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August 2012

Master of Computer Application (MCA) Semester 5 MC0081 . (DOT) Net Technologies 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0974)

Assignment Set 1 (40 Marks)

Answer all Questions Each question carries TEN marks

1. Describe the steps involved in creating classes and objects with the help of a program in C#. Ans: A class is a construct that enables you to create your own custom types by grouping

together variables of other types, methods and events. A class is like a blueprint. It defines the data and behavior of a type. If the class is not declared as static, client code can use it by creating objects or instances which are assigned to a variable. The variable remains in memory until all references to it go out of scope. At that time, the CLR marks it as eligible for garbage collection. If the class is declared as static, then only one copy exists in memory and client code can only access it through the class itself, not an instance variable. Classes are defined by using the class keyword. The class keyword is preceded by the access level. Because public is used in this case, anyone can create objects from this class. The name of the class follows the class keyword. The remainder of the definition is the class body, where the behavior and data are defined. Fields, properties, methods, and events on a class are collectively referred to as class members. Although classes and objects are sometimes used interchangeably, a class and an object are different things. A class defines a type of object, but it is not an object itself. An object is a concrete entity based on a class, and is sometimes referred to as an instance of a class. Objects can be created by using the new keyword followed by the name of the class. When an instance of a class is created, a reference to the object is passed back to the programmer. In fact, you can create an object reference without creating an object at all. Declaring classes public class Customer { //Fields, properties, methods and events go here... }
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Creating object Customer object1 = new Customer(); Class Inheritance public class Manager : Employee { // Employee fields, properties, methods and events are inherited // New Manager fields, properties, methods and events go here... }

EXAMPLE: public class Person { // Field public string name;

// Constructor public Person() { name = "unknown"; }

// Method public void SetName(string newName)

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{ name = newName; } } class TestPerson { static void Main() { Person person = new Person(); Console.WriteLine(person.name);

person.SetName("John Smith"); Console.WriteLine(person.name);

// Keep the console window open in debug mode. Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } } /* Output: unknown John Smith */
MC0081 .(DOT) Net Technologies Roll No. XXXXXXXXX

2. Describe the following with respect to creating Web Forms in .Net environment: a. Web Form Life Cycle b. Creating a Web Form Write programs with corresponding output screens to demonstrate the above concepts. Ans: a. Web Form Life Cycle

Every request for a page made from a web server causes a chain of events at the server. These events, from beginning to end, constitute the life cycle of the page and all its components. The life cycle begins with a request for the page, which causes the server to load it. When the request is complete, the page is unloaded. From one end of the life cycle to the other, the goal is to render appropriate HTML output back to the requesting browser. The life cycle of a page is marked by the following events, each of which you can handle yourself or leave to default handling by the ASP.NET server: Initialize: Initialize is the first phase in the life cycle for any page or control. It is here that any settings needed for the duration of the incoming request are initialized. Load ViewState: The ViewState property of the control is populated. The ViewState information comes from a hidden variable on the control, used to persist the state across round trips to the server. The input string from this hidden variable is parsed by the page framework, and the ViewState property is set. This can be modified via the LoadViewState( ) method: This allows ASP.NET to manage the state of your control across page loads so that each control is not reset to its default state each time the page is posted. Process Postback Data: During this phase, the data sent to the server in the posting is processed. Load: CreateChildControls( ) is called, if necessary, to create and initialize server controls in the control tree. State is restored, and the form controls show client-side data. Send Postback Change Modifications: If there are any state changes between the current state and the previous state, change events are raised via the RaisePostDataChangedEvent( ) method. Handle Postback Events: The client-side event that caused the postback is handled. PreRender: This is the phase just before the output is rendered to the browser. It is essentially your last chance to modify the output prior to rendering using the OnPreRender( ) method.
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Save State: Near the beginning of the life cycle, the persisted view state was loaded from the hidden variable. Render: This is where the output to be sent back to the client browser is generated. You can override it using the Render method. CreateChildControls( ) is called, if necessary, to create and initialize server controls in the control tree. Dispose: This is the last phase of the life cycle. It gives you an opportunity to do any final cleanup and release references to any expensive resources, such as database connections.

b. Creating a Web Form

To create the simple Web Form that will be used in the next example, startup Visual Studio .NET and open a New Project named ProgrammingCSharpWeb. Select the Visual C# Projects folder (because C# is your language of choice), select ASP.NET Web Application as the project type, and type in its name, ProgrammingCSharpWeb. Visual Studio .NET will display http://localhost/as the default location, as shown in Figure.

