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6 2002/06/14 12:33:05 pkm ship $ */

/*==========================================================================+ | Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA | | All rights reserved. |

+===========================================================================+ | | File Name : BOMOIBMB.pls | |

| DESCRIPTION : This package contains functions used to assign, validate | | | and transact Bill of Material data in the BOM_BILL_OF_MATLS_INTERFACE table. organization_id | | | |

| Parameters: org_id | | | | | | | | all_org

process all orgs or just current org 1 - all orgs 2 - only org_id | |

prog_appid prog_id req_id user_id login_id

program application_id program id request_id user id login id | | | | |

| History:

| 03/10/97 Julie Maeyama Created this new package


/* ------------------------------ Assign_Bill -------------------------------*/

/* NAME Assign_Bill DESCRIPTION Assign defaults and ID's to bill record in the interface table REQUIRES err_text out buffer to return error message MODIFIES BOM_BILL_OF_MATLS_INTERFACE MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS RETURNS 0 if successful SQLCODE if unsuccessful NOTES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FUNCTION Assign_Bill ( org_id all_org user_id login_id prog_appid prog_id req_id NUMBER, NUMBER := 2, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER,

err_text IN OUT VARCHAR2 )

return INTEGER IS stmt_num ret_code commit_cnt continue_loop X_rev_exists NUMBER := 0; NUMBER; NUMBER; BOOLEAN := TRUE; NUMBER := 0; NUMBER;

x_bom_item_type /* ** Select all INSERTS */ CURSOR c1 IS

SELECT organization_id OI, organization_code OC, assembly_item_id AII, item_number AIN, common_assembly_item_id CAII, common_item_number CAIN, common_organization_id COI, common_org_code COC, alternate_bom_designator ABD, transaction_id TI, bill_sequence_id BSI, common_bill_sequence_id CBSI, revision R, last_update_date LUD, last_updated_by LUB, creation_date CD, created_by CB, last_update_login LUL, transaction_type A, assembly_type AST FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE process_flag = 1 AND transaction_type = G_Insert AND (all_org = 1

OR (all_org = 2 AND organization_id = org_id)) AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;

/* ** Select all UPDATEs and DELETEs */ CURSOR c2 IS SELECT organization_id OI, organization_code OC, assembly_item_id AII, item_number AIN, common_assembly_item_id CAII, common_item_number CAIN, common_organization_id COI, common_org_code COC, alternate_bom_designator ABD, transaction_id TI, bill_sequence_id BSI, common_bill_sequence_id CBSI, revision R, last_update_date LUD, last_updated_by LUB, creation_date CD, created_by CB, last_update_login LUL, transaction_type A, assembly_type AST FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE process_flag = 1 AND transaction_type in (G_Update, G_Delete) AND (all_org = 1 OR (all_org = 2 AND organization_id = org_id)) AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;

BEGIN /** G_INSERT is 'CREATE'. Update 'INSERT' to 'CREATE' **/ stmt_num := 0.5 ; LOOP UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET transaction_type = G_Insert WHERE process_flag = 1 AND upper(transaction_type) = 'INSERT' AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit; EXIT when SQL%NOTFOUND; COMMIT; END LOOP;

/* ** ALL RECORDS - Assign Org Id */ stmt_num := 1; LOOP UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface ori SET organization_id = (SELECT organization_id FROM mtl_parameters a WHERE a.organization_code = ori.organization_code) WHERE process_flag = 1 AND upper(transaction_type) in (G_Insert, G_Delete, G_Update) AND organization_id is null

AND organization_code is not null AND exists (SELECT organization_code FROM mtl_parameters b WHERE b.organization_code = ori.organization_code) AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit; EXIT when SQL%NOTFOUND; COMMIT; END LOOP;

/* ** FOR ALL - Assign transaction ids and bill sequence ids */ stmt_num := 2; LOOP UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface ori SET transaction_id = mtl_system_items_interface_s.nextval, transaction_type = upper(transaction_type), bill_sequence_id = decode(upper(transaction_type), G_Insert, bom_inventory_components_s.nextval, bill_sequence_id) WHERE transaction_id is null AND upper(transaction_type) in (G_Insert, G_Update, G_Delete) AND process_flag = 1 AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit; EXIT when SQL%NOTFOUND;

stmt_num := 3; COMMIT; END LOOP;

/* ** FOR INSERTs - Assign values */ WHILE continue_loop LOOP commit_cnt := 0; FOR c1rec IN c1 LOOP commit_cnt := commit_cnt + 1; x_bom_item_type := null; stmt_num := 4; /* ** Check if Org Id is null */ IF (c1rec.OI is null) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI,

error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_ORG_ID_MISSING', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

GOTO continue_loop1; END IF; /* ** Set assembly item ids */ stmt_num := 5; IF (c1rec.AII is null) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_pr_parse_flex_name( org_id => c1rec.OI, flex_code => 'MSTK', flex_name => c1rec.AIN, flex_id => c1rec.AII, set_id => -1, err_text => err_text); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL,

user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_ASSY_ITEM_MISSING', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop1; END IF; END IF; /* ** Check for Product Family item */ stmt_num := 5.1; DECLARE

CURSOR GetBOMItemType IS SELECT bom_item_type FROM mtl_system_items WHERE organization_id = c1rec.OI AND inventory_item_id = c1rec.AII; BEGIN FOR c1 IN GetBOMItemType LOOP x_bom_item_type := c1.bom_item_type; END LOOP;

IF (x_bom_item_type is null) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_ASSY_ITEM_MISSING', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3

WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop1; ELSIF (x_bom_item_type = G_ProductFamily) THEN stmt_num := 5.2; /* ** For Product Families - Insert revision record */ IF (c1rec.R is not null) THEN INSERT into mtl_item_revisions_interface (INVENTORY_ITEM_ID, ORGANIZATION_ID, REVISION, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_BY, CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN, EFFECTIVITY_DATE, IMPLEMENTATION_DATE, TRANSACTION_ID, PROCESS_FLAG,

TRANSACTION_TYPE, REQUEST_ID, PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID, PROGRAM_ID, PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE) VALUES (c1rec.AII, c1rec.OI, UPPER(c1rec.R), nvl(c1rec.LUD, sysdate), nvl(c1rec.LUB, user_id), nvl(c1rec.CD, sysdate), nvl(c1rec.CB, user_id), nvl(c1rec.LUL, user_id), sysdate, sysdate, mtl_system_items_interface_s.nextval, 2, G_Insert, req_id, prog_appid, prog_id, sysdate); END IF;

stmt_num := 5.3; UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface

SET organization_id = nvl(organization_id, c1rec.OI), assembly_item_id = nvl(assembly_item_id, c1rec.AII), alternate_bom_designator = null, specific_assembly_comment = null, pending_from_ecn = null, common_bill_sequence_id = c1rec.BSI, common_organization_id = null, common_assembly_item_id = null, assembly_type = 1, last_update_date = nvl(last_update_date, sysdate), last_updated_by = nvl(last_updated_by, user_id), creation_date = nvl(creation_date, sysdate), created_by = nvl(created_by, user_id), last_update_login = nvl(last_update_login, user_id), request_id = nvl(request_id, req_id), program_application_id =nvl(program_application_id,prog_appid), program_id = nvl(program_id, prog_id), program_update_date = nvl(program_update_date, sysdate), process_flag = 2 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (SQL%NOTFOUND) THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api('||stmt_num||')'||substrb(SQLERRM,1, 60); RETURN(SQLCODE); END IF;

