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Name: Kristin Wang

Date: 11/13/2012

Today, I showed students the poster of a childrens menu from a restaurant. My goal for this lesson is to help students notice and understand the components cost and categories of food of an actual menu. In large group, I showed students the poster of a childrens menu and ask the students if they notice something new or different about the poster. I asked the students about price on the menu, why is there price on the menu? And asked the students if they notice a special sign on the poster, which they have never seen before. After asking the students about the price on a menu, I reviewed the concepts of entre, dessert, and beverage on the menu with the students.

I think that the lesson went the way it did RE today because the large group time really helped the students tie concepts together, and for the students to help each other review and gain knowledge about new concepts. It is a lot better than me telling the students information. In this way, the students are able to learn from peers. I also think that the lesson went the way it did today because making the enlarged poster, where all the students are able to see the words and pictures is beneficial for all the students. The visual aide, where the dollar sign and numbers are right there, really helped the students visualize and notice the price on the menu. I was hoping for students to gain the knowledge that the customers use the price on the menu to figure out how much they have to pay for a food, and to know that there is price on the menu, which they did. I was also hoping to review the concepts of entre, beverage, and dessert with the students. However, that might have been too much information after the students just grasped a new concept. I also didnt have time to review the words entre, dessert, and beverage. If I could do the lesson again, I would try to make time for that, since it would have been a wonderful review.

I achieved my goal of helping the students notice the price on the menu and the dollar sign. They told me that they have never seen this before. I achieved the desired response from the students. I held the poster in my hand, and asked the students, I wonder, do you notice something new on the menu? Something that you have never seen before? After a while, Tristin raised his hand and told me, I see some numbers on the menu! I paused and asked the students, Thats right! But why do we have numbers on a menu? Camron answered, Cause you need to know how much things cost! And I told the students, Very good! But do you know what that is called? The price of a menu tells us how much each food costs Several students, such as Janyah, Giovanni, and Kenaya pointed to the new number on the menu.

Name: Kristin Wang

Date: 11/14/2012

Today, I showed students during centers the parts and functions of a blender. My goal for this lesson is to show students the different parts of the blender and to understand the function of those parts. My goal was also to help students understand the concept of kitchen safety by not touching the blades on the blender. The activity happened during centers, and I made a brief introduction of it during circle time. During circle time, I took the blender apart and showed the students the separate parts (The stand, the switch, the jar, the lid, and the blades). I also prepared a bag of grapes. Then, I showed the students the parts and asked them what they thought each part is used for. Each student grabbed a handful of grapes, and we made observations of what the grapes are like now and predictions of what will happen to the grapes.

The students loved the lesson. They sat still, RE were engaged, and followed directions. The blender may be an utensil that the students have seen before. When I asked the students to look at the blade, they looked with their eyes and told me that touching the blade isnt safe. I think that things went the way it did today because the blender is an utensil that the students are very interesting in, and enjoys watching and learning about. Having this concrete material greatly benefitted my instruction, as compared to holding a picture of a blender and explaining it. Having students have the hands on experience of grabbing the grapes to put inside the blender is also a good idea, it provided students a sense of purpose and role that they had in this experiment. The students were all engaged until the point that the blender stopped mashing up the grapes, which the students all left. I then had to call back the students who left to finish the conclusion of the lesson and ask them, What did you observe? I should have provided students with a sense of purpose and introduction for further exploration after the blender mashed up the grapes. Since I didnt immediately mention that, the students lost that purpose and left for other centers.

I achieved the goal of helping students understand the parts and functions of a blender. I also achieved the goal of helping students understand to not touch the blendes, since they would hurt themselves on it. I showed students the blades, and snatched my fingers from it, I asked the students why I dont want my fingers near the blades. Several students raised their hands and told me that, You might hurt yourself, You can cut yourself! The students sat very still and quiet, there eyes are round and big as I asked them to sit on their hands and to look with their eyes. The students dud not talk, they listened to the instructions. When I asked the students to take turns taking a handful of grapes, they took turns. Afterwards, the students sat and watched the blender chop up the grapes. However, then, they left right away.

Name: Kristin Wang

Date: 11/15/2012

My goal for this lesson is to help students learn to observe the small details that make up a colander. My goal is also to help students draw a colander. The activity was during centers, at the art area with four students. I started this lesson by asking the students to put on their science googles and too look closely, I asked them to first tell me about the shape of the whole colander. Then, I drew the parts of the colander, the handle, legs, and holes, step by step. The students would describe the parts to me, and then I would draw it. After modeling for the students, it was their turn to look at the colander and draw it. I placed the colander on the table, where they can easily touch it to examine it more closely. Afterwards, the students drew their own pictures of the colander.

Sophia understood and saw the different RE parts of the colander, since she was able to depict all of it in her drawing. However, Zion had more difficulty, since she only drew the body of the colander and not the other parts. I was hoping that all the students at the art table would be able to notice the legs, handles, shape, and holes on the colander. However, I have to keep in mind that students have various levels for learning. Wishing that all the students will draw pictures that will look almost exactly like mine isnt realistic. I have to be aware of the students levels and try to challenge them without making the activity too challenging. I could have provided students more time to think of answers, rather than using teacher directed questions. The type of questions that I asked the students provided too much hints, which should only be used as a last resource. I could have asked the students, What else do you notice on the colander? instead of pointing at the handle of the colander, and asking the to tell me what it is. If I could do it again, I would pull myself back from trying to give the students anwers, and instead try hard to ask questions that will help students think critically by themselves.

Yes, the students achieved the set goal of VAUATE noticing the details on the colander. The students also completed drawings of the colander themselves. All the students were able to notice the shapes that make up the colander. Sophias drawing was very similar to mine. She first drew the body of the colander. Afterwards, she added the handle and then the legs. Finally, she looked at the colander on the table and drew small holes inside her colander. She seemed to be able to grasp the concept and understood all the details that made up the colander. Ariayh also completed the colander with all the parts. Zion only drew the body of the colander. I brought the colander closer to Zion and encouraged her to look at the holes, and then modeled drawing a small hole for her. I asked her if she could draw her own.

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