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Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 1 of 57

Green be g

i .+l

Invoice No .


File No .

1 02091 .010100

exhibits and testimony clips for hearing ;

review plaintiffs counsel's requests regarding
hearing testimony and rulings ; emails with
arbitrator and plaintiffs counsel regarding
hearing details

GB Creation of Trial director deposition database

to create clips that will be imported into
Power Point

2.60 hrs 200 .00 520.00


DAB Review internet postings for references to

Murtagh; review of charts for perjury and
withheld documents to verify all appropriate
documents referenced are included as
exhibits in binders for use at the hearing on
our motion for sanctions

7.00 hrs

04/23/08 TDW Review and revise outline for hearing

argument ; review and revise summaries of

185 .00

1,295 .00

3.60 his 354,00

1,260 .00

9.00 hrs

185 .00

1,665 .00

11.60 hrs

260 .00

3,016 .00

perjury, withheld documents, and spoliated

evidence; select additional exhibits for
hearing use





LCE Finalize withheld documents, spoliation, and

perjury exhibits for production to C . Culotta
and arbitrator pursuant to arbitrator's April
21, 2008 order ; review invoices for attorney
fee petition ; review and revise T . Wozniak
affidavit in support of attorney fees; revise
letter to C. Culotta regarding exhibits and
testimony; exchange enroll correspondence
with C . Culotta regarding witness testimony

Conference with L. Edelmann and T .

Wozniak regarding -upcoming hearing on
motion for sanctions; review, analyze and
prepare attorney fee petition ; prepare exhibits
for use at hearing, including spoliation
exhibits and withheld exhibits

Tax II} : 13-3613083
Greenberg Traurig . LLP I Attorneys at Law `The Forum 13290 hforlhside Parkway I Suite 400 1 Allanta, Georgia 30327
Tel 678.553 .2100 1 Fax678 .553 .2212 wwwgtiaw.com

Original Invoices (1i-18-O8~ APO-462

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 2 of 57


. 12
Invoice No . . 2148457
File No .
102091A10 100
and exhibit exchange ; review arbitrator's
decision regarding testimony via telephone ;
confer with T. Wozniak regarding potential
objections to same ; confeTence with B . Lane
regarding scope of attorney fees award ;
revise and finalize proposed order granting
Emory's sanction motion
04124/08 BTL Research Georgia case law to determine 3 .60 hrs 260.00
basis for seeking attorneys` fees for
expenditures beginning during investigation
stage of case in preparation for submitting
exhibits on fees incurred
04/24/08 BEM Pull exhibits for witness, deposition, perjury, 7 .5 0 firs
and hearing notebooks ; review Murtagh
production and index for notebooks

~ .. .


TDW Meeting with D, Burger and L. Ede3mann

regarding finalizing exhibits for sanctions
hearing; emails with plaintiffs counsel and
arbitrator regarding witness testimony ;
telephone conference with B . Morrison
regarding same ; review fee petition filed
with court ; review and redact invoices postdating original fee petition ; review and revise
affidavit to accompany fee request; finalize
hearing exhibits and demonstrative evidence

04/25/08 DAB Preparation of exhibit binders for use at

hearing on motion for sanctions ; receive and
review plaintiffs exhibits; analyze deposition
testimony cited by plaintiff for use in
upcoming sanctions hearing

150.00 1,125 .00

7.60 hrs 350.00 2,660 .00

10 .60 hrs

04/25/08 LCE Continue preparing for hearing on sanctions 12 .30 hrs

motion ; exchange correspondence with C .
Culotta regarding untimely delivery of
Murtagh exhibits; review Murtagh exhibit
0 .-

936 .00


1,961 .00

260.00 3,198 .00

Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenberg Tra uri g, LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 13290 Nor thside Parkway I Suite 40 6 1 Atlanta, Georgia 30327


wY+w.gnaw. com

E P O- 463

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 3 of 57

ee b

-~ [


Page 13
Invoice No .
File No . 102091 .010100
list and witness list ; conduct preliminary
review of categories of documents and
exhibits produced by Murtagh for hearing;
strategy conference with D . Burger, B .
Moskowitz and T . Wozniak regarding action
items and Murtagh's production ; conference
call with B . Morrison regarding same
04/25!08 BEM Review and index Murtaghs exhibits for
sanctions hearing ; research Murtagh's
witnesses and create relevant witness binders

?.50 hrs

15 0.00

1,125 .00

04125/08 DLS Preparation and duplication of exhibit CDs

for upcoming hearing on motion for

0.70 hrs

1 85 .00

129 . 50

04/25/08 TDW Review Dr . Murtagh`s witness and exhibit

lists, deposition transcript designations, and
related portions of "new evxdentiarV"
materials submitted by Dr . Murtagh;
telephone conference with T . Bichelberger
regarding sanctions hearing and Grady's
position/presentation; telephone conference
with B . Morrison regarding proposed plan
for addressing Dr. Murtagh's submission ;
ernails with plaintiffs counsel regarding
plaintiffs exhibits lists not matching exhibits

7.80 hrs

35 0 .00 2,730,00

A4/26f08 LCE Review hundreds of documents identified as

"near evidence" by Murtagh ; continue
preparing for hearing on sanctions motion ;
continue drafting oral argument outline for
sanctions hearing

8.50 hrs

260 .00

2,210 .00

O4I26/08 TDW Review Dr . Murtagh's exhibits; review

research regarding Dr. Murtagh's witnesses

2.80 his 350 .00


04/27/08 TOW Revise outline of arguments for hearing ;

review potential rebuttal exhibits ; outline

6.20 his 350 . 00

2,170 .00

Tvw:r z
TaxID : 1 3-3 6 13083
Greenberg Traurig, L.LP { Attorneys at Law I The Forum 13290 Northside Parkway I Suite 400 I Atlanta, Georgia 30327
Tel 675.553 .21 00 1 Fax 678 .553 .12 1 vmwgtlaw.com
Original Invoices (11-18-08) EPQ-464

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 4 of 57

G eb rg
! r


Page 14
Invoice No . 2148457
File No.
potential rebuttal issues


Creation of additional clip to be used during 1 .20 hrs 200.00 240 .00

04128108 DAB Review of internet postings ; review of

Murtagh's deposition testimony designations
and creation of summary re same ; strategy
meeting with T . Wozniak and L . Edelmann;
assist with final preparations for hearing on
motion for sanctions

14.50 hrs 185 .00 2,682 .50


14 .40 hrs

260 .00

3,744 .00

04/28I08 GF Research whether under Georgia law a court 3 .30 hrs

cann assess attorneys fees and costs against
funds owed under the settlement agreement
action for use in motion for sanctions

290 .00

957 .00

04128108 BTL Draft bench brief regarding authority for

sanctions; update research regarding same

10.30 hrs 260.00



BEM Index all Murtagh's deposition exhibits ;

create relevant notebooks for hearing ;
prepare exhibits for attorney hearing binder

1 0.00 hrs



LCE Preparation of cross-examination materials

for Murtagh's 30 potential witnesses ;
continue reviewing Dr . 1Vlurtagli's proposed
exhibits, including six pro se motions and
exhibits ; revise outline for oral argument ;
strategy conference with T . Woaniaic, D .
Burger and B .Maskowitz

Telephone conference with K . Alexander

regarding rebuttal arguments for sanctions
hearing; review K . Alexander's email
comments regarding same; review and
respond to Dr. Murtagh's objections to
Emory's exhibits; prepare for cross-exam, of
Murtagh's witnesses

150.00 1 ,500.00

5 .60 hrs 350 .00

1 ,960 .00

Tax TD: 13-363083
Greenberg Traurig , LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 13290 Narthside Parkway I Suite 400 1 Atl anta , Georgia 30327
Tel 678 . 5RJt%4 J&I www' gtla+n +- corn
EPO - 465

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 5 of 57

40 Trung

Invoice No.
File No.

~L J

102091 .010100


DAB Complete summary of deposition

designations by Murtagh ; research regarding
Murtagh'S proposed witnesses; assist in
preparation ofcross-examination exhibits;
meeting regarding final preparations for
motions for sanctions hearing ; final
preparation of exhibits for hearing

14.1 0 bZs

185 .00

2,608 .50


LCE Final preparation for hearing on Emory's

motion for sanctions; strategy conference
with T . Wozniak ; exchange correspondence
with C . Culotta regarding k McNaugbton's
participation in hearing on behalf of Dr .
Murtagh; prepare for rebuttal presentation

15 .20 hrs

260 .00

3,952 .00

04/29/08 '

BTL Revise Emory's bench brief on authority for

sanctions ; research supporting authority for
aU relief requested in motion for sanctions

260 .0

2,2 10.00

04/29/08 BEM Prepare for sanctions hearing ; strategy 10 .00 hrs

conference with D . Burger; create index for
multiple binder; pull exhibits to Murtagh's
witnesses ; prepare all notebooks and
equipment to go to sanctions hearing





185 .00

740 .00


R'I' Prepare index and witness exhibits in

preparation for upcoming hearing

4.20 hrs


TDW Final sanctions hearing preparation ;

telephone conference with B . Morrison
regarding same; review research regarding
plaintiff s newest lawyer, A . IvlcNaughtan;
emails with plaintiffs counsel regarding
witnesses testifying by telephone ; review
research for cross-examination ; outline likely

9.30 hrs 350.00 3,255 .0

8 .50 hrs

Research regarding Murtagh potential 4 .00 hrs

hearing witnesses

185 .00 777.00

Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenberg 7raurig , LLP } Attorneys at Law I The Forum 13290 Northside Parkway I Suite 4 00 I Atlan ta , Georgi a 30327
Tel 67&55d
ngi nal nvoi c~ese (1 ~- i &08 )`
-~~ ~m
EPO- 466

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 6 of 57

Page 16
Invoice No, 2148457
Fide No .
102091 .010100
cross-examination topics for each witness ;
review and select exhibits for potential
witness cross-exam

0413010$ GB Set up of video presentation at arbitration

conference room

1 .80 ors

200.00 360 ,00

04/30/08 DAB Final preparations for sanctions hearing ;

attendance and assistance at sanctions

5 .00 hrs

185 .00

925 .00

a4l30I08 LCE Final preparation for and participation in

hearing on Emary's motion for sanctions

11 .50 hrs 260 .00 2,930 .04

04/30/08 TDW Attend sanctions hearing; meeting with T.