GOTO continue_loop1; END IF; END;

IF (c1rec.COI is null) AND (c1rec.COC is not null) AND (c1rec.CBSI is null) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_pr_trans_org_id( org_code => c1rec.COC, org_id => c1rec.COI, err_text => err_text); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_COMMON_ORG_MISSING', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3

WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop1; END IF; END IF;

/* ** Get common organization id */ stmt_num := 6; If (c1rec.COI is null) AND (c1rec.COC is not null) AND (c1rec.CBSI is null) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_pr_trans_org_id( org_code => c1rec.COC, org_id => c1rec.COI, err_text => err_text); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid,

prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_COMMON_ORG_MISSING', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop1; END IF; END IF; /* ** Set common assembly item ids */ stmt_num := 7; IF (c1rec.caii is null AND c1rec.CAIN is not null AND c1rec.CBSI is null) THEN IF (c1rec.COI is null) THEN c1rec.COI := c1rec.OI;

END IF; ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_pr_parse_flex_name( org_id => c1rec.COI, flex_code => 'MSTK', flex_name => c1rec.CAIN, flex_id => c1rec.CAII, set_id => -1, err_text => err_text); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_CMN_ASSY_ITEM_INVALID', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop1; END IF; END IF; /* ** Get Common bill info */ stmt_num :=8; IF (c1rec.CBSI is null) THEN IF (c1rec.CAII is null) THEN c1rec.CBSI := c1rec.BSI; c1rec.COI := null; ELSE BEGIN SELECT bill_sequence_id INTO c1rec.CBSI FROM bom_bill_of_materials WHERE organization_id = nvl(c1rec.COI, c1rec.OI) AND assembly_item_id = c1rec.CAII AND nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') = nvl(c1rec.ABD, 'NONE'); GOTO skip_interface1; EXCEPTION

WHEN no_data_found THEN null; END;

stmt_num := 9; BEGIN SELECT bill_sequence_id INTO c1rec.CBSI FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE organization_id = nvl(c1rec.COI, c1rec.OI) AND transaction_type = G_Insert AND assembly_item_id = c1rec.CAII AND nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') = nvl(c1rec.ABD, 'NONE') AND process_flag not in (3,7) AND rownum = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id,

trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_CMN_BILL_SEQ_MISSING', err_text => err_text);

UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop1; END; END IF; ELSE -- Common Bill Sequence Id given

stmt_num := 10; BEGIN SELECT assembly_item_id, organization_id INTO c1rec.CAII, c1rec.COI FROM bom_bill_of_materials WHERE bill_sequence_id = c1rec.CBSI; GOTO skip_interface1; EXCEPTION

WHEN no_data_found THEN null; END;

stmt_num := 11; BEGIN SELECT assembly_item_id, organization_id INTO c1rec.CAII, c1rec.COI FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE bill_sequence_id = c1rec.CBSI AND transaction_type = G_Insert AND process_flag not in (3,7) AND rownum = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE',

msg_name => 'BOM_CMN_BILL_SEQ_MISSING', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop1; END; END IF;

<<skip_interface1>> IF (c1rec.CBSI = c1rec.BSI) THEN c1rec.COI := NULL; c1rec.CAII := NULL; END IF; /* ** Insert revision record */ stmt_num := 12; IF (c1rec.R is not null) THEN INSERT into mtl_item_revisions_interface (INVENTORY_ITEM_ID,


mtl_system_items_interface_s.nextval, 2, G_Insert, req_id, prog_appid, prog_id, sysdate); END IF;

stmt_num := 13; UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET organization_id = nvl(organization_id, c1rec.OI), assembly_item_id = nvl(assembly_item_id, c1rec.AII), common_bill_sequence_id = c1rec.CBSI, common_organization_id = c1rec.COI, common_assembly_item_id = c1rec.CAII, assembly_type = nvl(c1rec.AST, 1), last_update_date = nvl(last_update_date, sysdate), last_updated_by = nvl(last_updated_by, user_id), creation_date = nvl(creation_date, sysdate), created_by = nvl(created_by, user_id), last_update_login = nvl(last_update_login, user_id), request_id = nvl(request_id, req_id), program_application_id =nvl(program_application_id,prog_appid), program_id = nvl(program_id, prog_id),

program_update_date = nvl(program_update_date, sysdate), process_flag = 2 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (SQL%NOTFOUND) THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api('||stmt_num||')'||substrb(SQLERRM,1, 60); RETURN(SQLCODE); END IF;

GOTO continue_loop1;

<<continue_loop1>> NULL; END LOOP;

stmt_num := 14; COMMIT;

IF (commit_cnt < (G_rows_to_commit - 1)) THEN continue_loop := FALSE; END IF;



** FOR UPDATES AND DELETES - Assign Values */ continue_loop := TRUE; WHILE continue_loop LOOP commit_cnt := 0; FOR c2rec IN c2 LOOP commit_cnt := commit_cnt + 1; x_bom_item_type := null; stmt_num := 15; /* ** Assign primary key info */ IF (c2rec.BSI is null) THEN -- Check if Org Id is null IF (c2rec.OI is null) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c2rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE',

msg_name => 'BOM_ORG_ID_MISSING', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop2; END IF;

-- Get Assembly Item Id stmt_num := 16; IF (c2rec.AII is null) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_pr_parse_flex_name( org_id => c2rec.OI, flex_code => 'MSTK', flex_name => c2rec.AIN, flex_id => c2rec.AII, set_id => -1, err_text => err_text); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c2rec.OI,

user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c2rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_INV_ITEM_ID_MISSING', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop2; END IF; END IF; stmt_num := 17; /* ** Get Bill Sequence Id */ BEGIN

SELECT bom.bill_sequence_id, bom.assembly_type, msi.bom_item_type INTO c2rec.BSI, c2rec.AST, x_bom_item_type FROM bom_bill_of_materials bom, mtl_system_items msi WHERE bom.organization_id = c2rec.OI AND bom.assembly_item_id = c2rec.AII AND nvl(bom.alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') = nvl(c2rec.ABD, 'NONE') AND msi.organization_id = bom.organization_id AND msi.inventory_item_id = bom.assembly_item_id; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c2rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c2rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_BILL_SEQ_MISSING', err_text => err_text);

UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop2; END; /* ** Get Bill Info */ ELSE -- bill_sequence_id is given

stmt_num := 18; BEGIN SELECT bom.assembly_item_id, bom.organization_id, bom.alternate_bom_designator, bom.assembly_type, msi.bom_item_type INTO c2rec.AII, c2rec.OI, c2rec.ABD, c2rec.AST, x_bom_item_type FROM bom_bill_of_materials bom, mtl_system_items msi WHERE bom.bill_sequence_id = c2rec.BSI AND msi.organization_id = bom.organization_id AND msi.inventory_item_id = bom.assembly_item_id;

EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c2rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c2rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_BILL_SEQ_MISSING', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop2; END; END IF; /*

** Assign Common Info ONLY for UPDATE's */ IF (c2rec.A = G_Update) THEN stmt_num := 18.1; /* ** For Product Families */ IF (x_bom_item_type = G_ProductFamily) THEN UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET organization_id = c2rec.OI, assembly_item_id = c2rec.AII, alternate_bom_designator = c2rec.ABD, bill_sequence_id = c2rec.BSI, last_update_date = nvl(last_update_date, sysdate), last_updated_by = nvl(last_updated_by, user_id), last_update_login = nvl(last_update_login, user_id), request_id = nvl(request_id, req_id), program_application_id =nvl(program_application_id,prog_appid), program_id = nvl(program_id, prog_id), program_update_date = nvl(program_update_date, sysdate), process_flag = 2 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (SQL%NOTFOUND) THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api('||stmt_num||')'||substrb(SQLERRM,1,60);


