHAM Be still!! Pyne pulls out He loses his

77. They stop. They slowly turn around, facing Jotham, his pistol aimed between Pyne and Selene. Pyne slowly puts the phone in his pocket. this galaxys flag beside a WIDE WINDOW. A FLAGPOLE waves

JOTHAM I know you see a man chasing you with a gun. But Im chasing something else. (after a moment) My father was all about morality. Ate it, breathed it -- he slept in a bed of morality. He taught me how to tell a lie from a truth, even when the person telling it cant tell the difference. Pyne and Selene dont move. JOTHAM Are you the less-bad guys? PYNE (after a moment) Yes. Jotham nods. JOTHAM (after a moment) Well, letting you go would be the wrong thing. Ive been hired to do something. When you have something to do, you have to do it. It hits Pyne -- those are his fathers words. JOTHAM But for me to take you in would also be the wrong thing. Jotham reaches into his pocket. JOTHAM So Im going to flip a coin. or tails? Heads

78. Selene and Pyne stare at him in disbelief. SELENE (after a moment) Tails. JOTHAM (to Pyne) Yeah? Pyne nods. Jotham flips. JOTHAM Its not tails. Selene notices something out of the corner of her eye. SELENE (whispers to Pyne) Drop for the flagpole. Jotham points to his EARS -- hes standing right there, he can hear them. JOTHAM Just tell me if youre planning on flying out the window. SELENE Are you? Jotham frowns, taken aback. JOTHAM No... PYNE SLIDES, GRIPS THE FLAGPOLE. BEFORE JOTHAM KNOWS WHATS HAPPENING, SELENE GRABS THE POLE -- SWINGS -- KICKS JOTHAM. SMASH! HE CRASHES THROUGH THE WINDOW -- WHERE MORPHEUS IS HOVERING, WAITING. THE AIR INTAKE FROM MORPHEUSS GIGANTIC ENGINES SUCK JOTHAM IN... FOLLOWED BY AN AWFUL SAWING SOUND. EXT. OUTSIDE Jothams BLOOD splashes over the George Campbell memorial. He looks at the coin.

79. INT. GEORGE CAMPBELL MEMORIAL - SCENE CONTD The pull of Morpheuss engines keeps Selene and Pyne clutching the flagpole, in the air. Morpheus rises. and Pyne drop to the floor as the pull disappears. Selene

Or rather, Pyne drops to the floor... and Selene drops on top of him. She laughs. SELENE What are the chances. CUT TO: EXT. IN SPACE OVER AGAPE Morpheus soars away from Agape, into space. On the other side of the planet, Zeus drifts, following from a distance. INT. ZEUS - COMMAND CENTER Morpheuss image is magnified on a giant view screen. Ran watches it closely. Farica approaches him with a tablet. FARICA I thought youd like to see the crew. A police cruiser scanned them on Rua, just before Hishii was destroyed. (after a moment) Apparently their ship isnt inspected. Ran takes the tablet. A 3D IMAGE OF MAYA appears. slides through the rest of the crew. He suddenly stops. notices. The tablet shakes in his hand. Ran Farica

RAN Forget Pyne. Forget everyone else. He shows Farica the tablet. A 3D IMAGE OF JON.

80. FARICA (reads) He was in the Federation military. Honorably discharged. RAN Get him. This is the most important man in the universe. CUT TO: EXT. SPACE Nothing but stars and darkness. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. DESERT - AGAMEMNONS SURFACE - DUSK The green sky is stormy with thick clouds. and quiet. Its going to rain. Selene lies on the sand. The air is still

Pyne lies beside her.

SELENE Its going to rain. INT. MORPHEUS - KITCHEN Loor, Sparky, Maya, and Pyne listen to Selene at the table. SPARKY Then what? Selene looks at Pyne. SELENE I ask you questions. questions. PYNE Give me an example. SELENE How do you think the donkey will react? Strange

81. PYNE (after a moment) What happens next? SELENE Uh... we... She gives Pyne a look. Pyne gets it. grin. Maya whacks Loor. Loor elbows him with a

SELENE But the whole time, I keep seeing the sky -EXT. DESERT - AGAMEMNONS SURFACE - DUSK - SCENE CONTD STARS spread across the sky -- but THREE BRIGHT CONSTELLATIONS stick out... the same constellations from Selenes dancing dream. SELENE (V.O.) -- and there are three distinct constellations. CUT TO: INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Pyne takes the co-pilot chair, beside Jon. JON Wheres Selene? PYNE She went with Loor to look at star charts. Shes seen constellations in her dreams. If she can find them, thatll narrow it down to a few galaxies. JON (after a moment) Shes really the woman from your dreams.

82. PYNE Its like Ive always known her, but I have a lifetime to... I dont know, experience with her. Pyne notices Jon beaming, truly happy for Pyne. JON (after a few moments) You think she can lead us to Agamemnon. PYNE Yes. JON Just remember, right now, getting to that planet first is the only thing that matters. Pyne looks at Jon -- hes just met the woman of his dreams and Jons treating it like he just told him about a good dinner. Jon looks back. Like he wants to say something --

But Pyne gets up and leaves... leaving Jon alone, surrounded by the starry emptiness of space. INT. MORPHEUS - CORRIDOR Pyne is a storm cloud. Maya comes out of the holoroom.

MAYA Hey, Pyne... have you tried the holoroom yet? PYNE No. MAYA You ought to. Its heaven. could show it to Selene. PYNE No time. You

83. MAYA Did you find it already? PYNE My dad says the only thing that matters is finding Agamemnon. Maya sees whats going on. MAYA (after a moment) I dont have any place in your life, Pyne -PYNE No -- Maya -- I didnt -Maya gently shushes him. MAYA I do have a place in your fathers life. Just a place, like a visitor. Because the rest belongs to you. (after a moment) You know we went on, gords, it must have been twenty-five dates on Geminon? Twenty-five dates... I might as well have sat in a theater and watched a movie about you two. Pynes storminess is quickly being washed out... MAYA He talked about you like you were his hero. He wondered about you, all the time... what you were doing, what kind of amazing career you had, what kind of love youd found... you know, you finding Selene is a dream come true for your father, too. Maybe even literally. PYNE Hes got a funny way of showing it.

