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The Original

Black Madonna Contents

VOLUME I (green sub-titles are available online) Your right to remain DECEIVED, misled and ignorant xi

BOOK I: Exposing

the Greatest Coverups in "His-


1 Black, Nappy, and Divine 1

You probably already know that Christ was a woolly haired Black man 1

You probably already know that Jesus Christ was a woolly haired Black man
...according to the Bible itself, called the "Lamb of God" with kinky hair compared with lamb's wool, feet the color of burnt brass (Rev. 1:14,15), and a likeness resembling jasper and sardine stone (Rev. 4:3). Jasper and sardine stone (also called sard /sardonyx), are commonly brownish and brownish-red. Three female ancestors of Jesus were Hamitic (Afrikan). Listed in Matthew's genealogy Christ (1:1-16), their names were Tamar and Rachab (who were Canaanites), and Bathsheba who was likely a Hittite, being the wife of Uriah the Hittite. The biblical Hittites descended from Heth, a son of Ham (Gen.10:15;


The earliest pictures of Christ ALL portray him as Black

In the catacombs under Rome where images of Jesus appear for the FIRST time, black paintings and statues of Christ, the Madonna, and biblical characters still survive from early Christian worship. In the hard-to-find classic, Anacalvpsis, historian Godfrey Higgens writes on page 138, "the God Christ, as well as his mother, are described in their old pictures and statues to be black. The infant God in the arms of his black mother, his eyes and drapery white, is himself perfectly black..the whiteness of the eyes and teeth, and the studied redness of the lips, are very observable."

Early catacomb painting of Christ and his disciples gathered for the Eucharist. Often provoking the establishment with his penchant for flaunting heretical truth, the lectures and books by the uncompromising scholar, Kersey Graves,. were frequently suppressed and sometimes banned. First published in 1875 one such book, The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors, continued to be a clandestine best seller for nearly a century, despite vigorous suppression. On page 56, Kersey declares: "There is as much evidence that the Christian Savior was a black man, or at least a dark man...and that evidence is the testimony of his disciples, who had nearly as good an opportunity of knowing what his complexion was as the evangelists, who omit to say anything about it. In the pictures and portraits of Christ bv the early Christians. he is uniformly represented as being black. And to make this the more certain, the red tinge is given to the lips; and the only text in the Christian bible quoted by orthodox Christians as describing his complexion, represent it as being black."

[underlines added]. Kersey asks what would happen if Christ made his second advent to earth as expected by Christians, "and that he comes in the character of a sable Messiah, how would he be received by our negro-hating Christians...? Would they worship a negro God? Let us imagine he enters on of our fashionable churches...what would be the results? Would the sexton show him to a seat? Would he not rather point to the door, and exclaim, 'Get out of here; no place here for riggers?' What a ludicrous series of ideas is thus suggested by the thought that Jesus Christ was a 'darkey."'

The Turin Shroud, a fraud

Purported to be the burial cloth of Jesus, the Turin Shroud has been proven to be a fraud. Carbon dating indicates the Shroud did not exist at the time of the Fourth Crusade (1204).1 The story is thoroughly documented in Turin Shroud by Picknett and Prince, who writes, "there is no historical evidence that the Shroud is older than - at the very best reckoning - 650 years." 2 An ancient Roman coin depicts Christ's Afrikan identity In the British Mused? an ancient gold coin shows Christ as an Afrikan with tightly curled, woolly hair and a cross behind him. 3 This coin was minted under the second reign of Roman Emperor, Justinian II who ruled at two separate times, separated by ten years (685-695 and 705-711 A.D.).

During his first reign, the gold coins he had minted depicted Christ as a straight-haired European. Dunng his second reign, he had the Christ-image on

the coin changed to an Africoid image in order to ensure that this depiction was more in keeping with the original traditions of the Byzantine Church 4 which commonly portrayed Jesus as an Afrikan. The obverse side of the coin shows Justinian with a cross behind him also. The Cambridge Encyclopedia wrote: "Whatever the fact, this coin places beyond dispute the belief that Jesus Christ was a Negro. The coin is otherwise of great historical interest, for it was the cause of a war between Justinian and Abdula Malik, 5th caliph of the Omniads, the former demanding tribute to be paid in these same coins and the latter refusing." 5
1) Picknett/Prince, 121. 2) Ibid., 20. 3) Saakana, 47. 4) Watts, 22. 5) Diop, CU, viii; Rogers, SR, 81, 292.

