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Anatomy of the heart Heart

Functions as a double pump

Pericardial layers slide smoothly across each other


of the Pericardium Pericarditis

Pulmonary Circulation


Septum / interventricular / interatrial septum

Circulation from the right side of the heart to the lungs & back to the left side of the heart. Divides the heart longitudinally. From the left side through the body tissues & back to the right side of the heart. Supplies oxygen-& nutrient-rich blood to all body parts Size of a persons fist Cone shaped Weighs less than a pound. Located w/in the bony thorax & flanked on each side of the lungs

Decrease in the amount of serous fluid Pericardial layers bind & stick Forming painful adhesions; interfere heart movements.

Systemic circulation

Compose of 3

Size, shape & weight

Visceral pericardium/epicardium



Thin, tightly hug the external surface of the heart Thick bundles of cardiac muscle twisted & whorled into ringlike arrangements. Contracts Reinforced by dense, fibrous connective tissue network called skeleton of the heart



toward the left hip & rest to the diaphragm in the level of the 5th intercostal space. where the great vessels emerge, points toward the left shoulder lies beneath the 2nd rib




membrane double sac of serous

Thin, glistering sheet of endothelium-lines the heart chamber 4 hollow chambers

Visceral pericardium/epicardium
Thin, tightly hug the external surface of the heart Actually part of the heart wall.

or cavities

2 atria & 2 ventricles

line w/ endocardium

Parietal pericardium

helps blood flow smoothly through the heart

At the base of the heart Reinforced on its superficial face by

Superior Atria dense

Receiving chambers Important in pumping activity of the heart Blood flows under low pressure from veins to ventricles

connective tissue

Protects & anchors it to surrounding structures Slippery lubricating fluid (serous fluid)

Produced by the serous pericardial membranes Allows heart to beat easily

Inferior Ventricles
thick walled

discharging chambers actual pumps of the hearts contract-blood propelled out of the heart right ventricle pump out blood to the left pulmonary veins to the lungs left ventricle , systemic pump that pumps blood over a much longer pathway, walls are thicker & powerful than the right ventricle

Associated Great Vessels Superior & inferior vena cavae

Pulmonary trunk

Receives oxygen-poor blood from the veins, & pumps it out through Splits into the right & left

Pulmonary arteries Pulmonary veins Aorta

Carry blood to the lungs, where oxygen is picked up Oxygen-rich blood drains from the lungs & returns here (left side of the heart) Blood return to the left side pump out of the heart in to here

From aorta, it branch to supply essentially all body tissue

Systemic arteries Systemic veins

Oxygen-poor blood circulate from tissues to the right atrium

w/c allow blood to flow 1 direction through the heart chambers atria - the ventricles out to the great arteries leaving the heart

4 valves


atrioventricular (AV

between atrial & ventricular chambers prevent backflow into the atria when ventricles contract Bicuspid/mitral valve (left)

Consists of two cups, or flaps, of endocardium Tricuspid valve (right) Has three cups.

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