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ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic 20:01:48 20:02:33 20:02:51 20:03:02 20:03:03

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?

ICTmagic dailydenouement tesPrimary nightzookeeper davidhunter Pauls_elearning Jivespin davidhunter nightzookeeper reallara eyebeams dandesignthink dailydenouement ICTmagic davidhunter MrG_ICT ThisIsLiamM piersyoung ben_solly






20:06:15 20:06:18 20:06:18


20:06:25 20:06:43 20:06:58 20:07:05 20:07:17

My first question is has anyone tried it or heard of anyone trying it and how did it go? #ukedchat Hoping #ukedchat will be made clear tonight as I don't know what the Google 20% project is? @ictmagic Heard of it. Do you mean for pupils and/or teachers? #ukedchat @dailydenouement http://t.co/ej4lV6fv #ukedchat #ukedchat funny, this played part of the pitch for a job recently. Think it's a wonderful idea [Weekly reminder] #ukedchat is about to start on Twitter. You can watch the conversation & join in here: http://t.co/lmRpxs8n #ukedchat This topic is new to me. But I feel that our school could not afford this under current economic constraints. #ukedchat in primary schools should allow subject specialists to teach their curriculum area across all KSs. Kids would be inspired @ICTmagic I have heard of teachers implementing 'creative mornings' where children spend 30mins on their own projects. #ukedchat @dailydenouement Google employees can spend 20% of their time on projects of their choice unrelated to their normal tasks I think #ukedchat @ICTmagic I did, years ago, it was called running after school clubs ;) #ukedchat #ukedchat I'm lucky enough to work like this it's great... Lots inspiring and collaborative projects come from it. How could/would/should this fit in with curriculum/exam needs? #ukedchat Some background: Essentially Google gives 20% of their employees time to their own pet projects using Google's resources. #ukedchat #ukedchat it's been responsible for Google earth and a bunch of other great tools. What could kids produce? Trying 20% time but our school curriculum very prescriptive and very difficult. #ukedchat @ICTmagic http://t.co/Ihqmhoh2 #ukedchat @dailydenouement #ukedchat http://t.co/AxXxnCQn example of the 20% approach here (from a Google guy) #ukedchat I allowed some support staff to do this last

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ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?


reallara ICTmagic Jivespin eyebeams ICTmagic piersyoung day_tom dandesignthink MrG_ICT ChrisLabrey davidhunter Jivespin ICTmagic caroljallen SwayGrantham













20:11:11 20:11:16

yr - was v successful, particularly with creative people. Not tried with teachers yet Like the idea of using the general concept to encourage/allow staff to try out ideas & topics not prescribed by school or govt #ukedchat @tesPrimary I was thinking more for the pupils, but I was going to explore the idea for teachers as well later. #ukedchat #ukedchat Google 20% sounds great although does that include being on Twitter as part of a CPD project? @ICTmagic How focused would it be? How would people implement it? How would they assess it? What would the outcomes be - if any? #ukedchat @eyebeams Should teachers be allowed (and are they somewhere) to run clubs in lesson time? #ukedchat #ukedchat The big thing for me is having your leadership lot endorse it. That level of trust seems to be necessary or it's just skunkworks. Are we looking at this as teachers given 20% of to do own work, or kids given 20% of a lesson each week to do own related work? #ukedchat #ukedchat I have created some random things like this, qr code driven careers advice wall for art department http://t.co/aQ98XAE1 Ken Robinson's book "the Element" discusses value of working on a project that you have passion for. Worth a read #ukedchat #ukedchat hello there. Tomorrow is final day of the Olympic server sell off. We have 40 left. Pls let everyone know. 272 each. Norm 3k #ukedchat I think it's old school 'project'work using modern methods and outcomes to measure.chn decide focus (eg Lego or football) #ukedchat Would Google 20% have to have a measurable outcome like Performance Management? @day_tom The way Google do it is that it is the same amount (or time at least) work, but different, self directly work. #ukedchat @ictmagic Why not? The timetable can restrict learning #ukedchat I gave chn 45mins proj time and 15mins per station time at the end of term last year. Fantastic to see

2 of 14

ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?

