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Functional Nature of Planets I

INTRODUCTION We all know that the results and influences attributed to a planet is an amalgamation of variety of factors such as its natural nature, the houses it owns, the house/ sign it in which it is placed in, different yogas the planet is involved in etc. Comprehensive judgement of a horosocope require a Jyotisha to consider all the factors before pronouncing any judgement. Hence understanding each of these factors becomes very important. Two of the factors which form the foundation of any interpretation are the Natural (Naisargika) and Functional (Karaka/ Akaraka) nature of a planet. It is important to note that where Natural nature is important in finding out the influence of the planets on the nature (behavious, skills, attitude) of the person, the functional nature can be used to find the different situations the person shall be faced with during his life time. However, one must not take such a simplistic approach in Horoscopic Interpretation and understand that what is given below are only the cues to interpretation. Only with Patience, Practice and Guru's blessings, one can master the divine discipline of Jyotisha. Following rules have been taken from the Chapter 34, Yogakarakadhyaya of Brhat Parasara Hora Shastram and shall help us in increasing our understanding of the functional nature of planets.

FUNCTIONAL NATURE 1. Natural Benefics lording the Kendras (Quadrant) do not bestow Benefic/ auspicious (Shubha Yoga) Results and Natural Malefics owning the Kendras do not bestow Malefic/ inauspicious (Ashubha Yoga) results on the native. (BPHS 34.2.) The Natural Benefics are Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Moon and the natural malefics are Saturn, Rahu, Mars, Sun. In this verse Maharishi Parashara says that the benefic planets looses their beneficence and Malefic planets loses their maleficence if they lord Kendras. However, one must not interpret this by making the Benefics, Malefics and the Malefics, Benefics. What the verse mean is that the benefics lose some part of their Beneficence, however, they still remain benefic but with lesser capability to give auspiciousness/ material benefits (yoga). Similarly, the malefics shall lose their maleficence, however they shall still remain mild malefics and shall not confer auspiciousness (yoga). In the verse 14, Maharishi Parashara that Malefics, only when simultaneously own a Trikona (Trine), becomes Yogakaraka and confer auspiciousness/ material benefits (shubha yoga) 2. The Lord of a Trikona (Trine) shall always give auspicious results. The Lord of Lagna is specially auspicious, as Lagna is both a Kendra as well as a Trikona. Fifth and Ninth are specially for wealth, while Seventh and Tenth are specially for happiness. The Trishadaya (3/6/11) lords shall give inauspicious/ malefic results. (BPHS 34.3, 34.4). Trikonas are the houses of Lakshmi and the Kendras are the house of Vishnu. While Vishnu sustains, Lakshmi, gives the malerial benefics (money/ power/ fame etc.) in this world. There are four trikonas in a horoscope, each one is pivoted to one of the four kendras. They are Dharma Trikona (1/5/9) pivoted to Lagna; Artha Trikona (2/6/10), pivoted to Tenth house or Karma Bhava; Kama Trikona (3/7/11) pivoted to 7th house and the Moksha Trikona (4/8/12)

pivoted to the Fourth House or Sukha Bhava. The four Kendras show the four Ayanas/ Purusharthas or Direction or Goal of human life and govened by Vishnu, the deity who upholds the Dharma. As Lakhmi, the consort of Vishnu, follows him, similarly the Trines follow the four kendras. For sustain in this world at any time, everyone must follow one of the ayana, which shall define the goal the person shall be striving for. This also means that the person who is aware of his goals shall be happy as kendras shows the happiness.

3. The auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of the Twelfth, Second and the Eighth lords shall depend on their association. The comparative strength of these three lords are in the ascending order of Twelfth, Second and the Eighth. Eighth Lord is specifically not auspicious, as he owns the 12th from Ninth house of Dharma. If the Lord of Randhr Bhava simultaneously owns the Trishadayas (3/6/11), he will prove specifically inauspicious, while his simultaneous ownership of a Trikona will bestow auspicious effects. (BPHS 34.5, 34.6) 4. The Planet, owning a predominant house, will stall the effects, due to another, owning a less significant house and will give his own results. Eighth lordship of the Sun and the Moon is not inauspicious (BPHS 34.7) Natural strength of houses has been mentioned in books like Laghu Parasari etc. The Kendras, in the descending order of 10th, 7th, 4th and 1st are stronger than the Trisadayas in the descending order 11th, 6th, 3rd. The Trisadayas are stronger than the Trikonas, in the descending order 9th and 5th (the ascendant is predominantly a Kendra and then a Trikona). The 12th & 2nd houses have no strength of their own and depend on the other house lordship of their owner. The eighth house is always evil and is never stronger than the ascendant. Thus on the basis of lordship the planets can be placed in the following ascending order of natural strength (influence) in the chart: - 2nd , 12th , 5th, 9th, 3rd, 6th, 11th, 8th, 1st, 4th, 7th & 10th house lord. It is evident that the tenth lord is the most influential planet in the chart as the tenth house is the most potent house for any planet to be placed. This fact should be borne in mind while analyzing Rajayoga and Duryoga (Kendra/ Trikona Lord in dusthana) i.e. combinations for prosperity and penury. (Pt. Sanjay Rath) NATURAL BENEFICS AND MALEFICS Jupiter and Venus are natural benefics, while Moon is mediocre in beneficence and Mercury is neutral (its nature depends on association). In beneficence, strong (in paksha bala) Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are stronger in the ascending order. This means that the when they shall own a kendra (kendradhipatya dosa), the effect shall be according to that order i.e., Moon gets more affected than Mercury and so on. The Sun, Saturn and Mars are natural malefics. However, in maleficence Weak (in paksha bala) Moon, Sun, Saturn and Mars are stronger in the ascending order. (BPHS 34.8-34.10). YOGAKARAKAS 1. If there be an exchange between a Lord of a Kendra and that of a Trikona, or, if a Lord of a Kendra is conjoined with a Lord of a Trikona in a Kendra, or in a Trikona, or, if a Lord of a Trikona is in a Kendra, or vice versa, or, if there happens to be a full Drishti between a Lord of