/* ** Get common organization id */ stmt_num := 19; IF (c2rec.COI is null) AND (c2rec.COC is not null) AND (c2rec.CBSI is null) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_pr_trans_org_id( org_code => c2rec.COC, org_id => c2rec.COI, err_text => err_text); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c2rec.TI, error_text => err_text,

tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_COMMON_ORG_MISSING', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop2; END IF; END IF; /* ** Get common assembly item id ** If common org id is null, set it to org id */ stmt_num := 20; IF (c2rec.CAII is null AND c2rec.CAIN is not null AND c2rec.CBSI is null) THEN IF (c2rec.COI is null) THEN c2rec.COI := c2rec.OI; END IF; ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_pr_parse_flex_name( org_id => c2rec.COI,

flex_code => 'MSTK', flex_name => c2rec.CAIN, flex_id => c2rec.CAII, set_id => -1, err_text => err_text); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c2rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_CMN_ASSY_ITEM_INVALID', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF;

GOTO continue_loop2; END IF; END IF;

/* ** Get Common bill info */ IF (c2rec.CBSI is null) THEN IF (c2rec.CAII is null) THEN c2rec.COI := null; ELSE stmt_num :=21; BEGIN SELECT bill_sequence_id INTO c2rec.CBSI FROM bom_bill_of_materials WHERE organization_id = nvl(c2rec.COI, c2rec.OI) AND assembly_item_id = c2rec.CAII AND nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') = nvl(c2rec.ABD, 'NONE'); GOTO skip_interface2; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN null; END;

stmt_num := 22; BEGIN SELECT bill_sequence_id INTO c2rec.CBSI FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE organization_id = nvl(c2rec.COI, c2rec.OI) AND transaction_type = G_Insert AND assembly_item_id = c2rec.CAII AND nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') = nvl(c2rec.ABD, 'NONE') AND process_flag not in (3,7) AND rownum = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c2rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_CMN_BILL_SEQ_MISSING',

err_text => err_text);

UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop2; END; END IF; ELSIF (c2rec.CBSI = G_NullNum) THEN c2rec.CAII := null; c2rec.COI := null; ELSE -- Common Bill Sequence Id given

stmt_num := 23; BEGIN SELECT assembly_item_id, organization_id INTO c2rec.CAII, c2rec.COI FROM bom_bill_of_materials WHERE bill_sequence_id = c2rec.CBSI; GOTO skip_interface2; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN

null; END;

stmt_num := 24; BEGIN SELECT assembly_item_id, organization_id INTO c2rec.CAII, c2rec.COI FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE bill_sequence_id = c2rec.CBSI AND transaction_type = G_Insert AND process_flag not in (3,7) AND rownum = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c2rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_CMN_BILL_SEQ_MISSING',

err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop2; END; END IF;

<<skip_interface2>> stmt_num := 25; UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET organization_id = c2rec.OI, assembly_item_id = c2rec.AII, alternate_bom_designator = c2rec.ABD, bill_sequence_id = c2rec.BSI, common_bill_sequence_id = c2rec.CBSI, common_organization_id = c2rec.COI, common_assembly_item_id = c2rec.CAII, last_update_date = nvl(last_update_date, sysdate), last_updated_by = nvl(last_updated_by, user_id), last_update_login = nvl(last_update_login, user_id),

request_id = nvl(request_id, req_id), program_application_id =nvl(program_application_id,prog_appid), program_id = nvl(program_id, prog_id), program_update_date = nvl(program_update_date, sysdate), process_flag = 2 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (SQL%NOTFOUND) THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api('||stmt_num||')'||substrb(SQLERRM,1,60); RETURN(SQLCODE); END IF; ELSIF (c2rec.A = G_Delete) THEN stmt_num := 26; UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET organization_id = c2rec.OI, assembly_item_id = c2rec.AII, alternate_bom_designator = c2rec.ABD, assembly_type = c2rec.AST, bill_sequence_id = c2rec.BSI, process_flag = 2 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (SQL%NOTFOUND) THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api('||stmt_num||')'||substrb(SQLERRM, 1, 60); RETURN(SQLCODE);

END IF; END IF; <<continue_loop2>> NULL; END LOOP;

stmt_num := 27; COMMIT;

IF (commit_cnt < (G_rows_to_commit - 1)) THEN continue_loop := FALSE; END IF;


RETURN (0); EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Assign-'||stmt_num||') '||substrb(SQLERRM,1,500); RETURN(SQLCODE); END Assign_Bill;

/* ------------------------ Verify_Bom_Seq_Id_Exists --------------------- */ /*

NAME Verify_Bom_Seq_Id_Exists - verify for uniqueness or existence of bom sequence id DESCRIPTION Verifies if the given bom sequence id is unique in prod and interface tables REQUIRES bom_sq_id bom_sequecne_id mode_type 1 - verify uniqueness of bom 2 - verify existence of bom err_text out buffer to return error message MODIFIES RETURNS 0 if successful count of routings with same bom_sequence_id if any found SQLCODE if error NOTES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FUNCTION Verify_Bom_Seq_Id_Exists( bom_seq_id mode_type NUMBER, NUMBER,

err_text OUT VARCHAR2 ) return INTEGER IS


NUMBER := 0;

NOT_UNIQUE EXCEPTION; stmt_num NUMBER := 0; BEGIN /* ** first check in prod tables */ stmt_num := 1; BEGIN SELECT bill_sequence_id INTO cnt FROM bom_bill_of_materials WHERE bill_sequence_id = bom_seq_id;

IF (mode_type = 2) THEN RETURN(0); ELSE raise not_unique; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN null; WHEN not_unique THEN raise not_unique; END;

/* ** check in interface table */ stmt_num := 2; SELECT count(*) INTO cnt FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE bill_sequence_id = bom_seq_id AND transaction_type = G_Insert AND process_flag = 4;

IF (cnt = 0) THEN IF (mode_type = 1) THEN RETURN(0); ELSE raise NO_DATA_FOUND; END IF; END IF;

IF (cnt > 0) THEN IF (mode_type = 1) THEN raise NOT_UNIQUE; ELSE RETURN(0); END IF;


EXCEPTION WHEN No_Data_Found THEN err_text := substrb('Bom_Bill_Api(Exists): Bill does not exist '|| SQLERRM,1,70); RETURN(9999); WHEN Not_Unique THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Exists) '||'Duplicate bill sequence id'; RETURN(9999); WHEN others THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Exists-'||stmt_num||') '|| substrb(SQLERRM,1,60); RETURN(SQLCODE); END Verify_Bom_Seq_Id_Exists;

/* ------------------------- Verify_Duplicate_Bom -------------------------- */ /* NAME Verify_duplicate_bom DESCRIPTION Verifies in the production and interface tables if bom with same alt exists. Also verifies for an alternate bom, if the primary already exists.