20:11:34 20:11:39 20:12:39 20:12:47

MrG_ICT ICTmagic tmeeky ICTmagic nightzookeeper ICTmagic MrG_ICT SwayGrantham ICTmagic eyebeams tmeeky nightzookeeper sklobal day_tom Jivespin reallara tmeeky nightzookeeper

20:13:04 20:13:21 20:13:41 20:13:43 20:14:28








20:15:36 20:15:36

http://t.co/xMQZe0x3 #ukedchat Google time where children choose their topic/activity for 20% of learning time. #ukedchat @eyebeams All great questions. Let's explore some of them... #ukedchat Maybe time needs an enterprise focus and outcome would be based around profit made #ukedchat How focused do you think the teachers/pupils should be on specific subjects/topics/objectives? #ukedchat May be worth giving students a set of skills they must use on their projects to focus the learning #ukedchat @ICTMagic @Jivespin What age group was that? #ukedchat @jivespin Google have very few restrictions. Faith in staff (children) to use time effectively. #ukedchat @ICTmagic objectives can limit learning if teachers restrain themselves to them #ukedchat @nightzookeeper Teaching towards a self-directed task? #DevilsAdvocate :) #ukedchat @nightzookeeper @ICTmagic Google is a hothouse environment where people call on collaborative expertise to do this - schools? #ukedchat last time I looked Google didn't have ability for teacher to create pupil logins/accounts etc... is there now? #ukedchat @SwayGrantham interesting to read about how the children responded to this level of freedom #ukedchat #creativekids Qatar placed 6th at World Robot Olympiad #SklobalThursdayThanks #edchat #isedchat #ukedchat http://t.co/G8aaEbJj http://t.co/B5RhAXRM @ICTmagic some focus would be useful - a subject at least and maybe a starting point for investigation / development #ukedchat @ICTmagic Secondary. All students involved too #ukedchat @nightzookeeper I was thinking about students initially too but thought it could be a great way to encourage risk taking #ukedchat @eyebeams Shame that description wasn't about a school! #ukedchat @SwayGrantham sure those kids that 'didn't know

3 of 14

ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?


sklobal Teen_Whisperer ICTmagic DrHuxTM aangeli e11iewe11s piersyoung ICTmagic davidhunter Jivespin nightzookeeper Sarah__wright1 ICTmagic SwayGrantham lauracallaspam eyebeams








20:16:35 20:16:54 20:17:06



20:17:45 20:17:47 20:18:07

what to do' would get much better with more practice #ukedchat Qatar placed 6th at World Robot Olympiad #SklobalThursdayThanks #edchat #isedchat #ukedchat http://t.co/G8aaEbJj 'Nobody behaves badly from a place of wholeness, of happiness.' New post http://t.co/eSfjyRmH PlsRT #therapy #ukedchat #youthjustice @eyebeams Does that mean it is not possible, less productive or different to implement in schools? @nightzookeeper #ukedchat @Jivespin My understanding is Google do not. My understanding of our sector is that we certainly would #ukedchat @ICTmagic It needs to be embedded into the weekly sch curr for it to work. It's about consistent collaborative creative thinking #ukedchat I don't actually know what the project is... Could anyone summarise for me please? #ukedchat #ukedchat @SwayGrantham agreed! Perhaps you could use flipped classroom tricks to show e.g. how to ask good questions ... ? If you were to have Googles 20% time in schools, how should the 20%, essentially a whole school day, be distributed? #ukedchat @ICTmagic very focused.can still deliver the curriculum, just on THEIR terms #ukedchat @DrHuxTM My thinking exactly #ukedchat @ICTmagic hmmm, possibly but I think that sometimes children can be really creative when they have a small amount of structure #ukedchat #ukedchat love the concept, think it would need to be scaffolded initially, but what better way to develop independent learning?! @davidhunter Could that still be called 'self-directed' time? Give a problem to solve using their own means? #ukedchat @piersyoung does anyone know a good blogpost on flipped classroom techniques - been meaning to explore more #ukedchat @dandesignthink this is excellent! Inspired! #ukedchat @ICTmagic @nightzookeeper Would require people's