84. Maya shrugs. MAYA Some people dont show how they feel, Pyne. They just feel. INT. MORPHEUS - COMPUTER CHAMBER A room full of computers running the ships systems, as well as database computers. Selene and Loor are laughing as Pyne walks in. lock on Pyne as soon as he enters. PYNE Hows it going? LOOR We tracked down the constellations to the Mycenae system. Outer rim. Its going to be a while before we can even make a jump. (after a moment) I asked Selene if she was an android with that memory. (under his breath) Guess youll have to find out... PYNE Selene... SELENE Pyne? PYNE (spits out) Would you like to see the holoroom? Selene lights up. SELENE You have a holoroom? CUT TO: Selenes eyes

85. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Maya kisses Jons forehead, then takes the co-pilot seat. VAST OBJECT in the distance stretches across their entire view. MAYA What is that? Illion. JON The Roaming City. A

INT. MORPHEUS - HOLOROOM Selene gawks at the ceiling as Pyne crosses the room. PYNE Youve never used a holoroom? SELENE Not since I was a kid... PYNE Wont your family miss you? SELENE My parents moved last year. Theres a point where you have to go your own way, you know? Pyne plays with a CONTROL PANEL on the wall. SELENE I think I heard your fathers voice. In my dreams. PYNE Thats the only place Ive heard it for sixteen years... until now. Selene blinks. INT. A BAR Old Earth style -- small, dim, drowned in neon lights. Holy shit -- shes in...

86. Selene looks at Pyne, standing in the opposite corner. SELENE What is this? PYNE Its an Old Earth bar. with the music. It goes

AN EIGHTIES MOTOWN SONG BEGINS, FILLING THE ROOM. Examples: Licence to Kill by Gladys Knight, Another Night by Aretha Franklin. Pyne approaches Selene. PYNE My dad collects Earth songs. Pyne holds out his hand. Selene cant believe it -- its like her dream... only better. Selene takes his hand. They start to dance.

(The music continues over the following images.) EXT. MORPHEUS glides through space... past a POLICE SQUAD. INT. POLICE CRUISER A POLICE SGT. is at the helm. A diagram and readout of Morpheus flashes across a SCREEN. Suddenly, it FLASHES RED -and reads: WANTED. POLICE SGT. All units, Platypus-class spacecraft Morpheus, dead ahead. Pursue, over! INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Jon and Maya notice FLASHING BLUE LIGHTS. JON Uh-oh.

87. He looks at the REARVIEW SCREEN ...which displays a dozen police vehicles in pursuit. MAYA Oh, gees... JON Here we go again, honey... Maya laughs. He shifts up the throttle.

INT. MORPHEUS - HOLOROOM - SCENE CONTD Selene and Pyne dance. INT. POLICE CRUISER The police sgt. notices that vast object drifting in space ahead. POLICE SGT. Illion Admin., this is police cruiser four-six-six-four, requesting military backup, over! EXT. OVER ILLION Its film noir San Francisco in space -- an entire city drifting among the stars, protected by an atmospheric forcefield. MILITARY SPACECRAFT SOAR over the city and shoot through the forcefield, into space. INT. MORPHEUS - HOLOROOM - SCENE CONTD Selene and Pyne continue dancing. Then they KISS -- softly, passionately...

88. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT A squad of military ships zoom toward them ahead. at Maya. MAYA Lets dance. Jon SWINGS the stern while Maya plays the controls with the speed and skill of a D.J. INT. MORPHEUS - PYNES ROOM Pyne and Selene are still making out as they move across the room, crashing down in Pynes bed. The Bots appear. Batbot screeches in its soft way. Jon looks

DUCKBOT Ooh, shes pretty, Pyne! EXT. IN SPACE Morpheus veers left and right, swings up and dives down, trying to lose the two squads of police and military on its tail. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT A MILITARY VOICE over the comlink: MILITARY VOICE (V.O.) Morpheus, you are ordered to stop and proceed to Illion immediately, or -Jon shuts it off. He looks at Maya.

JON I thought about stopping and proceeding, but, eh... Maya laughs.

89. INT. POLICE CRUISER The police sgt. notices one of his squad cars veering awfully close to a military cruiser on his rearview screen. POLICE SGT. Marlon, get your car under control! Marlon -EXT. MARLONS POLICE VEHICLE continues sliding to the left. It RAMS a military cruiser. The impact suddenly sends Marlons vehicle the opposite way -another police vehicle comes up on its tail and cant slow down in time, RAMMING Marlons vehicle. Marlon goes up into the air, flips, and COLLIDES with a military spacecraft. Both vehicles EXPLODE! INT. POLICE CRUISER The police sgt. rages: POLICE SGT. Gorddaggit Marlon, did you skip every space handling class at the academy?!! INT. MORPHEUS - PYNES ROOM - SCENE CONTD Pyne and Selene make out on his bed. Through that WIDE WINDOW behind them, we see the explosions in space, silent and bright -- like BEAUTIFUL FIREWORKS. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT MAYA Theyre going to EMP... JON Not in Illion.

90. EXT. MORPHEUS races toward Illion, military and police in hot pursuit. EXT. NEARBY IN SPACE The music ends: Zeus glides toward Illion. INT. MORPHEUS - PYNES ROOM - SCENE CONTD Pyne and Selene each have their shirts up to their heads, taking them off -- when the ship JOLTS. They collide into each other... then quickly put their shirts back on. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Pyne and Selene rush in just as Loor comes over the comlink. LOOR (V.O.) Guys, whats going on up there? JON Were being chased by police and the military. A moments silence. LOOR (V.O.) (after a moment) Ill be down here! PYNE Is that Illion? JON Yes. PYNE Whats the plan? JON (after a moment) Go to Illion... at least we wont be EMPed there.