REQUIRES org_id assy_id organization_id assembly_item_id

alt_desg alternate routing designator err_text out buffer to return error message MODIFIES RETURNS 0 if successful cnt if bom already exists 9999 if primary does not exist SQLCODE if error NOTES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FUNCTION Verify_Duplicate_Bom( org_id assy_id alt_desg assy_type NUMBER, NUMBER, VARCHAR2, NUMBER,

err_text OUT VARCHAR2 ) return INTEGER IS cnt NUMBER := 0; EXCEPTION; NUMBER := 0;


BEGIN /* ** Check if Bill Exists in Production */ stmt_num := 1; BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO cnt FROM bom_bill_of_materials WHERE organization_id = org_id AND assembly_item_id = assy_id AND nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') = nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE'); RAISE already_exists; EXCEPTION WHEN already_exists THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Duplicate): Bill already exists in production'; RETURN(cnt); WHEN no_data_found THEN NULL; END; /* ** Check if Bill Exists in Interface Table */ stmt_num := 2;

BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO cnt FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE organization_id = org_id AND assembly_item_id = assy_id AND nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') = nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE') AND transaction_type = G_Insert AND rownum = 1 AND process_flag = 4;

RAISE already_exists; EXCEPTION WHEN already_exists THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Duplicate): Bill already exists in interface'; RETURN(cnt); WHEN no_data_found THEN NULL; END;

/* ** For alternate bills, verify if primary exists (or will exist) ** Alternate mfg bills cannot have primary eng bills */

stmt_num := 3; IF (alt_desg is not null) THEN BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO cnt FROM bom_bill_of_materials WHERE organization_id = org_id AND assembly_item_id = assy_id AND alternate_bom_designator is null AND ((assy_type = 2) OR (assy_type =1 and assembly_type = 1) ); RETURN(0); EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN NULL; END;

stmt_num := 4; BEGIN SELECT bill_sequence_id INTO cnt FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE organization_id = org_id

AND assembly_item_id = assy_id AND alternate_bom_designator is null AND ((assy_type = 2) OR (assy_type =1 and assembly_type = 1) ) AND process_flag = 4 AND transaction_type = G_Insert AND rownum = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Duplicate): Valid primary does not exist'; RETURN(9999); END; END IF;


EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Duplicate-'||stmt_num||') '||substrb(SQLERRM,1,60); return(SQLCODE); END Verify_Duplicate_Bom;

/* --------------------------- Verify_Common_Bom ----------------------------*/ /* NAME Verify_common_bom DESCRIPTION if bom is mfg then it cannot point to engineerging bom if common bom then bill cannot have components if inter-org common then all components items must be in both orgs Common bill's org and current bill's org must have same master org Common bill's alt must be same as current bill's alt Common bill cannot have same assembly_item_id/org_id as current bill Common bill cannot reference a common bill

REQUIRES bom_id bill_sequence_id

cmn_bom_id common bill_seqience_id bom_type assembly_type item_id assembly item id

cmn_item_id common item id org_id org id

cmn_org_id common org id err_text out buffer to return error message MODIFIES RETURNS 0 if successful

9999 if invalid item SQLCODE if error NOTES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FUNCTION Verify_common_bom( bom_id cmn_bom_id bom_type item_id NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER,

cmn_item_id org_id cmn_org_id alt_desg


err_text OUT VARCHAR2 ) return INTEGER IS cnt bit base_id ato pto NUMBER; NUMBER; NUMBER; VARCHAR2(1); VARCHAR2(1); EXCEPTION;



BEGIN /* ** Common bill's org and current bill's org must have same master org */ stmt_num := 1; BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO cnt FROM mtl_parameters mp1, mtl_parameters mp2 WHERE mp1.organization_id = org_id AND mp2.organization_id = cmn_org_id AND mp1.master_organization_id = mp2.master_organization_id; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Common): Invalid common master org id'; RETURN(9999); END; /* ** Common bill's alt must be same as current bill's alt ** Common bill cannot have same assembly_item_id/org_id as current bill ** Common bill must be mfg bill if current bill is a mfg bill ** Common bill cannot reference a common bill ** Common bill sequence id must have the correct common_assembly_item_id ** and common_organization_id

*/ stmt_num := 2; BEGIN SELECT bill_sequence_id INTO cnt FROM bom_bill_of_materials WHERE bill_sequence_id = cmn_bom_id AND assembly_item_id = cmn_item_id AND organization_id = cmn_org_id AND nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') = nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE') AND common_bill_sequence_id = bill_sequence_id AND (assembly_item_id <> item_id OR organization_id <> org_id) AND ((bom_type <> 1) OR (bom_type = 1 AND assembly_type = 1)); GOTO check_ops; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN null; END;

stmt_num := 3; SELECT bill_sequence_id

INTO cnt FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE bill_sequence_id = cmn_bom_id AND assembly_item_id = cmn_item_id AND organization_id = cmn_org_id AND nvl(alternate_bom_designator, 'NONE') = nvl(alt_desg, 'NONE') AND common_bill_sequence_id = bill_sequence_id AND (assembly_item_id <> item_id OR organization_id <> org_id) AND process_flag = 4 AND transaction_type in (G_Insert, G_Update) AND ((bom_type <> 1) OR (bom_type = 1 AND assembly_type = 1)); <<check_ops>>

/* ** check to see if components exist in both orgs for inter-org commons */ stmt_num := 4; IF (org_id <> cmn_org_id) THEN -- Get item attributes for the bill SELECT bom_item_type, base_item_id, replenish_to_order_flag, pick_components_flag

INTO bit, base_id, ato, pto FROM mtl_system_items WHERE inventory_item_id = item_id AND organization_id = org_id;

stmt_num := 5; SELECT count(*) INTO cnt FROM bom_inventory_components bic WHERE bic.bill_sequence_id = cmn_bom_id AND not exists (SELECT 'x' FROM mtl_system_items s WHERE s.organization_id = org_id AND s.inventory_item_id = bic.component_item_id AND ((bom_type = 1 AND s.eng_item_flag = 'N') OR (bom_type = 2)) AND s.bom_enabled_flag = 'Y' AND s.inventory_item_id <> item_id AND ((bit = 1 AND s.bom_item_type <> 3) OR (bit = 2 AND s.bom_item_type <> 3) OR (bit = 3) OR (bit = 4 AND (s.bom_item_type = 4 OR (s.bom_item_type IN (2, 1)

AND s.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y' AND base_id IS NOT NULL AND ato = 'Y')))) AND (bit = 3 OR pto = 'Y' OR s.pick_components_flag = 'N') AND (bit = 3 OR NVL(s.bom_item_type, 4) <> 2 OR (s.bom_item_type = 2 AND ((pto = 'Y' AND s.pick_components_flag = 'Y') OR (ato = 'Y' AND s.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y')))) AND not(bit = 4 AND pto = 'Y' AND s.bom_item_type = 4 AND s.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y') );

IF (cnt > 0) THEN RAISE missing_items;

END IF; END IF; /* ** check if substitute components exist in both orgs for inter-org commons */ stmt_num := 6; IF (org_id <> cmn_org_id) THEN /* Comp and sub comp in production */ SELECT count(*) INTO cnt FROM bom_inventory_components bic, bom_substitute_components bsc WHERE bic.bill_sequence_id = cmn_bom_id AND bic.component_sequence_id = bsc.component_sequence_id AND bsc.substitute_component_id not in (select msi1.inventory_item_id from mtl_system_items msi1, mtl_system_items msi2 where msi1.organization_id = org_id and msi1.inventory_item_id = bsc.substitute_component_id and msi2.organization_id = cmn_org_id and msi2.inventory_item_id = msi1.inventory_item_id); IF (cnt > 0) THEN raise MISSING_SUB_ITEMS; END IF; END IF;