Eichelberger and L . Edelmann regarding
follow-up items

11 .20 hrs 350 .00

3,920 .00

Sub-total Fees : 123,635 .00

Timekeeper Summa


Timekeeper Hours Average Rate

Todd D . Wozniak 104.80
Lindsey C . Edelmann 156.10
Glianny Fagundo
3 .30
Brett T.
28 .50
Deb A . Burger
128 .30
David L, Strickland 4 .70
Roslyn Thomas 4.20
Brett E . Moskowitz 63 .20
Gerard Buitrago 13 .70
Caroline T .
3 .20


510 .00

185 .00
185 .00
185 . 00
1 50.00
200 .00
125 .00

36,680 .00
40,586 .00
957 .00
7,410 .00
23,735 .50
869 .50
777 .00
9,480 .00
2,740 .00


$123,635 .00

Current Services Rendered :


123,635 .00

Tvw :Lz
Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenberg Traur ia. LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 1 3290 Norfhside Parkway I Suite 4001 AUanta, Georg ia 30327
Tel G78 .553;210Q J Fax 678~3.2212 J awdw- g flaw. Cpm

OngEnal Invoices X11-18-08}


Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 7 of 57


Invoice No.
File No .
Expenses :
Business Meals
Color Copies
Federal Express Charges
Off-site Printing and Copying Charges
Photocopy Charges
Telephone Expenses
Information and Research

21 48457
102091 .010 1 00

125 .16
1,997 .00
11 .70
Sub-total Expenses :

7,232 .98

Total Current Fees and Expenses :

S 130,867.98

Total payments & credits received since your last

billing statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$

-63,521. .44

Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenbery Traurig, LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum I 329p Nor khside Parkway I Suite 400 1 Rflanta . Georgia 3Q327
Tel 678.558Trj,%j
www. gtlaw.com
E PO - 468

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 8 of 57

Origina l Invoices




Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 9 of 57


Invoice No .
File No .
Bill Date

102091,0 10 100
April 9, 2008

Ernory University/Emory Healthcaze, Inc .

101 Administration Building
201 Dowman Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Attn : Elizabeth Clark Mamison
Associate General Counsel

Adv . James J". Murtagh, M .p . (Breach of Contract)

Legal Services through 03/31/08 :



Hours Rate



DAB Review of webmail account for potentially

relevant emails

1 .90 hrs


LCE Draft letter to C . Culotta regarding providing

reference letter with an original signature to
Eisenhower Army Medical; conference with
T . Wozniak regarding potential sur-reply to
Dr. Murtagh's motion to strike Emorys
motion for sanctions and sanctions motion

0.70 hrs 260 .00 182 .00


TDW Review and revise letter to C . Culotta

regarding reference requests ; review and
comment on proposed response to plaintiffs
reply to motion to strike Emory's motion for
sanctions; telephone conference with L.
Edelmann regarding plaintiffs prior position
that Judge Shoob lacked authority to issue
contempt remedies because his claims were

2.80 hrs 3 50 .0 0 9 80 .00

185 , 00

351 .50

Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenberg Traurig, LLp I Attorneys at Law I The Foru m 13 290 N orthside Parkway ( Suit 4 00 E Atlanta, Georgia 3 327
Tel 67 8.553.2 1 00 1 Fax 678. 553.22 1 2 www.gtlaw.cOm

Origina l Invoices (11-1 8-081

E PO- 4 70

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 10 of 57

Page 2
Invoice No, 2120423
File No .

142091 .010140

in arbitration

DAB Multiple communications with J . Lapid

regarding invoice ; reevaluate services
performed; review research regarding
collection of judgment against Dr . Murtagh

1.60 hrs

185 .00 296.00

03105148 LCE Draft correspondence to Arbitrator

address ing arguments set forth in Murtagh's
reply in support of his sanctions motion ;
review Murtagh's recent filings for references
to an appeal of Judge Shoal's contempt
order; conference with T . Wozniak and H.
Pace regarding same .

4.20 hrs


03106108 DAB Conference with T . Wozniak regarding

collection of judgment issues

0.50 hrs

185.00 92 .50


LCE Review transcript from hearing on motion to

unseal records, Murtagh's briefs supporting
his recusal motion, and Murtagh's response
to Emaary's fee petition for references to
Court's inability to dismiss claims froth
arbitration ; revise Emory's letter clarifying its
position on issues raised in Murtagh's reply
in support of his motion to strike Emory's
motion for sanctions; confer with T .
Wozniak regarding same; conference with D .
Burger regarding deposition summary ;
continue identifying exhibits to use in
hearing on Emory's motion for sanctions

4.20 hrs

260 .00

1,092 .00


TDW Review and comment on proposed letter to

R. Deane regard ing plaintiff s motion to

1 .20 his 35 0.40

420 .00


TDW Emails with Grady's counsel r egarding

payment of Arbitrator's bills

0.40 his 350 .00 140 .00

1,092 .0

Tax ID : 1 3-3613083
Greenberg Traurig, LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 1329 Northside Parkway I Suite 400 1 Atlanta, Georgia 34327
Tel 678.553.2100 Fax f78 53 .2212 I www.gtlaw.com
Original ~nvoices ~~1-18-08) EPO- 471

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 11 of 57



T aurig


Page 3
Invoice No . 2120423
File No .
102091 .010100
444 .04
DAB Online research regarding intetae# post ings
referencing Murtagh with particular attention
to activities surrounding previous contempt

. .


LCE Finalize and serve Emory's letter clarifying

its position on issues raised in Murkagh's
reply in support of his motion to strike
Emory's motion for sanctions ; exchange
correspondence with B. Morrison regarding
same; review correspondence from C .
Culotta regarding Eisenhower reference
request; confer with T . Wozniak regarding
same; conference with D . Burger regarding
Washington whistleblower week activities

1 .10 Yirs




TDW Review new internet postings and

whistleblowers week agenda ; review and
revise letter response to plaintiffs reply in
support of its motion to strike ; telephone
conference with B. Morrison; telephone
conferences with T . Eichelberger regarding
Grady's payment of arbitrator's fees

2.30 hrs

350 .00

805 .00

43J1 1108

LCE Examine internet postings and related links ;

investigate owner of Washington
whistleblower week website and domain
name; conference with T . Wozniak regarding
possible violation of contempt order; prepare
correspondence to B . Morrison regarding
same; examine correspondence from C.
Culotta regarding issues with Dr . Alexander's
reference letter; confer with T. Wozniak
regarding C . Culotta's request for a personal
reference letter from Dr. Alexander

2.30 h ers

2b0 .00

598 .00


BEM Pull relevant sections of Murtagh's 2007

deposition transcript regarding his
withholding documents and relevant

4.00 hrs

15Q .00


Tax ID : 1 3-3613083
Greenberg Traurig, LLp I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 1 3280 Norlhsid9 Parkway I Suite 400 1 Atlanta, Geprgla 3p327
Tel 67&
.'~3gina-f I&voicfs tT1=i8=URj
.com EPO- 472

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 12 of 57

Invoice No .
File No .

2120423 .
102091 .010100

exhibits; highlight relevant text in transcript

for possible use , in sanctions hearing


Emails with plaintiffs counsel regarding 1 .50 hrs

reference requests; review Internet postings;
meeting with L . Edelm. ann regarding
potential violations of oontempt order;
emails with B . Morrison

350 .00

525 .00

Q3l12/08 DAB Research previously filed privilege logs

submitted in the underlying litigation and
review of documents listed

0 .70 hrs 185 .00

129 .50


0.80 hrs

260 .00

208 .00

03/13108 DAB Online research regarding internet postings 2 .20 hrs

that possibly violate contempt orders ; review,
webmail account for possibly relevant emails

185 .00

407 .00




LCD Prepare correspondence to B . Morrison

discussing service of subpoena daces tecurn
on certain individuals to establish a violation
of contempt order; confer with T. Wozniak
regarding same ; examine at-issue website for
new postings

TDW Review recent Internet postings ; emails with 2 .00 hrs

plaintiffs counsel

03/14/08 DAB Online research regarding Internet postings

0.50 hrs

185 .00


03/14/08 LCE Examine Arbitrator's decision denying Dr .

Ivlurtagh's recusal motion; confer with T .
Wozniak regarding same ; telephone
conference with C. Culotta regarding
Eisenhower reference request ; examine C .
Culotta's objection to Emory's letter
clarifying its position oin motion to strike
Emorys motion for sanctions; review
correspondexice between T . Wozniak and B .

