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My warmest namaskaar* to you. After Obamas reelection, I wrote a political op-ed piece. It was just a reflection on all that was seen and heard throughout the election season. I have followed the American political process very closely since long, (I have been following it since the days of the campaign for Republican Nomination. Fun Times.) It was just a reflection on what I saw happening. I saw everything right from Herman Cains and Gingrichs affairs, and Santorums surge to Obamas You didnt build that., and the debates. I saw Sandra Fluke and the Voter-Id laws. I heard the buzz that was setting the National tone for a better part of the year. It was a fascinating juxtaposition of the thought processes of the American Electorate and the Indian one. I felt that it was worth deliberating and commenting upon. I shared the article on Facebook, with a few of my American friends and with my roommate. All of the people who read it, (including me) felt that I should share it with more people. I think it was because what they felt was the message of the article was, should at least be put out there. I think it is because in this open, democratic society, the political procedure obtains strength through discussion and debate. If not debate, I think there should at least be a conversation. From my observation of how societies have worked, I feel any member of a society, be they born in that society and grown up as a denizen, or new members who have joined them later in hopes of becoming permanent members of that society, should have a voice. That is why, I believe that any/every International student should have a voice in the Universitys forum. I know that we are just guests, not Citizens. I know we do not enjoy all the same rights that you all enjoy, as American Citizens, and I respect that. But I just want a voice; A possibility of being heard. The role of International students has been instrumental in this institutions and Countrys history, not just in terms of being law-abiding citizens of this society, but also harbingers of prosperity in terms of their service to Leading American Technical companies/institutions. The International students already form a dominant part of not only just Northeasterns Intellectual Throughput, but also of its Cultural Zeitgeist. When I mailed that article to the Students newspaper The Huntington News, which claims to be The independent student newspaper of the Northeastern University, it responded by saying that it only accepts undergraduate students as news correspondents and staff. I dont care about names or titles. What I want to know is that will this newspaper, which claims to be the newspaper of the students, by the students, which appears to have such awesome democratic structure will pay serious attention to my submissions. Whether I need to think twice before submitting my content, thinking about its apparent popularity or the lack of it which is determined based upon catering to the tastes of a certain demographic. I am NOT insinuating that this is how the Huntington News works. I just have never read an article written in it by an International Graduate student from the College of Engineering, or CCIS for that matter. This might be because

of a lack of submission. When I asked my fellow Indian Students on Facebook if they felt that their voice is being heard at the University, Their responses were along following lines Dude you are a minority here. The Indian students make up less than 0.9% of student population at NEU. Dont try and do anything else besides what you are here for. This is not India.. Observe the sentiment of haplessness demonstrated here. The student expressing this sentiment was 100% sure that his/her concerns will NOT receive due credit here. That I should know that all those perks of freedom of having my issues addressed publicly were available only there. Not here. This is NOT India, he asserts. Now I know that this is not India. I was reminded of this when I had to take a 30-hr long trip back to India to get basic, affordable healthcare. This is not a criticism. I wish to share this story. I want my fellow students, not just at NEU, but back in India to know what issues they need to watch out for, especially upcoming International students like me who are not very affluent. I remember feeling exactly like him once. That this place is NOT my home and that it is the way it is. The way that I and some of the International students have lived here for some months after we arrived here is something I would never wish upon anyone else. If anyone wants to come here, live here, let them know what the ground reality is before they appear for the VISA interview. Let them make an informed decision. And not just that, let them understand how things work around here; from their perspective if possible. Please note that I do not wish to focus on pointing out shortcomings of this place and culture. That is by far the opposite is what I wish to do. I want to expound upon what I have obtained here. What it is, living in the much-touted freest society in the world. What it is living 8500 miles away from home just as your beloved festivals start at home, in the country where you come from. To express my gratitude to the aspects of this educational system and culture that encouraged me to speak and think freely. I want to talk about the delicious taste of American fast food and the guilt that it brings in your mind knowing that you eat that while millions starve. The different cultural perceptions, political proclivities, and tastes of the American people. The difficulty that you have as a foreigner befriending them. The awesome people that they can turn out to be when you know them a bit closer. The stark loneliness that you can feel even when you live in a house with more than 4 people in them and how they come through for you when they know of it. And how you do it too, when its your turn. I want to know what the indigenous population thinks of us, stereotypes and all. That stuff is fun. I want to talk about life as I see it, and want to read of it as other students speak of it. I want an Education. Glossary (*Humble greeting)

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