91. Pynes mind races. PYNE Dad... I have an idea. interested. JON Shoot... PYNE Do we have enough parachutes for the crew? JON I dont think parachuting in -PYNE (cuts him off) Theyre only after me and Selene. Were the way to Agamemnon. You guys can parachute out. Well set Morpheus on auto-pilot -JON (realizes) You want to fake your deaths... Pyne shrugs. JON (grins) Thats genius. Pyne beams. EXT. OVER ILLION Morpheus shoots through the forcefield and swings a hard left, soaring over the city. The military and police arent far behind. INT. MORPHEUS - LOADING BAY Jon tosses Loor a PARACHUTE while Maya and Sparky put on their own. If youre

92. LOOR You really think this is going to work? JON I dont know. (after a moment) It was Pynes idea. Maya smiles. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Now Pyne and Selene are at the controls. SELENE Woah! Pyne swings to avoid an oncoming TAXI. PYNE (into comlink) Dad, you ready? INT. MORPHEUS - LOADING BAY The ramp lowers. Loor peers down at the city roaring past -a labyrinth of buildings frosted with wild traffic. Its a long way down. LOOR Woah... The ship JOLTS. Loor falls right out the back, into the air. Jon looks at the other crew. JON Thats the signal. Sparky runs forward and JUMPS out the back. hand. They run forward -- and JUMP. Jon takes Mayas The driver honks.

93. EXT. IN THE AIR Jon and Maya soar downward. Maya screams with excitement. THUD! Maya and Jon hit


The intergalactic passengers -- more ALIENS than HUMANS -look toward the roof. INT. ONE OF THE MILITARY SHIPS The MILITARY PILOT sees two figures on the bus ahead. COMPUTER BEEPS. His

It focuses on Jon. An IMAGE of Jon appears, under a FLASHING RED WARNING: HIGHEST PRIORITY WANTED. EXT. THE MILITARY SHIP dives down, into the Illion traffic. EXT. ON THE BUSS ROOFTOP Jon and Maya see the approaching military ship. JON Jump! They LEAP off the bus, into the air. EXT. THE MILITARY SHIP SHOOTS DOWN. INT. THE MILITARY SHIP The pilot hits a button. Cars honk.

94. EXT. A LOADING HATCH opens on the military ships roof. EXT. THE MILITARY SHIP RISES... EXT. IN THE AIR Jon sees the ship directly below them, rising fast. JON NOO!! He PULLS HIS PARACHUTE -- Maya does the same... ...but its too late. They glide right into...


EXT. THE PARACHUTES They drift down, through the Illion traffic. EXT. ON A HOTEL BALCONY Upper-class guests at a formal occasion are up in arms over Loor, whos landed on the balcony. Loor sees the military ship rising through BINOCULARS. INT. MORPHEUS - LOADING BAY Pyne and Selene strap on their parachutes. FEMALE VOICE (V.O.) Incoming transmission. Pyne ignores it. Then HIS PHONE BEEPS. Doubt washes over his face. He looks at Selene.

95. PYNE (into phone) Pyne... LOOR (V.O.) Pyne, they took Jon and Maya. PYNE Who did? LOOR (V.O.) The military, Pyne. They took your dad. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Pyne thrusts the throttle to full. the Illion forcefield. Morpheus blasts through

Selene notices the police vehicles turning around on the rearview screen. SELENE We lost the police... PYNE We didnt lose them. them off. Zeus looms ahead. INT. ZEUS - COMMAND CENTER An OPERATOR calls to Farica. OPERATOR The ship is on board, General. Cullen pipes up beside her. CULLEN You call off the squads? Yes sir. pursuit. OPERATOR The squads have stopped They called

96. CULLEN Fire the mine. EXT. SOMETHING LAUNCHES from Zeuss hull, a BLUR soaring through space. EXT. ON MORPHEUSS HULL the blur ATTACHES to the hull. steel. It looks like a big hunk of

INT. ZEUS - COMMAND CENTER - CONTD FARICA Engage transport. ANOTHER OPERATOR Where to, sir? FARICA Anywhere. Get us out of here. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT - SCENE CONTD SELENE What are we going to do? PYNE Turn ourselves in. What? SELENE Pyne, thats it! They win!

PYNE They have my father! already won! A FLASH OF LIGHT.


Pyne looks back...

...and Zeus is gone. They stare into space, shocked silent.

97. EXT. MORPHEUS drifts in empty space. CUT TO: EXT. FLOATING CAFE - ON ILLION Loor and Sparky stand on a VERANDA, holding cups of coffee. Holding them... but not drinking them. Morpheus glides toward them. EXT. IN ANOTHER GALAXY A WORMHOLE spits out Morpheus. Morpheus sits in space, before a gigantic, serene NEBULA. CUT TO: EXT. DESERT - AGAMEMNON - AFTERNOON Those same stormy skies... only this time its Ran standing among the dunes. Theres a sound like THUNDER, but with a METALLIC ZING. It RAINS. RED RAIN covers Ran. back his head, savoring it. He closes his eyes and tilts

Then he opens his eyes, as if realizing something... He looks at his hands. THE RAIN ISNT DRIPPING. Its sticking to him. His whole body covered in it. He realizes it isnt rain covering his body... ...its BLOOD. RAN NO -SMASH CUT TO: INT. ZEUS - RANS CHAMBER Ran opens his eyes.

98. Farica is standing beside his bed. FARICA We have Jon. INT. ZEUS - COMMAND CENTER Ran enters with Farica. Cullen stands by a GROUP OF SOLDIERS -- their LASER RIFLES aimed on Jon and Maya. Ran stops as he sees Jons face -- he FREEZES as though frightened. Then something dark passes over his face. He approaches Jon. RAN If you dont tell us how to get to Agamemnon, I will kill her. Lifes too rare a spark to put out the flame. He gets right up in Jons face. RAN Of course... angers like a storm. JON I dont know how to get there. not a dreamer. Ran stares at him. RAN (after a moment, to the soldiers) Put her out. JON (panics) I dont know -- how would I know where it is -A SOLDIER FIRES. Mayas body drops to the floor. Im

99. The crew stares in horror. Cullen... Farica... even the soldier responsible are stunned. Jon looks at whats left of Maya. JON (softly) Maya? RAN If my facial expression hasnt conveyed my seriousness, I hope the laserblast did. Jon BOILS. HE BREAKS FREE -- HE RUNS FOR RAN -- RAN CLENCHES HIS FISTS -SOLDIERS TACKLE JON FROM THE SIDE. They pummel him as Ran moves closer. He leans in toward Jons face. Where. RAN Is it?

JON (through tears) Stop wasting my life and end it. Im done. RAN (to Cullen) Wheres the tablet? Cullen hands him a TABLET. Ran holds it up for Jon to see. It shows a skeletal rendering of Morpheus... a FLASHING RED DOT on its hull. RAN This... is a detonator. On your ship... is a rock mine. Also on your ship... is your son. Jon struggles furiously. The guards hold him down.