1 .30 hrs

260 .00

338 .00

Tax ID: 13-3613083
Green erg Traurig, LLP I Attameys at Law' I The Forum 1 3290 NorEhside Parkway I Suike 404 I Att anta, Geo rgia 30327
Tel 678 . 558
J w'
r~g naltinvoi~s . 1 1='78-Q8
~'~~. ~
EPO- 473

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 13 of 57

Page 5
Invoice No.
File No. 102091 .010100
03/14/08 _ TDW Telephone conference with C. Culafta
regarding personal reference from D r. .
Alexander or other Emory physicians ; emails
with B . Morrison regarding same; review
Arb itrator's decision regarding recusal
motion; meeting with L Edelmann and D.
Burger regarding sanctions hearing ; emails
with B. Morrison regard ing personal

3 .40 hrs

350.00 1,190 .00


DAB Review of deposition testimony and

summary of Murtagh's August 29, 2007

1 .20 hrs 1 .85 .40

222 .00


LSE Review correspondence from C . Culotta

regarding Eisenhower request; examine T .
Wozniak's response to same ; review T.
Wozniak's request that Arbitrator set a date
for hearing on Emory's sanctions motion ;
conference with D . Burger and B .
Moskowitz regarding strategy for hearing on
motion for sanctions

0.70 his 260 .00

182 .00

03117/U8 TDW Review email from C . Culotta regarding

Eisenhower Medical Center; draft letter to C .
Culotta; telephone conference with B.
Morrison regarding plaintiffs reference
requests and hearing on motion for sanctions ;
emails regarding same

1 .700 hrs

350 .00

595 .00


DAB Online research regarding Internet postings;

review of webmail account for potentially
relevant eznails

2.80 hrs

185 .00

518 .00


DAB Review of deposition testimony and

summary of Mrzrtagh's August 29, 2007

2.50 hrs 1 85_00

462 .50

Tvw :Lz
Tax ID : 13 .3 61 3 0 83
Greenberg 7raurig , LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 1 3290 NorUrside Parkway I Suite 440 1 Atlanta , Georgi a 30327
Te l 678.F .21
) www .O aw.com
EP O- 474

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 14 of 57

03/19/08 BEM

5' Invoice No .
10209 1 .010100
File No .
Review deposition exempts,- view deposition 1 .50 his
150 .00
225 .00
AVD and highlight relevant parts of DVD
regarding Murtagh's failure to produce



Online research regarding Internet postings ;

review webmail account

1 .701us

185 .00



Online research for internet postings by

Murtagh and/or his associates

0.30 hrs

1 85 .74 55 .50



Online research regarding internet postings ;

rev iew webmail account

2 .l 0 hrs

185 .00

388 .50


BEM Review DVD of 1vlurtagh's 2 007 deposition;

highlight multiple clips of Murtagws
statements regarding withholding
documents; record clips on transcript

5 .00 bra

150 .00

750 .00


DAB Continue work on deposition summary of

August 29, 2007 deposition of Murtagh;
multiple telephone conferences with
litigation support regarding video clips of
Murtaghts testimony for use at upcoming
contempt hearing ; research information
available online regarding whistleblower's
week noting changes from previous postings ;
review and compare other Internet postings
regarding Murtagh to previous information
available online

5 .60 hrs

155 .0

4.30 hrs

185.00 795 .50

03127105 DAB Summary of Murtagh deposition testimony

and selection of deposition testimony clips
for use at upcoming contempt hearing

03/28!08 DAB Review and selection of additional testimony 4 .20 hrs

to use at contempt hearing from Murtagh's
August 30, 2007 deposition-testimony,
summary of Murtaghh deposition testimony;

185 .00


1 ,036 .00

777 .00

Tax ID: 13-3613083
Greenberg Traurig, LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 13290 Northside Parkway I Suite 400 1 Atlarrta . Georgia 30327
Tel 671

.'OnginaR l nvoices8(Ti=48=[l

~ I www.gflaw




Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 15 of 57


Page 7
Invoice No . : 2120423
File No . 14209 1.01 0100
review of internet postings

6.70 hrs

CTL Prepare video clips of J . Murtagh's

deposition for hearing use

125 .00

837 . 50

Prepare video clips of J . Murtagh's

deposition for hearing use

3.60 hrs 125 .00 450 .00


DAB Telephone conferences with C . Le regarding

deposition clips of Murtagh's August 29,
2007 depositiontestimony

0.20 hrs 185 .00 37 .00


CTL Prepare video clips of J . Murtagh's

deposition for hearing use

2 .30 hrs

x3129/0$ CTL

1 25 .00 287.50

Sub-total Fees : 18,902.50

Timekeeper Summary

Hours Averagg Rate


'add D, Wozniak 15 .30 350 .00

Lindsey C . Edelmann 15 .30 260 .0
Deb A. Burger 34.70 185 .00
Brett E. Moskowitz
150 .00
Caroline T . Le 12,6 125 .00

5,355 .00
3,978 ,00
6,419 .50
1,575 .00
1,575 .00


88 .40

21 3 .8

Current 'Services, Rendered:

$18,902 .50

18,902 .50

Exp8T150S :
Federal Express Charges
8 .37
Photocopy Charges .
Professional & Legal 3,500.00
Service Comp any Charges 2,370.83
Telephone Expenses 0 .08

Tax ID : 1 3-361 3 483
Gresnberg Trauri g . LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum (32913 Northside Parkway I Su ite 400 J Atla nta , Georgi a 30327
T$1678.553.2100 /Fax E78. 5b32272 1 www. gUaw.com
Origin a l Invoices (11 - 15 -08 )

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 16 of 57


Information and Research

Invoice No .
File No .

102091 . 010100
5,908 .94

Sub-total Expenses :
Total Current Fees and Expenses : $
Previous Balance (see attached statement) :
Total Amount Due :

24,811 A

$ 38,710 .00

63,521 .44

Total payments & credits received since your last

billing statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ -31,859 .26

TDw; Lz
"fax ID : 33-3 61 3 083
Green6erg 'iraudg , LLp I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 1 3290 Northside Parkway I Suite 404 1 Attanha , Georgia 30327
Tel 678. 553.210c~] ~ Fax 678 .5, 3 .2212 ~ www ggaw.com
O rigina I nvoices (1 18-08)
EPO- 477

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 17 of 57

O riginal Invoices (1 1-18-08)

EPO- 478

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 18 of 57

~reb rg
40- 'rri
Invoice No .
File No .
Bill Date

102091 .01010 0
March 11, 2008

Emory University/Emory Healthcare, Inc .

101 Administration Building
201 Dowman Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Attn : Elizabeth Clark-Morrison
Associate. General Counsel

Adv . James J. Murtagh, M.D . (Breach of Contract)

Legit Services through 02/29/08 :


Rate Amount

02/01/08 DAB Review Emory webmail account for relevant

emails ; review recent Internet posting for
references to Murtagh and related issues

1 .70 hrs

185 .00

314 .50

02/01/08 LCE

Review third-party subpoena responses to

identify email addresses used or created by
Murtagh that he failed to disclose in
violation of Arbitrator's December 12, 2005
decision; review plaintiffs deposition for
relevant statements regarding his failure to
produce material documents; review
production of B . Skellie and T. Nugent to
identify documents improperly withheld in
violation of Arbitrator's December 12, 2005
decision; confer with T. Wozniak regarding

7 .3 0 hrs

260 . 00 1 , 898 ,00

02104/08 LCE

Review Murtagh's reply in support of motion

for recusal of arbitrator ; review cases cited in

4.10 hrs 260 .00


Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenberg Traurig , LLP I Attorneys at Law I The For um 1 3290 tJo r thside Parkway I Sui te 400 1 Atlanta, Ge orgia 30327
T e l 678:
01~ I www.gt law.
Orig na~lhvoic~$ 1 f 18 com
EPO - 479

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 19 of 57

Tr u



~ 1 ~YY~

Invoice No .
File No .

102091 .010100

Murtagh's reply brief; review AAA rules

regarding waiver of objections; telephone
conference with T. Eichelberger regarding
Murtagh reply brief and potential responses
to same; review Georgia rules of professional
conduct to identify an actual or potential
conflict requiring disqualification

TDW Review plaintiffs reply in support of motion

for recusal; telephone conference with T .
Eichelberger regarding same; review AAA
rules and federal arbitration act regarding
recusal issues; telephone conference with B .
Morrison regarding response strategy

4.00 hrs

35 0.00 1,400.00


DAB Review Emory's webmail account for

relevant emails ; review documents to include
in sanctions hearing binder

2.40 his

1 85. 00

444 .00

42faS108 LCE Research federal caselaw on ripeness for

motion to disqualify arbitrator or judge,
1Vlurtagh's ability to appeal order on Emory's
motion for sanctions, and waiver ; conference
call with B . Morrison regarding Muftagh's
reply in support of recusal motion and
potential response strategies ; revise
correspondence to arbitrator requesting
conference on Muttagh's motion for recusal
and motion to strike ; prepare citations for use
in same; confer with D . Burger regarding
proposed exhibits for hearing on Emory's
motionn for sanctions ; strategize with T .
Wozniak regarding end-game strategy

5.00 hrs 260.00

1,300 .00


MER Review and comment on recusal issues ;

telephone conference with T . Wozniak
regarding same

0.70 hrs


TDW Revise e-mail to arbitrator requesting hearing

5.90 hrs 350 .00 2, 065 .00

450 .00

315 .00

7Dw :Lz
Tax II? : 13-3b134$3
Greenberg Tsau d g, LLP I Aitomeys at Law I The Forum 13290 Northside Parkway I Suite 400 1 A#anta , Georgia 30327
Tel fi7B .9 ,
J w"
ng nalEl nvoi ~s 11378-O S)
.~~. ~
EPO - 480

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 20 of 57

Invoice No.
File No .

102091 .41 01 00

on plaintiffs motion for recusal and setting

forth Emory's position that the AAA is not
the proper body to rule on motion ; review
research for recusal issue and proper body to
rule on it; meet with L. Edelmann regarding
same; review select e-mails captured by
webmail account as well as new Internet
articles; meet with L. Edelmann regarding
end game strategy

LCE Review Internet postings collected by D.

Burger regarding Emory and Grrady ; prepare
correspondence to B . Morrison regarding
Provocateur webposting ; review electronic
data from Emory's wehserver collected by D .
Burger; research federal and state cases on
jw7.sdactiaana.1Iesues relating to Murtagh's
recusal motion for use in telephone, hearing ;
confer with T. Wozniak regarding same

02f06/08 TDW Draft outline of arguments for sanctions

hearing and on recusal motion; review select
exhibits for same

4.80 hrs 264 .00 1 ,248 .0

0.90 hrs 350 .00

315 .00

333 .aa


DAB Review of webmail account for relevant


1 . 80 hrs 185 .00



4.80 hrs

Draft talking points and supporting authority

for use in conference call on Murtaghs
recusal motion; continue preparing exhibits
for use in hearing on Emory's motion for
sanctions ; review C . Culorta's
correspondence to arbitrator supporting
Murtagh's motion for recusal ; research issues
of waiver and jurisdiction contained in C.
Culotta's correspondence ; prepare
memorandum summarizing same ;
conference with T. Wozniak regarding
hearing strategy on Murtagh's recusal motion

260 .00

1,248 .00

Tax ED; 1M6 1 3d83
Creenberg Traurig . LLP I Attorneys a t Law I The Fgrurn 13290 Norfh slde Parkway [ Suite 40 0 1 Atlanta, Georgi a 30327
Tel 678.553 .2100 1 Fax 678,563.2212 1 wtivwgtlaw, can
Original Invoices (11-18-08) EPO- 4 81

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 21 of 57

Greenb rg

Page 4
Invoice No. : 2092675

File No . 102091 .010100

and motion for sanctions



TDW Review additional research regarding recusal 1 .70 hrs

motion issues relative to plaintiff s most
recent e-mail arguments ; e-mail to arbitrator
prompting telephone hearing on motion for


595 .00


LCE Review B . Merrison's comments on C.