Christ's Mother, "The Black Madonna" is worshiped throughout Europe of all places 3

Christ's Mother, "The Black Madonna" is worshiped throughout Europe of all places
The most sacred icons of the Catholic Church are the Black Madonna and Christ child, which are found in Europe's most venerated shrines and cathedrals. Each year, hundreds of thousands of European pilgrims ritually humble themselves before the image of Black Mary and her child Jesus at Black Madonna sites throughout France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Portugal and other Catholic countries. Many Black Madonna statues have the black paint literally kissed off of their hands and feet. In Poland, the Church encourages believers to pray to the Black Madonna of Czestochowka every morning before rising. It is reported that Pope John Paul follows this ritual. Time Magazine (June 11, 1979) reported on Popelaul II's visit to Czestochowka's holiest shrine, which prominently displays "The Lady" known for centuries as the Black Madonna. At Our Lady of Koden (Poland), there are statues of white saints carrying pictures of Black Madonnas. Pilgrims throughout the ages have visited Black Madonna sites and left inspired, confident, relieved, or healed of their afflictions. Today, there are over 300 documented Black Madonna sites in France alone! 1 Sometimes they are hidden awaken vaults, while the public is shown Madonnas with European features.

The Oueen of the Pyrenees In the hard-to-find classic, Anacalypsis, historian Godfrey Higgens writes, "...in all the Romish countries of Europe, in France, Italy, Germany, etc., the God Christ, as well as his mother, are described in their old pictures and statues to be black. The infant God in the arms of his black mother, his eyes and drapery white, is himself perfectly black. If the reader doubt my word, he may go to the cathedral at Moulins -to the famous chapel of the Virgin at Loretto ...the whiteness of the eyes and teeth, and the studied redness of the lips, are very observable... There is scarcely an old church in Italy where some remains of the worship of the BLACK VIRGIN and BLACK CHID are not to be met with. Very often the black figures have given way to white ones, and in these cases the black ones, as being held sacred, were put into retired places in the churches, but were not destroyed... 2 The Black Madonnas originally all had Africoid features before most of them were destroyed by iconoclasts. When they were replaced, the artists retained the dark skin color but, not being familiar with real Afrikans, gave European features to the paintings. In cases where originals have survived, you may witness Africoid features on Mary and her child Jesus, such as the Black Madonna of Nuria, Spain - called "the Queen of the Pyrenees." Russia's remarkable legacy of Black Madonnas and other Christian icons of dark skin is evidenced in the book, Russian Icons by Vladimir Ivanov, including the feature story of the Spring 1994 issue of Russian Life magazine, graced with a Black

Madonna on its cover.

1) Watts, 22. 2) Higgens, v! 138

Actually the worship of the virgin, Black "Mother of God" with her God-begotten child, far predates Christianity and prevailed throughout the ancient world.

Goddess Ad (Isis) suckling Her Holy Child Heru (Horus). Historians recognize that the statue of the Egyptian Goddess Isis with her child Horus in her arms was the first Madonna and Child. They were renamed Mary and Jesus when Europe was forcibly Christianized. The worship of Isis and Horus was especially popular in ancient Rome. "Roman legions carried this figure of Black Isis holding the Black infant Horus all over Europe where shrines were established to her. So holy and venerate were these shrines that when Christianity invaded Europe, these figures of the Black Isis holding the Black Horus were not destroyed but turned into figures of the Black Madonna and Child. Today these are still the holiest shrines in Catholic Europe." 1 Titles such as Our Lady, The Great Mother, are the same titles attributed to Isis! The word "Madonna" itself is from mater domina, a title used for Isis! The month of May, which was dedicated to the heathen Virgin Mothers, is also the month Mary, the Christian Virgin. 2