JON How would I know where it is?!

100. RAN You were on Argos when it crashed. Where did it crash? How do we get there? JON (realizes) That... that planet... thats... Agamemnon? Ran waits for an answer. JON BREAKS FREE -- LIGHTNING-FAST, HE KICKS A GUARDS KNEE -THERES A SNAP -- THE GUARD SCREAMS IN PAIN -- JON PUNCHES CLEAN THROUGH RANS TABLET -RAN PUNCHES JON, A VICIOUS RIGHT HOOK. Jon goes down, out cold. Ran drops the tablets remains and faces Cullen. RAN Track that mine. Be ready to match its coordinates the second it transports. The crew watches him in stunned silence as he walks out. CUT TO: INT. MORPHEUS - JONS ROOM The door SLIDES SHUT behind Pyne. the place over. He stands there, looking

He walks over his FATHERS CLOTHES, and some of MAYAS, to the bedside table. TWO PICTURES: one standing up, one behind it on its back. The picture standing up shows Jon and Maya smiling, faces close. Pyne picks up THE PICTURE BEHIND IT Five-year-old Pyne smiles toward the camera. The Bots hop and waddle into the hall. BATBOT Lets play, Pyne! DUCKBOT Lets play, Pyne!

101. PYNE Not now, guys. Selene moves past them and enters the room. SELENE Where did they come from? Bots. The

PYNE My dad made them for me when I was little. I didnt have siblings. He was afraid Id be lonely. (after a moment) I remember wed ride around in his old Myoto Cloudskiff... hed lift it up, right under the clouds. One time we took the Bots with us. They loved it. Weee, weee, weee, all the way home. He opens the CLOSET... revealing a DIGITAL PHOTO VIEWER. Pynes surprised: not even any clothes. He turns it on. Another touch-screen interface... he taps: LAST VIEWED. PICTURES FILL THE SCREEN: Jon playing with Pyne when he was little, in a sandbox. Jon, Pyne, and PYNES MOTHER in a field -- a happy family. Lastly... a picture of five-year-old Pyne, absolutely ecstatic in what looks like a flying convertible, beside the clouds... the Bots in the backseat, looking equally excited. SELENE Pyne... He wipes his eyes. PYNE Hes never listened to a word Ive said. He was in the military. He got used to relying on himself. (after a moment) He used to go on his own when he needed to think.

102. SELENE We both heard Jons voice, in our dreams... what would he say now? Pyne chuckles. PYNE The same thing he always says. Theres always a reason to get up. (after a moment) Words seem a lot like words when the person who said them is gone. SELENE (gently) If we can find Agamemnon... PYNE I know. Im trying to get up, Selene. Im trying to look up. Theres just nothing up there to see... THEN IT HITS HIM. PYNE (realizes) ...Because Ran already saw it. CUT TO: INT. MORPHEUS - COMPUTER CHAMBER Loor hurries in. Pyne and Selene are waiting.

LOOR Im really sorry. My experience circuits are burning, Im so sorry. Can I ask you a question? PYNE Sure... LOOR In my experience, it takes a human at least two years to fall deeply in love with someone. (MORE)

103. LOOR (CONT'D) You two show signs of deep love, but youve spent approximately ten hours with each other. I dont know how to gauge your connection. PYNE Uh... He looks to Selene for help. SELENE Two years seeing someone frequently, almost every day. LOOR Right. Selene gestures between she and Pyne. SELENE Nineteen years seeing each other every night. LOOR Extraordinary... (after a moment) Did you guys have sex? PYNE The questions end! LOOR Whoops... PYNE You traced those constellations to one system. SELENE How many planets within that system are capable of creating red rain? Loor goes to the computer. He starts inputting data.

104. LOOR Red rain is very unusual... it would take an extraordinary chemical combination, on top of the right atmospheric circumstances, to create... He looks at them, excited. LOOR I think we can narrow it to one planet. The SCREEN BEEPS: 1 MATCH. Its the planet from the beginning of the film alright: green... streaked with blue... and laced with mist. PYNE Its right out in the open... Selene points to a line of information on the screen. SELENE That galaxys due for precolonization within a decade. A thought sinks into Loor. He clicks the planets title, a simple scientific code. Erases it. He types... AGAMEMNON. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Sparky sits at the helm, staring distantly into the nebula. Pyne, Loor, and Selene rush in. PYNE Will the Digger take another jump? SPARKY I hope so... LOOR I got this. He runs out.

105. SPARKY Did you find it? Selene takes the co-pilot chair and inputs the coordinates. Sparky reads them. SPARKY This is one wild jump, Pyne... PYNE Its the ultimate jump, Sparky. SPARKY We might not be coming back. SELENE This is a place dreams are made of, Sparky. That might not be so bad. INT. MORPHEUS - ENGINE CHAMBER Loor talks into his phone, shouting over the noise. LOOR The Diggers ready, Pyne. I think it has dozens of jumps left, but assuming Sparkys right and we get stranded or dead will you let me know if you guys had sex? INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Pyne sighs. EXT. A WORMHOLE OPENS in front of Morpheus. Morpheus rockets in.

We follow it through BLINDING, FLASHING WHITE LIGHT -- and just when we cant take anymore -- the wormhole is gone. Morpheus sits in space.

106. EXT. ANOTHER ANGLE REVEALS THE PLANET AGAMEMNON -- MORPHEUS IS STARING RIGHT AT IT. INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT Pyne, Selene, and Sparky are mesmerized... all sound seems to fade. Even in space, they can feel the planets power. SELENE (after a few moments) No sign of -BAM! THE SHIP JOLTS --

EXT. MORPHEUS falls toward the planets surface, ENGINES FLAMING. ZEUS is behind it. A WORMHOLE CLOSES behind the warship.

INT. MORPHEUS - COCKPIT THE SHIP FALLS DOWN, THROUGH THE CLOUDS -- Pyne pulls up on the steering, but the ship isnt straightening fast enough. THE SEA SPRAWLS BELOW. Pyne is mesmerized again. its just like hes dreamed for 19 years. The sea... The

He snaps out of it as Selene pulls him out of his chair. ship is about to hit the waters surface. They fall to the floor, clutching each other... unable to take their eyes off the water... EXT. MORPHEUS CRASHES into the water. CUT TO:

107. EXT. PYNE opens his eyes. SAND surrounds his head. The wind blows.

He sits up, squinting against the sun. EXT. DESERT - AGAMEMNON - AFTERNOON The desert. Its just like his dream... DOZENS.