Culotta's letter-brief on waiver and
jurisdictional issues ; review coiTespondence
from Arbitrator Deans regarding hearing on
Murtagh's motion for recusal ; prepare
correspondence confirming hearing on
February 13, 2008; review correspondence
from T . Eichelberger and C . Culotta
regarding same

0.30 hrs 260.04

78 .00

02/08/08 TDW Telephone conference with B . Morrison

regarding plaintiffs surreply on motion for
recusal ; e-mails with arbitrator regarding
hearing on same

0.80 hrs 35 0 . 0 0

280 .00


LCE Conference with T . Wozniak regarding

strategy and action items for hearing on
Murtagh's motion for recusal and motion to

0.30 Firs 2 60.00



DAB Review of electronic data on Emory's

webserver for references to Murtagh and
related issues

2.1 0hrs 1 85 A0

388 .50


LCE Analyze Eleventh Circuit authority on

objection waivers ; prepare materials and
cases for use in telephone hearing on
Murtagh's motion for recusal and motion to
strike ; review same with T. Wozniak;
prepare correspondence to the arbitrator on
timing of the telephone hearing on MurtagWs

2.40 hrs 260 .00

624 .00

Tax ID: 13-3613083
Greenberg Traudg, LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 1 3290 Northside Park-way I Suite 400 1 Atlanta , Georgia 36327
Tel 678. 5332140 1 Fax 678. 553. 2212 1 w~vw. gtlaw ,cc Grn
O riginal Invoi ces { 11 -18- 08)
EPO- 482

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 22 of 57


~ Traurig
Page 5
Invoice No . 2092675

File No .

102091.0101 00

motion for recusal and motion to strike


TDW Prepare for recusal hearing ; review cases

cited by parties for same; outline argument

2.00 hrs 350.00



4.70 brs

260.00 1,222.00


TDW Prepare for telephone hearing regarding

motion to recuse and mvtaann to strike
Emory's motion for sanctions ; review select
cases cited by both sides ; review plaintiffs
last minute letter and e-mail briefs regarding
AAA administration and new counsel ;
respond to same ; participate in conference
call with arbitrator regarding motion to
recuse ; e-mails with B . Morrison regarding

6.60 hrs



Q2I14/08 TDW Review research regarding plaintiffs new

counsel ; revise e-mail to B . Morrison
regarding same ; review recent internet

1 .20 ors 35 0A0

420 .00

02/15/0 LCE Examine Murtagh's statement on legal

authority discussedd in hearing on Murtagh's
recusal motion and Murtagh's request that
Tax ID : 13-36 1 3083

0.50 hrs 260 .00



Review documents from Emory`s web server ;

review C . Culotta's request for Emory to
consent to AAA administration ; review C .
Culotta's request to postpone hearing on
Murtagh's recnsall motion ; confer with'.
Wozniak regarding response to same ; review
cases for possible use and discussionn at
hearing on Murtagh's recusal motion ; prepare
for hearing on Murtagh's recusal motion ;
participate in hearing on Murtagh's recusal
motion; conduct preliminary research on
Murtagh's new counsel M. Harrison; conduct
Internet search to determine if Murtagh has
made postings in violation of contempt order

700 .00

Greenberg Traurig , LLP E Attorneys at Law I The Forum I 3290 Northside Parkway I Suite 400 j Atlanta, Georg i a 30327
Tel 678.553 .21001 Fax 678 .553 .2212 1 www.gtlaw. cam
O riginal I n voices ( 11 -18-0 8)

EPO - 483

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 23 of 57


Page 6
Invoice No . 20 2675
102091 .010100
File No .
arbitration be terminated ; confer with T .
Wozniak regarding same


LCE Conduct Internet research to identify any

disparaging postings possibly posted by Dr .
Murtagh; prepare correspondence to T .
Wozniak regarding same

1 .80 hrs 260 .00 468 .00


DAB Review Internet postings pertaining to

Murtagh and his whistleblowing efforts and
peer review

1 .30 hrs

1 85.00

240 .50


LCE Prepare correspondence to B, Morrison

regarding recent Internet postings possibly
related to Dr. Murtagh ; confer with D .
Burger and T. Wozniak regarding the same ;
examine and update chart of pr. Murtagh's
lies under oath for use in hearing on Emory's
motion for sanctions

1 .90 hrs 260 .00

494 .00


BEM Review and organize Internet research ; locate 3 .50 tits

documents and exhibits and correspondence
for review

150 .00


TDW Review select Internet postings related to Dr .

Murtagh ; meeting with L. Edelmann
regarding sanctions hearing ; emails with B .
Morrison regarding Dr. Murtagh's email and
Internet activity

2.50 tits

350 .00 875 .00


LCE Examine reference request forwarded by N .

MacDonald and B. Morrison; investigate
reference requesting agency and prepare
correspondence to T. Wozniak and B .
Morrison regarding same ; continue preparing
chart identifying documents and information
withheld in violation of Arbitrator's
December 2005 order compelling discovery
for use as an exhibit at the hearing on

3 .1 0 tits 260 . 00


Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenberg Traurig, LLP ] Attorneys at Law I The For um 13290 Northsid e Parkway I Suite 400 1 Atlanta, Georgia 30327
Te l 678 .
Onginal Irivoi~ce67(1 518?8? I ~' ~~.c~
EPO- 484

525 .00


Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 24 of 57

~ ~ Traurig
Page 7
Invoice No . : 2092675
File No . 10209 1 .010104
Emory's sanctions motion ; confer with B .
Moskowitz regarding identification of
disparaging statements in documents
withheld from Murtagh

BEM Review and analyze third-party documents

that Murtagh withheld in violation of
arbitrator's order compelling discovery ; mark
relevant text and organize documents in
binder accordingly in preparation for
sanctions hearing

3.50 bra


525 .00


BEM Review and analyze third party documents

that Murtagh withheld in violation of
arbitrator's order compelling discovery ; mark
relevant text and organize documents in
binder accordingly in preparation for
sanctions hearing

3 .00 hs

150 .00

450 .00


DAB Review of information on the internet

pertaining to Murtagh and his
whistleblowing efforts and peer review

1 .70 hrs

185 .00

314 .50


DAB Review and edits to Emory invoices for

November 2007 to the present for
submission with new attorney fee petition ;
review of electronic data on Emory's
webserver; research regarding D. Sorinc;
begin review and summarization of
Murtagh's August 29, 2007 deposition

5. 10 hrs

185 .00 943 .50


LCE Review electronic data from Emery

webserver; prepare correspondence to B .
Morrison regarding the same ; review
correspondence from N . MacDonald and B .
Morrison regarding reference requests ;
prepare script for N . MacDonald use in
follow-up reference request phone calls ;
conference with T . Wozniak regarding chart

6.30 hrs

260 .00 1,63 8.04

TaxID : 13=361308 3
Greenberg Traurig, LLP (P,itameys at Law I The Forum 1 3290 Northside Parkway I Suite 400 1 Atlanta, Georgia 30327
Tel 578.55OS
EPO- 485
I n l nvoiae sT~~~i~~ www ~w'0Qm

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 25 of 57

Invoice No .
File No. ~ 10209 1 .010 100
of evidence withheld by Dr. Murtagh;
continue drafting chart of evidence
improperly withheld by Dr . Murtagh in
violation of Arbitrator's December 12, 2005
Decision; confer with D . Burger regarding
attorney fees petition and examine F,xnary's
fee petition submitted to Judge Shoob
TDW Review select electronic data from Emory
webserver; review Interlocutory Injunction
and contemptt order for possible violations ;
emails with B . Morrison regarding same ;
revise telephone script for N . McDonald's
call with potential recruiter for Dr . Murtagh;
emails with IT experts regarding tracing
recipients of Dr. lViurtagh's email and "blind
copy" information

3 .90 hrs 350 .00 1,365 .00


DAB Prepare summary of Murtagh's August 29,

2007 deposition testimony

2.60 hxs 185 .00 481 .00


LCE Review correspondence from S . 1Vlorrason,

C. Culotta, and T . Wozniak regarding Dr.
Murtagh's need for a reference letter for
temporary position at Army facility ; identify
disparaging comments contained in
documents improperly withheld by Dr.
Murtagh in violation of Arb itrator's
December 12, 2045 Decision compelling
discovery; telephone conference with IT
expert regarding ab ility to identify bcc's frame

2.10 hrs 260 .00 546.00


TDW Ernails with Plaintiffs counsel and B .

