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Website: www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/general/sixminute/ Global Waste: food for thought [2012 programmes]

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Page link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/general/sixminute/2012/08/12 0830_6min_global_waste.shtml


Global Waste: food for thought

Use your notes to explain what you understand
1. Why do we throw away food? 2. How much food doesn't make it to our dinner plates? 6. Are we too reliant on supermarkets? 12. Critical thinking?? Do you waste food? Should we worry about imperfections? How could
supermarkets change their thinking and buying strategies? What ways can we reduce wasting food individually and globally? Will we meet the water requirements for the future? Anything else?

3. Who is the BBC correspondent and what is the name of the report? 4. Why is so much food wasted in developed countries? 5. What is the example with buying a banana? How does this connect to supermarkets?

7. What was the report done by the UN food and agriculture organisation? 8. How is food wasted in developing countries? 9. What needs to be done to help the problem? 10. Where is the biggest source of water wastage? How much fresh water is used? 11. What will be a greater problem in the future?


Global Waste: food for thought

1) Why do we throw away food? Expired or out of date 2) How much food doesnt make it to our dinner plates? A quarter of food 3) Who is the BBC correspondent and what is the name of the report? Mark Doyle / what do consumers in richer countries expect from their food? 4) Why is so much food wasted in developed countries? Needs to be perfect / not acceptable with a blemish or a mark although it is still nutritious. 5) What is the example with buying a banana? How does this connect to supermarkets? Which one would you buy? One that is perfect or one with a blemish? Supermarkets do the same when buying produce - do not accept imperfections. 6) Are we too reliant on supermarkets? Own answer here - probably yes, to prevent food wastage. 7) What was the report done by the UN food and agriculture organisation? Food waste per person in the developed/rich countries throw away 95/115 Kg per year compared to Sub-Saharan (Africa) developing countries - 6/11Kg per year. 8) How is food wasted in developing countries? Farming - insufficient storage systems (hot & humid) / pests and diseases (flies / rats) 9) What needs to be done to help the problem? More investment - storage and packaging. 10) Where is the biggest source of water wastage? How much fresh water is used? irrigation in agriculture / 70% 11) What will be a greater problem in the future? By 2050 -3 billion more people - 50% more water 12) Critical thinking?? Own answers


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