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A Fine Week

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What was the issue anyway? Some had asked. It was their business, what they did. But what if they were dating? Some whispered. Highly uncertain, some had remarked. Tezuka-sama and Fuji-kun were too different. Besides, they didn't look the type. The former was brought up to tradition and the latter was always popular with girls. Maa most women went. Who cared? When they were together, admirers could approach them easily. That was what mattered. And they looked beautiful together, right, "Fuji is Prince" club president? Hai! There was a nod of agreement. Sugoi Wasn't that wrong? What was wrong if they really liked each other? Boy love wasn't really accepted in society, whatever shoujo mangas said Iie, if they were really happy The murmurs died as a rather short boy entered the class 3-1 as students were packing to leave. He definitely heard the mutterings, but he was still smiling. "Tezuka," Fuji said in his usual mellow voice. Tezuka didn't look up from his bag. "Ryuzaki-sensei wanted to see us," said Fuji, wearing that slight smile of his. He was aware that people stopped and glanced at the mention of 'us'. "She said she wanted to talk to the tea "Ahh," said the buchou coolly. He grabbed his bag and headed to the door, followed by the good-natured smaller boy. If, one asked, they were dating Tezuka-sama would have said more, ne? "You shouldn't have entered," said Tezuka tonelessly as he and the tensai walked down the ha "Why?" asked Fuji, smiling innocently. "They were" Tezuka stopped, thinking. "Talking about us?" offered Fuji helpfully. "Hn." The tensai broadened his smile. "I don't mind it much," he said. He turned inquiringly at the buchou. "Do you?" Not saying a word, Tezuka ambled on. Fuji smiled. "I won't do that again," he said, "But I did want to be the one to call you." The buchou knew that the smaller boy was a little wistful. He wanted to pat the latter and give his assurance, but he couldn't, not with everyone's watching eyes. "It's all right," he said calmly. "Ah, buchou," said a gleeful Momoshiro as Tezuka and Fuji entered the faculty room. The rest of the regulars were gathered around Ryuzaki-sensei. "Since you're all here" Ryuzaki-sensei started, "I'm going to share some good news." She gazed around, grinning, perhaps enjoying the look of anticipation in her charges' faces. "Nya? What is it?" asked Eiji whose eyes were dancing with eagerness.

Laughing, Ryuzaki-sensei went, "Well, the school principal decided to send you to a week-long vacation to a private resort in Kawasaki to thank you for winning the Nationals." "Honto?" asked Momoshiro, almost pounding the table in excitement. "Yes," said Ryuzaki-sensei. "And what's better, I won't be going with you." "Why?" asked a worried-looking Oishi. "Sensei, you deserve this break as much as we do." "Don't worry," said Ryuzaki-sensei reassuringly. "The principal offered me a different treat. Besides, I won't be having fun if I'll be chaperoning you, ne?" She eyed the boys tauntingly. "Hoi! Hoi! A vacation!" yelled Eiji, bouncing around happily. "A vacation for us!" Trying to calm his doubles partner, Oishi tugged at Eiji's clothes and turned to their coach. "Arigatou," said the fukubuchou. Once out of the room, Fuji halted in his steps and glanced at the buchou. "Are we going home, Tezuka nodded. "Hn." Fuji's beam broadened. "Do you think we could drop by the bookstore? There's something I meant to buy maybe I could bring it to the resort." "Sure," said Tezuka. As they trodded down the sidewalk, Fuji watched Tezuka's calm and collected face. The tensai smiled widely. Just being in the company of the buchou his buchou relieved him of everything. That was probably the same reason why he found himself beside Tezuka almost everyday in the past three years. Tezuka gave him comfort that required no physical contact. Tezuka understood him without the need of words. Being in Tezuka's presence was assurance enough to the tensai. But sometimes, Fuji wished he could hold Tezuka's long and nimble fingers as they trudged down the street. However, they still needed time. People were all around, watching and disapproving. "What are you thinking of?" asked Tezuka, sounding so detached and uncaring. Fuji smiled. Beyond the blank visage, he knew, was the silent concern of the buchou. "Us," he said simply. The staid look in Tezuka's face faltered a little and gave way to thoughtfulness. Resting a hand on Tezuka's shoulder, Fuji went, "Saa don't worry, I was just drifting off." He fixed his smile to a bright, sincere one. "Ahh," said Tezuka coolly, staring straight ahead. Fuji smiled and dropped his hand to his side and walked on. The bookshop was quiet when Fuji and Tezuka entered it. Tezuka followed silently as Fuji led the way to the fiction section. He watched as Fuji grabbed a paperback with a metallic blue cover. The latter smiled at him and he smiled back a little.

"This," he said indicating the book, "is Sophie's World. Have you read it before?" Tezuka shook his head. "No." "They said it's very good. It's about philosophy," said Fuji cheerfully. "In fiction?" asked Tezuka, frowning. "Ahh," said Fuji with an affirmative nod. "But it might be difficult to read you think you can help me?" The smile in Fuji's face was bright, Tezuka noted. The buchou doubted whether the tensai would have any difficulty in reading an English book. All the same, Tezuka nodded. "Yes." He knew that was Fuji's way of asking if they could read together. "Arigatou," said Fuji with a true smile. The rest of the walk to Fuji's home was a silent one. Fuji didn't really mind. They never had to talk a lot and Fuji liked it that way. He also knew that Tezuka found the quiet similarly peaceful and comforting. Fuji watched and waited by the doorway as Tezuka disappeared from view. He recently realized that they weren't what the others would call a normal couple setting their gender aside, of course. They were in love and inseparable, but they didn't go to dates. It would have been too much publicity for their relationship and it would confirm rumors all over school. Fuji didn't even dare risk the idea of being seen holding hands with Tezuka because the tensai worried for the latter. The Fuji family knew about Tezuka. They saw the buchou's devotion when the tensai was sick. Tezuka was accepted without question. Yoshiko and Yumiko were both jubilant, even Yuuta seemed happy for his aniki. On Tezuka's side, Ayana favored Fuji, too. She once said that Fuji's smile could sometimes be contagious and she felt so wonderful whenever she saw her stone-cold son smile once in a while. Kuniharu learned to accept his son's decision and choice, he believed that the young Tezuka was matured enough to know what was good for himself. The problem lay, however, on Tezuka's ojiisan. He was strict and traditional. Neither Fuji nor Tezuka had any idea how Kunikazu would take the news of his grandson being in love with another boy. Fuji would have bet on fury and denial. He could've accepted those things for himself, but never for Tezuka. Tezuka Kunikazu was the greatest influence on Tezuka Kunimitsu's life. At last, Fuji entered the house and headed for his room. His relationship with Tezuka was already going on well. But he had the gut feeling that things would be better come the week-long vacation. And he swore to do everything within his power to make things perfect. oOo a/n: mou, that was just an intro I'm supposed to be writing the last chappie of this oh, well <SELECT id=chap_select title="Chapter Navigation" Name=chapter onChange="self.location = '/s/3528775/'+ this.options[this.selectedIndex].value + '/A-Fine-Week';"><option value=1 selected>1. Prologue<option value=2 >2. Chapter 1 Monday<option value=3 >3. Chapter 2 Tuesday<option value=4 >4. Chapter 3 Wednesday<option value=5 >5. Chapter 4 Thursday<option value=6 >6. Chapter 5 Friday<option value=7 >7. Chapter 6 Saturday<option value=8 >8. Chapter 7

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