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Vinod Rai and the hero Perseus

Vinod Rai (born May 23, 1948) is the present Comptroller and Auditor General of India. He is widely credited for the report on issue of Licences and Allocation of 2G Spectrum which resulted in a huge controversy in India. All controversy and speculations of profit, loss and no-loss were put to rest on 2 February 2012 when the Supreme Court of India on a public interest litigation (PIL) declared allotment of spectrum as "unconstitutional and arbitrary" and quashed all the 122 licenses issued in 2008 during tenure of A. Raja (then minister for communications & IT) the main accused. The court further said that A. Raja "wanted to favour some companies at the cost of the public exchequer" and "virtually gifted away important national asset". Vinod Rai has his Sun at 02Ge01 square Mars [01Vi50, +1213']. The Sun is conjunct the star Mirfak, alpha Perseus 01Ge21.While Mars is conjunct Megrez [00Vi20] and in sharp parallel to the star Regulus [+1213'] of Leo. Details about these stars from Nick Fiorenza are given below. In brief these stars are about integrity and about not giving in to powers that would like to suppress or manipulate people. Mirfak, alpha Perseus, is about the Greek hero who frees Andromeda, the chained princess here it would be an obvious reference to the people in chains, suffering from the rampant corruption in the Government. This example, amongst others presented on this website, should serve to highlight the importance of Fixed Stars in horoscope analysis. Technically minded readers may like an additional piece of information. Two solar eclipses in the last one year have occurred at 2Sg37 [25 Nov 2011] and 0Ge21 [21 May 2012] activating Vinod Rais Sun [2Ge01] and the UPA Govt. radix Sun [29ta36]. Eclipses stir things up and ask us to address issues connected with the planets and stars they activate. Reference:
Megrez The Stars of the Great Bear are associated with the global scene and world powers and of where we place our allegiance. The over-seeing stars of Ursa Major west of Regulus (Early Leo and Cancer) are those of the integrous side of the Bear--that which is oriented toward a Greater Vision: to be a caring and nurturing force for ourselves and for the peoples of the Earth, and they also imply this responsibility. Those to the east, which lie over the later hind of the Lion toward Benatnasch, the tail of the Bear, at the Leo-Virgo cusp, are of those focused in controlling and perpetuating the suppression of people through manipulation--indeed the Bear is torn. Megrez and Phecda mark this transition point. Megrez invites us to look at things from a different or askew perspective so we may see what is otherwise obscured from our current position and perspective. Megrez invites us to gain a more embracing perspective as to where we ally our energies, with whom we have allegiance and participate with; and to reconsider our allegiances, our paths and approaches in life. Regulus Regulus, Alpha Leo, is "Chief or King of the Four Royal Stars," governing Fomalhaut, Aldebaran, and Antares. Throughout antiquity, Regulus was associated with royalty and kings. Its name is given as "the Regulus" or "the Rex," meaning "Law Giver." On the personal level, Regulus is of integrity to, and completeness with self aligned with source / soul directives--thus ensuring we do not wander away from our Truth upheld by and found only in the Heart. Regulus demands a vertical attunement in Source SoulspiritualmentalemotionalphysicalEarth allegiance. This vertical attunement, or personal integrity must precede any horizontal, humanitarian participation in the world--embodied by Leo's opposite, Aquarian pole). Without this inner integrity, its opposite pole, "the Water Bearer," is self sacrificing, entrapped in a sympathetic resonance, giving self away at the cost of one's heart truth.

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