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(Relational - Leadership Training)


A. Biblical Basis

Exodus 18:15-23 Moses couldnt meet all by himself the needs of the multitudes; he was worn out. The people would soon get tired of coming to him every time a problem or disputes arises. Through the Godly advise of Jethro: * Moses trained them the decrees and laws, showed them the way to live and the duties they are to perform. * He created groups of tens, fifties, hundreds and even thousands. To each he selected: 1. capable men from all the people 2. God-fearing men with a righteous living 3. trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain 4. appointed men as officials and serve as judges for the people * Moses did this, for it is Gods will, then he was able to stand the strain, and all those people went home satisfied. * It was done as an extension of a Pastoral Care and for properly ministering the needs of the people. ILLUSTRATIONS: (Extension for PASTORAL CARE) Psalm23:1-3 / Acts 6:3-7 Leaders need to understand the function of Pastoral Care ( Shepherding ) Explanation - A Illustrations: The outlet The source The power The extension Explanation B Extension Pastoral Care
1. 2. 3. 4. taking the ministry to the people taking his staff where the people way of looking after the people way of being there to touch them

Explanation - C Shepherding: Psalm 23:1 1.He tends the flock 2.He gathers the lambs 3.He watch over them 4.He gently leads them


B. Significance of a Caring Group

Show Illustrations: How a Trusting Relationship can be broken. We are living in a world that is characterized by individualism and isolation. The secular world and the forces of evil are bombarding us daily with lots of circumstances, that draw us farther from God and from each other. Generation Y (Young People) of the modern generation are full of WHYs; trying to discover everything as much as they could, seeking for good relationships which is the key word of the new millennium. Watch AVP: The devils schemes and deceptions to every Christians REALITIES: (Causes of Broken Relationships) Refer: 2 Timothy 3:1-7 1. Worldly nature and the evil schemes are attacking us daily with temptations (carnal nature), that draw us farther from God. 2. War against sinfulness, vices and immoralities which commonly resulted to broken relationships and ungodliness. 3. Worst corruptions and the poverty level affecting the smallest unit of the society (broken homes / families ), effecting to the community and eventually to our country. BIBLICAL REASONS: WHY OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD WAS BROKEN. SHOW THE SURVEYS: CAUSE AND EFFECT OF BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS CHRISTIANITY IS RELATIONSHIP: ( Horizontal and Vertical Relationships ) The SIGNIFICANCE is that, when we start caring for people they will be involved and then begin to care for each other, they become part of what is happening. When the Care Group really demonstrates a caring attitude, people feel they have a safe place to share their hurts, and find emotional, psychological and spiritual wholeness. Notes: _____________________________________________________________


C. The Importance of Fellowships

It will S.H.A.P.E. UP our spiritual growth. (1 John 1:2-7) 1. It strengthens our fellowship with fellow believers. 2. It helps us to grow in the knowledge of God in Christ Jesus. 3. It avoids us from sinning, growing cold or back sliding. 4. It provides us to live by the truth, a righteous and holy life. 5. It encourages us to minister the needs of fellow-believers.

D. Benefit of a Caring Group

1. Develops a meaningful life-changing relationships. 2. Enjoys a Christian fellowships with its full biblical richness. 3. Provides a sense of belongingness that helps strengthens faith. 4. Develops a genuine commitment of serving others. 5. Makes the ministry vision relevant and encouraging to the group. Notes: _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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