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Am I Crazy or

Just Haunted?
A Guide for Living
with Paranormal
By Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller

Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences

by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 1
Table of Contents

1. Am I Nuts?
2. Is It Me?
3. Chill Bumps
4. Tap Dance
5. Open & Shut
6. I Am Not Alone
7. Did You See That?
8. I Hear You
9. Don’t Touch Me
10. Help!

Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences

by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 2

Most of the books I've read in an attempt to figure out

what the strange phenomena were that were happening to
me were a huge waste of time. There was some useful
information in them; but largely they were disappointing.
This book is the book I so desperately wanted to find, but
couldn't. There is no other book like this one. I yearned for
a volume that would tell me in plain language from an
unbiased standpoint what could possibly be causing the
strange phenomena in my life. I wanted someone who
would walk me through the possibilities for each unusual
experience and guide me through simple methods of
determining the cause of each occurrence. I didn't want a
book of spooky stories or elaborate tales of some else's
experiences. I had plenty of my own and knew other
people with plenty of experiences as well. I wanted to
avoid biased works that sought to prove that phenomena
are paranormal and dismissed any skeptic viewpoints.
Likewise, I found skeptical views insulting to people who
are sensitive to psychic phenomena. I found egotistical
viewpoints of self-proclaimed "experts" in related fields
offensive. After all, what truly qualifies someone to be an
expert in the paranormal when there is so little concrete
scientific quantifiable evidence that can be applied to
nonbiased double-blind experiments that yield consistent
conclusive results on repeated reports? In that light, there
is no such thing as an expert in paranormal research.
Another view is that everyone is an expert on their own
experiences as they study and search, trying to put things
into perspective and objectively understand what is
happening to them. I sincerely desired to find a book that
would simply guide me to find my own reality in truth
without trying to persuade me to believe any particular
theory. Such a book just didn't exist; so I have compiled a
breakdown from my years of research and experience to
create the book myself.
Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences
by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
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I didn’t want to write an “idiot’s guide” that insults the
intelligence of the reader, and I certainly wanted to avoid
writing a one-sided book that tells the reader that any
opinions, theories, or evidence contrary to the author’s are
hogwash. How scientific would that be! How egotistical!
Instead, it is my great desire to make information available
to the average person who it just trying to make sense of
the strange experiences in his or her life. This book is that
tool, which can be used over and over again in various
situations to assist the reader in evaluating his or her own
personal experiences intelligently and without bias. It is a
reminder that some apparently paranormal experiences
will have quite ordinary explanations if one evaluates them
objectively, and, conversely, that some experiences may
be outside the normal range, and, thus may be considered
paranormal. There is not one explanation for every
strange thing in one’s life. Did the clock stop because time
stood still or did the battery lose its power? If the batter
lost its power, was this an ordinary occurrence, or was the
battery drained suddenly by an unseen force? How would
one go about determining if the latter were true? This is
the book to help you walk through these types of
questions yourself. No matter what experts you consult or
how great their knowledge and experience, in the end, you
are the best judge of your own experiences if you can set
aside superstitions, pre-conceived ideas, and emotion,
and if you can allow yourself to calmly detach and
rationally evaluate the situation. Even if you find that you
are psychically sensitive, you can separate emotion from
psychic feelings with experience. You are not at the mercy
of anyone with an opinion and a certificate who might
force their opinions on you. Yes, consult experts! Yes,
seek help! Yes, accept evaluations! But don’t surrender
your intelligent evaluations because they conflict with
another’s. Compare them, analyze for yourself, and weigh
out conclusions in your mind. This book is for you.
Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences
by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
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Chapter 1: Am I Nuts?

Paranormal intrusions may evoke overwhelming concerns

about one’s level of sanity. In the interest of resolving the
issue of insanity versus paranormal phenomena
satisfactorily, there may be a misleading tendency to
exclude all other possible explanations for the strange
occurrences. After all, if it’s not a ghost, does that mean
I’m crazy? Not necessarily. And, the reverse is not
necessarily the case either. In fact, there is probably a
variety of accurate explanations for strange happenings
that range from commonplace to possibly paranormal.

A thorough investigation of perplexing peculiar

experiences is likely to reveal multiple phenomena of
varying origins. It would be wise to avoid leaping from the
supposition that (1) if I am not crazy; then (2) paranormal
activity MUST be the result of ghost involvement. This
pitfall of misdrawn conclusions will almost assuredly leave
a person unsatisfied, still questioning, and without comfort.
There is such an overwhelming feeling of relief when the
possibility of paranormal activity is validated for the
unexplainable things in one’s life that the easiest next
route to follow is to assume that every strange thing is
paranormal. To reign in one’s feelings and emotions as
one evaluates a situation and to allow oneself to view the
experience in a detached emotionless manner will yield
much clearer understanding of the true nature of

Hypotheses allowing for a great variety of possible

conclusions will lead to more satisfactory results of
investigation. First, consider natural causes, ruling out
possibilities and progressing toward paranormal causes.
To separate the normal from the paranormal, it is well to
Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences
by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 5
examine each bit of evidence and search for corroborating
evidence. If none can be found, there is less suspicion of
paranormal activity.

A worksheet of possible determinations for EACH

phenomenon using the “rule-out” method might follow
along these lines:

(1) If the subject has no biological cause for

symptoms/hallucinations; then
(2) If no physical person is directly influencing
occurrences; then
(3) If no physical person (present or absent;
consciously or subconsciously) is indirectly
influencing phenomena; then
(4) If no physical environment variables can be
determined to affect occurrences; then
(5) If no atmospheric factors are responsible for
phenomena; then
(6) The phenomenon may be considered to be
paranormal in nature;

And, each paranormal phenomenon can be assembled

into individual categories for further evaluation.