0 .90 hrs
Morrison regarding response to latest referral
requests ; review settlement agreement

350 .00

315 .00


DAB Prepare summary of MurGagh's August 29,

2.80 hrs

185 .00

51$ .00

Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenherg Traurig, LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 1 3290 Northside Parkway I Suite 400 I Atlanta , Georgi a 30327
Tel 678. 55 3.210 Fax 878. 53 22 1 2 4 www .g ~aw.cam
Original Invoices (~1 - ~$ -08)
EPO- 486

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 26 of 57

Page 9
invoice No . 209267
File No .
102091 .010100
2007 deposition testimony LCE Conference call with B . Morrison and N.
MacDonald regarding Dr . Murtagh's request
for a signed reference letter ; confer with T.
Wozniak regarding the same ; continue
preparing chart of evidence improperly
withheld by Dr. Murtagh in violation of
Arbitrator's December 12, 2005 Decision for
use at hearing on Emary's motion for

2.70 hrs




TDW Telephone conference with B . Morrison and

N . McDonald regarding reference request
and original signatures of Dr . Alexander;
telephone conference with C, Cullotta;
meeting with L . Edelnaann regarding
evidence for sanctions hearings ; review
select evidence materials

2.60 hrs


910 .00


DAB Continue review of Murtagh's August 29,

2007 deposition testimony ; conference with
L . Edelmann regarding summary of
Murtagh's deposition testimony

1.10 hrs 185 .00

203 .50


LCE Review correspondence from C . Culotta and

J. Murtagh regarding Dr . Alexander's
reference letter ; telephone conference with
C . Culotta regarding the same ; examine
invoices for attorneys fees and costs incurred
by Emory between October 2007 and
January 2008 and redact privileged
information; examine Mtutaglz's reply in
support of his motion to strike Emory's
motion for sanctions

3.00 hrs 260.00


1 .40 hrs


02/28/08 TDW Meeting with L . Edelmann regarding

plaintiff s request for reference request with
original signatures ; review settlement
't'art II?: 13-3613083

350 .00

Greenberg Tra udg, LLP I Attorneys at Law J The Forum 13290 Norths ide Pa rk way ( Suite 400 1 ABarsta , Georgia 30327
Tel fi 78. 5
9igg11 Invoices'j~13fiS~8~ ~. ~~.~
E P O- 487

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 27 of 57


ir! l i AW /

Invoice No .
File No .
agreement regarding same ; review plaintiffs
reply in support of motion to strike

102091 .010100

0 129/08


Prepare cover letter for N . McDonald to

submit to M . Khan explaining Dr.
Alexander's signed reference letter ; examine
Murtagh's reply in support of his motion to
strike Emory's motion for sanctions and
Emory's response to his motion to determine
if any new, unaddressed arguments warrant a
response ; conference with T . Wozniak
regarding Murtagh's reply in support of his
motion to strike Emory's motion for

1 .80 hrs

260 .00


o 2/z 9rQs

TDW Telephone conference with B . Morrison

regarding Eisenhower reference request for
plaintiff and response to same ; review
plaintiffs reply in support of his motion to
strike Emory's motion for sanctions ; meeting
with L . Edelmann regarding potential
sunreply; telephone conference regarding

2 .60 hrs

350 .00


Sub-total Fees :


Timekeeper Summary
Mickey Ross
Todd D . Wozniak
Lindsey C . Edelmann
Deb A. Burger
$rett E . Moskowitz


Average Rate Total


350 .00
260 .00
150 .00

315 .00
12,950 .00
14,794 .00
4,181 .00
1,500 .00

127 .20

265 .25

$33,740 .00

Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenberg 7raurig , LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Foru m 13290 Narthside Parkway I Suite 4001 Atlanta, Georgia 30327
Te l 678 .55a g~~al
)WWW tIaW.0o
j lnvoices~11 - T~ 08
EPO- 488

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 28 of 57

Invoice No.
File No .
Current Services Rendered :
Expenses :
Federal Express Charges
Photocopy Charges
Professional & Legal
Information and Research

102091 .01010
33,740 .00

25 .35
2,732 .54
2,203 .16

4,970 .00

Sub-total Expenses :

Total Current Fees and Expenses :


Previous Balance (see attached statement) : $ 31,859.26

Total Amount Due :
Total payments & credits received since your last
billing statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$



Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenberg Treu rig , LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 1 3290 Norths3de Parkway I Suite 400 1 Atlanta , Georgia 30327
Tel 678.
APO- 489
nvoi ~5~1 1- 7fa~ 1 vwuvw .gdaw

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 29 of 57


Original Invoices (11-1 8 -08)

EPO- 4 90

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 30 of 57


Page 1
Invoice No .
File No. 102 091 . 0 1010 0
Bill Date July 8, 2008
Emory University/Emory Healthcare, Inc .
101 Administration Building
201 Dowman Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Attn : Elizabeth Clark-Morrison
Associate General Counsel

Adv. James J . Murtagh, M.D . (Breach of Contract)

Legal Services through 06/30/08 :

Hours Rate

DAB Review of internet postings and webserver

references for Murtagh ; update case

2.70 hrs


185 .00 499 .50

06/QblO$ DAB Review and analyze webserver e-mails and

Internet postings with regard or reference to

0 .90 hrs 185 .00 166 .50


1 .10 hrs

DAB Research internet postings and Emory's

webserver for postings made by Murtagh

1 85.00

203 .50

06fi210 8 DAB Research internet postings and Emory is

webserver for postings made by Murtagh

2.60 hrs 185 .00 481 .00


0.70 hrs 260.00

18 2.00

1 .14hrs

385 .00

LCE Review Internet search results

06/1710$ TDW Revise summary of whistleblower week

activities; review and revise report regarding
Internet postings regarding K . Alexander and

350 .00

Tax TD : 13-3613083
Greenberg 7 ra vrg , LLP I Attorneys at Law I Th e Forum 13290 N orthside Pajlcway J Suite 400 1 Atla n ta, G e orgia 30327
Tel 678

.55angina l lnvoice~,~f1-'1 S o8~




EPO- 4 9 1

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 31 of 57



Page 2
Invoice No . 2183987
File No .
102091 .010100
his family

LCE Finalize memorandum on Murtagh's

activities during Washington whistleblower
week; prepare correspondence to B.
Morrison regarding same

0.40 hrs

260. 00 104 .00


DAB Review arbitrator's order


185 .00 55 .50


LCE Review arbitrator's order on Emory's motion

for sanctions ; conference with T . Wozniak
regarding fee petition

0.50 hrs 260 . 0 0


TDW Review arbitrator's award ; telephone

conference with Grady's counsel regarding
same and regarding potential request for
damages; outline issues for fee request and
potential request for damages; email B.
Morrison regarding same

2 .30 hrs 350 A0 805 .00


DAB Conference with T . Wozniak regarding the

arbitrator's fee award, review of time entries
for reissuance of invoices

0.50 hrs 185 .00 92 .50


TDW Emails with K . Alexander and B . Morrison

regarding fee application and damages
issues; meeting with D . Burger regarding
compilation of fee petition ; review 13-5-1 a
fee standard

1 .80 hrs 35 0.00


DAB Research Internet for recently posted articles

on peer review and whistleblowers by
Murtagh; conference with T . Wozniak
regarding arbitrator's order and submission of
fee petition

1 .30 hrs


TDW Review invoices for sanctions fee petition ;

segregate awardable fees from unawardable

4.40 hrs 350.00 1, 540 .00



1 30. 00

6330.0 0

185.00 240.50

'TD w:rs
Tax m: 13 -361308 3
Greenberg T raurig, LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 1 3290 Northside Parkway I Suite 400 1 At lanta , Geo rgia 30327
Te1I www .S Uaw. com
EPO- 492

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 32 of 57

Invoice No.
File No.

102091 . 010100


TDW Review and segregate fees for sanctions

award fee petition

3.00 hrs 350 .00

1 ,050.00


TDW Review and segregate fees for sanctions

award fee petition

1 . 80 hrs 35 0 .00



DAB Meeting with T . Wozniak regarding fee

petition ; review of invoices for particular
references to fees and costs properly allowed
by arbitrator to include in fee petition ; begin
drafting fee petition

4.30 hrs 18 5 .00

795 . 50

Sub-total Fees : 7,990 .50

Timekeeper Summary


Average Rate


Todd D . Wozniak 14 .40 350 .0

Lindsey C . EdeImann
1 .60
260 .00
Deb A. Burger 13 .7 185 .00

5,040 .00


29 . 70

269 .04

Current Services Rendered :

EUenses :
Messenger Services
Off sits Printing and Copying Charges
Photocopy Charges
Professional & Legal
Telephone Expenses
Information and Research

416 . 00
2,534 .50
$7 , 990 . 50

21 .37
773 .08
63 .00

5,631 .31

dub-total Expenses :

Total Current Fees and Expenses :


7,990 .50


'I' DW :7S
Tax ID : 13-36 1 3083
Green bergTrau dg , LLA I Attorneys at Law I The Forum (3290 Northside Parkway I Suite 400 ( Atlanta , Georgia 30327
Tel 678 . 5~
~nvoices$( ''1~82 )E "'~ '9~~aw.cpm
EPO- 493

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 33 of 57

m GreenbergTraurig
Invoice No .
File No .
Previous Balance (see attached statement) : $
Total Amount Due :

Total payments & credits received since your last

billing statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$


10209 1 .0 1 0100
130,867 .98
144,4$9 .79

-14 ,772.92

Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenberg Trauri g , LLP I Attorn eys at Law I The Forum 1 3290 Northslde Parkway I Suite 400 1 Atlanta, Georgia 3 0327
I w'^^^+. gtiaw.cwrt EPO- 494

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 34 of 57

M GreenbergTraurig

Invoice No. 2183987

File No. 102091 .010100

Account Statement
Date Invoice #

Fees Due Expenses Due

Other Due

Interest Due Total Due

45/07148 2148 457

123,635 .00 7,232 .98

0, 00

0.00 1 30,8 67 .98

123,635 .00 $ 7,232 .98 $

0 .00

Totals ; $

0 . 00 $ 130,8 67 . 98

Tax ID; 1 3 -36 1 308 3
Greenberg Trau rlg , LIP I Attorneys at Law I The forum [ 3290 Norths ide Par kway I Suite 400 1 AUa rrta , Georgia 30327
www.gtiaw. com
EPO- 495

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 35 of 57

O riginal Invo ices ( 11 - 18 -08 )



Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 36 of 57

m GreenbergTraurig
Invoice No .
File No .
Bill Date

10249 1 .010 100
August 7, 2008

Emory University/Emory Healthcare, Inc .

