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A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

CHAPTER-1 Introduction

Industrial progress largely depends on comity labour force. The importance of labour welfare measures was accepted as early as 1931, when the Royal commission on labour stated. The benefits, which he is unable to secure by himself. The schemes of labour welfare may be regarded as a wise investment which should and usually does bring a profitable return in the form of greater efficiency. Labour welfare work aims at improving of working and living conditions of workers, which would lead to the contentment in life, which in turn leads to their improved production and productivity, which in turn leads to improved profits, prosperity and survival chance of the enterprises. This is what is desired and aimed by all industrial managements. Managements. The National level, industrial labour constitutes an important and sizeable segment of the population. Their contentment is in itself the major aim of the welfare state. In addition, since their contentment leads to increased production and productivity, this in Labour welfare, therefore, constitutes an integral part of Industrial



A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

turns leads to greater economic development of the country.

Consequently, labour

welfare constitutes an important aspect of National Planning or Programme. This is particularly so in a developing country like India which aims at rapid industrialization and faster economic development. The concept of labour welfare is flexible, elastic and differs from time to time, region to region, industry to industry and country to country, depending upon value system, level of education, social customs, degree of industrialization and the general standard of the socio-economic development of people. It is also related to the political situation, problems in the society and on the structure of the industry. It is molded according to the age group, sex, socio-cultural background, marital status, economic status and educational level of the employees in the various industries. This nature of the concept of labour welfare makes it very difficult for us to give a precise, all-inclusive single definition of the phrase. AIMS OF LABOUR WELFARE The aim or objective of labour welfare is partly humanitarian, partly economic and partly civil. It is Humanitarian, because it provides the workers with the basic necessities in life, which they themselves cannot, afford. It is Economic, because the various benefits and amenities increase the workers standard of living and hence their economic condition. Their better economic condition leads to their contentment in life which leads to better economic position of the industry



A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

and hence of the country. It is Civic, because all the above will make the workers to have a sense of responsibility and dignity, which in turn would make them better citizens. APPROACHES TO LABOUR WELFARE Labour welfare can be studied from different angles such as: The location where these amenities are provided like within and outside the industrial undertaking. The nature of amenities like those concerned with condition of employment and living conditions of work people The welfare activities termed as Statutory, Voluntary and Mutual. The agency, which contributes to these amenities. A. On the basis of location of welfare facilities, Broughton has classified labour welfare work in two specific categories namely,
1. Intra-mural welfare work including various facilities

and amenities provided to the workers inside the factory such as medical facilities, bathing facilities, provision of safety measures, activities relating to improving the conditions of employment, recruitment and discipline and provisions of provident funds, pensions, gratuities, maternity benefits etc.



A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

2. Extra-mural welfare work including the provision of

facilities and various amenities outside the factory, such as provision of educational and recreational facilities, sports, housing accommodation, medical facilities, provision of libraries and reading room, holiday homes. Leave travel facilities, workers cooperative societies. Transports like to and from the place of work other programmes for the welfare of women, youth and children etc. B) The welfare activities concerned with Living

condition of employment and conditions of work people.

Conditions of employment in these are included activities for the solution of problems such as hours of work, wages, holidays with pay, rest intervals, sanitation and safety, continuity of employment, limitation of female and juvenile labour. Living condition of work people in these are included all such schemes of benefits such as co-operative societies, legal and medical aid and housing and those activities concerned with the living conditions of workers. Labour welfare work may be Statutory, Voluntary or Mutual It is statutory when such activities have to be undertaken in furtherance of certain legislation of the Government.



A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

It is voluntary when activities have to be undertaken of their own accord by the employers/some philanthropic bodies, when the labour organization indulges in such activities for the welfare of their members. It is mutual when all parties join hands in the social and economic uplift of the workers. NEED FOR WELFARE WORK The need for labour welfare arises from the very mature of industrial system, which is characterized by two basic facts: The conditions under which work is carried on are not congenial for health. When labour joins industry he has to work in an entirely strange atmosphere, creating problems of adjustment. Labour welfare has its beneficial effects on the workers. The welfare measures influence the sentiments of the workers and contribute to the maintenance of industrial peace.. Better living, sickness and maternity benefits, Provident funds, pensions, educational facilities and entertainment facilities create a feeling amongst the workers that they have a stake in the industry and the workers become more stabilized and committed and economically efficient; the mental and moral health of the workers also improve.



A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Welfare work has been recognized as an integral part of industrial administration. Welfare work has postulated a real change of heart and a change of outlook on the part of both employers and workers by including in them a new spirit of self-satisfaction.