When we emerge from denial and are ready to embrace

the possibility of the paranormal, we may rally to defend
our sanity by ascribing paranormal explanations for every
peculiar happening. The truth of a situation may lie
somewhere between the odd coincidence and the
paranormal, and should be sought objectively.

Consider a few scientific principles before drawing

conclusions. For example, Transcranial Magnetic
Stimulation (TMS) applies magnetic signals to specific
regions of the brain to produce a variety of effects.
Mystical states of consciousness can be induced, during
Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences
by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
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which a person may perceive a presence or even
entertain a supreme being. Some researchers have
suggested that naturally occurring electromagnetic
fluctuations could be at the root of various paranormal
manifestations. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or
electrical sensitivity (ES), is a genuine public health
concern. Allergy-like neurological symptoms can occur in
prolonged exposure to various electromagnetic fields.
These symptoms can range from dizziness and buzzing or
ringing in the ears to muscle spasms, sleep disturbances,
and confusion, even paralysis or convulsions. Some
paranormal manifestations have been ascribed to
symptoms of ES.

Electromagnetic frequency sensitivity testing can be done

at a facility such as the Environmental Health Center in
Dallas, Texas to determine if an individual has electrical
(electromagnetic) sensitivity. An Electrical Sensitivity
Diagnostic Kit may be helpful in determining which type of
ES affects an individual (AC magnetic fields, electric fields
only, or DC fields) by exposing the subject to one type of
EMF at a time in order to analyze the cause of symptoms.

Many researchers believe, however, that paranormal

energy is electromagnetic in origin. The energy given off
by a spirit, ghost, or residual energy is thought to cause a
disruption in the magnetic field of the location; thus being
detected with measuring devices. An EMF detector or
Gauss meter can be used in the home to locate
electromagnetic field fluctuations from household or
paranormal sources. Careful analysis of the area can help
to identify or rule out household EMF fluctuations. Home
wiring, electric outlets, power boxes, electric clocks,
fluorescent lights, lamps, electric blankets, microwave
ovens, waterbed heaters, telephones (and phone lines),
answering machines, electric razors, hair dryers,
computers, military base radar, batteries, electrical
Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences
by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 7
appliances which are plugged in (even if they are turned
off), copper pipes, and even running water can cause
EMF disturbances. These EM fields can surround an
object for several feet in diameter. There are significant
differences in EMF detectors. A non-calibrated meter is
used to detect EMF from AC (Alternating Current) of
varying Hz (Hertz) rates, and may detect EMF in wiring,
electric service panels, fluorescent lights, computer and tv
monitors, and electronic equipment. A calibrated meter is
used to detect EMF from DC (Direct Current) generally in
the 50 to 60 Hz range (the range of ordinary household
electricity), and may detect EMF from large magnets,
batteries, structural steel in buildings, elevators, subway
trains, iron structures, and even the Earth’s magnetic field.
Using both types can aid in ruling out certain man-made
EMF. If both meters register the reading at the same time,
paranormal activity is less likely because the calibrated
meter is designed to detect man-made energy. If only the
non-calibrated meter registers, paranormal cause is more

Most normal household readings will range 9.0 to 30.0 mG

(milliGauss). Readings will get higher nearer to the
source. Readings of natural sources will mostly be
stationary and should generally be constant. Typical 60 Hz
(Hertz) magnetic fields (household electricity) in the
middle of rooms, away from appliances, ranges from 0.5
to 2 mG and may be leaking in from outdoor electricity,
house wiring, and water pipes to which electrical systems
are grounded. Unexplainable isolated sporadic (especially
those that move or disappear) readings ranging from 1.0
to 8.0 are suspicious for paranormal activity.

A Single Axis EMF meter reads from one direction only

(usually in the front; but check specifications for the unit
you have) because it has only one sensor. The more
sensitive the unit, the farther away from the source it will
Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences
by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 8
register. A Dual Axis EMF meter has two sensors; thus
reads from two directions (generally in front and below). A
Triple Axis EMF meter has 3 sensors; so generally reads
from front, below, and above. Each type meter has its
purpose. One concern about EMF detectors is that
sensors (especially those reading from above) may detect
geomagnetic storms in the ionosphere caused by solar
flares and even ordinary thunderstorms up to a 50-mile
radius. Monitoring area weather conditions can be quite
important during an investigation. Space and surface
weather current data can be found on the National
Weather Service website at http://www.nws.noaa.gov/ .
Space weather (solar flare/geomagnetic storm info) is also
available at http://www.spaceweather.com/ .

There is also some controversy regarding possible

increases in paranormal activity during geomagnetic
storms that follow solar flares. EMF measurements do not
necessarily mean that paranormal activity is present; but
may provide evidence that conditions are right for
phenomena to occur. These same readings may provide
evidence that conditions are present to cause someone
with ES to have hallucinations. So, the EMF readings
alone are not conclusive of anything other than EMF; but
may be used with other diagnostic tools as a doctor or
nurse would use a stethoscope in conjunction with a blood
pressure cuff and a thermometer as physiological
diagnostic tools. As evidence is gathered, quantified, and
assimilated, one can begin to decipher the overall picture
and more accurately evaluate a phenomenon.

Continue to rule out possible explanations until you are left

with the unexplained. After considering multiple possible
natural explanations for strange phenomena, it may
actually come as a relief to find that you’re not crazy, just

Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences

by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 9
Chapter 2: Is It Me?

