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8 theSun | THURSDAY JANUARY 29 2009


Race relations:
moral argument against racism
which the majority of the po-
litical parties have bought into.”
(Malaysian politicians, please
take heed.)
He also credits the Internet
which helped younger people

The British experience

to be more knowledgeable and
less susceptible to racist stere-
“However, it is also true to
say that the lawmakers wouldn’t
have made changes unless there
had been campaigns around
by K.K. Tan email about Britain’s transfor- legislation in Britain was the these issues. You also cannot ig-
mation from a homogenous 1976 Race Relations Act. It was nore the fact that there is also an
WHEN I was a student leader society to a multiracial and a response to huge campaigns element of trying to reduce strife
in late seventies fighting for fair multi-cultural one, which I think by black organisations for (which is bad for the economy)
treatment for overseas students offers some valuable lessons to equality. Before the legislation, through the passage of equality
in Britain, one of my dearest us in Malaysia. it was quite acceptable to deny legislations.”
friends and allies was Aneez Here is an edited version employment and even housing Finally, Aneez’s view of what
Esmail. Of Indian origin, Aneez of Aneez’s email replies to my simply because they were from makes Britain’s race relations
and his family took up UK citi- questions. ethnic minority groups. All these laws important is that they pro-
zenship after they were expelled In Britain, large scale immi- were made illegal by the Race vide an important framework
from Uganda by the Idi Amin gration from its former colonies Relations Act. against which people can seek
regime which wanted to purge began after World War II when The Act was important redress if things don’t go right.
the country of all Asians. its ruined economy was in need because Britain was the first There is also an additional point
As a British medical student, of skills, labour and expertise. European country to enact such in that there is a requirement
his support for our causes was Most of them came from South legislation and it began to talk for public sector bodies (and it
crucial. Both of us were hauled Asia and Afro-Caribbean coun- about the issue of equal rights is important because the public
to court as ringleaders for organ- tries (and more recently from under the law for all people. sector represents about 40% of
ising peaceful protests against Eastern Europe). One aspect of the Race all people employed) to behave
the university authorities which The trade unions did not ini- Relations Act which Aneez in a certain way through the use
wanted to expel us (but they tially support the rights of black highlighted was how it “defined of equal opportunity policies,
relented after the court ruled in workers and there was a general the concept of indirect discrimi- monitoring, etc.
our favour). view that these migrant people nation which was much more Therefore, he adds, the pas-
All this we remembered were here to work in jobs that difficult to prove and which has sage of race relation legislation
fondly when I visited Aneez the British did not want. From since become much clearer, is very important in ensuring
recently. It was also a good time the beginning there were racial through legal precedents.” that at the basic level there is
for us to discuss one of world’s tensions which soon gave rise Furthermore, Aneez says equality but of course, you can-
most pressing issues – race rela- to organised resistance by the while the Act did significantly not just achieve this by passing
tions – and I couldn’t have found black community. reduce discrimination, it did legislation. There needs to be
anyone better to talk to. The black civil rights move- not deal with certain problems, continued campaigns, there
Aneez has been a leading ment in the United States in for example, the denial of needs to be an understanding by
campaigner and researcher the early 1960s also had a promotion prospects to ethnic Aneez has took race relations legislation to people that these are important
for racial equality in Britain for huge impact on how the ethnic minorities and equal education been a leading the next stage. Whereas the 1976 issues and we need to put in
more than 30 years and is As- minorities in Britain viewed opportunities. Hence, there was campaigner and Act made it illegal to discriminate place mechanisms where equal-
sociate Vice-President (Equality their struggle for equality and still significant unrest among the researcher for on the grounds of race, the 2001 ity is not just stated but actively
& Diversity) and Professor of fairness. ethnic minority communities racial equality in Race Relations Amendment Act pursued.
General Practice at the Uni- An area of conflict was with which erupted again in the inner Britain for more required public bodies to have a The problems of racism in
versity of Manchester. He was the police and even as far back city riots in Southall in 1979 and than 30 years. duty to promote race relations. Britain are somewhat different
also President of the Medical as the 1950s, there was evidence in Brixton in 1981. The focus of The key change then became from those of racialism or com-
Practitioners Union (1997-2003), that ethnic minorities, especially these riots was the treatment by a need for public bodies to be munalism in Malaysia but there
a current Fellow of the Royal Afro-Caribbeans, were targeted the police of ethnic minorities. accountable for what they did are some similarities which
College of Physicians and was by police. Because Britain was under- Beyond and this has had a huge impact would require a pro-active ap-
the only medical adviser to the Then the first race riots took going a recession, there were Race on how the bodies are moni- proach.
high profile Shipman Inquiry place in Notting Hill, London, huge problems which were tored and what can be expected The cabinet has recently de-
(2001-2004) in Britain. in 1958. It was following these affecting the ethnic minority A new perspective of them in terms of promoting cided not to proceed with a Race
He was nominated for an Or- riots that the government began population much more than the racial equality. Relations Act but surely there
der of The British Empire (OBE) to worry about issues around white population. The demand To my question on what the is nothing to stop any group
award which he declined for equality and fairness. This period for equality under the law various anti-racist campaigns from appealing for a re-look by
good reasons, one being accept- also coincided with an attempt to became even more important have achieved so far, Aneez says putting forward more convinc-
ing an award that harked back to restrict immigration. Laws were and the government responded the current improved race situ- ing arguments, like what Aneez
the long-gone “empire” seemed introduced for the first time that by tightening up the powers of ation in Britain is not only due has shared, in its favour.
to him faintly ludicrous. stipulated that people would the Race Relations Act but did to the result of the race relations
We talked about how our re- only be entitled to British citizen- not fundamentally change its legislations but other factors as
spective society and government ship if their parents were British principles. well. The writer is the CEO of a think-
have responded to the complexi- citizens. This had the effect of The next significant piece of One factor being a genuine tank and strategic consultancy
ties of race relations. disenfranchising huge sections legislation was enacted in 2001 move to have greater equality firm based in Kuala Lumpur. He
Upon my return home, we of the immigrant population. and became known as the Race from most political parties. Adds can be contacted at kktan22@
continued our discussion via The first race relations Relations Amendment Act. This Aneez: “There is also a growing hotmail.com