A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Scope Of Labour Welfare Work It is difficult to lay down the scope of labour welfare work accurately because of the fact that labour is composed of dynamic individuals with complex needs. The welfare activity involves directly or indirectly any hindrance physical or mental of the worker and restores to him the peace and joy of living. The following list gives the items under which welfare work should be conducted inside and outside the workplace.
1. Conditions of the work environment:

Workshop sanitation and cleanliness Factory sanitation and cleanliness Provision and care for drinking water Canteen services Management of workers cloak rooms, rest rooms and library 2. Workers Health services: Factory health center Factory dispensary and clinic Hospitalization facilities Periodical/regular health checking



A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

3. Labour welfare programme Work women and child welfare work Workers recreational facilities Education Factory council consisting of representatives of labour and employers, workmens arbitration council, vocational and adjustment, social welfare departments, co-operation with personnel administration especially for case investigation, interview and vocational testing, employment follow-up and research bureau. 4. Labour economic welfare programme Co-operative society/fair price shop Co-operative bank. Profit sharing bonus. Transport services.



A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Employees` Welfare




Labour welfare includes provision of various facilities and amenities in and around the work/place for the better life of the workers. It is a part and parcel of social welfare. Labour welfare has the following objectives :
1) 2) 3)

To provide better life and health to the workers. To make the workers happy, satisfied and efficient. To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, cultural and material condition of living of the workers.

According to Arthur James Todd, Labour welfare means anything done for the comfort and improvement, intellectual or social, of the employees over and above the wages paid which is not a necessity of the industry. According to a publication of ILO, Workers welfare should be understood as meaning with services, facilities and amenities which may be established in or in the vicinity of undertakings to enable the persons employed in them to perform their work in healthy and peaceful surroundings and to avail of facilities which improve their health and bring high morale



A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

The modern concept of labour welfare entails all those activities of the employers which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages or salaries. The basic features of welfare measures are as follows:

Labour welfare includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to workers for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status. Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits available to workers due to legal provisions and collective bargaining. Labour welfare measures are flexible and ever-changing . New welfare measures are added to the existing ones from time to time. Welfare measures may be introduced by the employers, government, employees or by any social or charitable agency. The purpose of labour welfare is to bring about the development of the whole personality of the worker to make him a good worker and a good citizen. Scope of labour Welfare The Labour investigation committee preferred to include under labour welfare any thing done for intellectual, physical, moral and economic betterment of the worker, whether by employers, by Government or by other agencies, over and above what is laid down by law, or what is normally expected on the part of the contracted benefits for which workers may have bargained. Labour welfare includes both statutory as well as non-statutory activities undertaken by any of the three agencies-employers, trade unions or the Government for the physical and mental development of workers, both as a compensation for wear and

b) c)





A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

tear that he undergoes as a part of production process and also to enable Him to sustain and improve upon the basic capacity of contribution to the process of production. Significance of labour Welfare The logic behind providing welfare facilities is to create efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied labour force for the organization and also for the nation, In India, industrial workers get the benefit of various welfare facilities. The purpose is to provide them better life and also to make them happy and efficient. The other equally important purpose is to raise their productivity. Welfare services are not a charity, they are essential to get higher productivity from the workers by satisfying their needs. The important benefits of welfare services are given below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Welfare facilities provide better physical and mental health to the workers and make them happy. Such service facilities like housing scheme, mehical benefits, education and recreation facilities for the workers families help create contented workers families. Employees services serve to maintain some degree of peace with the employees unions in as much as these constitute a considerable part of the bargaining package, Employers get stable labour force due to the provision of welfare facilities. Employers secure the benefits of high efficiency, cordial industrial relations and low labour absenteeism and turnover. Labour welfare measures raise labour productivity and bring industrial peace and cordial labour-management relations. An employer is able to attract talented workers from the labour market by providing attractive welfare facilities.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore


The social evils prevalent in the labour-force such as gambling drinking, etc. are reduced. Agencies of labour welfare In India, the main agencies engaged in labour welfare include : a) Central Government: b) State Government: c) Employers, and d) Workers organizations. The contribution of these agencies is discussed below. a) Central Government The Central Government has passed a number of Acts for the welfare of different types of workers. It also administers the implementation of industrial and labour laws. The important Acts which incorporate measures for the welfare of the workers of the workers are : Factories Act, Indian Mines Act, Employment of Children Act, Maternity Benefits Act, Plantation Labour Act, etc. b) State Governments The Implementation of many provisions of various labour laws rests with the state Governments. The State Governments run health centres, educational centres, etc. for the welfare of the workers. Central or State Government. They also keep a vigil on the employers that they are operating the welfare schemes made obligatory by the






