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lnt J Math "fool Des Res Xol 21, No 1 pp I1 22, 1981 Printed in Great Britain

0020-735781 01 0011-12$02f~0 Pergamon Press Ltd



(Received 15 June 1977: in hnal form 3 September 19801
Abstract - In this paper, thermo-mathematical modelling of Electric Discharge Machining (EDM) and optimisation of energy pulse forms are presented. For this purpose, heat transfer relations for single spark erosion are considered. The model can predict behaviour of materials in E D M for different energy functions. It is shown that commercial rectangular pulses are not the o p t i m u m shapes for m a x i m u m material removal. The mathematical formulation is, then, extended to a problem of optimisation, i.e. finding an energy function so that material removal is maximum. It is found that an analytical solution is almost impossible, so several numerical solutions are presented. The theoretical results are compared with limited experimental ~ork

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N

IT HASbeen noted by several authors [1-11] that the shape of the energy input largely affects the material removal in Electric Discharge Machining of materials, but only a few researchers have previously investigated this subject. Among these, the purely theoretical approach given by Taniguchi et at. [2] approximates the actual physical case and is oversimplified. De Bryun [1[ on the other hand, approaches the problem from a purely experimental point of view and the results obtained show the superiority of a particular waveform (of energy function) for certain special cases. His results do not lead to a general conclusion. Other researches on this subject are not directed to find a better shape for the energy function, but they study the effect and properties of the present waveforms. The present work is particularly intended to study the effect of the shape of energy function on the material removal properties in electric discharge machining of materials and to find a waveform for voltage and/or current for better machining conditions,

2.1 Energy function In electric discharge machining, successive transient electrical discharges are used to remove material and the basic mode of removal (erosion) is electro-thermal in nature [12-17]. Although there are some differences in opinion, the physics of the process is fairly well understood and material removal is experimentally proved to be due to thermal erosion. The transient discharges (also called sparks) are produced by electrical circuits of several types (RC circuits, pulse generators, transistorized circuits, etc.) and each of them has a different waveform of voltage and current of its own. Ideally, once the machine and the circuit are set for a certain condition, then the successive waveforms are the same or at least similar to each other. The energy of the sparks can easily be computed from the discharge voltage and current. Let Q(t) be the total power supplied over the material surface at a certain time t in cal/sec. This is a determined function for a known voltage and current form and repeats itself after a certain pause time (tp sec). Total energy, Er cal, released in the gap during the discharging time ts, can be computed by simple integration where
ET =



* Assistant Professor, Middle East Technical University, Mechanical Engineering Department. Ankara. Turke 3 "l-Professor, Middle East Technical University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ankara. T u r k e ~ 11


A. EaDF', and B. KAFTANO(~It

This is represented by the area under the energy function (Fig. 1). Energy density over the discharging surface can be found by dividing Qttl by the current discharge area. This area can be taken to be practically equal to the discharge channel sectional area [8, 18, 19]. Then energy density q(t) in cal/sec/mm 2 is, q(t) = Q(t)/A(t). (21 where A(t) is the current area (Figs. 2 and 3). 2.2 Discharge chamwl Transient electrical discharges, applicable in EDM, have been studied by a few researchers and their thermodynamic and plasmatic properties are not much known. But as far as time dependence of the discharge channel radius is concerned, the integral equation derived by Drabkina from the hydrodynamic theory is applicable for our purpose [8, 18-21]

rs(t) = L (Wo(t)) M~


Wo(r) 1'2dr


where r(t) is the channel radius at time t, Wo(t) is energy per unit length of channel up to time t, and L, M 1. M: are constants of the discharge medium (dielectric liquid). It is also known that the discharge is symmetric around its longitudinal axis, therefore energy density function is written as

q(t) = O(t)/rc[r(t)] 2.