The question of whether or not the curious incident is

directly related to the person experiencing the phenomena
is not necessarily contingent on the individual’s soundness
of mind. Evidence could support the theory that some
occurrences may be attributed to an individual, directly or
indirectly. However, this finding does not necessarily infer
that the party involved is “crazy”. A number of possibilities
should be examined. Although it is unlikely that EVERY
incident will be traced to a single person, there is a great
likelihood that there will be a high suspicion of relation, in
some manner, to a particular individual for at least some
phenomena. There can be some comfort found in the
determination that some startling experiences may not
have their root in malevolent supernatural visitations.

Belief in the paranormal or in a haunting account may, in

itself, cause one to be inclined to interpret ambiguous
stimuli in a manner consistent with the beliefs of the
individual. Simply believing in the paranormal may bias
one to unconsciously determine that a particular
experience is paranormal when it could, alternately, be
interpreted as non-paranormal. People who believe in the
paranormal may also be more willing to see patterns or
relationships between events than nonbelievers. It has
been suggested that high levels of dopamine (a brain
chemical related to reward and motivation that may
increase with exposure to stress) may influence a person
to find significance in coincidences and notice patterns or
meanings where there are none. This may result in
impetuous conclusions drawn about an experience
assuming a correlation between factors that may, in fact,
be unrelated. Such conclusions could be imprecise at
best; fallacious at worst.

Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences

by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 10
Vivid dreams remembered on awakening may give one
the impression of otherworldly visitations. Some perhaps
are such; but undoubtedly some dreams are simply the
abstract representation of subconscious free thought.
Suspected psychic dreams should be analyzed with
scrutiny and re-analyzed objectively after the emotion of
the moment has passed to separate those psychic in
nature from vivid extensions of the subconscious. There
are many reference resources for dream interpretation
from various backgrounds including science to psychology
to metaphysics; but ultimately a dream means what it
means to you, the dreamer.

A psychic dream may be ambiguous at first; but when one

considers that figures in the dream may be subconscious
representations of ideas, especially for thoughts that are
less desirable to view literally, the dream can begin to
unfold. For example, a monster or vicious animal may
represent that which is too horrible to see rather than an
actual creature. Clues within the dream may guide the
dreamer to understand what dream elements mean to
him. Vehicles of travel may represent a physical journey or
life’s journey, thus transition to a new stage, phase or
direction. Once you consciously understand the meaning
of a repeating dream, there is no need for the
subconscious manifestation; so the dream may change or
cease altogether. Keeping a dream diary upon awakening
provides a record for further interpretation and assures
that later embellishment (however unintentional) will not
alter one’s memory of the actual dream. Separating
psychic dreams for ordinary ones may be difficult at first;
but if one has numerous psychic experiences both in
dreams and while awake, it will be easier to discern them.
One who is sensitive to psychic experiences and can
detach the emotion from the experience will be able to
detect a certain feeling that psychic experiences have
which is apart from any other feeling. This feeling is
Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences
by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 11
almost impossible to describe, and I don’t know if it is the
same for everyone; but it is clearly distinct.

Daydreams may range from the imagery of relaxed free

association to structured fantasies, and may have some
connection to certain hallucinations occurring during a
meditative state.

Daytime fatigue can precipitate a momentary episode of

microsleep during which the person is utterly unaware of
his brief catnap. A microsleep lapse of only a few seconds
can result in either an error of omission during cognitive
function (failure to respond expeditiously to a stimulus) or
an error of commission (responding without the presence
of a stimulus). This could readily account for a loss of
minute amounts of time or unexplained actions and

Group repetition of a belief or account of phenomena can

perpetuate a myth by communal reinforcement. If enough
people tell the same story enough times, it becomes
accepted as fact, even if the story began as an
unsubstantiated and erroneous rumor. Odd events that
might otherwise be dismissed without consideration may
erroneously be ascribed to the supernatural manifestation
of the legend.

Insufficient oxygenation of the brain may be the

physiological explanation for mystical experiences noted
during Near Death Experiences. Cerebral anoxia (lack of
oxygen to the cerebrum, the largest part of the brain)
could be responsible for the perception of a tunnel of light,
sensation of being outside one’s body, and encounters
that occur with NDE.

If a person feels pressured to remember a past event; but

has no recollection of it, the brain may unconsciously
Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences
by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
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insert a false memory which is then perceived as actual
recollection. Thus, the need to recover a repressed
memory could provoke a person to unknowingly concoct a
false memory of an event that never took place and
accept it as real. Written accounts of events are preferable
to forced memories, particularly those recorded at the time
of occurrence.

It should not be surprising to find that some phenomena

can be explained quite so simply. However, experiences
that cannot be so readily categorized will require a
broader view to understand.

What is reality? We tend to believe that reality is what we

know we have experienced. As you can see, we need a
new understanding of reality. What one knows he has
experienced, while real to him, may not be an accurate
representation of reality. It is possible for there to be a
greater truth concerning what is real than the personal
experience or recollection. Accepting this possibility frees
the mind to learn more about the world, life, and even

Hypnagogic (while drifting into sleep) and hypnopompic

(while awakening) states may be filled with mystical
experiences; but one must cautiously evaluate the cause
of such phenomena. Much has been written about the
relationship of alpha/theta brain waves present in these
states to ESP and other psychic experiences. Psi
receptiveness associated with brain waves around the 7-8
Hz range may explain why genuine paranormal
encounters occur upon awakening and drifting into sleep.
The Alpha/Theta state can also be achieved with
meditation, hypnosis, and deep self-introspection. This
altered state is said to be conducive to genuine
paranormal experiences.

Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences

by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 13
The term "sensitive" may refer to one who is psychic or
possesses extraordinary psychometric, clairvoyant, or
telepathic abilities. The term is also used to refer to a
person who is receptive to non-physical energies. Some
people use the term synonymously with the term
"medium", meaning one who is sensitive to spirit
vibrations and may make contact with spirits. Being
sensitive to subtle energies may predispose one to
experience and/or to recognize paranormal phenomena.