A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Many employers provide voluntarily welfare facilities. Along with the statutory welfare facilities. These include residential accommodation to employees, medical and transport facilities, reading rooms, scholarships to children of workers, patronise teams of employees for hockey, football, etc. Employers can provide welfare facilities individually or collectively i.e, through their associations. d) Trade Unions Trade Unions are supposed to raise the welfare of workers and naturally they are expected to provide certain welfare facilities to their members. Unions can provide educational, cultural and other facilities to their members. operative stores are also run by some unions. CoSome trade unions like the

Rashtriya Mill Mazdoor Sangh are doing good work in the field of labour welfare. In addition, Textile Labour Association Ahmedabad provides certain facilities like schools, social centres, libraried, legal aid,. to the textile workers. Thus, Textile thus, Textile Labour Association, Ahmedabad is doing good work in the field of labour welfare. On the whole, the role of trade unions in the field of labour welfare is insignificant as they face the problem of shortage of funds in providing welfare services to their members. e) Charitable Organisations Charitable organizations conduct social welfare activities, which are useful to all sections of the society including industrial workers. These agencies provide medical aid, educational facilities, scholarships, etc However; the contribution of such organisations in labour welfare is not so significant. Approaches to labour welfare




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

The various approaches to labour welfare reflect the attitudes and beliefs of the agencies which are engaged in welfare activities. Welfare facilities may be provided on religious, philanthropic some other grounds. Moreover, the different approaches to labour welfare reflect the evolution of the concept of welfare. A study of the approaches to labour welfare is desirable for the management, the worker and the general reader. For the general reader, a study of approaches is essential because his/her knowledge of the subject is a better plerspective on welfare work. The approaches and their brief descriptions are, 1. The policing theory of labour welfare. 2. The religion theory of labour welfare. 3. The philanthropic theory of labour welfare. 4. The paternalistic theory of labour welfare. 5. The placating theory of labour welfare. 6. The public relations theory of labour welfare. 7. The functional theory of labour welfare. 8. The social theory of labour welfare. incomplete without a knowledge of these approaches, and a knowledge of approaches enables the manager and the worker to have




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

P o lic in g T h eo ry

R e lig io n T h eo ry

P h ila n th r o p ic T h eo ry

S o c ia l T h eo ry

L ab ou r W lf a r e

P a te r n a lis tic T h eo ry

F u n c tio n a l P u b lic R e la tio n sP la c a tin g T h eo ry T h eo ry T h eo ry




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Policing Theory According to this view, the factory and other industrial workplaces provide ample opportunities for owners and managers of capital to exploit workers in an unfair manner This could be done by making the labour work for long hours, by paying workers low wages, by keeping the workplaces in an unhygienic condition, b neglecting safety and healthy provisions, and by ignoring the provision of elementary human amenities, such as dinking water, latrines, rest rooms and canteens. Clearly, a welfare state cannot remain a passive spectator of this limitless exploitation it enacts legislation under which managements are compelled to provide basic amenities to the workers. In short, the state assumes the role of a policeman, and compels the managers of industrial establishments to provide welfare facilities, and punishes the non-compliers . This is the policing theory of labour welfare. Religion theory The religion theory has two connotations, namely, the investment and atonement aspects. The investment aspect of the religion theory implies that the fruits of todays deeds will be reaped tomorrow. Any action, good or bad, is therefore treated as an investment. Inspired by this belief, some employers plan and organize canteens and crches. The atonement aspect, of the religion theory implies that the present disabilities of a person are the result to the sins committed by him/her previously. He/she should undertake to do good deeds now to atone or compensate for He/her sins. There is the story of a big Jain employer who firmly held the belief that the provision of welfare facilities for workers was outside the duties of the management. Whatever he did was under government compulsion and supervision. It so happened, however, that the children born to him died as soon as they were born, Later, is own health suffered, He felt




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

that, as a compensation, or expiration or even as an investment in a good deed, he should liberally contribute to the crche in the factory (as well as to other child-welfare institution), an also to medical services for his workers Consequently, in this particular factory, there came to exist an excellent crche and a well-organised dispensary. Philanthropic Theory Philanthropy means affection for mankind. The philanthropic of labour welfare refers to the provision of good working conditions, crches and canteens out of pity on the part of the employers who want to remove the disabilities of the workers. The philanthropy theory is more common in social welfare. Paternalistic theory According to the Paternalistic theory, also called the Trusteeship theory of the labour welfare, the industrialist or the employer holds the total industrial estate, properties and the profits accruing from them, interest. The property which he/she can use or abuse as he /she likes is not entirely his/her own. He/she use, no doubt, but also for the benefit of his/her workers, is not for the whole society. The trusteeship is not actual and legal but it is moral and, therefore, not less real. Placating Theory This theory is based on the assumption that appeasement pays when the workers are organized and are militant. Peace can be brought by welfare measures. Workers are like children who are intelligent, but not fully so. As crying children are pacified by sweets, workers should be pleased welfare works.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Public Relation Theory According to this theory, welfare activities are provided to create a good impression on the minds of the workers and the public, particularly the latter. Clean and safe working conditions, a good canteen, crche and other amenities, make a good impression on the workers, visitors and the public. Functional Theory Also known as the efficiency theory of the labour welfare, the functional theory implies that welfare facilities are provided to make the workers more efficient. If workers are fed properly, adequately and treated kindly, and if the conditions of their work are congenial, they will work efficiently. Welfare work is a means of securing, preserving and increasing the efficiency of labour. Social Theory The social obligation of an industrial establishment had been assuming great significance these days. A social theory implies a factory is morally bound to improve conditions of the society in addition to improving the conditions of its employees. Labour welfare as mentioned earlier, is gradually becoming social welfare.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

