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Iron-on Applique Skill level: * Materials needed: block foundation fabric, applique fabric(s), heatbond fusible web (or

similar product), scissors, iron

Follow the instructions from the package of Heat Bond. Fuse the fabric to the heat bond, then cut out the shape of your applique. Peel off the paper, place on the quilt block, and fuse your applique to the block. Since you dont have to turn or sew the iron on appliques, you can make more complex shapes. Consider cutting your shape with pinking shears, spell a word, or cutting out a shape within a shape. Remember a 1/4 on all sides will be sewn into the seam, so dont let your design get too close to the edge. See the instructions for Heat Bond on the right and some ideas to get you started are included at the end. You can cut out and then trace a template onto your fabric with chalk or a quilting pen (if you use a regular pen, be sure to draw on the wrong side of the fabric, and dont use a marker that will bleed through) Feel free to make your block any way you like, but remember our theme is LOVE. Save any big scraps you have - we can use them for another project!

Embroidery Skill level: ** Materials needed: block foundation fabric, embroidery needle, embroidery floss, scissors
Embroidery is as flexible as drawing. You can draw any design you wish on your quilt block with chalk or a quilting pen (please dont draw on the right side of your fabric with a regular pen) then go over your drawing with basic or decorative stitches. If your design isnt too complex and you feel comfortable, you can also start stitching without drawing first. The back stitch makes a simple straight line. Try a satin, long and short, or fishbone stitch to fill in spaces. Or try a feather or chain stitch to make a decorative line. Some embroidery patterns and examples are included at the end. Remember a 1/4 on all sides will be sewn into the seam, so dont let your design go too close to the edge.

Sewn Applique Skill level: ** Materials needed: block foundation fabric, applique fabric(s), needle thread, scissors, iron
To make a hand sewn applique first draw your design on paper and cut it out. Remember a 1/4 on all sides of your block will be sewn into the seam, so dont let your applique design get too close to the edge of the block. Lay the paper pattern on top of your applique fabric on the wrong side and trace around it with chalk or quilting pen. Cut out the design adding a 1/4 all the way around. Now you will cut small slits in the seam allowance all around especially on curves and corners. Then fold the seam allowance towards the wrong side of the fabric. It helps to iron as you go so that it will stay folded. Now you are ready to apply it to the quilt block. Place it where you like it and baste it to the block (sew with large stitches that you will later remove). Once you have basted it, you will now go around the edge of the applique and carefully sew it to the block using a slip stitch. To make a slip stitch tie a knot in the end of your thread and sew throug your fabric from the wrong side (until the knot catches it). Go around the perimeter of your applique, first making a stitch in the block, then going through the folded edge of the applique. Your stitches will be almost invisilble. When youve gone all the way around removing your basting stitches. To sew it on with your sewing machine, once you have it in place, sewing around the perimeter of the applique with a zig zag stitch. You can also combine the applique with embroidery. Sew around the edge of your applique with a decorative stitch or embroider a word on top of it. Save any big scraps you have - we can use them for another project!

Pieced Hearts Skill level: *** Materials needed: several fabrics, scissors, iron, sewing machine or needle and thread (sewing by hand works well)
To make a pieced block, you will first need to draw your block pattern on paper. Our blocks are 10.5 square (you can tape two pieces of typing paper together to make your 10.5 square). Draw your design with straight lines (use a ruler). I have some examples on the back (sorry I dont have any to scale). When your design is drawn, cut out each piece from the paper. Decide what color each piece will be, make the heart and the ground contrasting colors. Then you can trace the pattern pieces onto your fabric with chalk or a quilting pen (or you can use a light pen on the wrong side of your fabric). Cut out each piece adding 1/4 seam allowance (this is important!). Sew together the pieces by hand or machine. The examples are numbered telling you in what order you should sew them together. On the right is a step by step example of a simple heart. Iron the seams open on the back side when you are finished! Save any big scraps you have - we can use them for another project!

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