The answer to the question, “Is it me?” may emerge as,

“Yes, because you are sensitive to psi phenomena.” It
might be well to keep a journal of unexplainable
experiences and write a personal history of those
previously experienced. Reflecting on these journal entries
may prove enlightening as one endeavors to determine
the nature of the the answer to the question, “Is it me?”

Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences

by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 14
Chapter 3: Chill Bumps

A frequently reported phenomena associated with

hauntings and spirit activity is a drop in temperature in a
specific area of the location. These cold spots may be
small areas, perhaps even in motion, and may be felt as a
coldness on the skin and a chill that runs through portions
of the body.

Before assigning a drop in temperature to psychic cold,

one should examine other explanations. Drafts can cause
the same drop, and subtle drafts might not be detected
except with a thermometer. Turn off air conditioning and
fans. Close windows and doors, Cover cracks and
crevices before jumping to conclusions. Consider also the
conduction of cold through windowpanes, metal surfaces,
pipes, and glass.

Attention should be paid to environmental factors that may

cause air currents or temperature variations by
conduction. Cold spots occurring in the absence of drafts
or surface-related variations may be considered to be
paranormal events.

There are various theories regarding cold spots that are

considered to be of paranormal origin. It is thought that a
spirit or ghost uses the energy in a particular spot to
manifest itself, creating a cold mass.

Atmospheric heat (in the room or area) is thermal energy.

The paranormal entity may be a spirit “body” of pure
energy with mass. Any living organism uses energy to do
work, then replenishes the energy in its body by drawing
energy from outside sources (food & air). The spirit “body”
also must replenish energy used up doing work (moving,
manifesting, etc.) by drawing energy from outside sources
(atmospheric heat – thermal energy.)
Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences
by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 15
When a living person does work, their body temperature
increases due to the physiological processes within the
physical body. Theoretically, a spirit “body”, in the
absence of these physical body processes, could not
increase it’s “body” temperature by doing work. Therefore,
the actual spirit “body” might logically get colder by doing

It is unclear if the temperature drop associated with spirit

activity is a conscious effort on the part of the spirit or
merely a natural effect, as in conduction. A living person
may increase their body temperature by doing work
without consciously attempting to create heat. It may be
possible that the spirit entity could be unaware of the
thermal effects; but also consciously effect temperature.

An infrared non-contact thermal scanner may be used to

quantify cold or warm spots by detecting sudden or
extreme temperature variations. These fluctuations may
be as subtle as 4 degrees or as extraordinary as 60
degrees. Readings over 20 degrees may be considered
significant for paranormal activity if other explanations can
be ruled out. When a cold spot is encountered, be sure to
measure the ambient temperature outside the cold area
for comparison, and to determine if the cold spot is in

Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences

by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 16
Chapter 4: Tap Dance

Ideally, one will have a video surveillance tape or audio

recording of strange sounds like bumps, knocks, taps,
squeaks, and creaks. In the absence of such evidence to
compare to, it is advisable to have witnesses compare
with their recollection various sounds made by physically
moving objects present that could have been affected by
wind, pets, changes in humidity or barometric pressure,
neighbor activity, children at play, or other natural factors.
If the sound can be recreated by logical means, it may be
possible to readily resolve the situation and rule out
paranormal activity to resolve conflicts over possible
origins of various noises.

Several attempts to reproduce a sound by various means

may be helpful in determining the cause of a suspicious
knocking, tapping, or dragging. Systematically compare
sounds by various means to find possible natural causes.
The origin may be as simple as a household pet, mouse,
child, or neighbor.

Sleepwalking, known as somnambulism, occurs during the

deepest levels of sleep; which explains why sleepwalkers
have no recollection of their unconscious activities.
Persons who sleepwalk may change clothes, rearrange
objects, move furniture, and even travel short distances
with absolutely no knowledge that they ever left their bed
during the night. Unexplained object movement during the
night or doors found open that were locked at bedtime
might be attributed to an unconscious sleepwalker.
Security cameras recording night activity may resolve the
question of how objects are being moved in the night.

Mechanical vibration sensors, voltage magnifier, and even

Geiger counters may be utilized in determining causes of
unexplained noises.
Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences
by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 17
The ability to affect people, objects, or events by will, but
without physical interaction, is known as psychokinesis
(PK). Some poltergeist activity has been attributed to
Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis (RSPK) related to
a member of the household who may be unaware of his
own ability. When the suspected individual is removed
from the vicinity, sounds, flickering lights, apparitions, and
moving objects cease.

Bangs, bumps, knocks, and taps may be caused by

psychokinetic activity associated with a person in the
building, or even by someone at a remote location. The
person creating the disturbance may be acting with full
intent or may be completely unaware of his or her
psychokinetic ability.

The Galvanic Skin Response Test (GSR) utilizing a

computer and sensor attached to a witness’s finger may
indicate sensitivity to ESP and PK if the score is low.
Normal GSR is about 175 Ohms. Scores 0 to 60 are
indicative of the individual’s susceptibility to outside
influences such as electrical currents, EMF, etc.

If tapping, rapping, and banging cannot be explained by

examination of the environment or related to a particular
individual physically or psychically; other paranormal
involvement may be considered. Concurrent scientific data
such as EMF fluctuations, thermal variations, and data
from other devices establishes a repertoire of diagnostic
evidence supporting paranormal significance.

Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences

by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 18
Chapter 5: Open and Shut

Nothing is creepier than the sound of a door creaking

open in an otherwise silent, dark, still room. To determine
the cause of doors opening and shutting on their own, one
must be cautious not to overlook the obvious. Drafts from
open windows, air conditioning, or caused by air pressure
changes resulting from opening or closing portals in
another room could be at the root of the event. House
settling in the foundation, faulty latches, and slight
movement of flooring underfoot can cause doors to swing
open or shut. Pets could be involved in door movement. A
person may simply have not securely latched the door, or
may brush against it with his person or other objects
without realizing it.

Prior knowledge of paranormal accounts at a certain

location may influence a person to assign special
significance to unusual events experienced in the same
area. This could be conscious or unconscious knowledge
(known before; but forgotten). The expectation of a
paranormal experience may influence a person to deem
odd happenings as paranormal and to report unusual
incidents as paranormal before investigating to make that
determination. Expectation itself facilitates the
presentation of paranormal events. Expectation combined
with anticipation and fear in a dark room may lend greater
significance to minor sounds and shadows, resulting in the
misinterpretation of ordinary events.

Intention is a step beyond expectation, and creates an

even greater possibility for experience. If one enters a
place or state of mind with the intent to experience a
paranormal event, there is a high probability that events
will be construed to be paranormal, accurately or

Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences

by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 19
Psychokinesis (PK) may explain poltergeist-like activity
causing doors to open and close on their own, and may be
traced to an individual in the home.

If common causes have been ruled out, and the creaking

doors remain a mystery, spirit involvement may be
considered. Sometimes determining the reason a spirit
would move a particular door may lead to resolution of the
phenomena. A ghost could be trying to draw attention to a
room, cabinet, or area for reasons that will only be
discovered through investigation. The obvious conclusion
that a ghost is announcing his grave or place of death may
be completely erroneous. The squeaking door may be a
comforting reminder that grandma is around, a pointer to
an object that begs to be discovered, a warning not to
enter an area, or a mischievous attempt to disquiet the

Am I Crazy or Just Haunted? A Guide for Living with Paranormal Experiences

by Mary C Miller
Copyright 2005 by Mary C Miller
Page 20
Chapter 6: I Am Not Alone

A commonly reported phenomenon is the sense of

presence, or feeling as if someone or something is in the
room, perhaps hovering near; a feeling of not being alone.

As always, consider natural explanations first, and then

move toward the paranormal.

Infrasound exposure may cause various physiological

effects, including anxiety, shivering, breathlessness, and a
feeling of an unseen presence. Thus, low frequency sound
waves from household equipment which cannot be heard
could cause one to feel watched.

Low frequency infrasonic waves produced by machinery

or gusts of wind through corridors can produce
headaches, insomnia, internal organ quivers, heightened
emotions, and chills. Infrasound from household
equipment or cooling systems may cause eyeball vibration
with blurred periphery and even the hallucination of a
human figure. Infrasound frequencies lie below the human
range of hearing (below 20 hertz); thus, they can be felt,
but not heard. An infrasound detector such as the Spectral
Electronic Auris I Infrasound System can be used to find
the frequency of infrasound in a room.

There is a controversial theory being researched that

individuals with increased metabolic activity in the
temporal lobe region of the right hemisphere of the brain
have a greater likelihood of entity encounter experiences
(EEEs). This brain region is theorized to generate one’s
sense of self. The theory continues that unusual activity in
this brain region projects the self-image of the right
hemisphere into the left hemisphere where it is interpreted
as an unseen presence.

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If biological factors are not found to be the cause of the
“hovering” feeling, and no outside influences can be linked
to the experience, documentation of sensations and
events can be the first step in putting paranormal
happenings into perspective.

A sensitive or person with heightened intuition may

experience internal phenomena, noting a feeling of energy
or intensity associated with the presence of an entity. Cold
or warm sensations, or unexplained strong emotional
episodes may accompany the experience. The psychic
cold may be an overall feeling that the room temperature
just dropped ten degrees, leaving one reaching for a
blanket, or it may be a feeling of cold passing through a
body part. Perhaps one hand feels very cold or one side of
the body. Some people explain this cold as the spirit
drawing energy. Perhaps the spirit is a lower temperature
for some other reason. It is not known if the psychic cold is
an intelligent act of the spirit or a normal occurrence. It is
just one more bit of evidence to note when one feels a
presence in the room.

If spirits exist all around us, as many believe, the

awareness of the presence of a spirit may develop into an
experience as ordinary in nature as becoming aware of
birds in the tree outside one’s window. The cognizance of
spirit need not be fundamentally frightening, negative, or
even surprising. The sensation that one is not alone can
be an early warning system to prompt a person to connect
with spirit through intuition and introspection.

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Chapter 7: Did You See That?

Bits of loose debris in the eye can appear as objects

floating across the room. Entoptic (meaning within the
eyeball) phenomena are any sensations produced by the
physical structure of optic nerves. Optical phenomena
occurring without visual stimulation may be referred to as
ideoretinal light. These patterns of light and color are a
form of entoptic phenomena. Blood flowing through layers
of retinal cells as light pierces through darkness may
result in entoptic effects of glittering webs or streaks of
light, known as Scheerer’s phenomena. Standard vision
tests may not address visual disturbances related to
entoptic phenomena; but subjective questionnaires such
as NEI VFQ-25 (Visual Functioning Questionnaire) from
the Rand Corporation (contracted by the National Eye
Institute) may yield more indicators of visual dysfunction.
The Blue Field Simulator marketed by Oculix Inc. may be
used in ophthalmic diagnostic procedures such as the
Blue Field Entoptoscope test to evaluate blue field
entoptic phenomena.

To make note of what entoptic phenomena may look like,

unfocus your gaze on a light-colored blank wall. As you
become more aware of what you are seeing through your
eye lenses rather than what you are seeing out in the
room, you may begin to notice “floaties” such as hair like
floating fuzz, circles or spots traveling across your view, or
other items that move as you move your eyes from left to
right or up to down.