101 Administration Building
201 Dowman Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Attn: Elizabeth Clark-Morrison
Associate General Counsel

Adv . James J. Murtagh, M .D . (Breach of Contract)



Legal Services throw

07/31/08 :
Hours Rate Amount


DAB Research internet for postings by Murtagh

with emphasis on recent sanctions hearing
and order issued by arbitrator ; review of
invoices for particular references to fees and
costs properly allowed by arbitrator to
include in fee petition

6.00 hrs 185 .00



LCE Examine B . Bird's motion to withdraw as

opposing counsel ; strategize with T.
Wozniak regarding propriety of filing
oppositions to same, fee petition and motion
for fees associated with default on

0.90 hrs 264 .00



HRP Analysis of arbitrator's award and opinion;

conference with T. Wozniak regarding
motion for fees pursuant to OCGA 13-6-1 -1
and for punitive damage award ; research
regarding availability of such damages in

0.60 hrs


198 .00

Tax ID: 1 3-3613083
Greenberg Tra urig , LLP E Attorneys at Law I Th e Fo ru m 13290 North side Parkway I Suite 400 { Atlanta, Georgi a 30327
www,gtlaw.com EPO- 497

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 37 of 57

m Green bergTrau rig


Page 2
Invoice No . : 2205390
File No.
default context

TDW Review B . Bird's motion to withdraw ;

meeting with L . Edelmarin regarding
opposition to same ; telephone conference
with H . Pace regarding motion for damages
award ; review research regarding potential
for punitive damages award

2.20 hrs 350 .00 770.00

07103108 TDW Meet with H . Pace regarding motion for

damages and 13-6-11 fee award

4.80 hrs 350 .00 280.00

07/t17/08 TDW Review and comment on draft affidavits for

fee petition ; review select research for
damages motion

1.00 hrs

350 .00

350 .00

0714$/08 HRP Analysis of Georgia authority concerning

enforceability of OCGA 13-6-11 fees in
default setting ; draft motion for award of
damages and fees,

3 .90 hrs 33 0.00

1,287 .00


1. 10 hrs

DAB Draft affidavit of T . Womiak to accompany

fee petition to be filed as a result of
Arbitrator Deane's June 23, 2008 order

185.00 203 .50

07/x9108 HR .F Continue preparation of motion and

supporting memorandum of law requesting
award of monetary judgment of attorneys
fees based on OCG A 13-6-11 ;
correspondence with T . Wozniak and L .
Edelmann regarding same

5.80 hrs 330 .00 1,914 .00


8.40 hrs 1 8 5 .00 1 ;554A0

DAB Compile attorney fee petition in accordance

with Arbitrator Deane's ruling ;
communications with L . F-delmann and T.
Wozniak regarding same

0 7/Ip108 LCE Examine motion for fees and costs under

0.C .G .A . 13-b-11 ; conduct additional legal

3.10 hrs 260 .00


Tax ID : 13-3613083
Green b erg Traurig, LLP I Attorn eys at Law I The Foru m 13290 Narthsid e Parkway I Sui te 400 1 Atlanta, G eorg ia 30327
Tel 67 8.55M A 01M' fr wS-O&%&29M www.gtlaw .co m
EPO- 498

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 38 of 57

M Green be rgTrau rig


Page 3
Invoice No . 2205390
File No .
102091 .010100
research on cases in support of motion ;
revise legal argument section of Emory's
motion for costs and fees

HRP Conferences with L . Edelrnann regarding

availability of nominal and punitive damages
for each of claims asserted

0.30 hrs 330 .00 99 .00


TDW Review and revise motion for damages ;

review research regarding same

1 .00 hrs


DAB Compile fee petition in accordance with

Arbitrator Deane's ruling

9.30 hrs 185 , 00


5.20 hrs 260 .00


g'711 1lOS LCE Correspondence regarding availability of

nominal and punitive damages in default
context ; review correspondence identifying
the claims being asserted in arbitration
against Dr. Murtagh by Emory and Grady ;
continue drafting fact section of Emory's
motion for entry of monetary judgment on its
successful counterclaims in arbitration;
revise chart of legal fees for inclusion in
submission of fee petition to arbitrator in
compliance with June 23, 2008 decision ;
confer with D . Burger and T. Wozniak
regarding same

07/11/08 HRP Draft motion for fees, nominal damages and 5 .70 hrs
punitive damages ; analysis of Georgia law

35 0 . 00 350 .00

330 .00

1,881 .00

regarding availability of both in default



TDW Review and revise motion for damages and 1 .60 hrs
13-6-11 fees ; review and revise affidavit for
fee petition ; telephone conference with L.
Edelmann regarding same

350.00 560 .00

07/12/08 LCE Draft declaration of T . Wazuiak for 6 .10 hrs 260 .!0 1,586 .00
Tax ID : 13-3613083
Green berg Traurig , LLP Attorneys at Law I The Forum j 3290 Norihside Parkway I Suite 400 j Atlanta, Georgia 30327
Te l 678 .5564141 FjMib&#0'$, 2Mwww.gt law. cam
APO - 499

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 39 of 57

Green bergTrau rig

Invoice No .
File No .

1 02. 091 .01410 0

submission to arbitrator in support of

Emory's award of attorneys' fees and costs ;
continue drafting sections of Emory's motion
for monetary damages and finl judgment ;
research additional cases in support of same ;
continue revising time entries to support fees
petition ; confer with T . Wozniak regarding
particular attorney fees requests for work
related to contempt motion and hearing
185 .00 925 .00

07113!0$ DAB Review, analysis and selection of time

entries from August 2005 to the present
regarding our 13-6- 1 1 fee petition

5.00 his


LCE Revise and finalize declaration of T .

Wozniak for submission to arbitrator in
support of Emory's award of attorneys' fees
and costs; revise Emory's motion for
monetary damages and final judgment ;
research additional cases in support of same ;
finalize time entries to support fees petition ;
draft proposed orders on Emory's attorney
fees-award and request to withhold July 2008
settlement payment to set-off future award of
fees and expenses ; exchange correspondence
with H . Pace regarding pleading standard for
punitive damages

7.40 hrs 260 .00

1,924 .00


TDW Review and revise fee petition for sanctions

award ; review and revise motion for eutry of
monetary judgment

2.00 hrs X50 .00

700 .00

07114/08 DAB Conference with L . Edelmann regarding

filing of fee petition and additional
information required from Jones Day
regarding arbitration fees

0 .50 hrs

185 .00

111 .00


5 .70 hrs

260 .00

1,482 .00

LCE Identify additional costs and expenses to

submit to arbitrator in support of Emory's

Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenberg Traarig, LLP I Attorn ey s at Law I The Forum 13290 i Varthsi de Pa rkway I Suite 40 0 1 Atlanta, Geo rg i a 30327
Te l
www.gtlaw .co m
EPO- 500

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 40 of 57

M G reenbergTra u r ig

Invoice No .
File No .

102041 .010100

award of attorneys' fees and confer with T .

Wozniak and T . Eichelburger regarding
same; compare fees and expenses requested
in forthcoming letter to Arbitrator Deane
regarding same to ensure no duplication in
awards ; finalize proposed order on Emory's
attorney fees award and proposed order
granting Emory's request to withhold July
2008 settlement payment to set off future
award of fees and expenses ; confer with T .
Wozniak regarding same and revisions to
Emory motion for monetary damages and
final judgment ; revise motion for monetary
damages and final judgment; exchange
correspondence with B . Morrison regarding
upcoming filings ; revise cover letter to
Arbitrator Deane setting forth Emory's
request to withhold July 2008 settlement
payment to set-off future award of fees and
expense ; confer with T . Jones of Jones Day
regarding billing rates for attorneys assigned
to Emory arbitration


260 .00

78 .00

3.90 hrs

350 .00

1,365 .00

3 . 80 hrs

185 . 00

703 . 00

BTL Review Murtagh's local counsel's motion to 0 .30 hrs

withdraw in preparation of drafting response

07d1 4r0$ TDW Revise fee petition for sanctions award ;

revise motion for monetary judgment ; revise
research regarding default judgment, punitive
damages and fee award


DAB Telephone conference with 13. Jones at Jones

Day regarding arbitration hourly fees from
200 through 2008; conference with L.
Edelmann regarding Jones Day invoices ;
review of arbitration invoices from 2005 to
the present ; review, analysis and calculations
to verify fee petition exhibit totals prior to
submission to Arbitrator Deane

Tax ID: 13-36 13083
Green berg Traurig , LLP I Attorneys at Low I The Forum 1 3290 Norths lde Parkway ` Suite 400 1 Atlanta, Geo rgi a 30327
EPO- 501
Tel 678.55IM" I
$$1--2A4Wwu+w. gtiaw. wrrl

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 41 of 57

M Green bergTraurig

Invoice No . : 2205390
File No . 102Q91 .0101 04

LCE Examine proposed revisions and comments

provided by B . Morrison on Emory's motion
for award of monetary judgment and final
judgment ; revise and finalize Emory's
motion for award of monetary judgment and
final judgment and exhibits in support of
same ; confer with D . Burger regarding
arbitration fees and amount to request in
Emory's fee petition; finalize letter to
Arbitrator Dune setting forth the amounts
requested in Emory's fee petition and
requesting that Emory be permitted to set off
the July 2008 settlement payment; calculate
amount of fees and costs owed by Murtagh
after set-offs and release of escrow and
include same in proposed order

4.80 hrs 260 .0 1,248.00

07/15/08 TDW Review and revise affidavit for sanctions fee

petition ; review and revise motion fo r
damages ; review Grady's fee petition

3.30 hrs 3 5 0. 00


BTL Review plaintiff s local counsel's motion to

withdraw ; research Georgia case law on
counsel's withdrawal ; draft opposition to
motion to withdraw

5.00 brs 260 .00 1,300 .00


LCE Examine court's order granting B . Bird's

motion to withdraw; confer with T . Wozaiak
regarding same

0.20 firs 260 .00 52 .00


BTL Draft Emory's opposition to plaintiff's local

counsel's motion to withdraw

3. 60 hrs 260 .00 936 .00


TDW Review court order on motion to withdraw

0.30 hrs 350 .00 105 .00

07/23/08 LCD Examine correspondence from B . Morrison

regarding upcoming escrow payment ;
conference call with R . Schmoll regarding

0.3 0 hrs

1,155 .00

260 .00 7 8 .00

Tax ID' 13-3613083
GreenbergTrau ri g , LLP I , 4ttameys at Law I T he F orum 13290 No rthside Pa rkway I S uite 4 00 1 Atlanta, Georgia 30327
Tel 678 .55&MOQJ IKa via&~68 ,WM ]www. gtla w.com
E PO- 502

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 42 of 57

M Green bergTraurig

Invoice No .
File No.