When men are employed , they are best contented for on the days they worked they were good natured and cheeps cheerful and the consciousness of having done a good days work , they were mutinous and quarrel some. Research design is the basic peons, which guides and data collection and analysis phase of the project . It is the frame work , which specifies the type of information to collect , the sources of the data & data collection producer. The research design famishes a clean idea as to the activities that would nees to be under taken in order to achieves the objectives it is effective in helping to dude data needs that are the stage of analysis & interpretation also. The research design hips in providing direction to the computation & interpretation process to arrive at conditions & suggestions. Research is an intensive and purposeful search for knowledge and understanding of social and physical phenoma, According to Clifford woody research comprise defining & redefining problems, For mutating hypotheses or suggestions solutions collecting organizing and evaluating data , making decision & reaching conclusions.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Title of the study:A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore. 2.5 Research methodology The research methodology is an important component for the study without which researchers may not be able to obtain facts and figures relevant to the study. The following is the methodology adopted for the study. Data source Data relevant for the study is collected through Primary data Secondary data Primary data: Primary data was collected from first hand information through personal interviews backed up by questionnaires from the target employees. Secondary data: Secondary data was collected through welfare plans, welfare records and instruction manuals.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

2.6 Data collection tools The tools used for collection of required data were: Structure questionnaire Personal interview A Structured questionnaire has been administered for collecting the data and also through interviews. The questions are mainly of multiple choices. The questionnaires are distributed among various departments in HAL. 2.1 Statement of the problem Labour welfare is one of the major aspects. This contributes towards bettering of labour and creating a life and work environment of decent comfort for the labour. Hence it is required to study and analyses what measures are being provided as a part of welfare and collected their opinion regarding such facilities. The present research has no concrete hypothesis but is rather to study and analyse the opinion of the employees regarding welfare facilities to them and find their level of satisfaction in this regard. 2.0 Research Design The research conducted is exploratory in nature. There is no concrete hypothesis and the research so done is only a tentative of facts with emphasis on welfare facility




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

provided by the management, statutory and voluntary and the opinion of employees towards them.

2.2 Review of literature The concept of welfare had always been one of the major concept in retaining and motivating the employee. According to the welfare amenities provided under mine act 1952 and the mine rules explains the main obligation of the mine owners regarding health and welfare of the workers. The book labour laws by Ajay Garg: Nobbis Publication New Delhi. The book Human recourses and personal mgt by K. Aswathappa explains the nature of employee welfare and states its merits and demerits. In addition to this so many books, journals and acts explain about welfare activities and the list is endless.

2.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To study the various existing statutory welfare measures implemented by the company. To study the effectiveness of employee welfare. To find out level of satisfaction of employees towards these facilities.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

To suggest and recommend the measures to be taken in motivating the employees at their work. 2.4 Scope of the study Scope of the study is limited to employees who are working at M/s HAL, Bangalore. The study is conducted under the assumption that the information given by the respondents are all correct. 2.8 Geographical area of the study The present investigation on the welfare measures undertaken in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited-Overhaul Division Bangalore. Human Resource Management Department. The measures confined to the employees of HAL only. The period of study is 4 weeks in the organization with in

2.7 sampling sources Sampling Unit: A sample unit of consisting of employees in various categories were taken for the study. The unit included workers, supervisors and Executives. Sampling size: A sampling size of 100 Employees covering Executives and artisans from all departments were selected for the study.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Sampling Techniques: Sampling can be broadly classified in to probability sampling and non-probability sampling, for the purpose of the study the sampling methods of non random convenient sampling in non probability technique is applied for the purpose of arriving at the sample size. Limitations of the Study Some of the limitations are The Study was restricted to the short number of respondents The Authorities did not tell certain highly confidential matters. The information collected was through Questionnaire method. Hence it depends on the mood of the interviewees. The study was done for a short period of time, which might not hold true in the long run. Samples collected was too small (100) and an underlying assumption. For the entire Project is that the details and feedback received from the employees of HAL is true and holds good in the times to come,