4 of 14

ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?


nightzookeeper SwayGrantham ICTmagic eyebeams aangeli piersyoung SwayGrantham ICTmagic gr8ict tmeeky dandesignthink ICTmagic piersyoung Teachric ICTmagic













20:21:16 20:21:59

level of expertise to implement otherwise it's going to be shallow possibly #ukedchat @ICTmagic I would definitely be tempted to split this up over the five days. Especially when the children are new to the approach #ukedchat @e11iewe11s it could be anything, when I did I told chn to create 'anything' but they would have to present at end... #ukedchat @nightzookeeper What can be put in place to change the 'some' into 'all' being creative? #ukedchat @ICTmagic @nightzookeeper And by that I mean students could have the level of expertise rather than the teachers in some cases #ukedchat @DrHuxTM @Jivespin more than half of googles revenues come from projects started during the 20% time #ukedchat prob cos its not 'tested' @SwayGrantham #ukedchat Edutopia's where I started for flipped stuff - http://t.co/rnFZn28F + http://t.co/4fiArCzx quite good @ICTmagic @nightzookeeper letting those that aren't too creative (me) be led by those that are (twitter people) #ukedchat @nightzookeeper True. How can that expertise be developed, and what school age would be able to do this? #ukedchat RT @shelibb: Join in with a mini #DLchat from 9-9.30 tonight after #ukedchat and share your digital leader news plz RT I really do think this wld be an opp to do something enterprise based. Rich thinking, real life skills, problem finding + solving #ukedchat #ukedchat at the ideas factory I work with students to create anything they want from maths games, 3d models, websites and flash games (y7) @SwayGrantham Does that mean it is a question of (student) leadership? @nightzookeeper #ukedchat #ukedchat If it's committed to, couldn't a school have the day timetabled and children work across year groups? Anyone got bang up to date ICT skills outlines linked to attainment they want to give me :-) #ukedchat @tickytecky Can that be carried across the curriculum

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ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?

20:23:01 20:23:05

ICTmagic tickytecky nightzookeeper headguruteacher eyebeams SwayGrantham e11iewe11s ICTmagic SwayGrantham day_tom ICTmagic dandesignthink ICTmagic tickytecky DrHuxTM SwayGrantham








20:24:44 20:25:07 20:25:41



20:26:03 20:26:31

and be sustained all year, or just an add on? #ukedchat @DrHuxsClasses How is it structured? What is the level of 'freedom' given to students? #ukedchat @davidhunter The possibilities are endless. Games, easier ways of doing things. #ukedchat @ICTmagic I think there is no need to put an age restriction on something like this, obviously skills used could differ vastly #ukedchat Post about Project 9: IT skills students teach each other if given the structure. More of this? http://t.co/hjEBLnDx #ukedchat @tickytecky @ICTmagic Possible then to put together a framework for ideas - white room approach - have people heard of this? #ukedchat @ICTmagic I think so, not 'groups of 3' but 'work alone or with a group as long as everyone is doing something' #ukedchat @eyebeams @swaygrantham I see. Thank you both. Interesting stuff... #ukedchat @hayleyjess Doesn't that restrict the already focused children? What about a differentiated approach? #ukedchat @piersyoung we do cross-year group mornings but timetable restrictions limit most from regular slots #ukedchat @piersyoung Doesn't that take away from the 20% thingCould students do it at diff times? When teaching Low ability / High ability #ukedchat @eyebeams No. I will Google it later. :) #ukedchat @tmeeky agreed the idea factory students learn about marketing advertising when developing a new product #ukedchat @SwayGrantham Isn't collaboration desirable in project/self-directed work? #ukedchat @ICTmagic Would depend on approach. Start as an add on to give kids freedom but as they gain direction it could be integrated #ukedchat When I visited RSA Academy 18mnths ago, 1 aftn/week was off timetable & involved a wide range of activities for students. #ukedchat @ICTmagic @hayleyjess presentations helps

6 of 14

ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?

