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Independent Reading Assignment Select any work from the list of Q2 Choices.

You will set your own pacing and calendar for completion. The written portion will be due on__________________________. For the work you read, you must complete a thorough outline. This outline will later serve as a study guide for your AP exam; you should bear this in mind as you consider appropriate details to include. NOTE: Final outline must be typed. Outlining a Work of Fiction 1) Title - Discuss the significance of the title to the meaning of the work. 2) Author - Research the relationship of the author to his or her work. - What is the historical or literary significance of this work? 3) Opening Chapter or Scene - What is accomplished? - What is the significance of the opening to the work as a whole? - What is the significance of the opening to the meaning of the work? 4) The World of the Work - What is the setting? - What class is being represented? - What are the values of the people? - Discuss the influence of the society on the individual characters. 5) Themes and Conflicts (REQUIRED) - Express the key ideas in one or two words. - What are the techniques that the author uses to develop these themes? (Does s/he do it through character, outcomes of the plot, etc.?) - What are the relationships of the themes and conflicts to the world? - What are the conflicts between individuals, groups, ideas, and values? - What are significant lines in the work that express these themes and conflicts? 6) Characters (REQUIRED) - What conflicts are present between characters? Are they internal or external? - Are the characters realistic or unrealistic? What is the purpose of these characters? What is their relationship to the story? - Compare and contrast some of the main characters. What is the purpose of these comparisons? 7) Style (REQUIRED) - Analyze the authors use of diction and syntax. - Analyze the use of figurative language. - What is the tone? Discuss. - Examples! 8) Plot (This section is not designed for plot summary; in fact, this will not be tolerated.) - Discuss the structure of the plot. What is the time structure? - What point of view is the plot told through? What is the significance of this?

Are there striking or unrealistic incidents? Why? Make note of key moments and their purposes exposition, rising action, climax, dnouement, etc. 9) Symbols - Discuss the symbols significance to the meaning of the story. 10) Views of the Past - What is the protagonists OR authors view of the past? - Is it to recapture something? Why? - Is it to escape something? Why? 11) Parallel Events, Characters, Situation, and Works - Are there parallel events within the story? Why? - Can you find any parallels with other works? Perhaps to one we are reading in class together? Add your own experiences. 12) Conclusion - Was the conclusion a satisfactory solution to problems? Why or why not? - Do you think it was appropriate to the plot and characters? Why or why not? 13) Your Impressions (REQUIRED) - What are your impressions of the work? - How are you? How was this process for you? Whats going on in your life? Note: At this point in your English career, it should not even be a question if you need to have textual evidence

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