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: ARC1213 Fall 2012 Practice#1 Perspective Planes, Primary Forms Jolanta Skorupka Due date: 9.13.2011

Purpose: To develop skills in a freehand perspective sketching. Required Reading: Basic Perspective Drawing chapters: 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14 Materials: 18"x24" paper, T-square, triangles, architectural scale, pencil: H, 2H lead for construction lines, HB for final forms. Charcoal pencils, sticks and paper for part F For horizon line and construction lines you may use straight edge. All final shapes/forms to be freehand. Use different line types from the handout#1; construction line type, freehand line, repeat line, overlap corners. Do not draw in fits and starts. All drawings should include horizon line, vanishing point(s) and all construction lines. Part A Create a one-point perspective composition on a whole page by drawing minimum of 20 planes. Position paper vertically. Locate horizon line and a vanishing point in a center of a paper. Ten of planes should be horizontal: some above a horizon line, some on the horizon and some below. Next ten planes should be vertical: some above, some on and some below horizon line. Planes can be any size and they may intersect. All construction lines should be drawn lightly with a pencil. All work to be free-hand. Part B Using perspective principles draw 9 1.5 transparent cubes in one point perspective. Cubes should be set on a grid. Position paper horizontally. In a center of a page locate horizon line and a vanishing point. Draw first cube in a center. Next create 3 spacing on all four sides of the first cube. Draw the rest of cubes: 3 above a horizon line, 2 more on a horizon line and 3 below. You may use drafting tools for construction lines but final forms should be intensified with free-hand lines, lead HB. Part C Using perspective principles draw 9 1.5 transparent cubes in two point perspective. Cubes should be set on a grid. Position paper horizontally. Locate horizon line and two vanishing points. Draw first cube in a center between two vanishing points. Using this cube and merging lines create set of total 9 cubes spaced equally in space. You may use drafting tools for construction but final forms should be

intensified with free-hand lines, lead HB. Part D Inscribe circles in planes on sheet # A. All work to be free-hand. Part E Transform some of the cubes on sheets B&C into cones, cylinders and pyramids. All work to be free-hand. Part F Create a composition with variety of primary forms (minimum 15) in 2 point perspective. Use charcoal.

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