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LESSON PLAN Nama School Class Subject Semester : Maisita Alang : Smp 4 Negeri Tarakan : II (Two) :English : I (one)

Speaking 1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar Basic Competence :

1.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat Indicators : 1.1.1 Students are able to Ask and answer about asking, giving, refusing services 1.1.2 Student are able to ask and answer about asking, giving, and reject the goods. 1.1.3 Students are able to ask and answer about to admit, deny the facts. Objective : The objective study for this materials are : 1. Find expression in asking and answering about asking, giving, refusing services or goods. 2. Find expression in asking and answering about to admit, deny the facts. Material Conversation Percakapan singkatan memuat ungkapan ungkapan. A; Let me help you. B: Thank you so much. A: Can I have a bit. B: Sure. Here you are. A: Did you break the glass? B: Yes, I did / :

No, it wasnt me. A: What do you think of this? B: Not bad. Time Allocation 2x40 minutes Method of Learning : :

DL ( Direct Learning ) and Role Playing Teaching and Learning Process :

1. Opening : a. Praying before the lesson begins. b. Ask and answer many things about the condition of the students. c. Check the attendance list of the students. 2. Core Teaching : a. The teacher and the students discuss together about conversation in ask, give and refuse services, about acknowledge and denied the facts. b. The teacher give some examples about conversation in ask, give and refuse services or goods, about acknowledge and denied the facts. c. The teacher asks the students to make some group. d. The teacher give some scripts about conversation in ask, give and refuse services or goods, and then about acknowledge and denied the facts, invite to the groups. e. The students learn and discuss together with the members of the group about the script that given by the teacher. f. Every groups practice about the script conversation in front of the classroom one by one and the teacher also the other student give attention and give an opinion. 3. Closing : a. The teacher gives the conclusion of the materials that given. b. The teacher gives some homework for the students about the material that already given. c. Praying after the lesson finish. Evaluation : 1. 2. 3. Technique Form Question : : Subjective and objective : Multiple choice and essay

Multiple choices A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d! 1. Awi : Do you mind posting this letter? Ria : . a. No, thank you c. Yes, I will b. Thanks. d. Im afraid I havent got the time 2. Ria : Turn off the lights, please. Awi : . . . . . . . a. OK. c. Im not sure b. Really d. You are right 1. Iva : Did you eat my Apple? Eva : . . . . . . a. Yes, I do c. No, I do b. Yes, I did that d. No, I did that 2. Nur : Did you break the glass? Awi : . . . . . . a. Yes, I do that c. Thanks b. Yes, I will d. No, I didnt do that 3. Ria : Would you please help me with my task? Awi : . . . . . . . a. Yes, I admit it c. Sorry. I cant right now. Im busy b. Sorry, Ive lost it d. You are right


Answer Multiple choices 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D A B D C



Multiple Choices : The right answers x 2 Performance rubric

No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Students name

No. Question 2 3 4

Note : Total score 10 For the students that not achieve about the requirement of KKM assessment so will be held Remedial. Source : a. Text book Zaida Nur.2006.Practice your English Competence 2.Jakarta.Erlangga: Indonesia b. Conversation Script c. The picture that relevan

Mengetahui; Kepala Sekolah ....................

31 Desember 2012 Guru Mata Pelajaran

NIP /NIK : ..............................

MAISITA ALANG NPM : 11601010052

LESSON PLAN Nama School Class Subject Semester Speaking : Maisita Alang : Smp 4 Negeri Tarakan : II (Two) :English : I (one)


Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Basic Competence

3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkunganterdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, meminta, memberi dan mengingkari informasi, meminta, memberi, dan menolak pendapat, dan menawarkan / menerima / menolak sesuatu Indicators :

3.1.1 Students are able to ask and answer about: asking, giving, refusing services 3.1.2 Students are able to request, give and deny information. 3.1.3 Students are able to requested, and refused to give opinion. 3.1.4 Students are able to offer, accept, reject something Objective :

The objective study for this materials are : 3. Find expression in asking and answering about asking, giving, refusing services or goods. 4. Find expression in asking and answering about to admit, deny the facts.

Material Conversation

4. About asking and answering about asking, giving, refusing services or goods. A : Open the door B : OK 5. About asking and answering about to admit, deny the facts. A : Did you break the glass? B : Yes, I did. Time Allocation 2x40 minutes Method of Learning : :

DL ( Direct Learning ) and Role Playing Teaching and Learning Process 4. Opening : d. e. f. Praying before the lesson begins. Ask and answer many things about the condition of the students. Check the attendance list of the students. :


Core Teaching :

The teacher and the students discuss together about conversation in ask, give and refuse services, about acknowledge and denied the facts.


The teacher give some examples about conversation in ask, give and refuse services or goods, about acknowledge and denied the facts.

i. j.

The teacher asks the students to make some group. The teacher give some scripts about conversation in ask, give and refuse services or goods, and then about acknowledge and denied the facts, invite to the groups.


The students learn and discuss together with the members of the group about the script that given by the teacher.


Every groups practice about the script conversation in front of the classroom one by one and the teacher also the other student give attention and give an opinion.


Closing : d. e. The teacher gives the conclusion of the materials that given. The teacher gives some homework for the students about the material that already given. f. Praying after the lesson finish. : : Subjective and objective : Multiple choice and essay

Evaluation 4. 5. 6. Technique Form Question : Multiple choices

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d! 2. Awi : Do you mind posting this letter? Ria : . c. No, thank you d. Thanks. 3. Ria : Turn off the lights, please. Awi : . . . . . . . c. OK. d. Really 6. Iva : Did you eat my Apple? Eva : . . . . . . c. Yes, I do d. Yes, I did that 7. Nur : Did you break the glass? Awi : . . . . . . c. No, I do d. No, I did that c. Im not sure d. You are right c. Yes, I will d. Im afraid I havent got the time

c. Yes, I do that d. Yes, I will

c. Thanks d. No, I didnt do that

8. Ria : Would you please help me with my task? Awi : . . . . . . . c. Yes, I admit it d. Sorry, Ive lost it c. Sorry. I cant right now. Im busy d. You are right


Answer Multiple choices 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C



Multiple Choices : The right answers x 2 Performance rubric

No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Students name

No. Question 1 2 3 4 5


Note : Total score 10 For the students that not achieve about the requirement of KKM assessment so will be held Remedial. Source a. Text book Zaida Nur.2006.Practice your English Competence 2.Jakarta.Erlangga: Indonesia b. Conversation Script c. The picture that relevan :

Mengetahui; Kepala Sekolah ....................

31 Desember 2012 Guru Mata Pelajaran

NIP /NIK : ..............................

MAISITA ALANG NPM : 11601010052

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