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Project Hover

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Recap: "The Enemy Within"

Now that the dust has cleared and the blood has dried, I wanted to say that I thought that episode 4 of "The Walking Dead" was one of the best ever. Earlier this week, during a car ride home with my office mate Jenny who hadn't seen the episode yet, I was limiting to giving her vague descriptions and teases. The only way that I could sum it up was by saying that it was as suspenseful and shocking as any of the mid-season finales, and perhaps worthy of a season ender. Can you imagine seeing that episode and then having to wait four months to see what happens next? That would be horrible. Over the course of the episode we learn that the "Enemy Within" is the skinny prisoner who gave Rick the slip towards the end of the second episode. The audience was lead to believe that he had been eaten by zombies, but apparently he didn't. The episode begins by showing a mysterious stranger leaving a trail of dead animals, blood, and organs where the zombies could follow it. They also cut through the chains around the gates and leave them open so the zombies could wonder in. After the break, the more able zombie survivors are surveying the outside of the prison and moving the vehicles around so that they can be positioned strategically. The last two remaining prisoners, who had been allowed to stay but were limited to their own cell block inside the prison, try to convince Rick and the others to let them stay on their side of the prison. Rick finally decides against it. As they are finishing with the moving of the vehicles, Hershel wanders outside for a stroll. This is one of his first since the zombie attack, and he is reliant on crutches. Just as it seems like its going to finally be a good day for the gang, zombies begin to appear from within the prison grounds. Carl cries out in warning and begins to shoot down the zombies. Rick and the others are outside the layers of gates, but try their hardest to reach the others in time to help them out. Some are able to evade the zombies and slip inside for safety, while others aren't quite so lucky. T-Dog is bitten by a zombie but retreats into the prison with Carole. Lori, Carl and Maggie make it into the prison, but they find that they are cut off from their wing of the prison by groups of zombies. As they search for an escape from the zombies, Lori stops mid-stride clutching her abdomen, and announces that the baby is coming. Carl leads them into a furnace room where they can hide from the zombies. Bleeding and fearing the worse, T-Dog sacrifices himself to delay another group of zombies so that Carol can escape. Rick, Daryl, and Glenn make it into the inner prison yard and begin taking down zombies. Beth and Hershel tell them that they saw T-Dog, Carol, Carl, Lori, and Maggie all make it into the prison. Just as things couldn't get any worse, the prison sirens begin going off. The group on the outside do everything they can to silence the sirens, even shooting them, but they discover quickly that the only way to shut them off is to turn off the generator. They ask the two former prison inmates to help them.

Project Hover
Inside the furnace room, Lori explains that she is going into labor. They soon discover that there is a problem with the baby, and Lori begs Maggie to perform a c-section. After some delay, Maggie goes forward with it, and delivers the baby, but Lori doesn't survive. Someone needs to make sure Lori doesn't turn, and Carl insists that he should be the one to do it. Daryl and Rick make it to the generator, but they are ambushed by the prisoner that ran off on Rick a couple of episodes ago. In the struggle, he is shot, and they are able to turn off the generator. The group is shocked after they learn they learn that Lori has given birth to her baby but didn't survive the procedure. Some other stuff happened in Woodbury, but with everything going on at the prison..I'm pretty sure that I forgot most of it! Merle wants to go back to the farm, I think, but the only way the Governor would agree to it is if he went too. Andrea and Michone were also in disagreement over whether they should stay in Woodbury or take their chances out on their own.

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