20:26:34 20:26:40 20:26:42

nightzookeeper tickytecky piersyoung fullonlearning Jivespin ICTmagic Ideas_Factory eyebeams nightzookeeper anhalf jackdisco dandesignthink tmeeky SwayGrantham DrHuxTM dandesignthink ICTmagic




20:28:14 20:28:44 20:28:55 20:29:37 20:29:38





20:30:51 20:30:55

disruptive chn I found,those that did minimal were embarrassed to show,effort was valued #ukedchat @ICTmagic @SwayGrantham I think so. Group projects are a great way to challenge the children to become leaders and inspire others #ukedchat @eyebeams @ictmagic Nope but interested #ukedchat @SwayGrantham #ukedchat OK. Would that happen even if the whole school committed to e.g. every Friday project days? #ukedchat gradually introduce 20% time with other google approach of 4Ts: TIME or TEAM or TECHNIQUE or TASK give students 1or2 to begin #ukedchat Google 20% sounds great as a conduit for student leadership and independent learning. Self-directed working requires self-discipline and organisational skills. How can these be developed? #ukedchat #ukedchat @ICTmagic Got a link explaining what Google 20% means(sorry for not knowing)? @tickytecky @ICTmagic Bare bones elicitation - needs skillful orchestration #ukedchat How do children that rely on a firm structure at school respond to 20% time? #ukedchat @ICTMagic #ukedchat sounds intriguing, but got to eat :/ Great online database favourites: #oldbaileyonline #slavevoyages #scottishwitchcraft - any other recommendations? #ukedchat #history #ukedchat it's great free time to collaborate, I worked with a history dept on these bespoke qr code leadhistory books http://t.co/OyNcvuHv Project focus: identify a real problem <classroom/leaky bin liners/ etc> Research/design/propose a solution #ukedchat @piersyoung what about the sub knol that would usually be taught on Fridays?Learning still taking place not covering curric #ukedchat @ICTmagic Seemed to work v. well.Staff had developed projects that interested them and the students, with a good range of choice. #ukedchat #ukedchat I also get to create fun things no one asked for : ) http://t.co/SkrDa7y2 How do you separate 'self-directed' time from 'play

7 of 14

ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?


tmeeky nightzookeeper SwayGrantham tmeeky nightzookeeper piersyoung ICTmagic eyebeams ICTmagic nightzookeeper davidhunter Kezmerrelda davidhunter nightzookeeper mrlockyer tmeeky ICTmagic







20:32:37 20:33:03 20:33:04


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20:35:08 20:35:48

time'? Should we? #ukedchat Curriculum/school experience (for kids) needs this 20% breathing space #ukedchat @ICTmagic I think that by giving children small targets in this area can really help! e.g: recording progress in a project journal #ukedchat @ICTmagic potentially but they can learn without and if it suits them why always force them to do group work #ukedchat @ICTmagic The best work/learning is perceived as playful isn't it #ukedchat @ICTmagic evernote or skitch would be a really great to record progress of project work and set targets for yourself #ukedchat @nightzookeeper #ukedchat project journal good idea. Could even make it public so all can see who's working on what? E.g. project board @nightzookeeper That's a good idea. Journal is the 'required' work and other goals can be less focused but have an outcome. #ukedchat Here is another approach that could be school based http://t.co/fcSUwVFl #ukedchat @tmeeky I've always thought so. :) #ukedchat @ICTmagic Taught at a French school recently. They had 2hrs for lunch, part of this was directed play. Interesting approach #ukedchat @ICTmagic true,but that's the model I feel would work in primary schools.to have true Google time all chn need 2 be self motivated #ukedchat @tmeeky @ictmagic reminds of that saying "play is the work of the child" #ukedchat @ICTmagic just like Google employees ;-) #ukedchat @piersyoung Nice, I guess if school had enough mobile tech this could be a project blog so that parents could comment #ukedchat @dandesignthink: #ukedchat I also get to create fun things no one asked for : ) http://t.co/8ErmTUzt <man=legend @Kezmerrelda Let's allow kids to engage in more playful learning. I wish my 2 kids came home feeling schl was more playful #ukedchat Is there a place for blue sky