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore


About the Company

The early years: The history of the Indian Aircraft Industry can be traced to the founding of Hindustan Aircraft Limited at Bangalore in December 1940 in association with the erstwhile princely State of Mysore and late Shri Seth Walchand Hirachand, an Industrialist of extra -ordinary vision. Govt. of India became one of its shareholders in March 1941 and took over the management in 1942. Hindustan Aircraft Limited was merged with Aeronautics India Limited and Aircraft Manufacturing Depot, Kanpur to form Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) on 01st October 1964. Today HAL has got 16 production units and 9 research and design centres spread out in seven different locations in India. Its product track record consists of 12 types of aircraft from in house R &D and 13 types by license production. HAL has so far produced about 3352 aircraft (which include 11 types of indigenous design), 3583 engines and overhauled over 8141 aircraft and 27267 engines. HAL has engaged & succeeded in number of R & D programs for both the military and civil aviation sectors. Substantial progress has been made in the current




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

projects like Dhruv -Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH), Tejas-Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), Intermediate Jet Trainer (IJT) and various military and civil upgrades. The deliveries of Dhruv were effected to Indian Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard in March 2002, in its first year of production which is a unique achievement. HAL has played a significant role for India's space programs in the manufacturing of satellite launch vehicles like PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle), GSLV (Geo Stationary Launch Vehicle), IRS (Indian Remote Satellite) & INSAT (Indian National Satellite). HAL has also two joint venture companies, HAL Software Limited and IndoRussian Aviation Limited (IRAL). Apart from the two, other major diversification projects are Industrial Marine Gas turbine and Airport Services. Several co-production and joint Ventures with international participation are under consideration. HAL's supplies / services are mainly to Indian Defense Services, Coast Guard and Border Security Force. Transport aircraft and Helicopters have also been supplied to Airlines as well as State Governments of India. The Company has also achieved a foothold in export in more than 30 countries, having demonstrated its quality and price competitiveness. HAL has won several International & National Awards for achievements in R&D, Technology, managerial performance, exports, energy conservation, quality and fulfillment of social responsibilities. M/S Global Rating, United Kingdom in conjunction with The International Information and Marketing Center (IIMC) has awarded the




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

INTERNATIONAL GOLD MEDAL AWARD AT THE INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT (GLOBAL RATING LEADERS 2003) LONDON, UK to M/s. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for Corporate Achievement in Quality and Efficiency. HAL was also presented the INTERNATIONAL ARCH OF EUROPE AWARD IN GOLD CATEGORY in recognition for its commitment to Quality, Leadership, technology & Innovation. At National level, HAL won the top award instituted- by SCOPE (Standing Conference of Public Enterprises) -The "GOLD TROPHY" for excellence in Public Sector Management. The Company scaled new heights in the financial year 2003-2004 with a turn over of Rs. 3799.78 Crores and export of Rs. 215.34 Crores.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

The Company's steady organisational growth over the years with consolidation and enlargement of its operational base by creating sophisticated facilities for manufacture of aircraft / helicopters, aeroengines, accessories and avionics is illustrated below.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Their Mission and Values are To become a globally competitive aerospace industry while working as an instrument for achieving self-reliance in design, manufacture and maintenance of aerospace equipment, civil transport aircraft, helicopters and missiles and diversifying to related areas, managing the business on commercial lines in a climate of growing professional competence ". I. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION We are dedicated to building a relationship with our customers where we become partners in fulfilling their mission. We strive to understand our customers ' needs and to deliver products and services that fulfill and exceed all their requirements. II. COMMITMENT TO TOTAL QUALITY We are committed to continuous improvement of all our activities. We will supply products and services that conform to highest standards of design, manufacture, reliability, maintainability and fitness for use as desired by our customers. III. COST AND TIME CONSCIOUSNESS We believe that our success depends on our ability to continually reduce the cost and shorten the delivery period of our products and services. We will achieve this by eliminating waste in all activities and continuously improving all processes in every area of our work.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

IV. INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY We believe in striving for improvement in every activity involved in our business by pursuing and encouraging risk-taking experimentation and learning at all levels within the company with a view to achieving excellence and competitiveness. V. TRUST AND TEAM SPIRIT We believe in achieving harmony in work life through mutual trust, transparency, cooperation, and a sense of belonging. We will strive for building empowered teams to work towards achieving organisational goals. VI. RESPECT FOR THE INDIVIDUAL We value our people. We will treat each other with dignity and respect and strive for individual growth and realisation of everyone's full potential. VII. INTEGRITY We believe in a commitment to be honest, trustworthy,and fair in all our dealings. We commit to be loyal and devoted to our organisation. We will practise self discipline and own responsibility for our actions. We will comply with all requirements so as to ensure that our organisation is always worthy of trust.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

MIG AIRCRAFT Products in Current Manufacturing Range

MiG-27 M Single seater tactical fighter/bomber with variable sweep wings.

