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0026316-1 PUBLICLY-HELD COMPANY MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING OF LIGHT S.A. HELD ON APRIL 4, 2011, DRAWN UP IN A SUMMARY FORMAT, PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH 1, ARTICLE 130 OF LAW N6,404, FROM DECEMBER 15, 1976 (BRAZILIAN CORPORATE LAW). 1. Date, time and venue: April 4, 2012, at 2 p.m. via conference call. 2. Attendances: The sitting board members, Messrs. Sergio Alair Barroso, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Andr Fernandes Berenguer, Djalma Bastos de Morais, Cristiano Correa de Barros, Rutelly Marques da Silva, David Zylbersztajn and Carlos Alberto da Cruz, as well as acting deputy board members, Csar Vaz de Melo Fernandes, Fernando Henrique Schffner Neto and Paulo Roberto Reckziegel Guedes also attended the meeting. The deputy board members Carmen Lcia Claussen Kanter, Wilson Borrajo Cid and Magno dos Santos Filho also attended the meeting, but did not vote. The attorney, Cludia de Moraes Santos was invited to serve as secretary. Jerson Kelman, President of the Company, as well as the officers Joo Batista Zolini Carneiro, Paulo Roberto Ribeiro Pinto, Evandro Leite Vasconcelos also attended the meeting. 3. Agenda Resolutions: 3.1. Submission to the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of the Proposal of Change in Light S.A. (the Company) Bylaws and the Call Notice Approval. The Board of Directors unanimously decided to submit to the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting the proposal to change the Companys Bylaws, as follows: a) article 12: change the composition of the Board from eight (8) to nine (9) members; the creation of Communication Officer; and, the change of the title New Businesses and Institutional Officer to Businesses Development Officer; and b) article 15: change the duties of the Chief Executive Officer, of the Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, Human Resources Officer, Energy Officer and of the Businesses Development Officer; and, define the duties of the Communication Officer. The Board of Directors authorized its Chairman to call the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting for April 25, 2012, at 2 p.m., as well as, in case of the required quorum not attending, to proceed to a second shareholders call under the legal term, for the change in the Companys Bylaws, as mentioned above. 3.2. Light S.A. voting guideline for the Change in the Bylaws and Call of Light S.E.S.As Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting The Board unanimously approved and guided the Board members appointed by Light S.A. in the Board of Directors of Light S.E.S.A. to approve the submission of the Change in Light S.E.S.A.s Bylaws Proposal, seeking the creation of the Communication Officer and the change of the title New Businesses and Institutional Officer to Businesses Development Officer, as well as define the duties, responsibilities and consequent adaptations of the duties of the other officers.

Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of Light S.A. held on April 4, 2012, at 2 p.m. (continuation)

3.3. Light S.A. voting guideline for the Change in the Bylaws and Call of Light Energia S.A. Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting The Board unanimously approved and guided the Board members appointed by Light S.A. in Light Energia S.A. Ordinary Shareholders Meeting to approve the submission of the Change in Light Energia S.A.s Bylaws Proposal and the Call of Light Energia S.A. Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting for the change of its Bylaws, seeking the change of the title New Businesses and Institutional Officer to Businesses Development Officer. 4. Closure: There being no further business to discuss, these minutes were drawn up and subsequently signed by me, the secretary, and all attending Board members. Sergio Alair Barroso, Chairman of the Board, Cludia de Moraes Santos, Secretary. Board Members: Andr Fernandes Berenguer, Djalma Bastos de Morais, Cristiano Correa de Barros, Rutelly Marques da Silva, David Zylbersztajn, Carlos Alberto da Cruz, Csar Vaz de Melo Fernandes, Fernando Henrique Schffner Neto, Paulo Roberto Reckziegel Guedes, Carmen Lcia Claussen Kanter, Wilson Borrajo Cid and Magno dos Santos Filho. This is a free English translation of the original document drawn up in the Companys headquarters.

Cludia de Moraes Santos Secretary

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