Objective apparitions are phenomena that appear

independent of our minds. These are separate and distinct
from our inner thoughts or feelings. Subjective apparitions
are phenomena that are created by our minds (such as

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Hypnopomic hallucinations manifest during awakening as
the body shifts from involuntary to voluntary nervous
systems. One may hear bits of conversations, see figures
walk past, or notice smells that are not actually present
during this natural semiconscious state.

An illusion is perceiving something that is real; but

perceiving it incorrectly, as in optical illusion amusements
and magic tricks. Illusions also occur when light and
shadows, distance, color, and pattern create the
appearance of motion, proximity, or even invisibility. A
collective illusion may be experienced by a group with a
common expectation observing a single occurrence with

A hallucination is the perception of something that is not

present. Observation of an illusion may provoke a
hallucination. Infrequent and transitory hallucinations may
be attributed to environmental or biological factors such as
sleep deprivation, meditation, foods, fasting, or
medications. Suggestion by a strong-willed group member
may induce a simultaneous group hallucination. A psychic
extension of this theory is infectious hallucination, in which
one group member telepathically transmits his
hallucination to other members of the group.

While the human eye can differentiate between thousands

of color, the perceptual memory can only detect 17 colors,
and recalls scenes in words rather than images. To relate
a visual display, the verbal description is brought to mind,
then the visual representation is reconstructed,
unconsciously allowing the brain to fill in gaps of absent
recollection. Therefore, the image that we recall of a visual
setting is not an exact representation of the actual scene.
When recounting a visual recollection, corroborating
evidence such as photos, written accounts, and other

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witnesses will help to ensure an accurate visual

The unconscious motivation to validate an apparently

impossible phenomenon can result in self-deception. A
person can mislead himself to accept an invalid postulate
in order to rationalize an otherwise unacceptable situation.

An irrelevant conclusion is an argument defending, and

often proving, a point other than the original assertion. The
conclusion may be quite persuasive because it is, in fact,
correct; but irrelevant and possibly misleading. One
example might be the argument that electromagnetic field
fluctuations are proof of a haunting because ghosts are
made up of electromagnetic energy, which can be
detected by EMF equipment. The correct conclusion is
that EMF equipment can detect electromagnet energy
fluctuations. However, this does not prove that a ghost is
causing the disturbances. The conclusion fails to prove
the connection between EMF and ghosts. In fact, EMF
can relate to many natural causes, some quite

There is another possibility in interacting with an entity that

may be the most disconcerting when you’ve finally
accepted that paranormal phenomena exist. It’s commonly
referred to as a man-made ghost. Some psi researchers
have demonstrated that an interactive entity with
personality could be created by their collective psychic
energy, appear as they designed it to, act as they
intended it to, and respond to the name they gave it.
Furthermore, the entity can reappear for a brief amount of
time before the energy dissipates. This leaves the
question of whether the man-made ghost is actually a
conjured vision of psychic energy or a deceptive
camouflaged spirit such as a demon. Insufficient research
exists at this time; but when considering the possibility of
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poltergeist-like phenomena being related to a person’s
conscious or unconscious psychokinetic ability, it certainly
deserves mention.

People will tell you that when you see something moving
quickly out of the corner of your eye, and turn to see
nothing there that it is a sprite, elf, pixie, or some other
mystical creature. I'm not saying they're wrong. Anything
is possible. But what evidence is there that this is true? In
the absence of scientific validation, one has to rely solely
on psychic impressions to prove the existence of such
creatures. Personal interpretation of psychic impressions
is fallable because so many factors (physiological,
psychological, and psychic) can affect one's perception of
psi events. In most cases, psychic impressions are no
more correct than random guesses. Even if the existence
of pixies is accepted as a fact, the assignment of that
diagnosis to a particular event can only be inconclusive at
best. The greater likelihood is that the event is related to
physiological functions such as entoptic phenomena,
psychological explanations such as expectation, or even
other psychic visions. One can never completely rule out a
possible theory; but it makes more sense to adopt the
explanation with greatest probability until further evidence
to the contrary surfaces.

Apparitions that cannot be explained by close scrutiny of

the situation may be suspected to be truly paranormal.
Further investigation may determine if they are simply
echoes of the past imprinted on the surroundings, as in
residual hauntings, psychic visions caused by living
persons, benevolent entities, malevolent entities, or other
types of phenomena.

Understanding the nature of the apparition may be all that

is necessary in order to live comfortably with the
phenomena. Further action may be required in some
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cases. If a benevolent entity is present, it will be beneficial
to understand a bit about the purpose of the visitation. If
the entity merely appears, but does not interact with
persons in the area, no action is required. If the entity
seems to be seeking something from those present, it
might be well to determine what is desired and act as one
feels impressed to. If the visitation continues to be burden
to homeowners, it is well to announce the house rules.

Malevolent entities should be dealt with in a different

manner. Never interact with a malevolent apparition
without proper preparation. Spiritual study and preparation
are more than a suggestion for approaching a malevolent
entity. Attempts to clean the house by well-meaning
friends and clergy may, if unsuccessful, actually cause the
disturbance to increase in frequency and energy. Follow
the steps to determine if the phenomenon is truly
paranormal in nature, and make every effort to determine
if it is related to a particular individual who may
unknowingly be causing the disturbance with latent
psychokinetic energy before attempting to address the
entity. One would not enter a prize-fighting ring without
preparing sufficiently in advance. One should not engage
a negative entity of the spirit world without proper
preparation. When spiritually, psychically, mentally,
emotionally, and physically prepared, one can act with
certain authority and surety to command malevolent
apparitions to leave one’s home, oneself, and one’s family
(if the person has authority over the family.) Peace of mind
can be returned to the home and family.