Here it is assumed that the energy is uniformly distributed over the surface which may not be true at the initiation of the discharge. 2.3 Crater formation Except for a few of the early investigations, almost all of the experimental work on EDM has indicated an erosion of thermal basis. Three stages of crater formation have been observed: (i)initiation and breakdown of the discharge: (ii) discharge : (iii) erosion. During the first stage, it is possible to have some erosion due to high electrostatic forces, [13.19, 22] (Fig. 2a, b) but its amount is only a few per cent of the total erosion. Discharge stage supplies all of the discharge (spark) energy into the inter-electrode gap and this energy is spent to heat and melt, and possibly vaporize, the electrode materials (Fig. 2c). According to discharge and material conditions and properties, material equivalent to 10-15 Oo of the final crater volume vaporizes, and 8-10 times the final crater volume melts [17, 19]. The erosion in the discharge stage is mainly due to vaporization. Most of the erosion occurs in the final stage. After the discharge ceases, the pressure, due to discharge over the molten metal, is removed and pressurized gases expand and cause scattering of the molten metal away from the electrode surface. Scattered material droplets solidify in the cold dielectric liquid and form mostly global spheres [ 10, 15, 17, 19, 23, 24]. Also some amount of the molten material is pulled apart by electrostatic forces from the electrode into the dielectric liquid [19, 22, 25].

~ t ~ t

FIo. 1. Energy funclion of arbitrary shape

Energx Pulse Forms in Electric Discharge Machining


_ _


(b) Fdrsl" stage


Second stage


Third stage

FIG. 2 Erosion process.

At the end of this stage, about 10-15o of the total molten material is removed [17, 19]. Remaining material resolidifies on the surface and forms the well-known characteristic resolidified layer on the electro-discharge machined surface (Fig. 2d). For the material removal process described above, a thermo-mathematical model can be developed. The statement for this model is as follows. A semi-infinite material surface is subjected to a continuously active time-dependent heat source on the surface such that points in the material where temperature exceeds a certain predetermined limit lmelting point, boiling point or an equivalent temperature*) are removed from the body material and thus a crater is formed on the surface. The problem is then of heat conduction. This problem and its several simplified cases have been studied and several solutions have been obtained. The solutions to the stated general problem show a dependence on the magnitude and radius of heat source, coordinates of the point and time. Then, assuming symmetry around the :-axis (Fig 3) and at any time. t, (t = 0 when discharge starts) with a constant heat source and radius, the solution is in the following

T= f[(q, rs). (r,z,t)]


where q is defined by equation (41 and r, by equation 13). Explicit forms of this equation are given in several references [14, 16, 18, 19, 26]. 2.4 Metal removal It is known that each discharge removes a very small amount of material and after a large number of discharges, a desired amount of material is removed. In machine shop applications of EDM, it is desirable to have machining rate (material removal rate) as high as possible with a certain level of accuracy, surface finish and energy consumption. On the commercial EDM machines, it is only possible to manipulate the voltage, current, frequency and energy of each discharge. The waveform is predetermined (mostly square) for all discharges. This waveform is applied because it is most easy to produce, but it is believed that there can be other waveforms such that material removal is maximized while remaining within the desired limitations on the other parameters.

F m 3. Discharge is symmetric around :-axis.

*Equivalent temperature is defined as a fictitious temperature profile. ~hich separates the remox ed material from the solid electrode material.



It is clear that material removal is closely related to the volume of craters or material removed by each discharge. A statistical approach to determine the governing relation would be very useful for a complete theoretical modelling of the process. Several researchers, up to now, have assumed a direct proportionality, so that total material removed is simply the product of the number of discharges and the material removed by a single discharge. This is a rather simplified approximation but proved to be very useful. The shape of craters, as experimentally determined, is shallow and has a diameter to depth ratio ranging from 1 to 50. Considering a crater which is symmetric around its axis perpendicular to the electrode surface, the crater volume is a function of crater radius R and depth Z.

where Zp is maximum crater depth, and
R = 0

nR2 dZ,


at Z = Zp

R=R=.x atZ=0. 2.5 Objective function of the problem In the stated thermo-mathematical model, points which are heated above a certain limit temperature are assumed to be removed from the electrode. The geometric location of these points can be found simply by solving the following equation

Tp = f[(q,r~), (R,Z,t~)]



= discharge (pulse) time, = equivalent temperature defining crater shape.