The Fedorovo Virgin, a Black Madonna icon of 18th century Russia

Incredulously, many contemporary white authors seem not to link or acknowledge the Black Madonna's color with her Afrikan origin,
although their ancestors did without hesitation. Some flatly deny any racial connection. Instead, they come up with various reasons and sophisticated explanations (the "dark" phase of the moon, fertility of the earth, etc.) -any excuse except Melanin - to explain why the Lady is portrayed black. This is evident in a number of books by white authors discussing Black Madonnas. Perhaps whites have become so enmeshed in the webs of false history woven by their predecessors that many are blind to the truth, unable to see or discern even glaring evidence of Afrikan historical presence. If white writers of today are indeed this ignorant - or pretending ignorance - of the Black Madonna's Afrikan origin, let them read the works of a few rare honest white scholars which preceded them, such as Gerald Massey, T.W. Doane, Godfrey Higgins and Kersey Graves. These writers knew and wrote the truth. This is amazing given the exceedingly overtly racist times in which they lived. Yet today, official white establishment does not and will not acknowledge the Afrikan genesis of their whitewashed religions. In Bible Myths, T.W. Doane devotes a chapter to The Worship of the Virgin Mother, where he candidly states, "The whole secret of the fact of these early representations of the Virgin Mary and Jesus - so called-being black, crowned, and covered with jewels, is that they are of pre-Christian origin; they are Isis and Horus... baptized anew." 3
1) Saskana, 53-54.

2) Doane, 335. 3) Ibid., 337.

Like Christ, the earliest messiahs, gods & goddesses on all continents were Black & woolly haired 5

Like Christ, the earliest messiahs, gods & goddesses on all continents were Black & woolly haired

Buddha of India was Black, that's why his woolly hair is always shown in
small tight curls - pepper corn style, or in corn rows. Early sculptures of him clearly portray his Africoid features of wide nose and full lips. "Buddha was adored as a square black stone." 1 In the most ancient temples of Asia and India, the sculptures of the gods and goddesses have Africoid features and woolly hair in pepper corn style and even dredlocks.

Fu-Hsi, the "Son of Heaven" and legendary first Emperor of China, was
Black and woolly haired. 2

Zaha of Japan was woolly haired and Afrikan in appearance. 3 Kar of Afrika's Nile Valley was the inner soul of Mother Earth, a beautiful
ebony virgin who was the "Heart of the World." 4 Shrines of Karnak in Egypt and Carnac in Brittany were dedicated to Kar, the Goddess of Agriculture, especially the growth of grain. She was Kore to the Arabs and Greeks, Ceres to the Romans. Derivatives of her name include cereal, corn, kernel, cardia (heart), care, and cherish. If you cut an apple transversely, you will discover that every apple has a "Kore," the magic pentacle which is her symbol.

Moses was Black according to Mohammedan tradition and early portraits.

His hand would turn white, then back to his "other flesh" when God wished to give him a sign (Exo. 4:6-7).

Apollo was Black and woollyhaired like his father Zeus. The world famous
Apollo Theatre in Harlem is named after him.

Venus of Willendorf is a famous stature of the Mother God as she

was worshipped some 15 to 20 thousand years ago. Although she is found in most art history books, none mention that she is Africoid: her entire faceless head is covered with woolly hair like that of Buddha's.

1). Higgens, v-1, 137. 2) Doane, 534. 3) Ibid. 4) Waker, WE, 514.

Krishna of India was "blue black." His name means black or The Black
One! He is always portrayed with black or blue skin, and his hair was woolly according to the Cambridge Encyclopedia, 1 and sometimes locked.

Tyr of Scandinavia was a woolly haired Norse god who preceded Thor as a
sky deity. 2

Athena of "Greek" mythology was Black and woolly haired, originating

from Afrika (Libya). She was later whitened up like the other Afrikan gods adopted by Europe. She was also known as Anath, Medusa, and the Egyptian goddess Neith.3

Isis (As-t) the greatest of Afrikan Goddesses, was worshipped throughout

the ancient world in Egypt, Greece, Rome and beyond. Known under many names, She was the "Queen of Heaven" and the "Goddess from whom all becoming arose." The worship of Her survives today, disguised as the worship

of the Black Madonna throughout Catholic Europe.