MiG-21 VARIANTS Single seat front line tactical intercepter / fighter aircraft.

METALIC DROP TANKS The Division manufactures different types of metallic drop (Jettison able) tanks with capacity of 490 and 800 Litres.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

UNDERCARRIAGE The Division has facilities and expertise in manufacturing and overhaul of undercarriages of both MiG-27 m and MiG-21 variants. The landing gears are of a conventional tricycle type and consist of one steerable nose wheel leg and two main wheel legs to roll the aircraft in motion, on the ground, during take off run & landing run. The landing gear legs have oleo pneumatic shock absorbers.

EJECTION SEAT The ejection seat is installed to provide safe escape to the pilot from the aircraft while catapuling is effected with the help of a combined ejection gun. The division has the facilities and expertise in manufacturing and overhaul of ejection seats for both MiG27 and MiG21 variants.

CANOPY The Division manufactures and overhauls canopies of MiG-21 variants & MiG--27 m aircraft.





A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

The Division manufactures and supplies all types of Rubber Fuel Tanks required for MiG-21 Variants. The Rubber Fuel Tanks are provided with special protection coating against Ozone/heat and adverse climatic conditions. The Division has exported a large number of Rubber Fuel Tanks. AEROSPACE FASTENERS The Division has a separate complex for manufacturing of Aerospace Fasteners, approximately 7000 types under 400 different standards. Some of the typical items are nuts, bolts, screws, washers, rivets of various configurations, studs, dowels, pins, plugs, JO Bolts, pipe connections and springs.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Helicopters Chetak: a versatile and Multipurpose Helicopter for Civil and Military applications.

Cheetah: This is a lightweight high performance helicopter it is specially designed for operation over a wide range of weights, centres of gravity and altitude conditions


The Lancer Helicopter is a light attack

helicopter developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited as a cost effective airmobile area weapon system.

Dhruv: This Advanced light helicopter is a multi-role, multi-mission helicopter in 5.5 ton class, fully designed and developed by HAL. Built to FAR 29 specifications, the Dhruv is designed to meet the requirements of both military and civil operators. Communication and navigation equipment




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Equipment 1. IFF 400 2. IFF 1410A

Function Identification of Friend or Foe Automatic replies to appropriate ground or airborne interrogators 3. ADF Automatic Direction Finder 4. VUC-201 A A combined V /UHF main communication set 5. INCOM-1210A Integrated Radio Communication System 6. COM-150A UHF standby equipment 7. COM-1150A UHF standby equipment 8. COM-104A/105A VHF Communication Equipment 9. HFSSB HF Single Sideband Communication set 10. SPEEDET Measure speed of moving object 11. VUC-2035 A combined V/UHF Communication set 12. PAR (Precission Approach 'X' Band Radar Radar) 13. RAM 700 Radio Alimeter for height indication over terrain 14. RAM 1701A Radio Alimeter for height indication over terrain 15. UHF HOMER Homing System for SOS in Communication Band 16. WEATHER RADAR X-Band Weather Radar 17. AIRCRAFT BATTERY Silver Zinc Battery for aircraft 18. CERAMIC BRAKE PADS used in the brake Drum of Aircraft

Advanced communication and Navigation equipment




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

International Navigation System o o o

Stabilized Inertial Platform with Dry-tuned Gyroscopes and Accelerometers Digital Nav-Attack Computer Interface Unit and Cockpit Control Panels Head-Up Display & Weapon Aiming Computer (HUDWAC)

o o o

Microprocessor based head-up Display & Sighting System Scan and Cursive modes of display Weapon Aiming Computations in Reversionary modes in the event of failure of INS Computer

Combined Map and Electronic Display (COMED) Head Down Navigation & Map Display Soft key Selectable Display Modes Integrated with INS and HUDWAC on MIL-STD 1553B Digital Data bus

o o o

Flight Data Recorder (FDR) Crash protected Flight Data Recording System with Data Acquisition unit Simultaneous recording of Data and Audio tracks Recording Duration of 90 minutes in endless loop

o o o

Laser Ranger and market Target Seeker (LRMTS) Operates both in Ranging and Target Seeking modes Target Range Computation Neodymium Doped YAG Laser

o o o

Autostabliser System (AUTOSTAB)




