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ABACS: An Attribute-Based Access Control System for Emergency Services over Vehi cular Ad Hoc Networks Abstract In this

paper, we propose an Attribute Based Access Control System (ABACS) for e mergency services with security assurance over Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs ). ABACS aims to improve the efficiency of rescues mobilized via emergency commu nications over VANETs. By adopting fuzzy identity-based encryption, ABACS can select the emergen cy vehicles that can most appropriately deal with an emergency and securely dele gate the authority to control traffic facilities to the assigned emergency vehic les. Using novel cryptographic preliminaries, ABACS realizes confidentiality of messages, prevention of collusion attacks, and fine-grained access control. As c ompared to the current PKI scheme, the computational delay and transmission over head can be reduced by exploiting the advantages afforded by message broadcastin g, which is heavily used in ABACS. The performance evaluation demonstrates that ABACS is a suitable candidate for realizing emergency services via VANETs.

Modules Communication Access control Communication VANET communicates through Wireless Access for Vehicular Environments (WAVE). The WAVE uses different types of Wireless Commutation devices such as (WiFi/ WiM ax).The sensors or wireless devices can form a VANET network which resides on to p of the vehicle. It has 3 types Inter - Vehicle Communication Vehicle Road Side Unit Communication Inter Road side unit Communication. Access control To become a real technology that can guarantee public safety on the roads, vehic ular networks need an appropriate security architecture that will protect them f rom different types of security attacks. VANET security should satisfy four goal s, it should ensure that the information received is correct (information authen ticity), the source is who he claims to be (message integrity and source authent ication), the node sending the message cannot be identified and tracked (privacy ) and the system is robust Authentication 1. Entity authentication 2. Cryptography service 3. Privacy Authentication Authentication is a major requirement in VANET as it ensures that the messages a re sent by the actual nodes and hence attacks done by the greedy drivers or the other adversaries can be reduced to a greater extent. Authentication, however, r aises privacy concerns, as a basic authentication scheme of attaching the identi ty of the sender with the message would allow tracking of vehicles. It, therefor e, is absolutely essential to authenticate that a sending vehicle has a certain property which provides authentication as per the application.

Cryptography services Even though security depends on much more than cryptographic algorithms a robust ov erall security design including secure protocols and organizational measures is needed as well cryptographic primitives and schemes are in most cases the atomic bui lding blocks of a security solution. Entity authentication It ensures that the sender who has generated the message is still inside the net work and that the driver can be assured that the sender has send the message wit h in a very short period. Privacy This system is used to ensure that the information is not leaked to the unauthor ized people who are not allowed to view the information Third parties should als o not be able to track vehicle movements as it is a violation of personal privac y. Therefore, a certain degree of anonymity should be available for messages and transactions of vehicles. However, in liability related cases, specified author ities should be able to trace user identities to determine responsibilities. Loc ation privacy is also important so that no one should be able to learn the past or future locations of vehicles

OMAN: A Mobile Ad Hoc Network Design System Abstract Oman- Open Mobile Access Network We present a software library that aids in the design of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). The OMAN design engine works by taking a specification of network requi rements and objectives, and allocates resources which satisfy the input constrai nts and maximize the communication performance objective. The tool is used to explore networking design options and challenges, including : power control, adaptive modulation, flow control, scheduling, mobility, uncertai nty in channel models, and cross-layer design. The unaddressed niche which OMAN seeks to fill is the general framework for optimization of any network resource, under arbitrary constraints, and with any selection of multiple objectives. While simulation is an important part of measuring the effectiveness of implemen ted optimization techniques, the novelty and focus of OMAN is on proposing novel network design algorithms, aggregating existing approaches, and providing a gen eral framework for a network designer to test out new proposed resource allocati on methods. In this paper, we present a high-level view of the OMAN architecture , review specific mathematical models used in the network representation, and sh ow how OMAN is used to evaluate tradeoffs in MANET design. Specifically, we cove r three case studies of optimization. The first case is robust power control und er uncertain channel information for a single physical layer snapshot. The secon d case is scheduling with the availability of directional radiation patterns. Th e third case is optimizing topology through movement planning of relay nodes. http://www.mtechprojects.com/mobile-computing/25239-oman-a-mobile-ad-hoc-network -design-system.html

A Cooperative Clustering Protocol for Energy Saving of Mobile Devices with WLAN and Bluetooth Interfaces Abstract One of the most widely used wireless communication standards is a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) (IEEE 802.11). However, WLAN has a serious power consumptio n problem. In this paper, we propose a novel energy saving approach that exploit s the multiradio feature of recent mobile devices equipped with WLAN and Bluetoo th interfaces. Unlike previous approaches, our work is based on clustering. In o ur work, a cluster is a Bluetooth Personal Area Network (PAN), which consists of one cluster head and several regular nodes. The cluster head acts as a gateway between the PAN and the WLAN, enabling the regular nodes to access the WLAN infr astructure via low-power Bluetooth. We present a distributed clustering protocol , Cooperative Networking protocol (CONET), which dynamically reforms clusters ac cording to each node's bandwidth requirement, energy use, and application type. CONET does not require modifications of existing wireless infrastructures becaus e clustering is performed independently of WLAN access points. We implemented th e CONET prototype with four wearable computing devices to evaluate the performan ce on real hardware. We also simulated CONET for large networks of more than 100 mobile nodes. Both results demonstrate that our approach is effective in reduci ng the power consumption of WLAN.

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