102091 .0 1 Q1 fl0

need for Arbitrator Dea ne to irule on escrow

issue prior to July 25


TDW Review arbitrator's order regarding not

paying settlement amount into escrow ;
telephone conference with B . Morrison
regarding same ; emails with plaintiffs
counsel and arbitrator regarding plaintiffs
counsel's request for reconsideration

1 . 10 n rs



0.4 0 hr s

Examine arbitrator's order on escrow

_ payments and subsequent clarification of
orders; review C. Culotta's objections to
arbitrator's order on escrow payments ; confer
with T,Wozniak regarding same and C .
Culotta's failure to identify local counsel in
this matter

3 50.00

3 85 . 00

260 .00 104 .00


Sub-total Fees : 28,906-00

Timekeeper Summary


Todd D . Wozniak
17 .20
Lindsey C . Edelmann 34 .1
Brett T. Lane
8 .90
Hayden R. Pace 16 .3
Deb A . Burger 34 .20

110 .70

Average Rate


260 .00
260 .00
330 .00
185 .00

6,020 .00
8,866 .00
2,314 .00
5,379 .40
6,327 .0

261 .12 $2 8 ,906.00

Current Services Rendered :

Expenses :
Facsimile Charges
Photocopy Charges
Professional & Legal



TDW : rs
Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenberg Traurig, I .LP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 13290 Northside Parkway I S uite 400 1 Atlanta, Georgi a 30327
Te1 6 7 8 .55&?~N EI lff#iSi@g,f8,b%j
.guaw , OOm

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 43 of 57


M Green bergTrau ri g
Invoice No .
File No .
828 .71

Information and Research

102491 .01010
6,135 .94

Sub-total ExpensesTotal Current Fees and Expenses :

Total payments & credits received since your last
billing statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$


144,489 .?9

Tax ID : 13-3 6 13083
Green berg T raurig , L LP I Attorneys at L aw I The Foru m 1 3290 N orthside Parkway f Suite 4p4 I Atlanta, Georgia 30327
Tel 678. 65~QII www. gtl aw.cro m
E PO- 504

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 44 of 57

O r iginal Invoices


E PO- 505

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 45 of 57


Page 1
Invoice No .
File No .
Bill Date September 18, 2008
Emory UzxiversityfEmary Healthcare, Inc .
1 O1 Administration Building

201 Dowman Drive

Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Attn: Elizabeth Clark-Morrison
Associate General Counsel

Adv. James J. Murtagh, M .D . (Breach of Contract)

Legal Services thra uzh 4$13110$, :


Hours Rate Amount

48/DUOS LEE Review Dr. Murtagh's respanse in opposition
to Eznory's request to set -off July 2008
escrow payment and arbitrator's decis i on
awarding same ; confer with T. Eichelberger
regard ing potential response strategy

0.40 hrs 26 0.00 104 .00

08102108 TDW '

1 .00 hrs

Revi ew C. Culotta's opposition to request to

cease payments to escrow ; review appellate
issues raised in response

350 .00

350 .00


TDW Discuss defense strategy with B . Morrison

0.50 hrs 350 .00 17 .00



0.40 hrs 350.00 140.00


TDW Review arbitrator's decision granting plaintiff

extension to respond to mot i on for damages

Tax ID : 13-3613083

Telephone conference w i th C . Culotta

regarding plaintiffs request for extension of
t im e to respond to moti on for judgment and

0.40 hrs 350 .04 140.00

G re en erg Tnurig, LL P I Attorneys at Law I The Forum j 3 2 90 Northside Pa rkway I Suite 4 44 1 Atlanta, Ge org ia 30327
Tel 678,563 .210 01 Fax 6 78 . 5 53 .22 1 2 1 wvuw .gt Eaw.c vm
Origin a l Invoices
E PO- 506

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 46 of 57

Page 2
Invoice No . 2239903
File No .
102091 .010100
08/15/08 LCE Review Murtaglt's response in opposition to
Emory's petition for attorney fees and outli ne
arguments; review documents relied on by
Murtagh in support o f his claim that he has a
viable feder al whistle blower claim in this
litigation ; confer with T. Wozniak regarding
same ; examine Arbitrator's August 14, 2008

1 .50 hrs 260.00

OS/15108 TDW Review plaintiffs response to sanctions fee

petition; telephone conference with T.
Eichelberger regarding same ; outline reply

2.90 hrs

350.00 1,015.00



conference with T . Wozniak regarding

strategy for reply brief on Emory's fee

0 30 hrs

260 .00



Review emails between plaintiffs counsel

and arbitrator regarding extending deadlines
for plaintiff to respond to motion for

0.40 hrs 35 0A0 140A0



Confer with Todd- Wozniak regarding

internet defamation legal issues and website

0.40 his 735 .00 294.00

08/2 1/08


Telephone conference with 1. Ballon

regarding strategy for dealing with web
posting regarding Emory and K . Alexander;
telephone conference with K. Alexander
regarding same

0.80 hrs 350 .00 280.00


LCE Analyze cases cited by Murtagh in response

in opposition to Emory's fee petition ; draft
Emory's reply in support of fee petition

6.30 hrs

260 .00



1,638 .00

08/22/08 TDW Identify companies who can cause "google 1 .60 hrs 350 .00 56D .00
Tax m : 13-3613083

Greenberg Trauri g, I.LP I Attorneys at Law I The

Tel 578 . 5 fA-ji

Forum 1 3290 Northside Parkway / S u ite

I www.gtE aw.com

400 1 Atlanta , Georgia

E PO - 507

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 47 of 57

Invoice No .
File No .

12091 .010100

search hits" to be moved down priority list ;

telephone and email K . Alexander regarding
same; review plaintiffs response to fee
petition ; review and revise reply brief for
same; review cases cited by plaintiff
LCE Review Murtagh's response in opposition to 4 .80 bra
Emory's motion for damages and order of
final judgment ; draft Emory's consolidated
reply in support of fees petition and request
for damages

260 .00

1,248 .00

08/24/08 TDW Review plaintiffs response to Emory's

motion for damages award and select cases
cited therein ; outline reply arguments ;
meeting with L. Edelrnann regarding same

2 .30 hrs

350 .00

805 .00

0 8/25/08

5 .20 hrs 260 .00

1,3 52A0



Examine cases cited in Murtagh's response in

opposition to Emory's motion for damages
and order of final judgment; research cases in
support of Ernory's motion for damages ;
continue drafting Emory's consolidated reply
in support of fees petition and request for

08!25/08 TDW Review plaintiffs response to motion for


0.60 hrs 35 0.00 21 0.00


TDW Meeting with L . Edelmann regarding

arguments for consolidated reply brief;
review cases cited by plaintiff

1 .40 hrs

350 .00

490 .00


DAB Shepardize cases cited by plaintiff in his 0 .30 hrs

response to Emory's damages petition

185 .00

55 .50


LCE Review revised consolidated response in 0 .70 bra

support of Emory's July 15, 2008 fee petition
and motion for damages ; review comments
provided by B . Morrision on proposed brief

260 .00

182 .00

Tax ID : 13-3613453
Gresnberg Tra urig, LLP I A ttorneys at L aw I The F orum 13290 Northside Parkway I Suits 400 1 Atlanta, Georgia 3 0 3 27
. xnihwcwf*-1i-w I www.yraw.com
Tel s78
EPO- 508

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 48 of 57


Invoice No .


File No . 102091 .010100


TDW Review and revise consolidated reply in

support of fee petition and motion for
damages ; review select portions of
Arbitrator's rulings and bearing transcripts ;
review follow-up research

2.20 hrs 35 0.00



DAB Review and proof reply brief

L10 hrs 185 .00 203 .50


TDW Revise consolidated reply to plaintiffs

responses to sanctions fee petition and
motion for damages

0 .70 hrs 3 50 .00 245 .00


DAB Complete cite checking reply brief

2.00 hrs 185 .00


TDW Revise reply in support of fee petition and

motion for damages ; telephone services
specializing in pushing down "Google hits"

1 .00 hrs 350 .00 350 .00

370 .00

Sub-total Fees : 11,5$5 .00

Timekeeper Summarv
Timekeeper Hours Average Rate


Ian C . Balkan 0 .40
Todd D . Wozniak 16 .20 3517 .00
260 .00
Lindsey C. Edelmann 19 .20
Deb A. Burger 3 .40

294 .00
5,670 .00
4,992 .00
629 . 00

295 .54

$11,585 .00


39 .20

Current Services Rendered : $

Federal Express Charges
Photocopy Charges .
Professional & Legal

11,585 .00

-7 .99
3,619 .97

Tax ID : 13-3613053
G raenberg 'Fraurig , LLP I Attorn eys at Law I The F o rum 13290 Narthslde parkway I Suite 400 1 Atia rs fa, Georgia 30327
Tel 678. 58
12 1 w nnv .gtlaw. cflm
nginaQi hvoices8(1 i "8-0 S)
EPO- 509

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 49 of 57

Invoice No .
File No .
255 . 66

Information and Research

102U9 1 .01 Q100

Sub-total Expenses :
Total Current Fees and Expenses :
Total payments & credits received since your last
billing statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$

3,868 .09

I5,453 .09

-35,042 .9

Tax ID : 13-3513 08 3
Greenberg Trauri g , LLP I Attorn eys at Law [ Th e Forum I 329D Northside Parkwa y / S u ite 400 1 Atlan ta, Georgia 30327
Tel 678.5 M4 VMNPO13'I%2W "nni.gtlaw .com
EPO - 510