a Kendra and a Lord of a Trikona, they cause a Yoga. One born in such a Yoga will become a king and be famous. (BPHS 34.11-34.12) The conditions given by Maharishi Parashar in verses 11 & 12 of BPHS for yogakarakas are: i. Exchange between the Kendra and Trikona Lords. ii. Kendra lord cojoins a Trikona lord either in a Kendra or in Trikona. iii. Kendra lord placed in a Trikona or Tikona Lord placed in a Kendra. iv. Kendra and Trikona lords having mutual aspect (graha drsti). Here the maharishi have clearly spelled out the conditions of the rajayoga, however in the subsequent stanzas we shall see the conditions which can break such yoga formed by association of a kendra and trikona lord. More to this, we must remember that if a kendra lord is placed in a dusthana, it shall cause duryoga (inauspicious combination), however if it conjoins a Trikona lord then it becomes capable of granting yoga (auspiciousness), however related to the dusthana. In verse 15, Maharishi says that if the lord of the kendra or trikona simultaneously own the trishadayas (the evil houses 3/6/11), then the mere association of the kendra or trikona lord shall not give yoga. This is an important condition and one must keep in mind while interpreting the yogakarakas in a horoscope. In verse 13, Maharishi gives the condition for a planet becoming suo-moto yogakaraka, whereby he says that if a planet owns both kendra and trikona, then he becomes suo-moto yogakaraka and can give yoga (auspicious results) without associating with other kendra/ trikona lords. However, we must see the association of the trisadaya lords as mentioned in the 15th verse, before pronouncing the results. 2. NODES AND YOGA KARAKAS: Both the nodes Rahu and Ketu give their effects, based on their conjunction with a house Lord or their. If they are in Kendra conjoining or aspected by kendra/ trikona lords it will become Yog Karak. (BPHS 34.16-34.17) Nodes are shadowy planet and give results based on their association or placements. If they are conjoined with Yogakaras or are aspected by them, they shall confer rajayoga. However, due to the conjunction, the yogakaraka itself might suffer and give bad results in its periods. We might also consider the lordship of Rahu ketu in finding out their functional nature. For this purpose, we need to consider Rahu as the lord of Aquarius and Ketu as the lord of Scorpio. However, this requires experimentation as this is not specifically mentioned by the Maharishi. PT. SANJAY RATH'S COMMENT ON THE SUBJECT Kendradhipati dosa or the negative effect of the ownership of quadrants by natural benefic planets implies reduction in their beneficence. The benefic owner of a quadrant is still a benefic and does not become a malefic. Similarly, a malefic planet owning a quadrant will not remain a malefic and that does not imply that the malefic