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ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?


davidhunter mrlockyer tmeeky nightzookeeper davidhunter nightzookeeper eyebeams ICTmagic hayleyjess davidhunter lcgeography ICTmagic eyebeams ICTmagic ICTSuccess SwayGrantham

20:36:14 20:36:28


20:37:18 20:37:29 20:37:33










thinking/creating/innovating in schools? #ukedchat @tickytecky I'd like to think so.there would always be some who would need direction, just as in the workforce #ukedchat I was introduced to Barrier Activities last week, where one 1/2 of pair guides other in task - superb! #ukedchat @ICTmagic Kids should believe that the sky ISN'T the limit #ukedchat @ICTmagic yes you have nailed it. Students would get a sense of achievement regardless of the outcome of their 'project' & have... #ukedchat @SwayGrantham @ICTmagic and put off by their superior abilities.gotta manager that carefully #ukedchat @ICTmagic ...developed a new skill #ukedchat @ICTmagic Yes but you have to facilitate it in practical ways e.g. google cars? #Ukedchat people actually BUILD stuff - they need skills @tmeeky I think many children are told that exam results/NC levels are the limits. #ukedchat @nightzookeeper hmm,but I think that sometimes chn can be really creative when they have a small amount of structure #ukedchat agreed! @fullonlearning I'm interested.whose model is this? #ukedchat #ukedchat Piloting independent learning w/ A Level. In early stages, freedom needs direction - parameters within which they can be creative. @eyebeams So children need to develop the skills before the thinking/creating? When would that start? What can schools do? #ukedchat #UKedchat should 20 per cent time involve much deeper learning and slower / longer periods to do this I'm thinking of Minecraft et al @aangeli Hmmmm... not good. 'Is' and 'should' are very different things. #ukedchat @hayleyjess @ictmagic The inquiry method is student led but the key is to scaffold their learning! How to do that is key! #ukedchat @ICTmagic @eyebeams from when they first enter school they have skills! They can draw if not write etc. #ukedchat

9 of 14

ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?


eyebeams piersyoung StephenDCook missorourke tmeeky callmepolly MrG_ICT mrlockyer eyebeams ICTmagic SwayGrantham LessonHacker tmeeky eyebeams missorourke ICTmagic














20:43:20 20:43:47

@ICTmagic No didn't say that they need to develop them in an experiential way as they go along see Hyper Island links later #ukedchat @ICTmagic @eyebeams #ukedchat Not sure I agree. Think children develop the skills as they create not before they create. David Laws MP replied to my e-mail about schools. Even less faith in the press. http://t.co/A7IgY57D #edchat #ukedchat @s10_sarah great stuff!! Good to see you on here! Search #eyfs and #ukedchat for some great ideas! @eyebeams I think the time pressures of periods/timetables hinder slower, longer learning. Ideally wld start in schl >home >schl #ukedchat @ukedchat @ictmagic some schools in Bath have 1afternoon a week explore time - clubs, self-dir learning etc. seems to work well #ukedchat @jivespin Agree it is very hard to fit in. If 20% not possible maybe try 10% or last few days of term. If works increase time. #ukedchat #ukedchat re barrier activities - http://t.co/KCgmn2o2 cc @jasondilling used loads this week! @ICTSuccess @hayleyjess @ICTmagic I'd prefer help navigate and scaffold where unknown territory is the case possibly #ukedchat @eyebeams Will do. (Just playing devil's advocate :) That's what the host does! #ukedchat). @davidhunter @ictmagic everyone is good at something and if they can choose they'll choose their strength.. #ukedchat #ukedchat I've tried this with my students and I'm getting some really great results, its also feeding into my planning in using their ideas scaffold sounds too rigid... dynamically facilitate might be more effective. Offer structure when needed... don't force #ukedchat @tmeeky That is where all this falls down - you can't do that quickly #ukedchat it's just wasting time then 20 percent time grows Please follow our eyfs leader @s10_sarah who is new to twitter! #eyfs #SLTchat #ukedchat @SwayGrantham Indeed. Problem is that many school