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Chapter 8: I Hear You

Some experiences may be attributed to one of many

aspects of dreaming. A hypnagogic hallucination is a
realistic dream that occurs during the phase of drifting off
to sleep in which one may hear voices that could startle a
person back into coherent wakefulness.

Somniloquy occurs during REM and non-REM sleep when

a person begins to speak aloud without awareness. One
may even be awakened by the sound of his own voice,
wondering from whence the voice comes.

Electromagnetic disturbances may affect one’s brain in

such a way that one hears sounds that are not physically
present. Microwaves can cause such disturbances. An
EMF detector can help to locate household appliances
and areas that may be generating these fields.

Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) are sonic events of

unknown origin sometimes captured in audio recordings.
Words and phrases of EVP are not heard at the time of
recording by those present; but are detected later on
playback of the recorded event. They may be recorded on
any type of recording equipment. These sounds are
thought to be the voices of spirits or ghosts. Other
possible explanations include Extra Low Frequency (ELF)
radio waves, outside noise from nearby areas or bouncing
off structures, sonic anomalies, or other white noise
events. It is important to rule out extraneous sounds and
to avoid capturing them by selecting a recording device
that either has no moving parts, such as a digital recorder,
or has an external microphone away from the moving
parts of the tape recorder.

Clairaudience, which literally means “clear hearing”, is the

psychic or spiritual ability to hear things beyond the
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physical realm. One may discover that one hears whispers
or voices that may or may not be substantiated by others.
There may be a medical reason for such, and one should
not fear examining the possibility of medication side
effects, alterations in brain chemistry or structure, or other
physiological conditions that could cause such
experiences. Psychological factors also may be at the root
of apparent clairaudient experiences. Complete
investigation of individuals and the phenomena will rule
out possibilities until one is left with only a few
explanations. If the auditory phenomena is substantiated
by other people and/or persists in a certain area, or if
auditory phenomena continue to occur after ruling out
physiological and psychological factors, there is a high
suspicion of paranormal involvement.

There is a great deal of misunderstanding about what it is

like to hear voices from the spirit world. Most people ask
me if you just hear a voice like someone speaking to you.
The simple answer, no, not exactly. It's more like
deliberate thought. For example, when you are reading a
passage for meaning, you may silently read in such a way
that you can actually hear the words in your mind. You
hear yourself saying the words in your thoughts; but you
don't physically hear a voice outside your head. Hearing a
spirit voice is similar in quality. You may hear the words in
your head as you would your own strong thoughts, even in
your own "inner voice"; but you recognize that you did not
think up the words yourself.

If one feels that the auditory phenomenon is spiritual

clairaudience, an understanding of communication with
the Holy Spirit may be beneficial. One should examine
information available in one’s own belief system. If
communication with the Holy Spirit is within that belief
system, the following may be beneficial.

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The Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost communicates with us in a
variety of ways. Each method that may be used is
communication, from the subtlest prompting to the loudest
voice. It is effective to hear or see with great clarity; but we
should not expect every communication to be so dramatic.
You wouldn't shout through a megaphone to tell your
brother to move over a bit to let someone sit down beside
him when a whisper would accomplish the goal. By the
same token, the Holy Spirit will use what means is
necessary and expedient to accomplish what must be
done. We must attune ourselves to the gentle promptings
so that, if the prompting is simply to turn right at the next
corner, we can clearly recognize a gentle nudge without
having to have an angel grab the steering wheel. As we
listen for the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit in prayer,
the voice that we hear will not likely be recognized as a
voice, and not from the direction of outside ourselves.
Instead, it is most often simply a thought that sparks
response that comes from within; but that we did not
generate of our own minds. As one becomes more adept
at recognizing the promptings of the Spirit, these thoughts
will become clearer and more distinct. Angels also speak
through the power of the Holy Spirit; so it may be that one
hears actual words spoken in the absence of a physical
entity. These words may be simply heard in one’s own
head or come from a direction in the room or area.

Hearing voices, while certainly quite startling, may not

mean that one is “crazy”, though some individuals will
assign all auditory phenomena to psychiatric disorders.
For this reason, be certain to walk through the steps of
ruling out other possibilities, and be cautious of sharing
your experiences with those whom you don’t know what
they’re interpretation of the experience will be. Remember,
“Don’t cast your pearls before swine.” The glorious
spiritual experiences you have are treasures beyond this
world. They are your pearls. Bestow them on others when
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the Spirit moves you with peace in your heart; but don’t
throw them out to those who will trample on them and
insult the universe and the creator thereof. Treasure them
in your heart and you will learn to be thankful for them.

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Chapter 9: Don’t Touch Me

It is not uncommon for a person to have experienced a

feeling of being touched by an unseen presence at least
once. This sensation of a hand on one’s arm or shoulder
may have a simple natural physiological explanation,
which should be ruled out before assuming paranormal

A myoclonic jerk (from myoclonus, meaning a brief,

sudden, singular twitching of a muscle or of muscle
groups which cannot be controlled by will) experienced at
the onset of microsleep may be caused by the misfiring of
nerve cells in the central nervous system, which is
transmitted through peripheral nerves. This may be
misconstrued as a touch or nudge from an unseen

Infrasound, extremely low frequency sound waves, may

be a physiological cause of the sense of presence
accompanied by hallucinations and feelings of being
touched. This infrasound may be produced by equipment
or even by the wind blowing through corridors. An
infrasound detector may be useful in determining the
frequency of infrasound in a room.

One explanation for true spirit contact is that spirits or

ghosts exist in a parallel dimension alongside our physical
world. They literally live among us; but are generally
unnoticed by us as we are by them unless conditions are
right to create a vortex, or bridge between dimensions or
planes. When the energy and environment is right,
interaction can occur with beings in different dimensions.
At these times, we may feel a touch or become aware of a
presence psychically or physically.