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 50 of 57

L_ J

Original Invoices (11-18-08)

EPO- 51 1

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 51 of 57

Original Invoi ces (11-18-08)

E PO- 512

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 52 of 57

S G reenbergTraurig
Invoice No . 2257019
File No . 102091 .01010
Bill Date October 10, 2008
Emory University/Emory Healthcare, Inc .
101 Administration Building
201 Dowman Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Attn : Elizabeth Clark-Morrison
Associate General Counsel

Adv. James J . Murtagh, M .D . (Breach of Contract)

Legal Services through 09/30/8 :



Hours Rate Amount

09/02/p8 LCE Revise and finalize Emory's consolidated
reply in support of its fee petition and motion
for damages ; confer with T . Wozniak
regarding same and petition for fees under
O.C.G.A. 13-6-11 ; conference with T. Jones
regarding outstanding arbitration fees owed
by Emory; interview IT experts for methods
for mitigating damage to Emory arising from
Provocateur article ; prepare correspondence
to K. Alexander regarding same

5.50 hrs 260 .0 1,430 .00


1 .00 hrs 350 .00 350 .00

TDW Meeting with L. Edelmann regarding

damages proof, finalize consolidated reply in
support of fees and damages

09103/0$ DAB

Telephone conference with L . Edelmann

regarding fee invoices

0.10 hrs 185 .00 18 .50


Redact attorney-client information and fees

3.90 hrs


260 .00

1,014 .00

Tax ID : 13-3613083
Green b erg Traurig, LLP I Attorneys at Law I Th e For um 13290 N orthside Pa rkway (Suite 4001 Atlanta, Georgi a 30327
Tel 678.553 .2'E 00 ] Fax 678.553 .2212 1 www_g52w.com
Original I nvoices (11-18-08) APO- 513

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 53 of 57

M G reenbergTraurig
Page 2
Invoice No . 2257019
File No . 10209 1 . 01 0100
associated solely with Murtagh's claims
against Emory from invoices dated from
September 2007 to the present date ;
exchange correspondence with T.
Eichelberger regarding Grady's failure to
timely pay arbitrator fees and expenses ;
confer with T . W ozniak and D . Burger
regarding petition for fees pursuant to
O .C .G .A . 13-6-11



Emails with T . Eichelberger regarding

Grady's payment of arbitrator's fees

0.40 hrs 350.00 140. 00

09/04I08 DAB Review of invoices for petition for fees

regarding damages

4.80 hrs 195 .00


2.60 ors 185 .00 481.00


~ Edelmann
09/05/08 -

Review and revise invoices for petition for

fees regarding damages ; conference with L.
regarding same

88 8.40

DAB Review and analysis of King & Spalding and 4 .3Q hrs 1$S .OQ 795 .50
Greenberg Traurig invoices for attorney fees
. and costs regarding damages affidavit to be
filed by T . Wozniak; begin drafting affidavit


LCE Continue redacting invoices for attorney client information and fees related to
counterclaims to submit in support of fee
award pursuant to Emory's motion for
damages ; confer with D . Burger regarding

4.90 hrs 260 .00 1,274A0

09/06/08 L CE Prepare affidavit of T. Wozniak to support

fees requested under O .C.G.A . Section 9-11, 13 and compensatory damages associated
with Dr . Murtagh's fraudulent emails

1 .60 .Ts

260 .00


2.00 his

350.00 700.00

TDW Review and revise fee petition for damages

416 .00



Tax ID : 13-36 1 3083
Georgia 30327
G reen be rg Traurig , li.P I Attorneys at Law I The Foru m 1 3290 hf o rthside Parkway I Suite 400 / .
Tel 678.553,2100 ~ Fax 878. 53 .221 2 ( www.gtlaw. cam
Original I nvoices (11-18-08)
EPO- 514

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 54 of 57

m Green ber'gTraurig

Page 3
Invoice No . 2257019
File No .
102091 .010100



DAB Review and calculation of invoice totals for

inclusion in fee petition for damages ;
creation of chart of invoices for use in
determining total amount to be recovered
from plaintiff regarding damages

2 .10 bra 185 .00 388 .50


LCE Revise affidavit of T. Wozniak in support of

Emory's motion for award of damages and
final judgment on counterclaims ; review
claims expenses and fees to ensure consistent
with those allowed for under O .C.G .A . 13-611

1 .80 hrs


09l08/08 TDW Revise letter regarding defamatory web

postings ; review and revise damages petition

1 . 50 hrs

350. 00 525 . 00

09109/08 CAB Conference with L . Edelmann and S .

McQueen regarding filing of additional
petition for damages ; review and revise
invoices for submission as exhibits to
affidavit of T . Wozniak ; draft
correspondence to Arbitrator Deane ;
calculation of invoice totals for damages

3 .80 kazs

1 85 .04 7 03.00


LCE Draft proposed order on Emory's motion for

award of damages and final judgment on
counterclaims ; revise cover letter to
arbitrator regarding Emor~s request for
attorneys fees and damages ; confer with T .
Wozniak regarding evidence in support of
fee petition

2. 1 0 hrs



TDW Revise affidavit for damages claim

0.90 brs

350 .00 315 .00


DAB Conference with L . Edelrmannn regarding

additional invoices for consideration and
inclusion with affidavit of T . Wozniak

6 .501rs

1 85 . 00 1 ,202 .5 0

468 .00


Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenberg Traurig, LLP I Attorn eys at Law I The Forum f 3290 Northside Parkway I Suite 400 1 Atlanta, Georgia 30327
Tel 678.5brrlJitra~ ~ ~i~ces$( ~~~1~~j~ ww~rr.gUaw,com EPO- 515

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 55 of 57

M Green bergTraurig

Invoice No .
File No .

1 0209 1 .010100

regarding damages; final calculations of

damages for fee petition ; conference with T.
Wozniak regarding filing of affidavit and
attachments; preparation of exhibits for
attachment to affidavit of T . Wozniak;
Telephone conference with T . Jones at Jones
Day regarding outstanding invoices for
arbitration fees and costs ; reconciliation of
Jones Day invoices and calculation of total
fees paid to the arbitrator

09J10148 LCE Telephone conference with T. Wozniak

regarding fee petition in support of Emory's
motion for award of damages and final
judgment on counterclaims ; review finaUed
letter to Arbitrator, proposed order, and
affidavit of T . Wozniak

1 .30 hrs 260 .00 338 .00


TDW Review and revise affidavit, proposed order

and fee petition on motion for damages

4.00 hrs 350 .00 1,400.00


TDW Review C . Culo tta's supplemental request for

a hearing on fees ; emails with B . ClarkMorrison regarding same

0.50 hrs 35 0.40


DAB Review plaintiffs claim that there are

discrepancies inn fee petitions ; review and
compare fee petition submitted duly 1 5, 2008
wwith fee petition submitted September 10,
2008 ; compile summary of all differences

6 .70 hrs 185 .00 1,239.50

09I22I08 DAB Preparation of fee petition documents and

memoranda regarding findings from review
ofthe fee petitions submitted to Arbitrator
Deane ; meeting with L. Edelmann regarding

1 .90 hrs

TDW Review comparison of fee petitions 1 .20 hrs

regarding plaintiffs counsel's claim that there

175 .00

185 .00 351 .50

350 .00

Tax ID : 13-3613083
Greenberg Tr2urig , LLP I Attorneys at Law I The Forum 1 3290 Norfhs ide Parkway I Suite 400 1 Atlanta, Georgia 30327
Tel 678 . 53. 21 DpI Fax 678 ,f5~~?~12 I www .g Haw. com
rEg i na Ihvoices ~ u }
E PA- 516


Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 56 of 57

m GreenbergTraurig
. S
Invoice No .
142091 .010100
File No .
are discrepancies between the two ; telephone
conference with B . Morrison regarding
potential hearing on fee petitions


Q9/23/08 LSE Telephone conference with T . Jones

regarding submission of payment of
arbitrator fees by all parties and status of
Murtagh's hearing request; review potential
inconsistencies between July 15 and
September r d fee petitions

0.90 hrs 260. 00 234 . 00


0. 8 0 hrs "350 .00 28 .00

TDB Telephone conference with B . ClarkMorrison regarding potential hearing on

damages and fees issues; revise letter to R .
Deane regarding same

0.50 hrs 260 .00

LCE Draft correspondence to Arbitrator Deane
responding to C . Culotta's request for
evidentiary hearing

130 .00

4.40 hrs 350,00 140.00

TDW Ernails with B . Clark-Morrisan and N.

McDonald regarding Dr . Murtagh reference

dub-total Fees : 16,363 .00

Timekeeper Stunmarv

Average Rate


Todd D . Wozniak
12 .70
Lindsey C . Edelmann 22 .50
Deb A . Burger 32 .84

350 .00
260 .00
185 .00

4,445 .Q0
5,850 .00
6,068 .00

240 .63

$16,363 .00



68 .00

Current Services Rendered :

$ 16,363 .00

T ax ID: 13-3613083
Greenherg 7rau ri g , LLP j Attorneys at Law I The Forum 1 3290 Northside Parkway I Suite 400 1 Atlanta, Georg i a 30327

Tel s7sNA

99rt~o~`e %7~.z

I wwvv. gHaw. corrr

EPO- 517

Case 1:09-cv-01186-HTW Document 1-5 Filed 05/04/09 Page 57 of 57

Invoice No .
File No .
Expenses :
Photocopy Charges
Professional & Legal
Information and Research

102091 .010100

1,350 .76
84 .19

Sub-total Expenses :

1,480 .55

Total Current Fees and Expenses: ~


Previous Balance (see attached statement) : $ 15,453 .09

Total Amount Due:
Total payments & credits received since your last
billing statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$





Tax TD: 13-3613083
Greenberg Traurig, LLP I Attorneys at Law E The For um 13290 Northside Parkway I Suite 400 1 Manta, Georg i a 30327
wvrw , gt law.com
EPO - 51 8

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