Referring to the previous sections, the above relation can be re-written as:

f'[R, Z, Q(t), r(t), ts] = O.

From the equation for the discharge channel, equation (3J, it follows that:

rlt) = h[Q(t)].
Thus an expression for the crater volume can be written as: V= 9[Q(t), q]. (8)

(Note that R and Z are dependent on each other so that V= #'(Z) and Z = 9[Q(t), t,].) This is the function which is to be maximized for maximum material removal, but it is not by itself unconstrained. We have the constraint that the total energy supply into the gap is fixed by equation (1). This constraint actually implies that once t~ or Q(t)is determined, the other is determined also. Therefore V depends on either Q(t) or ts. 2.6 Formulation of the optimization problem From the above analysis, we can state an optimization problem in the following form. Maximize:

V= 9[Q(t), ts]

Subject to : and Q(rt > 0 for any r, 0 < r < t,.


Energ) Putse Forms in Electric Discharge Machining


Here, three important conclusions can be derived. (i) If all the parameters related to the discharge, except ts, are fixed, [i.e. Q(t) is known as a function such as square, sinusoidal etc. but not fixed by numerical values] then volume V depends on t, only. This means that peak energy density and other similar parameters are not independent. In other words, maximum material removal is obtained not because a certain peak energy density is provided, but it is obtained when an optimum pulse (discharge) duration is reached. This conclusion is difficult to verify experimentally because of the interdependence and complexity of the physical parameters of the discharge and also because ofthe idealizations made for a theoretical treatment. Although it has not been proved to be so yet, pulse time is commonly used as independent control parameter in EDM applications. (ii) If ts is fixed, then we have V = g[Q(t)]. Since the area under the energy function QIt)is fixed by the constraint, then only the shape is important. So it is possible that for different pulse durations different shapes result in optimum material removal. (iii) From the above formulation, it is clear that it does not matter whether Q(t) is obtained by changing the current or voltage waveform, i.e. there may be several current and voltage forms which result in the same Qlt) form, and all of these should result in the same amount of material removal. 3. SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM 3.1 Stepwise (discrete)formulation Any analytical functionf(x), can be represented with an error of approximation as a step function as shown in Fig. 4. As Ax approaches zero, (N goes to :r.), the stepwise function approaches the actual function, but as long as we seek for a simplified (or even for a numerical) solution for engineering purposes, we prefer to use the form with stepwise variation for most cases. Applying this transformation to our problem, r(t) and Q(t) can be considered as step functions. For example the constraint equation (1) can be rewritten as follows:

E~ = ~ QiAt


where At = t~/N. Similarly, channel radius at any time t/, (ti = i x At) is written in terms of discrete function values.

ri-,- L'(j=~l~_.j)Ml[j=~1(k~iQk)l'2?'I2
1 -~"


where L' = L(At) ~'~a


3.2 Temperature distribution with a time-dependent heat source With discrete stepwise formulation, the continuously variable heat source is simplified to an energy source of constant value, Qi (cal/sec), with constant radius ri, applied for a time interval of At (sec). Then it is possible to simulate the actual physical system (thermal model) by superimposing heat sources of different magnitude and with different radii, starting at different times [19].

FK;. 4. Discretizing a function.



With the new model, it is possible to write a temperature function for variable heat sources. Considering jth source Qj and radius rs~, temperature function is:

Tj = f j[(Q~, rsj)(R, Z, tj)]


wheretj=jxAt and t s = N A t . This temperature function is written forjth source (at time t j) and applicable for a time of At (sec). If the temperature distribution at the time tj_ ~ is known, then the temperature distribution at time tj can be determined.

T~ = Tj_ a + ATj


A Tj = f j[(Q~, ri)(R , Z, t j)] - f j[(Q~, r~)(R, Z, t~ - At)].


