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09/12/97 3:21 PM Now closing in on the end of the Mathiessen book, In the Spirit of Crazy Horse now that

the details of the events on the Lakota Reservations during the seventies have been well documented, the causes and ideals and people behind the scenes receive some discussion. From Mathiessens description of his phone inteview with SA Price, it becomes apparent that there were people at the time who linked the AIM activities with the other radicalrevolutionary activities of that decade and the previous one. The Wounded Knee incident took place in 1973, only a few years after Kent State and the Weathermen, Black Panthers, Patty Hearst, SDS, and other radical groups were active and received press coverage. A theme of speculations about the destabilizing events of the sixities and since then has been that it seems logical for groups who see themselves as rivals for control of a country and its people, to encourage events that will have a destabilizing effect. Yet if it takes more than a generation to suceesfully destabilize, it seems difficult to accept that individuals inspired by a lust for power and greed for property and money, would be prepared to wait that long. This leads to a speculation that if a rival group fails to wrest power from the established group and their leader, one might expect that the political base of rivals would be available to successor rival groups and leaders. While difficult to visualize all this, it becomes simpler to speculate that in every group there are natural leaders and so we might characterize the events we witness unfolding in terms of those individual leaders and their successors. In the sixties a new political base began to emerge. Who were the leaders of the establishment at that time? Richard Nixon was perhaps the figure head. Yet, although elected officials seem to get richer than one might expect from their official compensation, it is common knowledge that there have long existed individuals who have concentrated enormous quantities of wealth that they have almost total discretion with. People like John Paul Getty, Howard Highs, Armand Hammer and other billionaires and perhaps billionaires whos names are

concealled from the press. These sorts of people are equipped by their control of enormous wealth with the resources to exert control over the affairs of government and the where-with-all to shape the lives, the conduct, the experiences of the people. If Howard Highs for example was the most powerful person in the country at the time of the sixities cultural revolutionary emergence, who was his counterpart who might have envisioned replacing the former undercover emperor? If such a scenario has any validity, who were the successors. Bill Gates? Warren Buffett? People like these? Its difficult to ignore the possibility that a person with the public/media image of a Bill Gates, might be attracted by the role of rival emperor if he is not in fact the current emperor. The traditional corporate base is embedded in industries that involve the extraction and processing of fossil fuels. The energy and automobile corporations and of course the defense corporations are where we might expect to locate an emperor in charge perhaps in the form of an investor, a banker or a chief executive officer like the charismatic Lee Iacocca. Just in recent years a new industry has emerged that holds the promise to provide a revenue base for a rival emperor. The computer hardwars and software industries have already given rise to a new breed of billionaires whos names are well known and who fairly openly associate themselves with the emerging culture. It seems quite plausible to predict that ground breaking technological debelopments inevitably give rise to the emergence of rival emperors or shall we say a rival tradition or lineage with power in their minds. Its common nowadays to see discussions in print about an inevitable cultural transformation that is compared with previous cultural transformations of the magnitude of the ones that arose with the hunter gathers societies emerging from pre-human ancetor cultures, the emergence of the neolithic cultures with its

simple technology of stone and fire and later wheels and bronze, then the transformation from neolithis too agricultural, and last the transformation from the agricultural to industrial. The writers who have extensively studies and written about the perceived transformation tend to emphasize the transmutation of the belief systm as the central focus of these five transformations that are really only the latest in a whole series of rather arbitrarilly chosen classifications that define the evolution of the entire physical sensory and psychic universe in terms of the most prominent discontinuties known to us mutations to use the language of Darwinian evolutionary theory. While the evolution of the human species in its interior somaticorganic core - the anatomical nucleii of human culture has undergone only minor change since the emergence of the earliest humans, human technology and culture show signs of transmutational evolutionary development. Since culture, however we might define it is at least dominantly a psychic entity rather than a material entity (although it manifests itself in material form in buildings and factories, in music and paintings, in books and temples and other forms) the human technological exoskeleton, by its materiality, is the whole expression in physical terms of a culture. The question of temporal order in the emergence of mutant cultural organisms and mutant technological species, is resoundingly decided in favor of the prior emergence of psychic forms, which are in the final view, continuous with the mutant material forms that they bring into existence. So from direct experience we know that technolical mutant species are preceded by cultural mutant species. However, it is also clear that the ealist signs of emergence of a mutant cutural species appears in a material technological form long prior to the higher cultural expressions in philosophy, literature, architecture etc. appear. 09/12/97 10:47 PM

That is the way it appears to be alrighty. Psychic shoots of the vine of the Universe. Mutant techno-shoots. Mutant technosystems. Technomes. Culturons. Out of the revolutionary physics comes radio and television not to mention refridgerators, washing machines and the like. Electrical machinery and electronic machinery. Alongside fossil fuel machinery - Newtonian machinery. Maxwellian machinery and now Planckian Machinery. So what comes next. Each technome attracts its aristocracy. Once it was protozoans. Each to a nooky.

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