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The Path By David Hay On a cool, misty Vancouver morning in late December Kim Smith, whose view of the

present was limited to a repeat of the past, was half listening to the CBC news while gargling and heard the announcer say, Conrad Black is in town for a book signing, and a light in Kims mind was turned on showing clearly the path to the familys future and fortune. She stared vacantly at the pot of milk warming on the stove. She would add that milk, as she had done for the past ten years, to her espresso, in order to produce her own variety of latte, having long ago renounced Starbucks as a monolithic greed monger. Which book should I ask him to sign? she wondered. She arrived at the UBC Bookstore and saw the line forming outside. She had hoped but not expected this to be quick. She decided to park illegally and risk a ticket. This would give her a better place in line. A ticket would be the least of her concerns. She joined the snaking line of Black legionaries, each holding a book of some sort. She pondered what sentiment brought them here. She could see no obvious security measures. She saw none at the entrance or even further up the line where Black was signing books. There appeared to be a rather large, solemn individual next to the signing table facing the line. Aside from him, there was no one else. She couldnt see Black. He was in the fiction section. Fitting, she thought. Most in line clutched a copy of A Matter of Principle, Blacks insufferably named autobiographical account of his indictment and trial. The line was moving quickly. She inferred that Black was allocating a very small amount of time to each visit and signature. This would be in keeping with him. For once, she was thankful for his arrogance. Isnt this crazy, I mean, Conrad Black here, signing books? The young man behind her was trying to engage her in a conversation. Im sorry, she replied. Hes just such a legend, kind of exciting that he is here in the flesh. Dont bite, she cautioned herself. Yes, odd isnt it, she replied, hoping that would stifle any further chit chat. Which book are you asking him to sign? he persisted. I dont know. She said tersely, hoping this would dry up any further conversation. It did. The line moved forward and she glimpsed Black. He appeared to be his usual haughty, paternalistic self. She remembered that unique mixture of bemusement and contempt she had seen day after day for months. Her stomach grew taut as she moved closer.

It is true that Black had a compelling presence. He had an immense gravitational pull, complete with his own weather system. Part of her deeply admired him. His sense of purpose was Napoleonic. He seemed to come from somewhere in history. But like Napoleon himself, he seldom grasped what was going on around him owing to his overriding single mindedness. Two well wishers away, she felt her knees weaken. The man she surmised was Blacks security was very large indeed. She could turn around now and leave. She didnt need to do this. Once face to face with Black it would be too late to withdraw. She looked around. There were no visible cameras. He was taking his time with his next guest, a ravishing young student type. He was revealing himself, all posture and symbolism. She looked and saw the line behind her growing. She felt the weight of it behind her. She was being pushed to this destiny. She reached into her bag and felt for the object which would forever alter her path. Black pardoned the attractive signee and she moved one step closer to her fate. The security man looked up. He seemed to smell her nerves. She felt the pressure in her head build. Her hearing became muffled. Her skin tingled. She heard Black say thank you for coming as he handed the man in front of her a signed book. That man stepped aside, revealing his Lordship, in his full splendour. You, he said dryly. Yes, me she responded. Have you had time to consider the depravity of your conviction of me? Your conviction was the easiest thing Ive ever done. I heard the same evidence as the other jurors. Spare me the sanctimony. You and the rest were out of your depth. I am surprised you didnt use crayons to check the boxes. I didnt come here to receive a lecture she retorted,weakly. Why did you come here? She reached into her bag. Her anger peaked. This was it. She had entered a state of automatism. Blacks security man noticed the exchange, and stepped forward towards her. Blacks eyes followed her right hand as it entered the bag. His face betrayed no fear. Her trembling fingers firmly grasped the thick book and she threw it on the table. The Canadian Criminal Code. Black stated. What is this for? Sign it! She demanded. Sign section 380. Fraud! Prove to me, prove to us all that you are worthy of the Order of Canada. Black paused and stared into her troubled eyes. He calmly waved the security man back a step. What is your name? It is Kim isnt it? Her jaw softened and eyes widened, You remember my name?

When ones liberty is at stake, ones memory for otherwise inconsequential detail improves vastly. She stiffened again . He opened the Criminal Code, flipped to section 380, read the provision, and signed it as follows: To Kim, I am hoping you will read and understand this law, and that your stay in Canada will improve your judgment, for which, as a fervently Christian man, I forgive you. He handed the signed book to her. She read the comment and snapped at him. I wanted to kill you for what you said about us in your book. But today you surprised me by doing what I asked you to do. I no longer have a reason. Blacks security man heard the word kill and needed no further reason to pounce on Kim. She was detained by him, and the man in line behind her, until the Police arrived. Within days Blacks account of the incident appeared in the National Post. Its title: The Path. Its theme: forgiveness is not stupidity. Kims prosecution for uttering threats was dropped, reportedly as a result of Blacks insistence that he would not cooperate with the pursuit of a charge which could only possibly succeed in a country like the United States. Kim became a cause clbre and began work on her bestseller. Black was said to have been present at her book signing, though he later vehemently denied being there.

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