...but unlike his dream, SOLDIERS surround him. Selene to his left. No Sparky or Loor. He sees Jon, BLINDFOLDED... only THROUGH PYNES EYES

Jon looks 27 YEARS OLD AGAIN... not much older than Pyne! Ran stands beside him. RAN Wake up. He removes Jons blindfold. THROUGH JONS EYES Pyne looks 5 YEARS OLD... RAN My father theorized this places magic stems from energy at its core... in this trick, that energy taps into your mind. It manipulates your brain. People appear as they did when they made their deepest emotional... and neurological... impression on you. Jon glances at Ran -- and goes stark white. THROUGH JONS EYES, RAN ALSO LOOKS FIVE YEARS OLD! PYNE Dad? To us, Jon still appears normal.

108. RAN Remember me? He turns to Pyne. Jon stares at Ran in horror.

RAN You and I, were both here because of our parents. (after a moment) We never really grow up, do we? Were all just little boys pretending to be our fathers. He looks at Jon again, Rans face heavy with disgust. RAN My father was a commander in the Federation military, on board Argos... where your father served as his lieutenant. Most of the war was fought for the outer rim... which is why they here. Where no one had gone before. EXT. OVER AGAMEMNON - YEARS BEFORE ARGOS is virtually identical to Zeus. RAN (V.O.) Argos was shot down. A LASER BLAST STRIKES -- a chunk of the ship EXPLODES. falls toward the planets surface. EXT. IN THE AIR - AGAMEMNON - YEARS BEFORE - DAY Argos plummets through the clouds. RAN (V.O.) It split in half. Argos splits in half. into the air. People and equipment are sucked out Argos

RAN (V.O.) There were no survivors...

109. A SHUTTLECRAFT soars out of the split, SMOKING, ON FIRE, and glides through the air. RAN (V.O.) ...except for my parents, and me. So we thought. EXT. IN THE DESERT - AGAMEMNON - YEARS BEFORE - DAY Ran... RANS FATHER, a tough-looking sumbitch... and RANS MOTHER, a beautiful, but anxious woman... emerge from the shuttlecraft, stepping on to the dunes. RAN (V.O.) We were stranded for three weeks... the best three weeks of my life. My mother, she thought it was a catastrophe. All she talked about was rescue. EXT. IN THE JUNGLE - AGAMEMNON - YEARS BEFORE - DAY Ran and his father push through thick jungle. stops. He grins down at little Ran. RAN (V.O.) My father and I... we thought wed crashed into Heaven. Theyve stumbled on to the OASIS we saw in Pynes dream: a SMALL POOL in the jungle, surrounded by FRUITS. Ran and his father ravenously devour the fruit, smiling at each other. For looking so tough, Rans fathers smile is disarmingly sweet. EXT. IN THE DESERT - AGAMEMNON - YEARS BEFORE - NIGHT Ran and his father sit around a FIRE. telling a story. Ran is captivated. Rans father is Rans father

110. RAN (V.O.) At night, my father told me his favorite stories... Greek myths. He was fascinated by them. And so I was. Ran glances over. His mother, on the other side of the campfire, looks up in the sky. RAN (V.O.) My mother looked up to the sky, waiting for rescue. Sometimes I wondered if she knew we were there. It begins to RAIN, dousing the fire. Rans father looks at his skin -- he sees the RED RAIN. He laughs joyously. He shows it to Ran. They laugh together in the rain. Rans mother runs into the nearby shuttlecraft for shelter. EXT. IN THE DESERT - AGAMEMNON - YEARS BEFORE - DAY Rans mother squints across the dunes. dunes... signaling... ...A SHUTTLECRAFT, soaring toward her. Little Ran stands beside her, without her enthusiasm. RAN (V.O.) After three weeks, rescue came. There had been one other survivor. My father had gone to study what wed found the day before... the heart of the planet. It was just my mother and me. (after a moment) And our savior. TIME CUT TO: The shuttlecraft has landed. A man hurries across the sand. Rans mother embraces him. He crouches down in front of Ran. Its YOUNG JON. She waves across the

111. RAN (V.O.) Jon. Jon looks at Rans mother, lowers his voice. JON Wheres... RANS MOTHER Dead. Jon nods somberly. He heads back toward his shuttlecraft. mother. LITTLE RAN Whos dead? Who do you -HIS MOTHER GRABS HIM -- SHE PUTS HIM IN A HEADLOCK, PULLING HIM BEHIND THEIR SHUTTLECRAFT. SHE PRESSES FORWARD ON HIS SKULL... UNTIL POOR, STRUGGLING RAN PASSES OUT. RAN (V.O.) Agamemnon was one of my fathers favorite stories. INT. JONS SHUTTLECRAFT - YEARS BEFORE - DAY The shuttlecraft rises. Little Ran remains unconscious. Shed Ran looks up at his

RAN (V.O.) He was murdered by his wife. fallen for another man. UP FRONT, Rans mother smiles. He draws it away.

She reaches for Jons hand.

EXT. DESERT - AGAMEMNON - YEARS BEFORE - DAY Rans father watches the shuttlecraft rise from the sand. INT. JONS SHUTTLECRAFT (IN SPACE) - YEARS BEFORE Ran wakes. He rushes to the window.

112. OUTSIDE... only empty space. RAN (V.O.) We were galaxies away when I woke... and my father was lost. I told Jon he was still alive, but my mother dismissed me as hysterical. Children are dreamers, with no sense of real. (after a moment) All I could think was... Agamemnon. My fathers story had come true. EXT. DESERT - AGAMEMNON - AFTERNOON - SCENE CONTD RAN There was actually a trilogy of plays written about him, you know. Agamemnon. In the second one, his son avenges his death. Soldiers grab Pyne and Jon. Selene leaps up. Guards grab her -- she drops almost to a split, sliding right out of their grasp -- she twirls on the ground, knocking them down with a dancers grace -Shes about to run for Pyne and Jon, but stops -- the guards have pressed their laser rifles to the captives heads. RAN Youve done nothing but dream of this place. I want to show you what your dreams are made of. Selene stares at him. That sounded pretty passionate.