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

o Movements o Accessories

Computer Based System for Control of Tailplane, Rudder and Spoiler Incorporate BITE Facility


Flight instruments, Electrical Indicators, Fuel Gauging Probes, Gyros, Sensors & Switches. ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION CONTROL AC/DC Generator, Control & Protection Units, Inverters, Transformer Rectifier AC/DC Electrical Systems, Actuators. LAND NAVIGATION SYSTEM




CONTROL o Pumps, Accumulators, Actuators, Electro selectors, Bootstrap Reservoirs & various types of valves. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM Pneumatics & Oxygen System, cold Air unit, Water Extractors, Valve various types. EJECTION SYSTEM Ejection Seats, Release Units etc.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

ENGINE FUEL CONTROL SYSTEM Booster Pumps, main & Reheat Fuel Systems, Nozzle Actuators.

GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT & TEST RIGS Ground Power Unit, hydraulic Trolley& {Power Packs, Dedicated Test Rigs, custom-built Fuel/Hydraulic Test Rigs.

Aerospace equipment Aluminum alloy riveted and welded structures of conical, cylindrical and other shapes with different types of detailed parts such as sheets, rings, brackets, stiffeners, bulkheads, panel bolts, nuts, rivets etc. Some of the important structures manufactured are heat shield assembly, nose cone assembly, tank and shrouds used in satellites.

Payload adapter assembly

Heat shield assembly

INSAT structure

Liquid propellant tank




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Engines 1. Adour Mk 881 Aircraft




Jaguar such

Garrett 331-5 Artouste III B 4. Dart 535-2 & 536 5. Orpheus 70105 6. Avon i. ii. 7. Adour Mk 804 8. Gnome 1400-IT

Used in corporate aircraft as Dornier Do-228 Cheetah helicopters. HS-748 aircraft. kiran MK II aircraft Avon MK 1 is used in Canberra trainer aircraft. and Chetak


Avon MK 109 is used in Canberra bomber and Avon MK 203 / 207 power the Hunter fighter. Similar to MK 811 engine. power plant to Seeking helicopter fitted It

R25 engine This is a twin spool, axial flow, turbojet engine with after burner and a variable area jet nozzle. powers the MiG-21 BIS multi-role fighter aircraft. The engine has provision for an emergency after-burner thrust boost which can be selected below 4.5 km altitude. R-29B engine This engine is a twin spool axial flow turbojet engine incorporating after - burner and variable area jet nozzle of convergentsystem




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

divergent type. The engine is equipped with automatic fuel regulation system, turbostarter, anti-surge system, temperature controller, constant speed drive for AC generator and two speed drive for hydraulic pump. R-29B engine powers MiG-27 M, a multi-role ground attack/air combat aircraft.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

2. Aerosturctures: 3. Helicopters 4. Advanced light helicopters 5. Engines 6. Avionics 7. Spares and services 8. Dornier 228 9. Software

1. Accessories Division Lucknow 2. Aerospace Division Bangalore 3. Aircraft Division Bangalore 4. Aircraft Division Nasik 5. Avionics division Hyderabadh 6. Avionics Division Korwa 7. Engines Division Bangalore 8. Engine Division Koraput 9. Foundry and forge Division Bangalore 10. Helicopter Division Bangalore 11. Industrial and marine gas turbine Division Bangalore 12. Overhaul Division Bangalore 13. Transport Aircraft Division Bangalore




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Overhaul Division of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. Bangalore The origin of the Overhaul Division can be traced back to the erstwhile Hindustan Aircraft Limited established at Bangalore on 23rd December 1940 by a far sighted industrialist, the late Seth Walchand Hirachand in association with the Government of the then Princely State of Mysore with the object of establishing an aviation industry that can take up assembly and overhaul of aircraft under license. As a principal overhaul base for the South East Asia Command of Allied Forces between 1942 and 1945, the Division maintained and repaired Liberator, Fortress, Mitchell, Dakota, Curtis Commando and PSY Catalina amphibian aircraft. After the end of the 2nd World war, the main activity of the Division was getting the Dakotas, Liberators, Tempest and Tiger Moths airworthy for the use of Indian Air Force and Civil operators. After Independence of the country in 1947, Overhaul Division Bangalore oriented its activities to major overhaul of aircraft of Indian Air Force and rendering 1st and 2nd Line Servicing of aircraft at various IAF Bases. The Division has since emerged as a single window agency for the maintenance and servicing of state-of-the-art military aircraft, piston engine and associated accessories.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