/* ** check to see if bill item and common item have same bom_item_type, ** pick_components_flag and replenish_to_order_flag ** Common item must have bom_enabled_flag = 'Y' */ stmt_num := 7; BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO cnt FROM mtl_system_items msi1, mtl_system_items msi2 WHERE msi1.organization_id = org_id AND msi1.inventory_item_id = item_id AND msi2.organization_id = cmn_org_id AND msi2.inventory_item_id = cmn_item_id AND msi2.bom_enabled_flag = 'Y' AND msi1.bom_item_type = msi2.bom_item_type AND msi1.pick_components_flag = msi2.pick_components_flag AND msi1.replenish_to_order_flag = msi2.replenish_to_order_flag; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Common): Invalid item attributes'; RETURN(9999); END;


EXCEPTION WHEN No_Data_Found THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Common):Invalid common bill'; RETURN(9999); WHEN Missing_Items THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Common): Component items not in both orgs or invalid'; RETURN(9999); WHEN Missing_Sub_Items THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Common): Substitute items not in both orgs'; RETURN(9999); WHEN others THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Common-'||stmt_num||') '||substrb(SQLERRM,1,60); RETURN(SQLCODE); END Verify_Common_Bom;

/* ----------------------------- Validate_Bill ----------------------------- */ /* NAME Validate_Bill DESCRIPTION Validate component sequence id Validate substitute component id Verify there are no substitute components for Planning bills or non-Standard components

Verify substitute component is unique for a component Verify substitute component is not the same as the bill or component Verify substitute quantity is not zero REQUIRES err_text out buffer to return error message MODIFIES MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS RETURNS 0 if successful SQLCODE if unsuccessful NOTES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FUNCTION Validate_Bill ( org_id all_org user_id login_id prog_appid prog_id req_id NUMBER, NUMBER := 2, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER,

err_text IN OUT VARCHAR2 ) return INTEGER IS /*

** Select all INSERTS */ CURSOR C1 IS SELECT organization_id OI, bill_sequence_id BSI, assembly_item_id AII, common_bill_sequence_id CBSI, common_assembly_item_id CAII, assembly_type AST, common_organization_id COI, transaction_type A, alternate_bom_designator ABD, transaction_id TI, pending_from_ecn PFE FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE process_flag = 2 AND transaction_type = G_Insert AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;

/* ** Select all UPDATES and DELETES */ CURSOR c2 is SELECT organization_id OI, bill_sequence_id BSI, assembly_item_id AII, common_bill_sequence_id CBSI, common_assembly_item_id CAII, assembly_type AST, common_organization_id COI, transaction_type A, alternate_bom_designator ABD, transaction_id TI, next_explode_date NED, creation_date CD, specific_assembly_comment SAC, created_by CB,

attribute_category AC, attribute1 A1, attribute2 A2, attribute3 A3, attribute4 A4, attribute5 A5, attribute6 A6, attribute7 A7, attribute8 A8, attribute9 A9, attribute10 A10, attribute11 A11, attribute12 A12, attribute13 A13, attribute14 A14,attribute15 A15, pending_from_ecn PFE, request_id RI, program_application_id PAI, program_id PI, program_update_date PUD FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE process_flag = 2 AND transaction_type in (G_Update, G_Delete) AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit; /* ** Select UPDATES for Common Bill Verification */ CURSOR c3 is SELECT organization_id OI, bill_sequence_id BSI, assembly_item_id AII, common_bill_sequence_id CBSI, common_assembly_item_id CAII, assembly_type AST, common_organization_id COI, transaction_type A, alternate_bom_designator ABD, transaction_id TI FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE process_flag = 99 AND transaction_type = G_Update AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;

ret_code stmt_num dummy_id commit_cnt continue_loop x_bom_item_type X_creation_date X_created_by


X_common_assembly_item_id NUMBER; X_specific_assembly_comment VARCHAR2(240); X_pending_from_ecn X_attribute_category X_attribute1 X_attribute2 X_attribute3 X_attribute4 X_attribute5 X_attribute6 X_attribute7 X_attribute8 X_attribute9 X_attribute10 X_attribute11 X_attribute12 X_attribute13 VARCHAR2(10); VARCHAR2(30); VARCHAR2(150); VARCHAR2(150); VARCHAR2(150); VARCHAR2(150); VARCHAR2(150); VARCHAR2(150); VARCHAR2(150); VARCHAR2(150); VARCHAR2(150); VARCHAR2(150); VARCHAR2(150); VARCHAR2(150); VARCHAR2(150);

X_attribute14 X_attribute15 X_request_id


X_program_application_id X_program_id


X_program_update_date X_assembly_type

X_common_bill_sequence_id NUMBER; X_common_organization_id X_next_explode_date NUMBER;


BEGIN /* ** FOR INSERTS - Validate */ WHILE continue_loop LOOP commit_cnt := 0; FOR c1rec IN c1 LOOP commit_cnt := commit_cnt + 1; x_bom_item_type := null; stmt_num := 1; /* ** Verify org id */ BEGIN

SELECT organization_id INTO dummy_id FROM mtl_parameters WHERE organization_id = c1rec.OI; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c1rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_INVALID_ORG_ID', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF;

GOTO continue_loop; END; /* ** Check for Product Family item */ stmt_num := 1.1; DECLARE CURSOR GetBOMItemType IS SELECT bom_item_type FROM mtl_system_items WHERE organization_id = c1rec.OI AND inventory_item_id = c1rec.AII; BEGIN FOR c1 IN GetBOMItemType LOOP x_bom_item_type := c1.bom_item_type; END LOOP;

IF (x_bom_item_type is null) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => NULL, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id,

trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_ASSY_ITEM_MISSING', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop; ELSIF (x_bom_item_type = G_ProductFamily) THEN GOTO Check_Bill_Seq_Id; END IF; END;

/* ** Verify Alternate Designator */ stmt_num := 2; IF (c1rec.ABD is not null) THEN BEGIN SELECT 1

INTO dummy_id FROM bom_alternate_designators WHERE organization_id = c1rec.OI AND alternate_designator_code = c1rec.ABD; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c1rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_INVALID_ALTERNATE', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF;

GOTO continue_loop; END; END IF; /* ** Verify Assembly Item Id */ stmt_num := 3; BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO dummy_id FROM mtl_system_items WHERE organization_id = c1rec.OI AND inventory_item_id = c1rec.AII; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c1rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE',

msg_name => 'BOM_ASSEMBLY_ITEM_INVALID', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop; END;

/* ** Verify Pending_From_Eco */ stmt_num := 3.5; if ( c1rec.PFE is not null) then BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO dummy_id FROM eng_engineering_changes WHERE organization_id = c1rec.OI AND change_notice = c1rec.PFE; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN

ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c1rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'ENG_PARENTECO_NOT_EXIST', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop; END; END IF;

/* ** Bill must be mfg or eng

*/ stmt_num := 4; IF (c1rec.AST <> 1) AND (c1rec.AST <> 2) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c1rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_INVALID', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop; END IF; /*

** Verify bill seq id is unique */ <<Check_Bill_Seq_Id>> stmt_num := 5; ret_code := Verify_Bom_Seq_Id_Exists( bom_seq_id => c1rec.BSI, mode_type => 1, err_text => err_text); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c1rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_DUPLICATE_BILL', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; goto continue_loop; END IF;