RAN (realizes) Oh. No. Im not... Im not hitting on you. That would be awful. Especially because Im indirectly responsible for your dream boys death. CUT TO:

113. INT. SHUTTLE (ON THE GROUND) - DAY Jon and Pyne sit in silence. helm. PYNE Dad? JON His father was a good man. (after a moment) I didnt know... The shuttle starts to rise. PYNE Why dont they just shoot us? JON Ran likes myths. He likes grandeur and poetry. This planets come to define our lives, Pyne. (after a moment) Hes going to shoot us into space and let us die surrounded by it. CUT TO: EXT. DESERT - AGAMEMNON - DAY The shuttle rises into the sky. A MILITARY TRANSPORT soars past us, gliding over the dunes. INT. MILITARY TRANSPORT - DAY Selene stands by Ran, surrounded by guards. SELENE What about the rest of the crew? RAN The rest of what -(realizes) Your crew? Soldiers board, taking the

114. Ran shrugs. He calls to the driver --

RAN You need to stay fifty feet above the dunes. There are sand whales. One of the guards turns to another and mouths: Sand whales?! CUT TO: EXT. IN SPACE The shuttle glides away from Agamemnon. INT. SHUTTLE - IN SPACE Riding in silence. Something catches Jons eye.

He grins, grabbing Pynes attention. JON How would you like to go on an adventure? Pyne chuckles. talking about? Theyre about to die. What the hell is he

PYNE Another one, huh? JON Its all one big one, Pyne. He gestures with his eyes. JON Sometimes it just takes a little reminder. Pyne follows his eyes... to FIVE SPACESUITS hanging by the AIRLOCK. Pyne catches on.

115. PYNE Its going to have to be a quick one. CUT TO: INT. MILITARY TRANSPORT - DAY The transport hits a pocket of TURBULENCE. The ship jolts. Mid-jolt, Selene slides a soldiers LASER PISTOL out of its holster. She slides it into the brim of her pants, hiding it with her shirt. EXT. THE MILITARY TRANSPORT glides toward a CAVE OPENING on a MOUNTAIN OF ROCK amidst the dunes. CUT TO: INT. SHUTTLE - IN SPACE - SCENE CONTD A DOOR SUDDENLY SLIDES DOWN BETWEEN THEM AND THE PILOTS, SEALING THEM OFF. Jon and Pyne lock eyes. They hold their breath. THE AIRLOCK SLIDES OPEN, SUCKING THEM INTO SPACE -- PYNE LUNGES FOR HIS SPACESUIT -- AND MISSES! EXT. IN SPACE - CONTINUOUS Pyne is immediately chilled to the bone... the shuttle glides away, toward Zeus, sitting in space... Jon appears beside Pyne -- with TWO SPACESUITS. Pyne cant help smiling, even as he holds his breath: Dad saves the day again. Shivering, they rush to put on the spacesuits. Theyre turning blue from the temperature and holding their breath. Finally their helmets are on. Pyne flips open a CONTROL PANEL on the front of the suit and hits a button.

116. Air FLOODS into the helmet. Pyne gasps. They communicate through a comlink channel in their helmets. PYNE Dad... JON Yeah... PYNE What now? Jon looks at Zeus. JON Thats an old warship, just like Argos. You good with keypad inputs? PYNE I was the most prolific worker on Hishii. JON The only prolific worker on Hishii? PYNE That was never proven. have to -Whats that

JON These old warships have external fail-safe overrides. They were overtaken by pirates when they were first sent out... so the military instituted external keypads... so if the ships were stolen, they could launch someone out there -PYNE -- and deactivate them... Jon grins. He searches his suit for a control. JON I hope these are the X-OneHundreds...

117. A PACK on the back of his suit IGNITES -- its a JETPACK! JON They are! He ROCKETS toward Zeus. Pyne laughs. his jetpack. He finds the control on his own suit, igniting

Then he rockets after his father. CUT TO: INT. CAVE - AGAMEMNON - AFTERNOON Soldiers institute SUPPORT BEAMS, solidifying the cave. descends down, into the earth. It

Ran descends with Selene. They move out of the way, allowing HARVESTING VEHICLES to pass. Military personnel move up and down the cave like busy bees. CUT TO: EXT. ZEUS HULL - IN SPACE Jon and Pyne hit the hull. revealing a KEYPAD SYSTEM. Jon opens a DOOR on the hull,

JON There should be six more of these along the hull. PYNE What if theyve changed their algorithms? Jon hesitates, more than a little nervous. of that. JON Lets assume they havent. Pyne hits his jetpack, rocketing further along the hull. He hadnt thought

118. Jon looks at his KEYPAD, starting to sweat. He goes to wipe his sweat, and his arm hits his helmet. Thats not going to happen. CUT TO: INT. CAVE - AGAMEMNON - SCENE CONTD Ran leads Selene deeper into the cave. The cave is beginning to widen. DEEP BLUE LIGHT emanates from somewhere further down. Ran stops two SOLDIERS with HARVESTING TOOLS. RAN Be careful down there! We dont know the consequences of direct exposure to that energy! They continue. SELENE You dont even know whats down here... RAN I know whats down here. SELENE But you dont know what it is. Ran stops. of her. He looks at her as if the answers right in front RAN Life itself! CUT TO: EXT. ZEUS HULL - IN SPACE - SCENE CONTD Pyne works on a keypad, inputting algorithms. PYNE Dad... what are we going to do after this?

119. JON has moved on to another keypad. JON Theres never anything but this, Pyne. If anything comes after, its a direct result of this, so focus on this. PYNE (Enough!!) Dad, I am twenty-five!! INT. ZEUS - COMMAND CENTER Farica hunches over one of the monitoring stations, listening to all this... because, of course, theyre broadcasting over one of Zeuss channels. She looks at Cullen. FARICA Theyre using the fail-safe... CULLEN Who? FARICA Jon and Pyne. CULLEN I thought they blasted them into space. FARICA They did. CULLEN Ill take care of them... He stops by the door. CULLEN ...But Im gonna salute them first.

120. EXT. ZEUS HULL - IN SPACE - SCENE CONTD Jon glances up. FIVE ARMED SOLDIERS IN SPACESUITS glide toward them. JON Pyne! PYNE looks up. Two almost on him! His keypad reads:

He inputs the last piece of the algorithm. 4/7 SHUTDOWN.

