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STUDENT SENATE MINUTES November 27, 2012 The Senate President called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm and

announced that the meeting may be filmed or audio taped and may be available to the public. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL: Roll was called and quorum was established with 77 senators present. Not there for roll call: Alonso LaRue Vidal Bottone Leckie Wittenberns Bryan Mejia Ball Claude Oyler Levin Collins Pazos Dallesandro Sheffield Helfand Sowell Jaeger Stein AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA: - A motion was made to add Student Senate Bill 2012-1081: Resolution Honoring Fallen Gators Rebecca Harris, Shannon Leah Eaton, Aria Mallari and Emmanuel Rufino to the agenda. The motion was properly seconded and no objection was made. - A motion was made to approve Student Senate Bill 2012-1081: Resolution Honoring Fallen Gators Rebecca Harris, Shannon Leah Eaton, Aria Mallari and Emmanuel Rufino. The motion was properly seconded and no objection was made. AMENDMENTS TO THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: There were no amendments to the previous minutes for November 13. PUBLIC DEBATE: - Senator Pesek spoke about a proposal for adding more outlets to Marston Science Library because it is not a practical place to study. Encouraged Senators to likethe Facebook page. - Senator Jacob Fischer announced a meeting on Monday from 3pm-4pm with the Secretary of Health Affairs regarding student insurance. OFFICE OF THE STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT No reports. PRESIDENTS REPORT: - Senate President presented her Legislative Agenda which included ideas regarding: o New Allocations process o Town Hall Forums o Graduate Student needs o Updating the SG Website with more Senate information o Increasing sustainability within Senate

o Making Senators more knowledgeable about Senate procedures Encouraged all Senators to come to her with feedback and any other ideas

COMMITTEE REPORTS: REPLACEMENT & AGENDA: - Meeting this Sunday at 6pm in the SG Conference Room. - Will be hearing the R&E committee seat as well as other open seat applicants. BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS: - Possible meeting this week regarding the Education College Committee; will send out email informing everyone - Will email out dates for hearings ALLOCATIONS: - Meeting this Sunday at 4pm in Room 362 of Reitz. - Working on outreach and innovation - Skeet shooting next Saturday, all are invited JUDICIARY: - Reading of Student Senate Bill 2012-1081. - Will be meeting Sunday, time TBA. RULES & ETHICS: - Shout out to new Senate Family. - Will be sending probation and resignation letters - Will be meeting this Sunday INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION: - Thank you for bringing in canned food, contributed the most out of any group - Last Senate meeting is next week- tacky holiday sweater themed. Will be writing cards to send overseas to troops. - FLC & Freshman Senator round table get-together Sunday 4-6 pm room 285. - Sent out mentor/ mentee pairings - Pay for t-shirts if you bought one - Meeting Sunday at 3pm in SG conference room - Shout out James Tyger SECOND READING: None FIRST READINGS: None ANNOUNCEMENTS: - Today in History: 1924- first NYC Macys Parade

Shout out Jackie, Michael and Abe on executive board positions for their respective fraternities and sorority. Take free samples Fund raiser for Vet School Saturday from 6-8 at Small Animal Hospital, IRHA Winter Ball Friday at 8pm, come out! Friday 6pm Civil Discourse Program at Springs, come out and talk. Sunday Dec 2nd at 7pm Sounds of the Season Performance at the Philips Center.

ROLL CALL: A motion to use voting records for final roll call passed. No Vote Record received Ball Leckie Bottone Mejia Bryan Michaels Claude Oyler Collins Pazos Helfand Sheffield Jaeger Sowell Koduru Stein MEETING ADJOURNED: The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm

Verno Vidal

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