/* ** Check for duplicate assy,org,alt combo ** Check for primary/alternate rule violation */ stmt_num := 6; ret_code := Verify_Duplicate_Bom( org_id => c1rec.OI, assy_id => c1rec.AII, alt_desg => c1rec.ABD, assy_type => c1rec.AST, err_text => err_text); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c1rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id,

trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_BILL_VALIDATION_ERR', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop; END IF;

/* ** Skip logic for Product Family items */ IF (x_bom_item_type = G_ProductFamily) THEN GOTO Set_Process_Flag; END IF; /* ** Check assembly type and BOM enabled flag */ stmt_num := 7;

BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO dummy_id FROM mtl_system_items WHERE organization_id = c1rec.OI AND inventory_item_id = c1rec.AII AND bom_enabled_flag = 'Y' AND ((c1rec.AST = 2) OR (c1rec.AST = 1 AND eng_item_flag = 'N')); EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c1rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_ASSY_TYPE_ERR', err_text => err_text);

UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop; END; /* ** Check if common bill seq id exists */ stmt_num := 8; IF (c1rec.BSI = c1rec.CBSI) THEN null; ELSE ret_code :=Verify_Bom_Seq_Id_Exists( bom_seq_id => c1rec.CBSI, mode_type => 2, err_text => err_text); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c1rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id,

prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_COMMON_BILL_NOT_EXIST', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop; END IF; /* ** Verify common bill attributes */ stmt_num := 9; ret_code :=Verify_Common_Bom( bom_id => c1rec.BSI, cmn_bom_id => c1rec.CBSI, bom_type => c1rec.AST,

item_id => c1rec.AII, cmn_item_id => c1rec.CAII, org_id => c1rec.OI, cmn_org_id => c1rec.COI, alt_desg => c1rec.ABD, err_text => err_text); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c1rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c1rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_COMMON_BOM_ERROR', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code);

END IF; GOTO continue_loop; END IF; END IF; /* ** Set Process Flag to 4 */

<<Set_Process_Flag>> stmt_num := 10; UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 4 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI;

<<continue_loop>> NULL; END LOOP;

stmt_num := 11; COMMIT;

IF (commit_cnt < (G_rows_to_commit - 1)) THEN continue_loop := FALSE; END IF; END LOOP;

/* ** Update "Update" Records and validate "Delete" records */ continue_loop := TRUE; WHILE continue_loop LOOP commit_cnt := 0; FOR c2rec IN c2 LOOP commit_cnt := commit_cnt + 1; x_bom_item_type := null; /* ** Check if record exists in Production */ stmt_num := 12; BEGIN SELECT bom.creation_date, bom.created_by, bom.common_assembly_item_id, bom.specific_assembly_comment, bom.pending_from_ecn, bom.attribute_category, bom.attribute1, bom.attribute2, bom.attribute3, bom.attribute4, bom.attribute5, bom.attribute6, bom.attribute7, bom.attribute8, bom.attribute9, bom.attribute10, bom.attribute11, bom.attribute12,

bom.attribute13, bom.attribute14, bom.attribute15, bom.request_id, bom.program_application_id, bom.program_id, bom.program_update_date, bom.assembly_type, bom.common_bill_sequence_id, bom.common_organization_id, bom.next_explode_date, msi.bom_item_type INTO X_creation_date, X_created_by, X_common_assembly_item_id, X_specific_assembly_comment, X_pending_from_ecn, X_attribute_category, X_attribute1, X_attribute2, X_attribute3, X_attribute4, X_attribute5, X_attribute6, X_attribute7, X_attribute8, X_attribute9, X_attribute10, X_attribute11, X_attribute12, X_attribute13, X_attribute14, X_attribute15, X_request_id, X_program_application_id, X_program_id, X_program_update_date, X_assembly_type, X_common_bill_sequence_id, X_common_organization_id, X_next_explode_date, x_bom_item_type FROM bom_bill_of_materials bom, mtl_system_items msi WHERE bill_sequence_id = c2rec.BSI AND msi.organization_id = bom.organization_id AND msi.inventory_item_id = bom.assembly_item_id; EXCEPTION

WHEN No_Data_Found THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c2rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c2rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_BILL_RECORD_MISSING', err_text => err_text);

UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN return(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop1; END; /* ** ONLY for "Updates"

*/ IF (c2rec.A = G_Update) THEN IF (x_bom_item_type <> G_ProductFamily) THEN /* ** Check if column is non-updatable */ stmt_num := 13; IF (c2rec.CD is not null OR c2rec.CB is not null OR c2rec.PFE is not null OR c2rec.AST is not null OR c2rec.NED is not null) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c2rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c2rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_COLUMN_NOT_UPDATABLE', err_text => err_text);

UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN return(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop1; END IF; /* ** Update interface record with production record's values */

stmt_num := 14; UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET creation_date = X_creation_date, created_by = X_created_by, assembly_type = X_assembly_type, next_explode_date = X_next_explode_date, common_assembly_item_id = decode(c2rec.CBSI, null, X_common_assembly_item_id, G_NullNum, '', c2rec.CAII), common_bill_sequence_id = decode(c2rec.CBSI, null, X_common_bill_sequence_id, G_NullNum, c2rec.BSI, c2rec.CBSI),

common_organization_id = decode(c2rec.CBSI, null, X_common_organization_id, G_NullNum, '', c2rec.COI), specific_assembly_comment = decode(c2rec.SAC, G_NullChar, null, null, X_specific_assembly_comment, c2rec.SAC), pending_from_ecn = X_pending_from_ecn, attribute_category = decode(c2rec.AC, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute_category, c2rec.AC), attribute1 = decode(c2rec.A1, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute1, c2rec.A1), attribute2 = decode(c2rec.A2, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute2, c2rec.A2), attribute3 = decode(c2rec.A3, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute3, c2rec.A3), attribute4 = decode(c2rec.A4, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute4, c2rec.A4), attribute5 = decode(c2rec.A5, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute5, c2rec.A5), attribute6 = decode(c2rec.A6, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute6, c2rec.A6), attribute7 = decode(c2rec.A7, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute7, c2rec.A7), attribute8 = decode(c2rec.A8, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute8, c2rec.A8), attribute9 = decode(c2rec.A9, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute9, c2rec.A9),

attribute10 = decode(c2rec.A10, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute10, c2rec.A10), attribute11 = decode(c2rec.A11, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute11, c2rec.A11), attribute12 = decode(c2rec.A12, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute12, c2rec.A12), attribute13 = decode(c2rec.A13, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute13, c2rec.A13), attribute14 = decode(c2rec.A14, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute14, c2rec.A14), attribute15 = decode(c2rec.A15, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute15, c2rec.A15), request_id = decode(c2rec.RI, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_request_id, c2rec.RI), program_application_id = decode(c2rec.PAI, G_NullNum, '', NULL, X_program_application_id, c2rec.PAI), program_id = decode(c2rec.PI, G_NullNum, '', NULL, X_program_id, c2rec.PI), program_update_date = decode(c2rec.PUD, G_NullDate, '', NULL,X_program_update_date, c2rec.PUD), process_flag = 99 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI; ELSE /* ** For Product Families