He hits his jetpack -- SHOOTS UP over the soldiers, toward the other side of the hull. IN ONE OF THE SPACESUITS Cullen SALUTES him. CUT TO: INT. CAVE - AGAMEMNON - SCENE CONTD A SOLDIER runs up to Ran from deeper in the cave. SOLDIER Sir... we found... someone. Something unexpected coats Rans face: PURE HOPE. Selene -- he runs down with the soldier. Selene hesitates. CUT TO: EXT. ZEUS HULL - IN SPACE - SCENE CONTD Pyne laughs as he inputs the final pieces of another algorithm. The keypad reads: 6/7 SHUTDOWN. A LASERBLAST strikes the hull in front of him. laughing -- like a kid outsmarting a bully. He cant stop He forgets

121. He hits his jetpack and SOARS along the hull, evading further laserblasts. PYNE Last ones all you, Dad! JON is similarly excited, grinning to ear. FINAL KEYPAD. PYNE rounds the hull, rocketing toward his father. JON begins inputting the algorithm. left... Only a few characters He ROCKETS to the

JONS CHEST LIGHTS UP AS A LASERBLAST HITS. HE FALLS BACK, DRIFTING AWAY FROM THE HULL. PYNE DAD!!! He ROCKETS toward him, ignoring the final keypad... CUT TO: INT. CAVE - AGAMEMNON - SCENE CONTD Ran stops by the cave wall. He seems to even stop breathing... staring at something against the wall. Selene hurries down. wall. But THROUGH RANS EYES ...the corpse is HIS FATHER, perfectly preserved, as though sleeping. CUT TO: She sees A CORPSE, slumped against the

122. EXT. IN SPACE Jon is picking up speed, no longer drifting through space but being PULLED toward Agamemnon. Pyne rockets after him. EXT. IN THE SKY - AGAMEMNON - AFTERNOON Jon and Pynes suits CATCH FIRE as they plummet through the atmosphere. Pyne pats out his flames. only dark smoke. His jetpack COUGHS -- then emits

He puts his arms and legs together and soars down. Pyne catches his father in the air. THROUGH PYNES EYES hes just caught his 27-year-old dad. THROUGH JONS EYES his 5-year-old son is holding him as they plummet through the air. CUT TO: INT. CAVE - AGAMEMNON - SCENE CONTD Ran drops to his knees in front of his father. say a word. He WEEPS. Selene glances up at the ceiling. Back at Ran. He doesnt seem to be aware theres anyone else in the world. She jogs back, pulls out the LASER PISTOL, and FIRES at the ceiling. THE CEILING COLLAPSES, AN AVALANCHE OF ROCK -- SEALING OFF THE DEPTHS OF THE CAVE -- Selene runs for the exit. Soldiers appear. She aims her pistol, a threat. their guns to shoot -They raise He doesnt Jon opens his eyes...

123. She BLASTS THEM FIRST... then keeps running. CUT TO: EXT. JUNGLE - AGAMEMNON - AFTERNOON A FIERY BLUR CRASHES through the forestation. EXT. OASIS - AGAMEMNON - AFTERNOON Pyne and Jon CRASH through the trees, SPLASHING into the oasis, that POOL through which the RIVER FLOWS... They surface, Pyne holding Jon. (Note: through this and the following scenes, Jon and Pyne appear as their 27- and 5-year-old selves respectively.) Jon coughs. Blood splatters across the glass of his helmet. Pyne winces. JON Pyne -- the Digger... PYNE We cant... we cant jump out of here, Dad... the ship crashed... JON I know. (after a moment) Weve gotta transport here out of here. Pyne realizes what hes saying. PYNE I cant... I cant get back to the ship... my pack blew... Jon grins, even amidst his pain. JON Mine didnt. CUT TO:

124. EXT. OUTSIDE THE CAVE - AGAMEMNON - AFTERNOON Selene runs out of the cave. A soldier draws her own pistol. of her hand. Selene shoots it square out

She runs into the SHUTTLE which carried them to the cave. INT. SHUTTLE (ON THE GROUND) - AFTERNOON Selene rushes in. A guard is sitting with the pilot, shooting the shit. The guard sees Selene, and draws his gun -- but shes too fast, and she has the element of surprise. She flips her pistol in her hand and WHACKS HIM in the face with it. He slumps back, unconscious. She flips her pistol again and points it at the pilot. CUT TO: EXT. RIVER - AGAMEMNON - AFTERNOON The current pulls Jon and Pyne out of the pool, down the raging river. Both are now in tears. PYNE Dad... JON You have to... you have to make the same choice I did, Pyne... youve got to leave me behind... get to the ship -The river is running toward the WATERFALL... not far now... PYNE Dad, Im sorry... I should have -JON (cuts him off) Take my pack, Pyne...

125. PYNE Dad... Jon grabs Pynes hand and squeezes it. JON What we do... and how we feel... they arent... But he cant finish the sentence... overcome by PYNE ...who now looks like his 25-year-old self. THROUGH PYNES EYES Jon appears as he is as well. Pyne looks up, TOO LATE -- theyre at the FALLS EDGE -EXT. WATERFALL - AGAMEMNON - AFTERNOON The falls rush down -- a hell of a drop -- theres a FLICKER of FLAME at the top of the falls... ...and Jon and Pyne ROCKET INTO THE AIR, Pyne holding Jon, using Jons JETPACK for propulsion. CUT TO: EXT. OVER THE WATER - AFTERNOON Morpheus sits on the surface. over the water. INT. SHUTTLE - AFTERNOON The pilot looks back at Selene, waiting to get shot. SELENE If you shoot at me, Ill be mad. The shuttle stops, hovering And

126. EXT. OVER THE WATER - AFTERNOON The shuttle door opens. Selene DIVES into the water.

INT. MORPHEUS - CORRIDOR - AFTERNOON Selene hurries down the corridor. SPARKY (O.S.) Selene? Selene turns. Sparky has a bloody gash over his forehead. SELENE Sparky! She hugs him. SELENE I thought -SPARKY I passed out when we hit the water. They took me for dead. INT. MORPHEUS - ENGINE CHAMBER - AFTERNOON Selene and Sparky rush in. SELENE Loor! No response. They round the engine. SELENE Sparky!! Loor is slumped against the engine. Selene hurries to him, turning his head. A chunk of flesh has been removed from his skull, revealing CYBERNETICS. SELENE Is he... SPARKY Hes not exactly organic, but hes a lot like us. Selene sees him.

