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SCI 1101 Final Exam (PRACTICE EXAM) Summer 2012 Form A


Write your name on this page in the place provided. Place all answers on the answer grid. For true/false questions: a true b false. 1. The appearance of ___?___ in the spring starts a food chain that leads to an abundant harvest and many marine mammals are among those taking advantage of it.

A. algae

b. sea gulls

c.ice bergs

d. sardines

The coral reefs of ___?____ are home to the biggest variety of ocean dwellers. a. Mediterranean b. the North Atlantic c. South Atlantic d. Indonesia

Matching: 3-10. The answers may be used once, more than once or not at all.

acid rain b. permafrost c. desertification d. El Nio e. ecoregion ac. marine snow ad. biosphere ae. none of these


La Nia


e. ecoregion

Broad land or ocean region defined by climate, geography, and producer


4. 5.


permafrost A water-impermeable, perpetually frozen layer beneath the soil of arctic tundra. ae. none of these Nutrient enrichment of a body of water .(e.g., a lake or pond).



marine snow sea food webs.


Organic matter that drifts to ocean depths and supports deep-


All regions of the Earth's waters, crust, and atmosphere in which organisms live.


8. a. acid rain Falling of rain (or snow) rich in sulfur and nitrogen oxides. 9.
c. desertification

Natural or human-induced conversion of grassland or cropland to a desertlike condition. La Nia Cool climatic event that occurs between El Nio episodes; it, too, has global effects.


11. Forests play vital ecological roles such as: a. regulating climate b. controlling water runoff d. purifying air e. all of the above

c. providing food and shelter for wildlife

12. ________ means average weather conditions, such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, cloud cover, and rainfall, over time.
a. climate b. biome c. weather zone d. none of these


Immense __________ water movements in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans influence the distribution of ecosystems. a. linear b. vertical c. circular d. none of these 14. ________in the lower stratosphere absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun. a. CO2 b. CH4 c. O3 d. none of these 15. __________ rains occur when warm winds pick up ocean moisture and release it over the cooler landmasses of Asia and Africa. a. Hurricane b. Monsoon c. Cyclonic d. none of these

________________ is (are) gray air found in industrial cities that burn fossil fuel.
b. Thermal inversions c. Industrial smog

a. Photochemical smog

d. None of these

17. Ocean water covers almost __________ of the earths surface. a. 1/2

b. 2/3s

c. s

d. None of these

___________ are very broad land regions with characteristic types of plants and animals; there are six of these. a. Biogeographic realms b. ecoregions c. biomes d. None of these

19. Most deserts lie between _______ north and south latitudes.

a. 10 o b. 20 o c. 30 o d. None of these 20. The organic matter, in variable stages of decomposition, is called _______. a. humus b. loam c. topsoil d. None of these

21. In the____________ forest, many trees drop some or all of their leaves during the pronounced dry season. a. Tropical b. Montane coniferous c. Boreal d. None of these 22. ____________coniferous forests extend southward through the great mountain ranges; fir and pine dominate. a. tropical deciduous b. Montane c. Boreal d. None of these 23. __________ forests are found in the cool to cold northern regions of North America, Europe, and Asia; spruce and balsam fir are dominant. a. Tropical deciduous d. None of these b. Montane coniferous c. Boreal

24. Evergreen _____________ occur between 20o N and S latitude. a. Cone-bearing forests c. Broadleaf forests b. Southern pine forests d. None of these

25. ______________ grow in the sandy soil of several Atlantic and Gulf coast states. a. Boreal forests c. Broadleaf forests b. Southern pine forests d. None of these

26._______________ lies to the north of the boreal forests; it is a vast treeless plain, very cold, with low moisture. a. Arctic tundra b. Alpine tundra c. Temperate deciduous forest d. None of these
27._______________ sweep across much of the interior of continents, in the zones

between deserts and temperate forests. a. Dry woodlands b. Dry shrublands c. Grasslands d. None of these

28. The __________ extends from the shore to where rooted plants stop growing. a. limnetic zone b. profundal zone c. ecotone zone d. None of these

29. Tiny plant cells called zooxanthellae live within most types of : a. pines c. coral polyps d. freshwater ponds

b. forests

30. Coral reefs begin to form when free-swimming ________ attach to submerged rocks or other hard surfaces along the edges of islands or continents. a. coral larvae b. medusa c. polyps d. medusa or polyps e. none of these 31. Most corals require very saline (salty) water ranging from____ to ___ parts per thousand, and temperature s ranging from _____ to _______ degrees Celsius. a. 20 - 30; 20 - 30 b. 20 40; 20 30 c. 32 to 42; 23 29 d. 23 29; 32 42

32. Which of the following are miss matched? a. Trunk Bay - Virgin Islands b. John Pennekamp Park - Florida c. Greys Reef - Georgia d. Hanauma Bay - Samoa e. Flower Garden Bank - Texas 33 39. The answers may be used once, more than once or not at all.
a. decomposer b. food web c. hydrologic cycle d. carrying capacity e. limiting factor ab. emigration ac. immigration ad. migration ae. climax community bc. Niche bd. Prey be. Community cd. None of these

33. ab. emigration

Individuals permanently leave a population.

34. e. limiting factor Any essential resource that can halt population growth when supplies of it dwindle. 35. bc. Niche Sum total of all activities and relationships in which individuals of a species engage as they secure and use the resources required to survive and reproduce. 36. c. hydrologic cycle Driven by solar energy, water evaporates from the ocean into the atmosphere, moves onto the land, then back to the ocean. 37. d. carrying capacity The maximum number of individuals in a population (or species) that a given environment can sustain indefinitely. 38. b. food web Cross-connecting food chains. 39. ad. migration 40. Recurring movement of individuals from one region to another, then back.

The ____________ is the deep, open water below the depth of light penetration. a. limnetic zone b. profundal zone c. ecotone zone d. None of these

The End. Write your name on the first page in the place provided. Place all answers on the answer grid.

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