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Creature Designs: Created The created monster had to be distinctively different and impacting.

The main inspiration for these designs was based art by HR Giger. It was important that these creatures were terrifying, however also they were meant to be failed genetic experiments, which in some case mean they were as functional as other. This allowed me to create a variety of creature ranging from the terrifying monsters to less self-sufficient creatures.

Early concept art for one creature. This monster is envisioned as a sort of snake man.

More refined design.

The final design.

Early concepts for a praying mantis woman.


Further development.

Again further refinements.

Further development. I abandoned this design after this stage as I felt that the creature wasnt coming together, and pursued other designs.

I liked this creature design because of the mystery that it created. Why was it chained up, why was it wearing a mask. I identified the gas mask as the key feature and began developing it as a prop.

Initial work on the gas mask was based around the K1 Gas Mask, a common military model.

However the story being set in the distant future, I needed to take the initial design forward into something more futuristic.

My initial design, based on the K1. I dismissed this design, because of the dual filters on the front. The K1 is a military mask, and despite the large filter, it can be attached on either side of the mask, allowing the operator to hold a firearm without the filter impeding.

I redesigned the mask to this however there were aspects that I felt didnt suit the mask.

This next design incorporated some aspects of the second. However after reviewing the two, I settled on a combination of the two designs.

The final design, a combination between the two previous designs.

Because some of the creations were failed, I wanted some of them to look deformed, yet inhumanly kept alive. This initial design showing a creature being held in a capsulereflecting specimen jars.

For the redesign I focused on the look of the creature inside, and how it was being sustained. However to take this further would think to look at the capsule itself and consider whether its a pristine new device or a more dilapidated machine.

This by far is one of the most extravagant designs. This kind of part human part lobster creature has a very large mouth in the main body. Ultimately a creature like this would be very difficult to function, however considering what it would take for this creature to actually exist, I began looking at how it would function.

I began looking at the mouth this would be the hardest part to make function.

Starting with the skeletal structure of the upper body, I began looking at how the jaws would function.

I then moved onto the muscle structure, and how the jaws would open.

This led me to further design the skeletal structure.

With this I began developing the final creature.

This design was to show the varied body of work the scientists have done, and how some of the creatures in functional creations.

This pig man with disproportionate extremities. What I wanted to show was the sad expression on its face, the idea that its being unfairly kept alive.

This design represents the varied success of the scientist, this creature is mostly functional and docile and is hand servants around the compound, although not fully formed as human, and they are capable, with some cognitive ability. The design of their dress is to hide their deformities.

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