127. Sparky slaps Loors face. SPARKY Wake up! Loor comes to. He sits up.

SELENE We crashed on Agamemnon. Ran took Jon and Pyne into space. We need to get this thing back in the air. SPARKY (hopeless) Good luck... Selene looks at him... hope running out... CUT TO: EXT. OVER DESERT - AGAMEMNON - AFTERNOON Pyne hugs Jon close as they rocket across the desert. The sea and Morpheus ahead... CUT TO: INT. ZEUS - COMMAND CENTER An operator calls to Farica. OPERATOR General... its been fifteen minutes. No response from the surface. Farica realizes what this must mean. FARICA Oh dear. CUT TO:

128. INT. MORPHEUS - ENGINE CHAMBER Loor and Sparky frantically work on the engine. brings them tools, helping however she can. Selene

Pyne runs in, out of breath, still in his spacesuit, with the helmet removed. SELENE Pyne!! She runs to him. tears. Wraps her arms around him. She notices his

SELENE (softly) Wheres Jon? Pyne ignores the question. He looks at Loor and Sparky.

PYNE We need to start the Digger. SPARKY I dont think were going get this thing in the air -PYNE Were not. Thats why we need to start the Digger. SPARKY (realizes) On the surface? Pyne, we dont know -PYNE We know nothing goodll happen if we dont try. The worst thing that could happen is this planet wont be here for the taking, and we wont be here to be killed. LOOR Well... cause well already be dead... Sparky sees the look on Pynes face. Resolve.

129. SPARKY Ill go input coordinates.

Okay. He hurries out.

INT. MORPHEUS - CORRIDOR Sparky stops, noticing a figure on the ground. SPARKY Jon! He leans down. Theres no movement under Jons helmet... and a lot of blood. Sparky stands back up in somber silence. Then he continues down the corridor. INT. MORPHEUS - ENGINE CHAMBER - SCENE CONTD SELENE (gently) Wheres Jon, Pyne? Pyne breaks into tears. Selene holds him close.

SELENE (softly) I love you. Pyne buries his head in her shoulder. realizing the situation. THE DIGGER STARTS RUMBLING. Selene, holding each other. Loor stares, stunned,

Loor looks back at Pyne and

LOOR (over the noise) DID YOU GUYS HAVE SEX?

130. EXT. OUTSIDE THE SHIP A WORMHOLE FORMS in the sky... and SPREADS... GROWING... COVERING THE ENTIRE SKY... CUT TO: INT. ZEUS - COMMAND CENTER - SCENE CONTD The SCIENCE MONITOR calls to Farica. SCIENCE MONITOR General, significant change in the planets atmosphere... Ive... Ive never seen this... FARICA Explain. SCIENCE MONITOR Its... disappearing... (after a moment) Sir, these readings are... mostly similar to hole readings, sir... Farica looks at THE VIEW SCREEN All of Agamemnon turns BLINDING WHITE. The Zeus crew shields their eyes against the light. Theres a FLASH. THE VIEW SCREEN Theres nothing but empty space. Agamemnon is gone. The light fades. Farica looks at

FARICA Are we still tracking that rock mine? OPERATOR Were no longer getting a reading, sir. It mustve shorted out in the crash --

131. FARICA Jump to the nearest sector! OPERATOR Sir... our engines have been deactivated. Faricas mind races. FARICA (after a moment) They shouldve named it Atlantis. EXT. ZEUS sits still in space. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. A SEQUENCE OF IMAGES - AGAMEMNON - DAY -- The Agamemnon beach. -- The Agamemnon desert. -- Mountains of rock in the desert. -- The jungle. -- The oasis. PYNE (V.O.) That one. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. OASIS - DAY The river serenely flows to the pool and out the other side. Its quiet. Peaceful. Jon and Pyne stand by the pool. JON Theres no chance you can get the ship in the air.

132. PYNE Its not going anywhere. engines are shot.


JON There are worse places you could be. The environment will sustain you: theres food, water, shade... and youre surrounded by people you love. (after a moment) Hows Selene? PYNE Shes amazing. She sees it all as a big adventure. Jon smiles at Pyne. JON Thats what it is. Pyne tears up. PYNE Dad... He wraps his arms around his father. Jons surprised. He hugs back.

For a few moments, they just hug in silence. JON Feel any better? PYNE Deactivate. EVERYTHING FADES TO COLD STEEL. INT. MORPHEUS - HOLOROOM Pyne continues hugging Jon for just one more moment. Then... PYNE WALKS THROUGH HIM. Pyne smiles sadly.

133. PYNE Not really. (after a moment) Just enough. FROM A WIDER ANGLE Jon DISAPPEARS. Pyne stands alone.

PYNE Goodbye, Dad. He walks out. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. A STAR shoots across the sky. PYNE SITS UP with a start. EXT. AGAMEMNON JUNGLE - NIGHT He catches his breath. is covered in stubble. He looks a few years older. His face

SUDDENLY SELENE SITS UP beside him. PYNE Same dream? Selene nods. The Bots are asleep nearby. Duckbot opens its eyes. DUCKBOT (sighs) Im sleepy. It closes its eyes again.

They look at each other.

They sleep in sitting position.


134. EXT. AGAMEMNON JUNGLE - NIGHT (LATER) Pyne sits, lost in thought. water. He listens to the sound of the The WATERFALL is

Finally, he stands, and starts walking. visible ahead. SELENE Going to the falls again? Pyne stops.

Selene lies on her side, looking at him.

PYNE Sorry, Selene. I thought you were asleep. SELENE I dont know what to do either. Pyne smiles. the STARS... She knows every inch of him. He looks up at

...and an idea hits.

He goes back to Selene. She gets it. She smiles,

He crouches beside her, excited. excited now too.

SELENE Sparky and Loor did finish making that cruiser space-able... Pyne kisses her. Down her chest. SHES PREGNANT. Pyne kisses her pregnant belly -- then says, to her belly: PYNE How would you like to go on an adventure? BLACKOUT. THE END He kisses down her neck. And down... to her BULGING STOMACH.

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