*/ stmt_num := 13; IF (c2rec.CD is not null OR c2rec.CB is not null OR c2rec.CAII is not null OR c2rec.CBSI is not null OR c2rec.COI is not null OR c2rec.SAC is not null OR c2rec.PFE is not null OR c2rec.AST is not null OR c2rec.NED is not null) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c2rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c2rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_COLUMN_NOT_UPDATABLE', err_text => err_text);

UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface

SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN return(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop1;

END IF; /* ** Update interface record with production record's values */

stmt_num := 14; UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET creation_date = X_creation_date, created_by = X_created_by, assembly_type = X_assembly_type, next_explode_date = X_next_explode_date, common_assembly_item_id = X_common_assembly_item_id, common_bill_sequence_id = X_common_bill_sequence_id, common_organization_id = X_common_organization_id, specific_assembly_comment = X_specific_assembly_comment, pending_from_ecn = X_pending_from_ecn, attribute_category = decode(c2rec.AC, G_NullChar, '', NULL,

X_attribute_category, c2rec.AC), attribute1 = decode(c2rec.A1, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute1, c2rec.A1), attribute2 = decode(c2rec.A2, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute2, c2rec.A2), attribute3 = decode(c2rec.A3, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute3, c2rec.A3), attribute4 = decode(c2rec.A4, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute4, c2rec.A4), attribute5 = decode(c2rec.A5, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute5, c2rec.A5), attribute6 = decode(c2rec.A6, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute6, c2rec.A6), attribute7 = decode(c2rec.A7, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute7, c2rec.A7), attribute8 = decode(c2rec.A8, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute8, c2rec.A8), attribute9 = decode(c2rec.A9, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute9, c2rec.A9), attribute10 = decode(c2rec.A10, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute10, c2rec.A10), attribute11 = decode(c2rec.A11, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute11, c2rec.A11), attribute12 = decode(c2rec.A12, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute12, c2rec.A12),

attribute13 = decode(c2rec.A13, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute13, c2rec.A13), attribute14 = decode(c2rec.A14, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute14, c2rec.A14), attribute15 = decode(c2rec.A15, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_attribute15, c2rec.A15), request_id = decode(c2rec.RI, G_NullChar, '', NULL, X_request_id, c2rec.RI), program_application_id = decode(c2rec.PAI, G_NullNum, '', NULL, X_program_application_id, c2rec.PAI), program_id = decode(c2rec.PI, G_NullNum, '', NULL, X_program_id, c2rec.PI), program_update_date = decode(c2rec.PUD, G_NullDate, '', NULL,X_program_update_date, c2rec.PUD), process_flag = 4 -- Don't pick up records in cursor c3 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI; END IF; ELSIF (c2rec.A = G_Delete) THEN /* ** Set Process Flag to 4 for "Deletes" */ stmt_num := 15; UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 4 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;

END IF; <<continue_loop1>> NULL; END LOOP;

stmt_num := 16; COMMIT; IF (commit_cnt < (G_rows_to_commit - 1)) THEN continue_loop := FALSE; END IF;

END LOOP; /* ** Validate "Update" Records */ continue_loop := TRUE; WHILE continue_loop LOOP commit_cnt := 0; FOR c3rec IN c3 LOOP commit_cnt := commit_cnt + 1; stmt_num := 17; /* ** Check if common bill seq id exists */ IF (c3rec.BSI = c3rec.CBSI) THEN

null; ELSIF (c3rec.CBSI = G_NullNum) THEN null; ELSE ret_code :=Verify_Bom_Seq_Id_Exists( bom_seq_id => c3rec.CBSI, mode_type => 2, err_text => err_text); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c3rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c3rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_COMMON_BILL_NOT_EXIST', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop2; END IF; /* ** Verify common bill attributes */ stmt_num := 18; ret_code :=Verify_Common_Bom( bom_id => c3rec.BSI, cmn_bom_id => c3rec.CBSI, bom_type => c3rec.AST, item_id => c3rec.AII, cmn_item_id => c3rec.CAII, org_id => c3rec.OI, cmn_org_id => c3rec.COI, alt_desg => c3rec.ABD, err_text => err_text); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN ret_code := INVPUOPI.mtl_log_interface_err( org_id => c3rec.OI, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid,

prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, trans_id => c3rec.TI, error_text => err_text, tbl_name => 'BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE', msg_name => 'BOM_COMMON_BOM_ERROR', err_text => err_text); UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 3 WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF; GOTO continue_loop2; END IF; END IF; /* ** Set Process Flag to 4 */ stmt_num := 19; UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 4 WHERE transaction_id = c3rec.TI;

<<continue_loop2>> NULL; END LOOP;

stmt_num := 20; COMMIT;

IF (commit_cnt < (G_rows_to_commit - 1)) THEN continue_loop := FALSE; END IF; END LOOP;


EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Validate-'||stmt_num||') '||substrb(SQLERRM,1,500); RETURN(SQLCODE); END Validate_Bill;

/* ----------------------------- Transact_Bill ------------------------------*/ /* NAME Transact_Bill

DESCRIPTION Insert, update and delete bill data from the interface table, BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE, into the production table, BOM_BILL_OF_MATERIALS. REQUIRES prog_appid prog_id req_id user_id login_id MODIFIES BOM_BILL_OF_MATERIALS BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE RETURNS 0 if successful SQLCODE if error NOTES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FUNCTION Transact_Bill ( user_id login_id prog_appid prog_id req_id err_text NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, OUT VARCHAR2) Program application id Program id Request id User id Login id

return integer IS ret_code stmt_num continue_loop commit_cnt X_bill_group_name X_bill_group_description X_delete_group_seq_id X_new_group_seq_id X_delete_type X_error_message NUMBER; NUMBER := 0; BOOLEAN := TRUE; NUMBER; VARCHAR2(10); VARCHAR2(240); NUMBER; NUMBER; NUMBER; VARCHAR2(240);

/* ** Select "Update" bill records */ CURSOR c1 IS SELECT bill_sequence_id BSI, common_assembly_item_id CAII, specific_assembly_comment SAC, common_bill_sequence_id CBSI, common_organization_id COI, last_update_date LUD, last_updated_by LUB, last_update_login LUL, attribute_category AC, attribute1 A1, attribute2 A2, attribute3 A3, attribute4 A4, attribute5 A5, attribute6 A6, attribute7 A7, attribute8 A8, attribute9 A9, attribute10 A10,

attribute11 A11, attribute12 A12, attribute13 A13, attribute14 A14, attribute15 A15, request_id RI, program_application_id PAI, program_id PI, program_update_date PUD, transaction_id TI FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE process_flag = 4 AND transaction_type = G_Update AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit; /* ** Select "Delete" bill records */ CURSOR c2 IS SELECT bill_sequence_id BSI, assembly_type AST, organization_id OI, assembly_item_id AII, alternate_bom_designator ABD, transaction_id TI FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE process_flag = 4 AND transaction_type = G_Delete AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit; BEGIN /* ** Insert bills */ stmt_num := 1; LOOP