Lao-tse of Taoism 'was born of Mohammed of Islam was a virgin, black in

complexion, described 'marvelous and beautiful as jasper.' Splendid temples were erected to him, and he was worshiped as a god " 4

Scotia was a Black goddess and Egyptian princess after which Scotland is
named. 5

Caillech (Cale, Kali) was known as the "Black Queen" in medieval legend,
and to the Cells as the mother of many races. The Spanish called her Califia and gave her name to their newly discovered paradise which is now called California. 6

Quetzalcoatl of Mexico was "recognized as the Messiah by seers and

astrologers; his head was rayed; his complexion was black; his hair was woolly." 7 He was never blond or white, as stated by friars, though he may have been clad in white. 8

Osiris (Azar), husband of Isis and greatest of Egyptian gods, was called
"The Great Black," similar to Krishna. His chief title Gleans 'Ford of the Perfect Black;" "Osiris was sun-rayed; his complexion was black and his hair was woolly." 9

Mohammed of Islam was 'large mouthed', 'bluish' in color with 'frizzy'

hair. His grandfather was "black as the night and magnificent." 10

Zeus, the top god and father of gods in Greek mythology, was Black and
woolly haired, having originated in Afrika. His chief title was Ethiops (burnt faced). At Delphi in Greece, the oracles of Dodona and Apollo were founded by two "Black Doves" or Afrikan priestesses from Thebes, according to Herodotus. 11

Circe, who played a great role in Homer's Odyssey, was the most famous
female magician of all time. "Ancient Greek drawings depict her as a beautiful African woman." 12

Ixliton, the name of a Mexican god, means "black faced." 13 Many ancient
Mexican gods are portrayed jet black with Africoid features.

Dilyehe, meaning Home ofthe Black God, was the name which the Navajo
gave to the seven suns of Pleiades. 16

Kali was the Great Black Mother, the Hindu Triple Goddess of Creation,
Preservation, and Destruction.

The color BLACK represented holiness and the image of God throughout the ancient world
Historian Sir Godfrey Higgens wrote, "the originals of all the Gods have been of He black race." 14 The ancients viewed the sacred image of the Divine as Black. And woolly hair was a sign of divinity - called "the hair of the gods." 15 In the next section, we shall discover why.
1) Rogers, SR, 266. 2) Van Sordma, APEE, 229. 3) Walker, WE, 74. 4) Doane, 120. 5) Walker, WE, 901. 6) Ibid., 131-132. 7) Rogers, SR, 266. 8) Van Serrima, TCBC, 76. 9) Rogers, SR, 265. 10) Kush, 91. 11) Rogers, SR, 266; Temple, SM, 144. 12) Van Serthna, APEE, 214. 13) Rogers, SR, 270. 14) Higgons, vet, 363. 15) Rogers, SR, 70. 16) Hatonn, PC, 32.

Nappy hair is divine - the choice of God! 7 Hair is really antennae which can receive and transmit energy! 10 "Acquired Anti-Nappy Syndromer (AANS) fuels the worldwide War on Nappy Hair 12 Nappy hair is "Good Hair," ...and Dreadlocks are "Love Locks" 14

2 Ancient Egypt was a Black Afrikan Civilization,

- not White or Semite or Atlantean or Extraterrestrial 15
Ancient Egypt (Kamit) was an indigenous Black Afrikan civilization. The word Egypt itself means Black! 15 Egyptian civilization originated from Nubia, which originated from Central Afrika, home of the Twa 18

Whites blew off the Africoid nose of the Sphinx! -and destroyed much ancient Africoid art and archives 23 The European Quantum Theft of Kamit (Ancient Egypt) 26

3 The Afrikan Origin of European Civilization 31

Western (white) civilization is founded on a Black Afrikan civilization 31 So-called "Greek philosophy is stolen Egyptian philosophy! 33 So-called "Greek & Roman gods. were copies of Afrikan gods 34 Afrikans originated the world's first known universities 35 Afrikans gave us Math, Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry! -including the so-called Arabic & Roman Numbers! 35 Afrikans gave us the Alphabet, a stylization of Egypt's hieroglyphics 36 Afrikans gave us the Art & Science of Medicine and Herbs 36 Afrikans gave us the Calendar & StarScience (Astrology, Astronomy) 37 And where would the world be without Paper or Fabric? Afrikans invented both! 37 So-called European architecture, including "castles" originated from Afrikans 38 The ancient Afrikans even used Electricity! Grave-robbing Europeans stole the knowledge of Electricity from Kamite tombs! 39 The World is Ran by Afrikan Inventions 40 The white Founding Fathers built America on Black Egypt's knowledge 42 The Afrikan Moors sparked the European Renaissance! 43 Afrikans ruled widely in Europe for over 1400 years! 44 Europe's royal families descended from Black-mulatto rulers! 45 Like Beethoven, six U.S. presidents were mulattos! 45 There are no "pure whites." Race purity is a big myth. 46