becomes a benefic. This loss of beneficence of a benefic lord of quadrant is called Kendradhipati dosa. This flaw is annulled if the planet is also well placed in a quadrant or trine. Similarly, a malefic planet owning a quadrant sheds its malfeasance and will give very good results if placed in an evil house. If instead, the planet is placed in a quadrant or trine, the loss of malfeasance may not occur fully. For example if Saturn is the lord of the 10th house for Taurus ascendant, its placement in the 12th house in debility will give excellent results like power, position and a good career. If the malefic is also the lord of a trine in addition to its ownership of a quadrant, then it becomes a yogakraka producing auspicious results. Yogakaraka means capability for producing auspicious results. The lord of the ascendant is the natural yogakaraka in any chart as it the first house is a quadrant and a trine. The lords of trines (5th & 9th houses) are important for wealth and sustenance while the lords of the 4th, 7th & 10th contribute to the happiness. The 1st, 10th, 7th & 4th houses/ lords represent the four ayana (goals of life) called Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha (Readers may refer to the Bhagavat Gita for a detailed explanation of these goals). Yoga has been loosely interpreted as Union/association and in astrology this implies conjunction, mutual aspect or exchange of signs. A weaker yoga is caused by one planet aspecting the house of the other and vice-versa or by an exchange of constellation called sukshma yoga. The association of the lord of a quadrant with the lord of a trine results in Rajayoga producing auspicious results. For example, if the tenth lord associates with the ninth lord Dharma-karma-adhipati yoga results. This is the highest karma yoga. Another form of this yoga is theassociation of the lord of the tenth house with the lord of the fifth house. Gyana yoga (that leads to moksha) is caused by the association of the lord of the fourth house with the lord of a trine. This yoga gives great learning and knowledge. Subha yoga or good results are produced by the placement of the lord of a quadrant in a trine. Duryoga or inauspicious results are produced by the placement of the lord of a quadrant in a dusthna (evil house). However, the duryoga is modified if it associates with the lord of a trine. Rajabhanga yoga is caused by the association of the lord of a quadrant with the lord of a dusthana in an evil house. If instead, they associate in a quadrant, Viparita Rjayoga occurs.

Functional Nature of Planets II: Aries & Taurus Lagna

INTRODUCTION: In the previous article I mentioned the effect of different lordship in a horoscope. In this article I shall venture into the functional nature of different planets for each Lagna based on the principles mentioned in the previous article Functional Nature of Planet I.


Even though Mars is the Lord of Eighth, he will be helpful to auspicious Planets: For Aries, Mars is the Lagna lord and the eighth lord (randhresha). In sloka 6, Maharishi says that if the Eighth lord owns any Trisadayas (3/6/11) it becomes evil however if its own a Trikona it gives auspicious results. Here the other lordship of the Eighth lord is a Trikona and thus it gives auspicious results.

Saturn, Mercury and Venus are malefics. Saturn: Saturn is the lord of the 10th and 11th house. Even though the lordship of 10th house diminishes the maleficence of Saturn, however Maharishi says in the sloka 14 that a malefic, owning a Kendra becomes auspicious only when it simultaneously Lords over a Kona. Mere ownership of a Kendra doesnt make a malefic an auspicious planet, although it reduces its maleficence to some extent. Thus the evil lordship of a Trisadaya shall dominate over the Kendra lordship and make Saturn an evil planet for this Lagna. Mercury: Mercury owns two Trisadaya houses, the 3rd and 6th and hence the strongest evil planet for this Lagna. Venus: Venus is the 2nd and the Kendra lord. Now Venus is suffering from the Kendradhipatya dosha and hence cannot be auspicious for the Lagna unless it owns a Kona too or associates with a Kona lord. Moreover its lordship of neutral 2nd house is not of much avail as it will give the results of the ownership of other house, the 7th. However as compared to other planet, it is least evil or inauspicious, even if it is a maraka being the lord of two maraka houses.

Auspicious are Jupiter and Sun. Jupiter: Jupiter lords the 9th and the 12th sign. Being the 9th lord, it is very auspicious. Now the 12th lord is by nature a neutral and for them all depends on the lordship of other houses. Thus Jupiter is an auspicious planet for the Lagna. Sun: Sun lords the trine and such trinal lordship is auspicious, making the Sun an auspicious planet for the native of Aries Lagna.

The mere conjunction of Saturn with Jupiter will not produce auspicious effects. One would have expected a powerful dharmakarmadhipati yoga making high status to the native as mentioned in the slokas 11 and 12, however this doesnt happen here by the conjunction of the 9th lord Jupiter and 10th lord Saturn. Now why is it so? When we examine carefully, Maharishi says in sloka 15 that, If the Lords of a Kendra, or a Kona own simultaneously an evil Bhava, he does not cause a Raja Yoga by mere relations

mentioned in the sloka 11 (on association of Kendra and Kona lords). Here Saturn owns an evil bhava, namely the eleventh. Thus, even if it owns a Kendra, its association with the Kona lord, Jupiter doesnt manifest the Rajayoga.

If Jupiter is at the disposal of a malefic, he will surely give inauspicious results. Being the 12th lord, it can be influenced by other planets, thus under the influence of benefics, it will give auspicious results whereas under the influence of a malefic the results are quite inauspicious.

Venus is a direct (independent) killer. In the Marakadhyaya (Ch 44), Maharishi mentions the different grahas that can act as the marakesh, the predominant among them are the 2nd and the 7th lord. Here, Venus is the lords of both the maraka sthanas and hence thus can kill independently and need not be associated with any of the marakesh (killer) to bring death to the native.