Then extending equation (13), from the first source to jth-source, temperature at any location (R, Z) and any time tj can be written as:

Ti -- ~ AT,,


where ATi is as determined above [equation (14)]. Then equation (7) can be re-written,

Tp -- ~ f[(Qj, rj)(R, Z, t~)] - f [ ( Q j , rj)(g, Z, tj - At)].



3.3 Crater volume A crater shape formed of cylindrical discs of the same thickness can be considered (Fig. 5). This is necessary for a numerical solution. Thus the crater volume can be computed by summation.


~ g2


where Zp (Zp = p AZ) is maximum crater depth (note that Z~ = i AZ). 3.4 Optimum pulse form As step functions, the optimization problem, equation (9), can be re-stated as follows Maximize: Subject to: or explicitly :

V= 9[Q1,Q: ..... Qx, ts],


(18a) (18b)

Et = ~ Qi At.

Maximize: Subject to"


V = n x AZ ~ R E,
i=1 N

(19a) (19b) (19c) (19d) (19e)

ET = ~ Q, x At,

Tp = ~..f[(Qj. rjl(R,, Z,, tj)] - f[(Qj, r~)(R,, Z,, tj_~ )],


Z i = i x AZ,

Q~>0 r;>0

f o r i = 1,2 ..... N, f o r i = 1,2 ..... N.

(19f) (19g)

Energy Pulse Forms in Electric Discharge Machining Az




The control variables of the problem are Q 1, Q2 ..... Q.~ and t~ : the objective is to maximize the crater volume (material removalt for the same energy input. 3.5 Computer program The above formulation defines a problem of constrained optimization in (N + 2) dimensional space (N + 1 variables}, but pulse time t~ can be eliminated by using the first constraint equation (19b) since ts = N x At. Or,


: YQi.



Since Zi is known to vary from 0 to Zp by uniform intervals of AZ, then the remaining constraints are used to determine the value of R~. and therefore volume. Thus the problem is reduced to unconstrained optimization with N control variables Q~. Q: ..... Q x. 3.6 Optimization algorithm Computer solution follows the steps indicated below: lijdecide on P and N (note that P and N defines accuracy :larger P and N, better the results) : (ii) determine Z 1, Z 2..... Zp ; (iii)decide on the upper and lower bounds of Q1,Q2 ..... Q~; tiv) start optimization by considering the constraints and variables within the given limits : (a) decide on initial values of QI, Q2 ..... Q~ : (b) find channel (source) radius; tc) compute radius of discs at different depths of the crater by using the equation of temperature distribution ; (d) compute crater volume {objective}. (v) calculate pulse duration.
4. D I S C U S S I O N OF R E S U L T S

4.1 Generalized pulse form

Optimum energy function for several materials and pulse energies are computed. For numerical optimization, two computer programs developed by C. R. Mischke are adapted to our case and Iowa Cadet, as suggested by the same author, is applied [27]. One of the programs employed the method of 8-dimensional Grid Search and the other uses the wellknown method of Steepest Descent. The main aim in using two optimizing programs is to compare the optimization techniques, but this will not be discussed in this paper. The computer system, used in numerical computations is IBM 370/.'145-6, located at M.E.T.U., computer centre. Each of optimization problems has taken between 2 and 10 min of computing time, depending on the accuracy desired, energy of pulse and other programming properties. Point source model [19, 26] is used in all cases, because other models would take hours of


A. ERDt-N and B1 KAFT~,NO~I t

computing time for one optimization problem, and hence are impractical. The crater volume is defined by the melting point of the material. This model does not include source radius effect. The validity of this model is discussed elsewhere [19, 26]. Some of the optimum energy functions, are shown in Figs. 6(a)-(c), The first two figures. show two cases with almost equal pulse durations, but total energy is reduced by 10 times. The crater volume for the same total energy and constant pulse duration values given in Fig. 6(a), with constant power source (commercial generators, rectangular pulse) is computed to be 0.0351 mm a, which is 22.8 % less than the optimum value. For Fig. 6(b), this is 10.2 ?o less than the optimum value. The optimum solutions indicate that an appreciable amount of energy must be released at the early stages of discharge. This is recognized in Figs. 6(a)-(c), but it is most pronounced in Fig. 6(b), which is a characteristic form of energy function. Figure 6(a)is also a characteristic form, and recalls Taniguchi's [2] experimental condenser discharges, where he had reported an improvement in material removal. Figure 6(c) will be discussed in the next section, where only trapezoidal pulses are considered. Its form implies that pulse duration should be made small for higher material removal rates. This is proved to be true experimentally at constant discharge energy [19].