10 of 14

ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?


aangeli davidhunter piersyoung tmeeky eyebeams ICTmagic timrylands lcgeography ICTmagic eyebeams ICTmagic thechrissyt Jivespin eyebeams davidhunter




20:45:23 20:45:53 20:46

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focus on helping children find particular talents & ignore others skills. #ukedchat @ICTmagic @eyebeams respectfully disagree creative thinking usually occurs through accidental exploration - not directed #ukedchat @SwayGrantham @ICTmagic Thats the key. Curric doesn't recog that currently.giving at least 1 day to achieving that would be great #ukedchat When done open ended projects with Y6 before, (where they choose own topics), main skill missing is good questioning #ukedchat @eyebeams Sure... time allowance is key. Self directed kids will take the learning home and bring it back for continuation #ukedchat @SwayGrantham @davidhunter @ICTmagic Sometimes they find it hard to choose in some cases what then? #ukedchat @aangeli I agree completely. :) #ukedchat Enjoying #ukedchat even tho "from the edge" on little/no battery on our journey between Liverpool & London Thanks all & @ICTmagic @aangeli @ictmagic @eyebeams But can you not plan for and facilitate opportunities for pupils to 'accidentally' explore?! #ukedchat @timrylands Glad you are enjoying it. :) #ukedchat @aangeli @ICTmagic Didn't say that ;) I believe in serendipity but then you need to facilitate otherwise it can become cul-de-sac #ukedchat What tools, resources, facilities can teachers provide to allow 'self-directed' learning? #ukedchat #ukedchat I have tried open research projects with yr3/4 with a 6 week deadline and 100% of class achieved it. @MrG_ICT We do this in a way with Work Related Learning Week at the end of the Summer Term #ukedchat @lcgeography @aangeli @ICTmagic No you facilitate around the exploration providing opportunity for questioning and discovery #ukedchat @eyebeams @SwayGrantham @ICTmagic they choose the content, teachers choose the task. Not true self dir but great motivator #ukedchat

11 of 14

ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?

20:49:25 20:49:33 20:49:50 20:50:01 20:50:04 20:50:44 20:50:44

caroljallen ICTmagic aangeli ICTmagic aknill theICTadvisor eyebeams eslweb ICTmagic MrG_ICT optotoxical theICTadvisor ICTmagic tmeeky lcgeography eyebeams





20:51:27 20:51:33 20:51:35 20:52:35



EricWareham mrlockyer


Creativity can be facilitated within the conventional 'lesson' and/or 'timetable' but oh how brill when the timetable is removed #ukedchat @HGJohn Yes, but it is a good answer. :) #ukedchat @lcgeography @ICTmagic @eyebeams facilitate yes ....not sure about plan #ukedchat @davidhunter True. Could it work the other way around? #ukedchat @ICTmagic #ukedchat are VLEs a part of this? How can we offer support? Online ... @ICTmagic time & space #ukedchat @lcgeography @aangeli @ICTmagic I know people who've worked in blue sky research it usually comes from curiosity/problem solving #ukedchat #ukedchat I think that creativity is a process and freedom & projects start with a little freedom & give more as they become responsible. What role does homework play? Isn't that a good vehicle for self-directed learning? #ukedchat @jivespin Did that once and then realised how much they learnt so now try at start of year. we need more time but don't tell Gove #ukedchat Deciding whether to go part time. Any thoughts? What are the disadvantages, other than money? #asechat #ukedchat @aknill @ictmagic VLE's are great for doing this #ukedchat @eyebeams How can we develop more curiosity/problem solving in schools? #ukedchat problem finding perhaps more important then problem solving #ukedchat @aangeli @ictmagic @eyebeams What do you see as the difference between the two? #ukedchat @aangeli @lcgeography @ICTmagic Sit kids down ask them what they want to do in a "white room" devoid of stimulus see what you get #ukedchat Anyone have experience of embedding CommunicationReading&Writing + Numeracy seem to have been handed this chalice!!! #ukedchat #edchatie #ukedchat Get rid of WILF and other board objectives! Let the students unwrap the present!! #curiosity