An assault on the peace process

by Donald Macintyre and warehouses, located for ease of
access to Israel between the eastern
ISRAELI forces used aerial bombing, Gaza City district of Shajaia and the
tank shelling and armoured bulldozers border 650m away, Dr Alweyda said
to eliminate the productive capacity of struction is likely to be on the already timated the total damage to his plant ter, Ehud Olmert, told his cabinet that that as well as the production lines,
some of Gaza’s most important manu- politically fraught prospects of medium at US$22.5 million (RM81 million) and with “typical moral acrobatics” the 26 vehicles had been destroyed. The
facturing plants during their 22 days of to long-term reconstruction in Gaza, it accused Israel of wanting “to destroy “terrorist organisations” were trying to company, sole Gaza agent for Israeli
military action in the Gaza Strip. will not make efforts to help Gaza’s the weak Palestinian economy”. He lay the blame on Israel, and that “the milk products company Tnuva, had
The attacks, like those which many stricken and displaced residents added: “They want to ensure that we State of Israel did everything in order managed to keep biscuit production
destroyed an estimated 20,000 any easier. It is those humanitarian will never have a state in Palestine.” to avoid hitting civilians.” Israel would going up until the outbreak of war.
homes leaving some residential areas relief efforts for which the main Brit- The air and ground strikes have ensure that soldiers and officers who The Israeli military said that it was still
resembling an earthquake zone and ish aid agencies are appealing for help compounded the impact of the total took part in the operation would be investigating allegations of civilian
more than 50,000 people in tempo- in the advertisement so far barred by 18-month trade embargo, which Israel safe from any tribunals investigating casualties and property damage but
rary shelters, destroyed or severely the BBC. The Unrwa is meanwhile imposed in June 2007 after the civil them, he said. that it “does not target civilians or civil-
damaged 219 factories, Palestinian separately pressing donors for US$345 war between Hamas and Fatah ended At the Al Badr mills in Sudaniya, ian infrastructure, including factories,
industrialists say. million (RM1.2 billion) for immediate in the collapse of the short-lived coali- north of Gaza City, owner Rashed unless it is being used by Hamas for
Leaders of Gaza’s business com- repairs to homes still standing and to tion between the two rival factions Hamada, 55, said the company had terrorist purposes.”
munity, who have long stayed aloof its own damaged premises. and Hamas’s enforced takeover of been making wheat flour for bakeries But Amr Hamad said that he be-
from the different Palestinian political The destroyed factories include: the Strip. right up until the attack on Jan 10. He lieved the two purposes of the strikes
factions, say that much of the 3 per Alweyda, the biggest Palestinian food- Amr Hamad, executive manager strongly denied that his compound was to make Gaza’s economy depend-
cent of industry still operating after processing plant and the only one still of the Palestinian Federation of Indus- had been used by Hamas gunmen, ent on Israel’s, and to stimulate popular
the 18-month shutdown caused by operating in Gaza until the war; Abu tries, said yesterday: “What they were and said it was clear the production pressure on Hamas to agree to certain
Israel’s economic siege has now been Eida, the largest, and now flattened, not able to reach by the blockade, they line itself had been the target. compromises as a precondition to a
destroyed. ready-mixed concrete producer; and have reached with their bulldozers. “It seems that the father of the reopening of the crossings, such as
Chris Gunness, chief spokesman the 89-year-old Al Badr flour mills, Businessmen are not connected at all commander had owned a flour mill,” allowing the Ramallah-based Palestin-
for the United Nations Relief and which have the biggest storage facili- to Hamas and are very pragmatic and he commented ironically. “He knew ian Authority control of the crossings
Works Agency, said that widespread ties anywhere in the Strip. The owners open-minded. exactly where to hit. The Israelis ... and also the release of Israeli corporal
destruction of “civilian economic of all three said yesterday they were “They are the last layer in Palestin- used to encourage me to expand Gilad Shalit, abducted two-and-a-half
infrastructure” was a strike “at the proud of their close and long-stand- ian society who believe in peace and production here. Now they have de- years ago by Hamas and other mili-
heart of the peace process” because ing contact with Israeli partner firms the importance of the economy. They stroyed it. I don’t understand why.” tants. “Maybe some people directly af-
“economic stability is an essential and suppliers. Dr Yaser M Alweyda, also believe that the only economic Standing beside mangled and fected will blame Hamas” Amr Hamad
component of a durable peace.” owner and engineering director of the link should be with Israel.” incinerated refrigeration vans and the said of the strategy “but it will never
While the main impact of the de- demolished food-processing plant es- Meanwhile, the Israeli prime minis- burned-out ruins of his food factory succeed.” – The Independent

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