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Happy Mothers Day

Mom themed activities and crafts. Ages 3-6

Under the Golden Apple Tree

Thank you for your purchase. I hope you enjoy this mini way to celebrate moms!

Written by: Richele McFarlin

Visit me at http://www.underthegoldenappletree.com

Thanks to my children who serve as an endless fountain of creativity, inspiration, challenges and sometimes exhaustion. Thanks most of all to a loving God with an endless fountain of grace and mercy.
Copyright March 2010 All rights reserved. No portion of this unit study may be used for mass printing or used system wide. For individual purposes ONLY. Reprinting of pages granted to purchaser ONLY.
Under the Golden Apple Tree

Table of Contents
Copywork Number 3 Practice Writing mom Mothers Day Card Mothers Day Craft Coupons for mom Activities Art Appreciation 1-3 4-6 7 8-9 10 11 12-14 15

My moms favorite flowers are_______________.

My favorite book to read with mom is___________.

My favorite thing to do with mom is_______________.

Trace the number 3.

How many flowers is this mom holding?

Lets make cookies for mom with only 3 ingredients!

Ingredients 1. 1 cup peanut butter 2. 1 cup sugar 3. 1 egg Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients until well blended. Scoop onto cookie sheet 2 inches apart. Add the classic criss cross with a fork. Bake for 8-10 minutes.


Do NOT attempt this without an adult present.

Think of three moms besides your mom that you can wish a Happy Mothers Day this year.

1.__________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________ Some ideas: grandmas, aunts, neighbors, your pastors wife, Sunday school teacher, etc.

Front of card. Print out and fold at center.

Created with love by:

Cut out images below and paste on front of card to decorate.

Mothers Day Craft

Flowers for Mom!

You will need: Construction paper in multiple colors. Green pipe cleaners Scissors Glue, hot glue or glue dots Tissue paper and ribbon (optional)


1. Cut your construction paper into various size petals. The different sizes will allow for different types of
flowers or layering petals for a special look.

2. Cut out several circles for the middle of the flower. 3. Arrange your petals around the middle circle and glue together. 4. Carefully poke a hole in the center of the flower for the piper cleaner to attach through to give the appearance of a stem.

5. Glue a pretty button in the center of the flower for an added touch. If your button holes are large enough
you can thread the pipe cleaner through to attach. You may arrange your flowers in a bouquet and wrap loosely in tissue paper and tie a bow around for an added touch.


Coupons for MOM!

Good for 1 kiss.

Good for 1 hug.

Help cleaning for a day.

Help you cook dinner.

Good for one vacation day!

TIP: Have dad take the kids out!

Will let you sleep in! Just one morning. I will help dad make breakfast.


What do mommies feed their babies?

Circle the items a mom might feed a baby.


Where is my Kitten? Naughty kitty wondered off chasing bees. Help Mama Cat find him.


Write or tell a story about this mom and baby elephant. Things to think about: How does the mom elephant care for the baby? Where do elephants live? Does the mom elephant protect her baby from danger? What would happen if the baby wondered off? Now compare your mom and how she cares for you and protects you to the mom elephant.


Art Appreciation: Mary Cassatts The Childs Bath

This was painted by Mary Cassatt (1844-1926). Its called The Childs Bath. Mary Cassatt often painted mothers and children. What is going on in the painting? What colors do you see in the painting? How do you feel looking at this painting? What do you think the artist was trying to show us? Do you like the painting? If so, what do you like? If not, what do you not like? ACTIVITY: Draw or paint a picture of a time, activity or moment with your mom.


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