12 of 14

ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?


caroljallen Jivespin davidhunter tmeeky MrG_ICT eyebeams ICTmagic JohnWink90 aangeli judeenright Jivespin ICTmagic eyebeams nicoladarling78 louisehutch eyebeams Jivespin ICTmagic




20:54:08 20:54:21 20:54:42 20:55:16

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20:56:57 20:57:11 20:57:29

@ictmagic @eyebeams ...by supporting teachers to feel free enough to do the same, their energy for exp and learning is infectious #ukedchat @ICTmagic It can be if planned effectively and a tapas approach adopted in setting HL. #ukedchat @ICTmagic depends on chn creative thinking.do they have the questions/possibility thinking? Often not #ukedchat cover tables and walls with whiteboard paper and let kids write more naturally when brain dumping as part of creative process #ukedchat @ictmagic @eyebeams Lets start with questions rather than objectives #ukedchat @ICTmagic Of course - you mean it isn't being done :) ? #ukedchat @missorourke I like the idea of a help desk. #ukedchat My Latest: Simplifying the Complexity of Tier 1 Intervention http://t.co/sFDRynMD #ukedchat #mathchat #atplc #mschat @ICTmagic @eyebeams opening minds curriculum http://t.co/QoQFEITI #ukedchat @theRSAorg #ukedchat @reallara @dailydenouement @Mr_SJS has tried it http://t.co/Jc7g8kLz @MrG_ICT Now you are sounding like an education insurrectionist! #ukedchat My last (big) question - What could teachers do with 20% self-directed time? Still working, but on pet projects. What would U do? #ukedchat @aangeli @ICTmagic @theRSAorg Have a look at http://t.co/AeXhzWF5 #ukedchat Looking to build bank of evidence about why iPads would be better in school that a cheaper android alternative to share with govs #ukedchat If anyone cld point me 2 any intr research/blogs e.g of good practice re bridging the gender gap @ KS2 would be v grateful #addcym #ukedchat @ICTmagic Nope - possibly a marker board and post it notes #ukedchat @ICTmagic Probably finish the Student Voice Toolkit I have been meaning to finish since October #ukedchat Can I say I'm loving all the sharing of links. #WeekEndReading #ukedchat

13 of 14

ukedchat Archive 15 Nov 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic 20:57:31 20:57:33 20:58:02

Could Google's 20% project/self-directed time work in schools and how could we support it?

lcgeography piersyoung aknill aangeli eyebeams ICTmagic ICTmagic lcgeography eyebeams mrlockyer ukedchat

20:58:06 20:58:09 20:58:48 20:59:31 20:59:51


21:01:11 21:01:28

@ICTmagic Personalised CPD through Twitter would surely feature!! #ukedchat Would be fun to spend some of the 20% doing a pet project with mix of students and teachers. #ukedchat @ICTmagic @eyebeams #ukedchat look at ideas like @missionexplore and exploring activities @eyebeams @lcgeography @ICTmagic only if the white room looks like this http://t.co/OkQGyc15 #ukedchat Another resource http://t.co/qmMXIkHX #ukedchat Before you go, please look at https://t.co/Ar8wWJSY about a #ukedchat this *Saturday* @aangeli Would you get a pen in the white room? #ukedchat @aangeli @eyebeams @ictmagic Oh I'm liking the look of that!! #ukedchat @aangeli @lcgeography @ICTmagic You can buy rolls of cellophane to write on that adheres to walls #ukedchat #ukedchat Research, explore, experiment, observe and play! #innercurriculum There are two #ukedchat polls this week. See both at http://t.co/7WAHFPy8 (scroll down for 2nd poll)

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