Trapezoidal pulses

It would be difficult to produce arbitrary shapes suggested in the previous section in commercial machines, but it may be simpler to produce a trapezoidal pulse, by linearly


~" 2 3 3

0 I COt
mrn 3

Vc: 0 0 4 5 4 5 4

c ':D ~

-"-'-t s: 955 ~ s



E - = 0 01 cot VC: 0 0 0 2 7 1 E 2 mm -~

~- 5C

g. 25

.~4 -i', ~ 9 8 4




ET= 0 000227


v~ 20

Vc - 0 0 0 0 1 2

pe S

S = -2 x +0 e

~- pc


Fio. 6. Optimum shape of energy function for some cases.

Energ> Pulse Forms in Electric Discharge Machining


Exper~mentGq -Theorem- i(~

dora [I] curve

E C_ E

c L5

e amp

To, ini+iOI

step current,

FIc; 7. Influence of the initial current on the crater volume. (For theoretical values, discharge voltage is assumed 20 V ).

increasing current only (since Vd is independent of currentt. Hence a trapezoidal pulse form can be interesting to investigate (Fig. 7). In this case, energy function can be calculated once slope is known and pulse duration is fixed. Therefore we have a one-dimensional problem, where slope is the only variable. Numerical computations for this case are much simpler than for the general case. As an optimization method, Golden Search [27] is first used, but the results happened to be incorrect in some cases, and later, one-dimensional Grid Search is used to check the former method. Figure 8 summarizes the crater volume as a function of trapezoidal slope over a wide range. Constant radius heat source model [19, 26] is used as a thermo-mathematical model for all calculations. Computation for one slope value takes about 2.5 min of computer time. Maximum crater volume is obtained for the negative slope, indicating that most of the energy should be released at early stages of the discharge. This has also been suggested previously. In Fig. 6(c) an optimum pulse form. approximately with negative slope, has already been given. The maximum crater volume in Fig. 8 is almost 3 times more than the crater volume obtained by a rectangular pulse, which is the pulse used in commercial machines. The theoretical approach can predict the influence of initial current step on the crater volume (Fig. 7). The crater volume is determined by the melting point of the material but only 10 % is assumed to be removed [ 19, 26]. Other assumptions made for theoretical values are, 20V discharge voltage, kerosene dielectric and thermodynamic properties for ordinary carbon steel. These may not be true, but theoretical values for the experimental conditions are not available. Table 1 gives a comparison of theoretical values and experimental data to indicate the validity of the thermo-mathematical model. The only available experimental data shows general agreement with the theoretical results and furthermore follows the same trends. De Bryun [1]. in his paper claimed that he had

8 7



- 2C TroPezobd

- I0 pulse s l o p e ,

iC; I0 -~ CQL / s e s 2




FIe;. 8. Influence of pulse slope on crater volume


A. ERDFN a n d B. K-~FTANC~3LL
1. C O M P A R I S ( ) ' , .

Slope lea) secW 0.0 0.0 1433400 2150(10t.) 3105700

Pulse duration (/~sec) 24989 49979 57735 47142 39.223

E x p e r i m e n t a l c r a t e r v o l u m e * ( m m 31 Workpiece 38 x 27 x 12x 30x 41 10 -~ 10 -~ 10 - 6 10 -~ 10 -~ Tool 15.2 x 10 - 6 1.62 x 10 - 6 0,03 x 10 -6 -0 . 2 5 x 10 -6

