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LESSON PLAN School Subject Matter Strand Class/Semester Meeting Time allocation : Junior High School 2 : IPA TERPADU

KIMIA :Relation of atomic, ions and molecules with chemical product : VIII/ I :2 : 3 x 40 minutes

A. Standard of Competence To understand the material particle concept B. Basic of Competence To relate the atomic, ion and molecules concept with faily chemical products C. Indicator Student can be : 1. To explain the relation of atomic, ion and molecules 2. To describe the arranging component of a chemical product D. Source , Media and instruction Material 1. Books of IPA TERPADU untuk SMP kelas VIII 2. Buku Chemistry for Junior High School 2 3. Material in Power Point 4. Worksheeet ( LKS) 1. Learning process Instruction Models Instruction Method Approches Steps Main Activity Times 1. Gives greeting 10 menit 2. Check the list of attendent 3. Teacher gives motivation of : Teacher gives pocari sweat plastic to one of student and gives question about sebutkan komponen penyusun minuman isotonik seperti pocari sweat? Teacher requested other student for : Discussion dan Demonstration : Speech method : Inductive-deductive

grouping the arranger component in to group of atomic, ion and molecules Initial Knowledge Students know about differences between atomic, ions and molecules 4. Teacher say out the indicator that want to achieve. Main activity Indikator 1 ( ion definition ) 1. Teacher direct student for search the information about molecules information in the daily lifes. 2. Teacher point up randomly student for mentioning one of examples of molecules in daily lifes. 3. Teacher requested other student for mentioning the composing atom of that molecules. 4. Students makes a group. 5. Teacher requested student for list the arranging component of a chemical product. 6. Grouply students requested for make a conclusion of that observation result. Closing 1. Subject matter that have been teaching, is that understand or not.. 2. Teacher point up one of student for conclude the material that have been learned. 3. Teacher gives the student homework about the material. E. Types of Assesment 1. Answe-question during discussion proceses 2. Form of test; direct answer-question 3. Assesment Cognitive Assesment To combine between writing test value and task average with point 2 : 1 Afective Assesment
To asses minat, etika, kerjasama kelompok, dengan menggunakan lembar pengamatan individu dalam kelompok.

Time 100 minutes

Time 10 minutes

Penilaian psikomotorik Penilaian psikomotorik dilakukan dengan pengamatan pada kemampuan kerja individu dalam kelompok. LEMBAR PENGAMATAN AFEKTIF DAN PSIKOMOTORIK


Mata Pelajajaran ..

1. :A Aktivitas kelompok dalam diskusi Kerjasama dalam kelompok Bersaing secara sehat dan sportif Kelengkapan tugas individu dalam kelompok Kelengkapan tugas individu Aspek yang dinilai Jumlah Nilai skor Jumlah Nilai skor







A. Afektif No Nama Absen Siswa

: Kimia

Keterampilan berbicara

B. PSIKOMOTORIK Nama Aspek yang dinilai Siswa

Merakit alat percobaan

Membuat percobaan


Menggunakan teapat



Mencatat data percobaan

Kelas : VIII -

2. 3. 4. 5. dst Pedoman penskoran : Afektif : Skor maksimum 3 dan skor minimum 1 dengan kriteria sebagai berikut : 3 = kegiatan baik sekali atau intensitas tinggi 2 = kegiatan cukup atau intensitas sedang 1 = kegiatan kurang atau intensitas rendah Psikomotorik : Skor maksimum 3 dan skor minimum 1 dengan kriteria sebagai berikut : 3 = tindakan benar, tepat dan teliti 2 = tindakan benar, kurang tepat, kurang teliti 1 = tindakan salah Pedoman penilaian : Nilai = (jumlah skor x 100) : 15

Tindak lanjut : Siswa yang telah berhasil dengan nilai di atas ketuntasan dilanjutkan ke kompetensi dasar berikutnya. Siswa yang belum mencapai ketuntasan kognitif dapat melanjutkan ke kompetensi berikutnya tetapi harus mengikuti program remedial terlebih dahulu. Advisor Teacher Makassar, Oktober 2010 University Student

St.Hasna Firdaus,S.Pd Nip : 196201051986032011

Ezzar Fitriyani Nim: 071304159



Drs.Muchtar Nip: 195802091981111001

Drs. Muh Shaleh,S.Pd,M.Pd Nip : 19601110 199003 1 001

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