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Many beliefs exist regarding angels; but if one simplifies
the definition of angel to simply mean a disembodied or
unembodied spirit, understanding of angel visitation
becomes clearer. By this definition, and angel could be the
spirit of one who has never lived on this earth or one who
has lived and crossed over after death. Also the term
angel could refer to angels of heaven or those who were
cast out of heaven; so an angelic visitor could be a
positive or a negative experience. Angels cast down are
known as demons, and will never possess a living body of
their own. For that reason, they may appear as beings of
light or even family members in order to deceive the living.
However, their touch will not be felt, though they be solid
or transparent in appearance. The touch of a spirit not
explained by other means should not be feared.

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Chapter 10: Help Me!

Here are a few thoughts to help the person who has

examined all other explanations for the phenomena
occurring, and is struggling to find peace in living with
paranormal experiences.

Exercise caution and considered decision-making in

deciding on what type of “experts” and which ones to
consult. Consider the expert’s background, theology, and
agenda before making a commitment. Some professional
and amateur groups provide services free of charge, while
others require payment. Some will complete their entire
investigation in a few hours, draw their conclusions, and
make no further recommendations to help the person or
family experiencing the phenomena. Some may
encourage use of spiritual tools that could actually worsen
the experiences without warning household occupants of
that danger. Some will dismiss any spiritual or religious
ideas without consideration in the interest of skepticism,
paganism, or atheism. If you are to invite an “expert” into
your life and your home, it is your right to know exactly
what to expect from them. If someone makes you feel
quite uncomfortable, even though the words they say
seem to make sense, prayerfully make your decision
regarding them. It is possible that someone new coming in
may be offensive to spirits in your home. If this is the case,
it is expedient to discern whether it is the new person or
the spirit entity that makes you uncomfortable.

Since these possible paranormal incidents may be

attributed to spiritual origins, it is wise to approach them
as you would any other spiritual experience. Begin by
reviewing a simple method for making inspired decisions:

1. Identify the problem.

2. Pray for guidance and the spirit of discernment.
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3. Study the problem.
4. Make the decision.
5. Pray for confirmation.
6. Act (Do it.)

Gathering sufficient reliable information to make a wise

decision is the foundation of decision-making. Decisions
based on insufficient or unreliable information may lead to
regret. After making an informed choice, we should seek
confirmation in prayer that our decision is the right one for
us as the time. A peaceful feeling following this prayer can
give us the assurance to go forth. If peace does not come
from within, we must have the humility to begin the
decision-making process again. Once a decision is made
and confirmed, it is wise to act on it without delay. The
answer may different after a delay; so action should follow

Here are a few things to consider before engaging in

spiritual warfare:

I. Know the purpose of the war.

Whose war are you fighting? Why are you engaged in
warfare? How did this war begin, and what would be
considered final victory?

II. Know the rules of war.

Who set the rules of war? Where can you find these
rules? Do you have the rules committed to memory? Do
you review the rules periodically to make certain that you
are following them? What is the penalty for breaking the

III. Know the reward for the winner.

When the war is won, what will you have won?

IV. Know your enemy.

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How will you recognize the enemy? How will you
recognize his agents in disguise? What are his methods?
What preparations will you need to make to do battle
against the enemy and his methods?

V. Know your ally.

How will you recognize your allies? What are your allies’
talents, gifts, and blessings? How can you tell if someone
is an ally or an enemy? Who are your comrades in arms?

VI. Know yourself.

"To thine own self be true." What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses? When you lack the strength
or knowledge, how can you find it? How can you find your
inner peace when all is turmoil around you?

Also consider a brief warning: If you charge ahead into

spiritual warfare with anger, rage, and bitterness; you are
already serving the enemy, for those are his ways.
Negativity is one of the easiest tools he uses to achieve
his goals. Hatred, anger, bitterness, fear, and rage are
NOT from the Lord. When you feel them, ask yourself
from whence they come. Humble yourself before the Lord,
beg his forgiveness, and seek his peace. Then you may
be a worthy spiritual warrior.

John 4: 1-4 - "BELOVED, believe not every spirit, but try

the spirits whether they are of God: because many false
prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the
Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ
is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that
confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not
of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have
heard that it should come; and even now already is it in
the world. Ye are of God, little children, and have
overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than
he that is in the world."
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by Mary C Miller
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Coming in 2006 . . .

I May be Crazy; But

I’m Still Haunted!
A Spiritual Journey
Through Paranormal
By Mary C Miller

Copyright by Mary C Miller

This book will empower you to:

• Identify benevolent & malevolent spiritual entities

• Learn simple methods of improving positive spiritual experiences

• Know how to avoid many negative experiences with the paranormal

• Understand angels, spirits, demons, and other paranormal phenomena

Why I wrote this book:
The strange spiritual experiences in my life left me with many unanswered questions.
Positive experiences, while often comforting on some level, gave me a most uneasy
feeling as I was in denial of paranormal phenomena on principal. Negative paranormal
experiences paralyzed me with intense fear that was fueled by well-meaning friends
and religious authorities. A lifetime of searching for TRUTH has led me to a comforting
enlightened understanding of the paranormal that gives me the strength and courage to
face each day and each new spiritual experience with inner peace and even joy. I wish
this peace of mind for others who are struggling to come to terms with the strange
occurrences in their own lives. If you are one of those tortured souls as I was, this book
will help you to put spiritual things into perspective, understand the spiritual realm more
fully, and face each new day with confidence and inner peace, even on your worst
nightmarish day.
Books by Mary C Miller

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