4 The Afrikan Origin of Hue-manity & the Albinos 47

All "races" were born from the Black race, reports Westem Science 47 Ancient legends around the world speak of "Small Blacks" 48 Whites are not "indigenous anywhere, so where did they come from? 48 The Chalk-Asians are the Cauk-asians! 48 Why have Cauk-Asians manipulated Caucasian to also mean Blacks?! 49 In the term Caucasian (Caulk-AsianJ, whites are also named after MILK! 49 Technically, there is no such thing as a White race.. White people are albino Afrikans or "Mutant Albinos." 50 How did Cauk-Aslans Come into being" or become albinos? -Apparently through all of four ways... 51 Were a race of whites Umade by Yacub~ through selective breeding? 52

Why do Cauk-Asians seek to hide their origins? 52

5 Your Brain & Nerves Cannot Operate Without Black Melanin! 53

Your brain and body can't function without Black Melanin! 53 Melanin is found everywhere, throughout Nature... 54 Melanin is necessary for humans to reproduce! 54 Melanin is the major organizing molecule in living systems 54 Melanin's plain Properties: It absorbs, stores & transforms energy. It has "black hole" properties 54 How "races. differ due to Melanin 55 Melanin gives Black people advanced mental and physical ability 56 Most whites have calcified pineal glands apparently thwarting their production of Melatonin 57 "Messed-up Melanin. is killing Black people! 58

6 Black People (Humanity's Parents)

Originated and Pioneered World Civilization 59
On all continents, civilization began with Black Afrikan people! 59 ASIA: Afrikans Pioneered Ancient Asia's Civilizations 60 China's first historical dynasty and first emperor were Black! 61 The martial arts originated in Afrika, not Asia! 62 INDIA: Afrikans Pioneered Ancient India's Civilizations 63 The first people of India were Afrikans. India itself means Black 63 Barbaric whites invaded India, bringing destruction & the Caste System 64 AMERICAS: Afrikans Pioneered Ancient America's Civilizations 66 The Africoid Olmecs was the parent culture of Ancient America 66 Native Americans' great contributions have~en ignored 67 The tenets of the U.S. Constitution originated from Native Americans! 67 Almost all Afrikan Americans have "Indian bloods! 68

BOOK 2: Quantum

Deception & Effective Mind Control in the Name of "the Lord"

7 The Original Afrikan /Us,

Early Aryan Hebrews, Impostor European Jews 69

An overview 69 The original Jews or Israelites were Black Afrikan people 70 The original Hebrews (Habirus) were invading whites, not Semites! 72 Today over 90% of "Jews" are European Khazars; Counterfeit Jews 75 The Caucasian Presence in the Bible 77 Afrikan Americans are largely descendants of the original biblical lUs (Jews)! 82

8 The European Quantum-Theft,

Perversion and Supplanting of Afrikan Cosmology 83
Albino Judaism /Christianity are massive frauds like Albino history. Albinos have done to them what they've done to true history. 83 Albinos burned the original scriptures to ensure survival of their false versions 84 What was the Original Bible and who wrote it? 86 Who REwrote the Original Bible and made X a Fraud? 87 The Essene Scrolls expose the fraud of white Counterfeit Christianity 89 They destroyed and supplanted the Afrikan Mysteries, source of their counterfeit versions 92 Like the Bible, the Talmud is a Fraud. Modern Judaism is Taimudism. 93 Christianity is reworked Egyptianity 96 Afrikan Cosmology is the root and source of all world religions including "Eastern Religions" 97 Foreseeing the future, Afrikans planned for the preservation of their sacred teachings from the advancing European destruction 98 Adoption versus Theft 99 Black Originals-White Copies: Comparative biblical examples of Christianity's Afrikan origin 100

