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jQuery in Drupal: overview, tools, how-tos

DrupalCamp Vancouver 2008

jQuery is a JavaScript Framework In core since Drupal 5 (version 1.0.1) Modular, like Drupal itself and, like Drupal, constantly evolving...

Overview / Timeline

jQuery Syntax Refresher

$(#myId), $(div.myClass), $(li:not(.active)), $(a[href^=mailto])

.hide(), .show(), .slideToggle(), .each(), etc

Utility Functions
$.each(), $.get(), $.browser(), $.noConflict()

Chaining Example
$('div.myClass').not(':first-child').hide().end().filter(':first-child').wrap ('<div class="my-wrapper"></div>');

Important Functions
Add a JavaScript file, setting or inline code to the page parameters: data, type, scope, defer, cache Examples:
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path(module, mymodule) .'/myjs.js'); drupal_add_js(array(myjs=>$mysettings), setting); Drupal_add_js(var myVar = foo;, inline);

Use setting type to make your modules settings available to js

Important Functions
called from phptemplate.engine (assigned to scripts variable) makes a call to drupal_add_js() to get the $javascript array
$output .= '<script type="text/javascript"> Drupal.extend({ settings: '. drupal_to_js (call_user_func_array('array_merge_recursive', $data)) ." });</script>\n";

Important Functions
Converts a PHP variable into its JavaScript equivalent e.g. convert a PHP array into a JSON object used in the callback function for an AJAX path

The Drupal JavaScript Object

drupal.js in D5:
var Drupal = Drupal || {};

drupal.js in D6:
var Drupal = Drupal || { 'settings': {}, 'behaviors': {}, 'themes': {}, 'locale': {} };

Ajaxifying Drupal with jQuery

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
retrieve data from the server and load into the DOM of the current page without refreshing the page $(#someDiv).load(/serverResource); the above corresponds to about 20 lines of normal js

jQuery provides different AJAX functions, depending on your needs

Ajaxifying Drupal with jQuery

jQuery AJAX functions:
$(#someDiv).load(url, parameters, callback); $.get(url, parameters, callback) $.post(url, parameters, callback) $.ajax(options)

Ajaxifying Drupal with jQuery


Ajaxifying Drupal with jQuery

Basic essentials:
$.get (or another AJAX method) drupal/path (menu callback) callback function

to convert your php array into a JSON array


Ajaxifying Drupal with jQuery

Menu Callback $items[] = array( 'path' => 'photostories/get/photos', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access' => user_access('access content'), 'callback' => 'kflick_get_photos_ajax' );

Ajaxifying Drupal with jQuery

Callback Function function kflick_get_photos_ajax($nid) { $photo = kflick_get_photo($nid); $imagefile = theme('image', $photo); print drupal_to_js(array( 'image' => $imagefile, ) ); }

Ajaxifying Drupal with jQuery

Drupal.kflick = function() { var imageDetails = function(data) { var result = Drupal.parseJson(data); $('div.field-type-image div.field-item').html(result['image']); } $('a.kflick_button').click(function(){ $('a.kflick_button').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $.get('/photostories/get/photos/'+ parseInt(this.id, 10), null, imageDetails); return false; }); } if (Drupal.jsEnabled) {
$(document).ready(Drupal.kflick); }

Drupal 6: behaviors
In D6, wrap all your modules jQuery behaviours in a function assigned to Drupal.behaviors.mymodule no need to call it within $(document).ready() as Drupal automatically does it for you all behaviors can then be reattached to DOM elements that have come from an AJAX call

Drupal 6: behaviors
Drupal.behaviors.kflick = function(context) { $('div.field-type-image:not(.kflick-processed)', context).addClass (kflick-processed).each(function(){ var imageDetails = function(data) { var result = Drupal.parseJson(data); $('div.field-type-image div.field-item').html(result['image']); } $('a.kflick_button').click(function(){ $('a.kflick_button').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $.get('/drupal/sandbox/photostories/get/photos/'+ parseInt (this.id, 10), null, imageDetails); return false; }); }); }

Drupal 6: behaviors
Drupal.attachBehaviors = function(context) { context = context || document; if (Drupal.jsEnabled) { // Execute all of them. jQuery.each(Drupal.behaviors, function() { this(context); }); } };

What is AHAH?
Asynchronous HTML and HTTP still uses the XMLHttpRequest object still uses JavaScript loads html content retrieved from the server directly into the DOM - no parsing necessary AHAH in Drupal = AHAH Forms AHAH Forms Framework module In core as of D6

AHAH in Drupal 6
$form['qt_wrapper']['tabs_more'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('More tabs'), '#description' => t("Click here to add more tabs."), '#weight' => 1, '#submit' => array('qt_more_tabs_submit'), // If no javascript action. '#ahah' => array( 'path' => 'quicktabs/ahah', 'wrapper' => 'quicktabs-tabs', 'method' => 'replace', 'effect' => 'fade', ), );

Drag & Drop

drupal_add_tabledrag($table_id, $action, $relationship, $group);
theme('table', $header, $rows, array('id' => 'my-table')); $form['my_elements'][$delta]['weight']['#attributes'] ['class'] = "my-elements-weight"; $row = array(...); $rows[] = array( 'data' => $row, 'class' => 'draggable', ); drupal_add_tabledrag('my-module-table', 'order', 'sibling', 'my-elements-weight');

JavaScript Startup Guide on api.drupal.org drupaldojo.com/lesson/ahah http://jquery.com Firebug console Books
Learning jQuery jQuery in Action

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