INSERT INTO bom_bill_of_materials( assembly_item_id, organization_id, alternate_bom_designator, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login, common_assembly_item_id, specific_assembly_comment, attribute_category, attribute1, attribute2, attribute3, attribute4, attribute5, attribute6, attribute7, attribute8, attribute9, attribute10, attribute11, attribute12, attribute13,

attribute14, attribute15, assembly_type, common_bill_sequence_id, bill_sequence_id, request_id, program_application_id, program_id, program_update_date, common_organization_id, next_explode_date ) SELECT assembly_item_id, organization_id, alternate_bom_designator, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login, common_assembly_item_id, specific_assembly_comment, attribute_category, attribute1,

attribute2, attribute3, attribute4, attribute5, attribute6, attribute7, attribute8, attribute9, attribute10, attribute11, attribute12, attribute13, attribute14, attribute15, assembly_type, common_bill_sequence_id, bill_sequence_id, request_id, program_application_id, program_id, program_update_date, common_organization_id, next_explode_date FROM bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE process_flag = 4

AND transaction_type = G_Insert AND rownum < 500;


stmt_num := 2; UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface bi SET process_flag = 7 WHERE process_flag = 4 AND transaction_type = G_Insert AND exists (SELECT null FROM bom_bill_of_materials bom WHERE bom.bill_sequence_id = bi.bill_sequence_id); stmt_num := 3; COMMIT;

END LOOP; /* ** Update Bills */ stmt_num := 4; continue_loop := TRUE; WHILE continue_loop LOOP commit_cnt := 0; FOR c1rec IN c1 LOOP

commit_cnt := commit_cnt + 1; UPDATE bom_bill_of_materials SET last_update_date = c1rec.LUD, last_updated_by = c1rec.LUB,

last_update_login = c1rec.LUL, common_assembly_item_id = c1rec.CAII, specific_assembly_comment = c1rec.SAC, attribute_category = c1rec.AC, attribute1 attribute2 attribute3 attribute4 attribute5 attribute6 attribute7 attribute8 attribute9 attribute10 attribute11 attribute12 attribute13 attribute14 attribute15 request_id = c1rec.A1, = c1rec.A2, = c1rec.A3, = c1rec.A4, = c1rec.A5, = c1rec.A6, = c1rec.A7, = c1rec.A8, = c1rec.A9, = c1rec.A10, = c1rec.A11, = c1rec.A12, = c1rec.A13, = c1rec.A14, = c1rec.A15, = c1rec.RI,

program_application_id = c1rec.PAI,


= c1rec.PI,

program_update_date = c1rec.PUD, common_bill_sequence_id = c1rec.CBSI, common_organization_id = c1rec.COI WHERE bill_sequence_id = c1rec.BSI;

stmt_num := 5; UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 7 WHERE transaction_id = c1rec.TI; END LOOP;

stmt_num := 6; COMMIT; IF (commit_cnt < (G_rows_to_commit - 1)) THEN continue_loop := FALSE; END IF;

END LOOP; /* ** Delete Bills */ stmt_num := 7; continue_loop := TRUE; WHILE continue_loop LOOP

commit_cnt := 0; FOR c2rec IN c2 LOOP commit_cnt := commit_cnt + 1; /* ** Get the Bill Delete Group name */ IF (X_bill_group_name is null) THEN stmt_num := 8; DECLARE CURSOR GetBillGroup IS SELECT delete_group_name, description FROM bom_interface_delete_groups WHERE UPPER(entity_name) = G_DeleteEntity; BEGIN FOR X_billgroup IN GetBillGroup LOOP X_bill_group_name := X_billgroup.delete_group_name; X_bill_group_description := X_billgroup.description; END LOOP;

IF (X_bill_group_name is null) THEN X_error_message := FND_MESSAGE.Get_String('BOM', 'BOM_BILL_DELETE_GROUP_MISSING'); err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api:'||to_char(stmt_num)||'-'|| X_error_message; RETURN(-9999);


stmt_num := 9; BEGIN SELECT delete_group_sequence_id, delete_type INTO X_delete_group_seq_id, X_delete_type FROM bom_delete_groups WHERE delete_group_name = X_bill_group_name AND organization_id = c2rec.OI;

/* if delete group if of type routings. make it * of type bill, routings */ if X_delete_type = 3 then update bom_delete_groups set delete_type = 6 WHERE delete_group_name = X_bill_group_name AND organization_id = c2rec.OI;

COMMIT; X_delete_type := 6; end if;

IF (X_delete_type not in (2,6)) THEN X_error_message := FND_MESSAGE.Get_String('BOM', 'BOM_DELETE_GROUP_INVALID'); err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api('||to_char(stmt_num)||') - '|| X_error_message; RETURN(-9999); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN null; END;

stmt_num := 10; ret_code := Modal_Delete.Delete_Manager_Oi( new_group_seq_id => X_delete_group_seq_id, name => X_bill_group_name, group_desc => X_bill_group_description, org_id => c2rec.OI, bom_or_eng => c2rec.AST, del_type => 2, ent_bill_seq_id => c2rec.BSI, ent_rtg_seq_id => null, ent_inv_item_id => c2rec.AII, ent_alt_designator => c2rec.ABD, ent_comp_seq_id => null,

ent_op_seq_id => null, user_id => user_id, err_text => err_text);

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN RETURN(ret_code); END IF;

stmt_num := 11; UPDATE bom_bill_of_mtls_interface SET process_flag = 7 WHERE transaction_id = c2rec.TI;


stmt_num := 12; COMMIT; IF (commit_cnt < (G_rows_to_commit - 1)) THEN continue_loop := FALSE; END IF;



EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN(0); WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Transact-'||stmt_num||') '||substrb(SQLERRM,1,500); return(SQLCODE);

END Transact_Bill;

/* -------------------------------- Import_Bill ---------------------------- */ /* NAME Import_Bill DESCRIPTION Assign, Validate, and Transact the Bill of Material record in the interface table, BOM_BILL_OF_MTLS_INTERFACE. REQUIRES err_text out buffer to return error message MODIFIES RETURNS 0 if successful SQLCODE if unsuccessful NOTES

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FUNCTION Import_Bill ( org_id all_org user_id login_id prog_appid prog_id req_id NUMBER, NUMBER := 1, NUMBER := -1, NUMBER := -1, NUMBER := -1, NUMBER := -1, NUMBER := -1,

del_rec_flag NUMBER := 1, err_text IN OUT VARCHAR2 ) return INTEGER IS err_msg ret_code stmt_num BEGIN stmt_num := 1; ret_code := Assign_Bill ( org_id => org_id, all_org => all_org, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, VARCHAR2(2000); NUMBER := 1; NUMBER := 0;

prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, err_text => err_msg); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN err_text := 'Assign_Bill '||substrb(err_msg, 1,1500); ROLLBACK; RETURN(ret_code); END IF; COMMIT;

stmt_num := 2; ret_code := Validate_Bill ( org_id => org_id, all_org => all_org, user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, err_text => err_msg); IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN err_text := 'Validate_Bill '||substrb(err_msg, 1,1500); ROLLBACK; RETURN(ret_code); END IF;


stmt_num := 3; ret_code := Transact_Bill ( user_id => user_id, login_id => login_id, prog_appid => prog_appid, prog_id => prog_id, req_id => req_id, err_text => err_msg);

IF (ret_code <> 0) THEN err_text := 'Transact_Bill '||substrb(err_msg, 1,1500); ROLLBACK; RETURN(ret_code); END IF; COMMIT;

stmt_num := 4; IF (del_rec_flag = 1) THEN LOOP DELETE from bom_bill_of_mtls_interface WHERE process_flag = 7 AND rownum < G_rows_to_commit;



EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN err_text := 'Bom_Bill_Api(Import-'||stmt_num||') '||substrb(SQLERRM,1,1000); RETURN(ret_code); END Import_Bill;

END Bom_Bill_Api; /

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