Figure: Creating a project in the New Project window of Visual Studio .NET Visual Studio places nearly all the files it creates for the project in a folder within your local machine's default web site for example, c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ProgrammingCSharpWeb. The solution files and other Visual Studio-specific files are stored in <drive>\Documents and Settings\<user name>\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects (where <drive> and <user name> are specific to your machine). When the application is created, Visual Studio places a number of
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files in your project. The Web Form itself is stored in a file named WebForm1.aspx. This file will contain only HTML. A second, equally important file, WebForm1.aspx.cs, stores the C# associated with your form; this is the code-behind file. Notice that the code-behind file does not appear in the Solution Explorer. To see the code behind (.cs) file, you must place the cursor within Visual Studio .NET, right-click the form, and choose "View Code" in the pop-up menu. You can now tab back and forth between the form itself, WebForm1.aspx, and the C# codebehind file, WebForm1.aspx.cs. When viewing the form, WebForm1.aspx, you can choose between Design mode and HTML mode by clicking the tabs at the bottom of the Editor window. Design mode lets you drag controls onto your form; HTML mode allows you to view and edit the HTML code directly. To demonstrate the above concepts Let's take a closer look at the .aspx and code-behind files that Visual Studio creates. Start by renaming WebForm1.aspx to HelloWeb.aspx. To do this, close WebForm1.aspx, and then right-click its name in the Solution Explorer. Choose Rename and enter the name HelloWeb.aspx. After you rename it, open HelloWeb.aspx and view the code; you will find that the code-behind file has been renamed as well to HelloWeb.aspx.cs.When you create a new Web Form application, Visual Studio .NET will generate a bit of boilerplate code to get you started, as shown in Example below: <%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="HelloWeb.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="ProgrammingCSharpWeb.WebForm1" %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" > <html> <head> <title>WebForm1</title> <meta name="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0"> <meta name="CODE_LANGUAGE" Content="C#"> <meta name="vs_defaultClientScript" content="JavaScript"> <meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5"> </head> <body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout"> <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server"> </form> </body> </html> Wizard-generated code for a Web Form

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What you see is typical boilerplate HTML except for the first line, which contains the following ASP.NET code: <%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="HelloWeb.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="ProgrammingCSharpWeb.WebForm1" %> The language attribute indicates that the language used on the code-behind page is C#. The Codebehind attribute designates that the filename of that page is HelloWeb.cs, and the Inherits attribute indicates that this page derives from WebForm1. WebForm1 is a class declared in HelloWeb.cs.

3. Describe the following with respect to State Management in ASP.Net: a. Cookies in ASP.NET b. Session State c. Application State Ans: a. Cookies in ASP.NET

Cookies provide a means in Web applications to store user-specific information. For example, when a user visits your site, you can use cookies to store user preferences or other information. When the user visits your Web site another time, the application can retrieve the information it stored earlier. A cookie is a small bit of text that accompanies requests and pages as they go between the Web server and browser. The cookie contains information the Web application can read whenever the user visits the site. For example, if a user requests a page from your site and your application sends not just a page, but also a cookie containing the date and time, when the user's browser gets the page, the browser also gets the cookie, which it stores in a folder on the user's hard disk. Cookies help Web sites store information about visitors. Generally, cookies are one way of maintaining continuity in a Web applicationthat is, of performing state management. Except for the brief time when they are actually exchanging information, the browser and Web server are disconnected. Each request a user makes to a Web server is treated independently of any
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other request. Many times, however, it's useful for the Web server to recognize users when they request a page. For example, the Web server on a shopping site keeps track of individual shoppers so the site can manage shopping carts and other user-specific information. A cookie therefore acts as a kind of calling card, presenting pertinent identification that helps an application know how to proceed.

b. Session State

ASP.NET session state enables you to store and retrieve values for a user as the user navigates the different ASP.NET pages that make up a Web application. HTTP is a stateless protocol, meaning that your Web server treats each HTTP request for a page as an independent request; by default, the server retains no knowledge of variable values used during previous requests. As a result, building Web applications that need to maintain some cross-request state information (applications that implement shopping carts, data scrolling, and so on) can be a challenge. ASP.NET session state identifies requests received from the same browser during a limited period of time as a session, and provides the ability to persist variable values for the duration of that session. ASP.NET session state is enabled by default for all ASP.NET applications. ASP.NET sessionstate variables are easily set and retrieved using the Session property, which stores session variable values as a collection indexed by name. For example, the following code example creates the session variables FirstName and LastName to represent the first name and last name of a user, and sets them to values retrieved from TextBox controls. C# Code Session["FirstName"] = FirstNameTextBox.Text; Session["LastName"] = LastNameTextBox.Text; ASP.NET stores session information in the memory space of the ASP.NET application by default.

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c. Application State

Application state is a data repository available to all classes in an ASP.NET application. Application state is stored in memory on the server and is faster than storing and retrieving information in a database. Unlike session state, which is specific to a single user session, application state applies to all users and all sessions. Therefore, application state is a useful place to store small amounts of often-used data that does not change from one user to another. The topics in this section provide information on how application state works and how to use it. Application state is stored in an instance of the HttpApplicationState class. This class exposes a key-value dictionary of objects. The HttpApplicationState instance is created the first time a user accesses any URL resource in an application. The HttpApplicationState class is most often accessed through the Application property of the HttpContext class. You can use application state in two ways. You can add, access, or remove values from the Contents collection directly through code. The HttpApplicationState class can be accessed at any time during the life of an application. However, it is often useful to load application state data when the application starts. To do so, you can put code to load application state into the Application_Start method in the Global.asax file.

4. Describe the following with respect to Web Services in .Net: a. Writing and Testing a Web Service b. Implementing a Web Service Client Ans:

MC0081 .(DOT) Net Technologies


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MC0081 .(DOT) Net Technologies


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