9 Biblical Hebrew history is stolen

Egyptian mythology. Evidence is in the Bible itself. 105
Exposing the fraudulent stolen history of the Hebrews 105 Abraham & Sarah were not real people; they were the Sun & Moon. Even the Bible calls them an allegory. 106 The Bible itself proves that the 12 Tribes of Israel were the 12 Zodiac signs! 110 Jews were never slaves in Egypt. The "Captivity" was a celestial event 112 The biblical Exodus was a plagiarized celestial legend 112 The historical "Exodus" was several "Expulsions. of lepers & diseased foreigners 113 The murderous Hebrew conquest of Canaan never happened according

to archeological and even biblical evidence 114 The Tell-el-Amarna tablets "tell" on the Hebrews 115 Do we recognize the Counterfeit Religion or Wolf in Sheep's clothing? 116 The so-called Jews have no legitimate claim to Israel for two reasons 116 Reconstructing Probable True Judaic History 117 History's hidden Double Israef is blended or confused in His-Story books 119

10 Comparing 5 of 25 Crucified Saviors 121

The world's 25 crucified, risen Saviors 121 Comparing five famous crucified Saviors 123

11 The Resurrection of the Plagiarized Solar Christ 145

The plagiarized Solar Christ: one original, many copies 145 All the crucified Saviors were personifications of the Sun. They were the Sun /Son of God. 146 New Testament: The Gospel events are solar allegories made literal! They mirror the Sun's annual history! 147 The Old Testament is equally astrological! 153 "Glorification through greaser: The Afrikan origin of Anointing 158 Some 100 Euro Christ-words fiom just four Afro Krst-words 159 Holy Cannibalism: Saviors for Supper 163 Mummy Jesus in the Bible 164 Christ's biblical connections with Pisces 165 Born as Water, Reborn as Fire; the unsuspected significance of Virgo & Pisces with John & Jesus 166 Who was the "father" of the "Son of Man? 169 Thus the Crucifixion is Cruci-Fiction about the Crossification 170 Tracking down the historical human Jesus 172 Does Jesus's "double executions" point to two separate Christs? 174

12 The Disguised Zodiacs Composing the Entire Bible! 181

Astrology or the Zodiac is the disguised central theme of the Bible! 181 Genesis documents the creation of the Zodiac 'signs.' 182 Afrikans originated Astrology /Astronomy and took it around the world 183 Biblical evidence that the 12 (13) Tribes of Israel were the 12 Zodiacal Signs! 184 Thus we all belong to a "Tribe" of Israel, - that is, "sign" of the Zodiac!

238 The 12 (13) Tribes of ishmael were also the 12 Zodiacal Signs 239 The 12 (13} Judges of the Book of Judges are the 12 Zodiacal Signs 247 The combined NAMES of all the Biblical Books conceal five Zodiacs! 247 The Bible's first big Zodiac is particularly deceptive! 250 Are the names of the kings of Israel & Judah zodiacal, thus exposing them as fiction also?! 252 The names of Jerusalem's 12 Gates identify the Zodiac's 12 Gates 255 Hidden Zodiacs permeate and compose the entire Bible! 256

13 The Zodiac-Apostles of Christ 257

Abundant biblical evidence that Christ's 12 Apostles were the 12 Zodiac Signs! 257 So WHY is the Zodiac the underlying, disguised, CENTRAL theme of the Bible? 332

14 The Top 14 Hallmarks of

Albino-Poison in the World's Top 4 Religions 333
The Four Tyrannical Counterfeits: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism 333 Conclusion 365

15 The Almost Immaculate White Deception 369

Europe was deliberately "Dark Aged in a conspiracy to erase Afrikan memories and entrench "Reversed Light" control 369 Thus the Renaissance was the 'White-aissance" of Black world history! 370 A Summary of Albino Quantum Deception 371 The true purpose of Albino reference books is to secure & maintain their Quantum Deception, lies & falsehood 372 With the "Divine Deceptions exposed, we now see that at least 99% of the world's Christian literature is obsolete or largely "no good" ! 373 Albinos (the Khazars, falsely called "Jewsn) established Modern Israel Through Deception 373 Albinos distorted the world map in their favor, inflating their landsizes 374 Albinos are trapped in "illusions of greatness" by false history 375 Black History is the key to Albino Liberation 376 Albinos' main problem appears to be a disconnection from -and war against their roots 377 Albinos have done a phenomenal job of stealing, falsifying and

whitewashing Melanated history and theology! 378 Albinos are precious, for they have been our greatest teachers! 378 Albino Healing is possible, and... 379 Congratulations lUmanity! 380

Preview of the Next Volume 381 Bibliography 381 Index 387 Resources Guide (Appendix) R*1

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