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Ernesto S.

Malamion III Occupational Therapy

Group 1 C

Purpose: To help clients to cope with physical and mental disabilities in daily life. To help clients to learn or re learn various ordinary skills such as cooking. To help clients to manage leisure time activities. To help clients to overcome physical and cognitive disabilities as much as possible so they may live independent, functional lives. Procedure: Introduce the topic to the clients. Give time for the clients to understand what the activity is meant for. Instruct the clients to listen well. Tell the materials used in activity. Do the step by step procedure in making egg sandwich. Ask the clients to restate the procedure. Give recognition to the clients. Nursing Responsibilities: Avoid presenting tools that can harm the client such as knife or scissors. Encourage clients to verbalize their thoughts Give time for clients to organize their thought Keep the client safe from possible harm. Help them to rebuild their thoughts. Benefits for the Patient: Client can regain a certain measure of independence. Provides support to clients suffering from depressions and other psychological conditions that has impact on their daily life. Increases the mood state of the clients. Provides a mean of livelihood if clients were given the chance to go out. Students Reaction and Learning Experience: At first we decided to conduct an occupational therapy which were related to our remotivation therapy so as to give a bridge between the 2 therapies, however, we didnt go for it because this may include many tools to used such as knives, cutter, scissor that may cause harm to the clients. We decided to teach egg sandwich making which will enable them to do as a means of livelihood when they were given the chance to go out. They were attentive and can easily follow procedures of the sandwich making. After the procedure they openly verbalize their thought to each other making a interaction between them. It seems that they are already starting to overcome depression because of group interaction. In addition, they are already open to each other and actively participating in group activities.

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