Theoretical crater volume (mm 3) 73.2 x 51,8 31.7x 43.7x 53.6x 10 - e 10 - e 10 -~ 10 -~ 10 -~

D i s c h a r g e e n e r g y E~ = 1 0 m J . * F r o m Ref. t. 10"o of total c r a t e r ~olume, d e t e r m i n e d by m e l t i n g p o i n t is a s s u m e d to be r e m o v e d .

obtained less electrode wear and better surface finish with positive slope. (He had considered positive slopes only. ) This is as a result of smaller crater sizes, which is exactly what the model predicts. The spark radius is greater for positive slope (Fig. 9), indicating that craters are flatter than other cases. The effect of energy distribution between the electrodes may also be affected by changing the pulse slope, although energy density is not much affected (Fig. 10). Cathode energy percentage [19] is shown in Figs. 11 and 12 as a function of discharge current and time. The last figure clearly indicates that change of slope affects the energy distribution, but the change is very small. For all cases more energy is allocated to the cathode at later stages of discharge. This is also observed experimentally [28], and the anode is found to heat up first, in early discharge, but at later stages more energy is released at the cathode. Figure 12 suggests that a slightly higher machining rate should be expected for negative slope due to energy allocation between the electrodes. Since temperature distribution also favours larger crater volume, the negative slope should give considerably higher machining rates. Tool electrode wear may not be reduced since the thermo-mathematical model favours larger crater size for the tool also. But energy released at tool (anode) is reduced, hence a small improvement in wear ratio (tool wear/workpiece erosion) may be obtained in machining.
5. C O N C L U S I O N S

The presented results have shown that thermo-mathematical modelling can predict the behaviour of materials in electric discharge machining, for different energy functions. Starting from this idea, it is apparent from theoretical results that commercial rectangular pulses are not the optimum shapes for maximum material removal. General pulse shapes may be too expensive to apply commercially, but trapezoidal pulses may be cheaper. A negative slope should always give higher machining rates but electrode wear will probably be higher. Positive slope gives less material removal, but electrode wear is also less. In a commercial generator both of these pulses can be used, and better machining conditions than present-state generators can be obtained.
.,,,_.t"- I. S=22 7x r05co{ /sec 2 mE

2 ..,,~...I'~'L s : o

S :-30

O x IC)ScoL / sec 2


-r~: to ~s

E =0 000227 cat


2 2~

C5 .

C 7~ T,me,

rO #s

F l ( , 9. Influence o f slope o n s p a r k c h a n n e l r a d i u s [b~ e q u a t i o n t2~].

Energ~ Pulse Forms in Electric Discharge Machining



20 D~schorge doto ts

~0 x


o 25

0 50

0 75 Time,

L0 % 1" s

Fic~. ]0. C h a n g e o f energy densit\ ~ i t h t i m e

0 60


o 3
C 23

I, C !0 j, 20 ~ I0 ~ Omp /
mm 2




FiG. 11. Effect of current and its density on energy distribution.



! 0 25

I 0 58

! 0 75

I, I O0

T,me, % t s

F1G. 12. Percentage of cathode energy variation with time,


A. ERDFX and B K~,FTaXC~t t


Since the first applications and researches on this topic, it is known that the shape of the pulse has appreciable effect on the material removal properties in EDM. Development of transistorized generators made it possible to build pulse generators of different kinds. However, a general-shaped pulse generator is not yet available commercially, because the benefit to be gained from such a generator is not fully known. Mathematical formulation of the erosion in EDM has been worked out by several investigators, but these theories are not completely satisfactory. Including a pulse form of arbitrary shape complicates the problem much more. The problem is even more complicated if an optimum pulse shape is to be calculated for better machining conditions. In this paper, a mathematical formulation is extended to a problem of optimization, i.e. finding an energy function so that material removal is maximum. It is found that an analytical solution is almost impossible, so several numerical solutions are presented. The theoretical results are compared with limited experimental work.
Acknowledgements - Thanks are due to Mr. B Kilkis and Mr. H. Eskicio~lu for their patient discussions on the computer programs and invaluable comments during the research.

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