Saturn etc. will also inflict death, if associated with an adverse Graha (Venus). In the sloka 9 of the Marakadhyaya, Maharishi says that if Saturn is ill-disposed and related to a Maraka Graha, he will be the first to kill in preference to other Grahas. Thus if Saturn joins Venus, its periods (Dasa/ Antar) can bring about death.

RAMANUJACHARYA (BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA) A Sun-Moon combination confers Rajayoga Venus is a maraka Jupiter becomes a maraka if he occupies Capricorn A Jupiter-Saturn association doesnt confer a Rajayoga An Aries native will have fear of diseases (especially smallpox), weapons and injuries If Mars conjoins Mercury, death by brain disease occurs in his dasa and bhuktis This is the only Lagna where its great if the 2nd lord is in the 12th; this isnt the case with any other Lagna. A Mars-Venus combination can be both favorable and fatal. Mars, when conjoined with Jupiter and Venus in Taurus, becomes a Yogakaraka. If however, the combination occurs in Gemini, there isnt any yoga. If Mars conjoins Jupiter in Cancer, he becomes a Yogakaraka. Mars will prove a benefic during his dasa if hes in Leo. Jupiter in Aquarius wont automatically give good results in his dasa A Mercury-Mars combination in Virgo gives the native skin diseases, eruptions and wounds The native will possess self-earned wealth if Mars and Venus are in Libra. Mars, if in conjunction with Sun and Venus in Scorpio, will confer some fame

Theres a special yoga produced when Mars, Sun and Jupiter are in Sagittarius, with Venus and Saturn in Libra Venus confers a Rajayoga if hes in Lagna with the Sun and unaspected by Jupiter. Sun will become a Yogakaraka when aspected by Jupiter; the same cant be said for Venus when shes aspected by Jupiter A Sun-Mercury-Venus combination in Aquarius is a fortunate combination, with all three conferring riches during their dasas and bhuktis When Sun is in Lagna and Moon in Cancer, the native enjoys a Rajayoga A Sun-Jupiter-Venus combination in Capricorn helps the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga

TAURUS LAGNA Jupiter, Venus and Moon are malefics. Jupiter: Jupiter lords the 8th and the 11th house. The nature of the 8th lord is dependent on the nature of the lordship over the other house by the planet. Now 11th lordship is no doubt evil as its a Trisadaya. Thus Jupiter becomes an inauspicious planet for the Taurus Lagna. Venus: Venus is the Lagna lord and generally we wouldnt think of the Lagna becoming a malefic. However, Venus also lords the 6th a, Trisadaya (evil house) and that will take predominance and give inauspicious results, even if it own a Kendra/ Kona vide sloka 15, implied. Moon: Moon is the lord of another evil bhava (Trisadaya), namely 3rd and shall give inauspicious results for this Lagna.

Saturn and Sun are auspicious. Saturn will cause Raja Yoga. Saturn: Saturn is a distinct Yogakaraka for the natives of this Lagna as it lord the 9th and 10th houses. Sun: Sun is the lord of 4th bhava and loses its maleficence being a Kendra lord and also doesnt own an evil bhava and hence it shall be auspicious for this Lagna.

Mercury is somewhat inauspicious. Mercury is the lord of the 2nd and 5th house. The lordship of maraka sthana cause some blemish to mercury, however being the lord of the 5th house it is auspicious.

Jupiters group (Jupiter, Moon and Venus) and Mars will inflict death.

RAMANUJACHARYA (BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA) Neither is Saturn a Yogakaraka, nor do Sun and Mercury confer any fortunes if theyre in Lagna If theres a Mars-Jupiter combination in Capricorn or Rahu is in Aquarius, the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga Moon is capable of producing a yoga when posited in Leo and aspected by either Jupiter or Mercury Mars, when in 7th, is a benefic. If Sun and Jupiter are conjoined in Pisces, long life is indicated A Jupiter-Mercury association causes dhana yoga The above dhana yoga is destroyed if either planet is aspected by Mars There will be debts during Mercurys dasa if theres an association between Mars, Jupiter and Mercury Jupiters dasa will give mixed results whereas Mars dasa gives wealth. If Mercury is in a quadrant, the native is blessed with happiness during its dasa If Mercury and Venus are in lagna and Jupiter is in Scorpio, Mercury dasa will be fortunate If Mars and Venus are in lagna, and Jupiter is in Capricorn, both Mercurys and Jupiters dasas will be fortunate If Saturn, Mercury and Mars are in Capricorn, and Rahu in Pisces, the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the dasas of Mars and Rahu If Moon and Venus are in Libra, with Jupiter and Mercury in Pisces, Jupiter dasa will cause a dhana yoga Lots of wealth are indicated in the Venus dasa Moon in lagna isnt very auspicious, and will afflict other dhana yogas present in the chart The native becomes very fortunate if Moon is in the lagna of any sign other than Taurus

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