The Division renders highly competent maintenance and retrofit support at users works. Currently it is the only Organisation authorised to undertake Major Inspection of Mirage 2000 aircraft outside France. This is clearly an index to the vast capacity of this ISO 9001:2000 Unit. The Division is currently exporting its products and services to France, Israel, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nepal, Oman, Peru and U.K. Spread over an area of more than 10 hectares of land, Overhaul Division is empowered by a highly skilled workforce of 1200 supported by 215 well qualified and experienced executives. The Division has a well-equipped Accessories Repair / Overhaul Centre with excellent infrastructure to handle sophisticated Mechanical, Pneumatic and Avionic accessories. The importance placed on quality can be gauged by the highly sensitive testing equipment it employs during repair/overhaul of over 600 types of various system accessories.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Products of HAL overhaul division Bangalore Products in Current Servicing Range Apart from the various services rendered by Overhaul Division, it also undertakes supply of Ground Servicing, Ground Handling and Test Equipment such as:

Ground Power Unit (GPU) Aircraft Towing Arm Hydraulic Recycling Rig Air Conditioning Rig Liquid Oxygen Dispenser Pyrometric Test Set IFF Tester etc.

Services of HAL overhaul division Bangalore




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Overhaul Division has to its credit a sound infrastructure to cater to the needs ranging from maintenance of Piston engine aircraft to state-of-the-art aircraft like Mirage 2000. From its inception, Overhaul Division has serviced over 3500 aircraft of different types. On 17th March 1998 an agreement was concluded between Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and Dassault Aviation authorizing HAL to offer its Mirage 2000 Major Inspection facilities to global customers. Currently, it is the only organization authorized to undertake Major Inspection of Mirage 2000 aircraft outside France for global customers. The management of these maintenance activities is through sophisticated computer systems with extensive interaction between the user and the maintenance agency through electronic medium. The Mirage 2000 Major Inspection line is equipped with modern ground support & ground handling equipment and testers conforming to the specifications of M/s Dassault Aviation. The line is supported by a host of highly skilled and qualified engineers and technicians, trained at M/s Dassault Aviation as well as at other original equipment manufacturers of the various systems. Logistics management includes computer based vertical storage system for kit marshal stores and mobile storage system for spares. Environmental control for LRU storage has been incorporated to meet the advanced technology requirements. Overhaul Division is the approved repair agency for carrying out Major Servicing of Jaguar Aircraft and its accessories. All three versions namely strike; Trainer and Maritime undergo Major Servicing at Overhaul Division.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

The Division also undertakes compliance of Company Special Technical Instruction (CSTI), Company Service Instruction (CSI) and compliance of modification as per Standard Of Preparation (SOP). Kiran Mk-I/ IA, Kiran Mk-II, the Basic, Intermediate Jet and weapon trainers, designed, developed and manufactured by HAL are maintained and overhauled by Overhaul Division. SuryaKiran the formation aerobatic team of IAF comprising of Kiran Mk II aircraft are also maintained by the Division. The Division gives new fresh lease of life to aircraft and piston engines. Other activities where the Division is actively involved are :

Major Servicing of Cheetah / Chetak (Alouette / Lama) Helicopters and repair / overhaul of its accessories.

Repair / Servicing of Hartzell and Mecaulay Propellers. Repair and overhaul of Piston Engines / accessories: The Division has the know-how and expertise to overhaul different types of radial

and in line piston engines. It has repaired and overhauled around 6000 piston engines which include radial engines like R985, R1340, R1830, R2000 and In line engines like Gypsy Queen, Cirrus major, Continental and Lycoming engine variants and their accessories. The Division is currently concentrating on Lycoming Engine / accessories.

Repair / Servicing of rotables pertaining to Sea Harrier aircraft and Sea King Helicopter.

Repairing and servicing of accessories Overhaul Division has an excellent integrated infrastructure to repair / overhaul sophisticated mechanical, pneumatic and avionic accessories. The importance placed on




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

quality can be gauged by the highly sensitive testing equipment it employs during repair and overhaul of over 500 types of various systems accessories. This includes 231 system components of Jaguar aircraft, 98 of Mirage 2000 aircraft, 14 of AVRO aircraft and 4 system components including Rescue Hoist of Alouette / Lama Helicopters. The Instruments Shop undertakes repair and overhaul of instruments of Flight, Engine and Navigation systems. The Avionics Shop is fully equipped to undertake servicing and repair of avionic equipment such as V / UHF, ADF, Radio Altimeter and Weather Radar for different types of aircraft. The Hydraulic Accessories Shop undertakes overhaul and repair of hydraulic system accessories such as pumps, accumulators, anti-skid units, under carriage jacks, regulators and power flying control units. Stringent quality systems are employed to service and overhaul oxygen system accessories such as liquid oxygen converters, regulators, amplifiers, gauges and gaseous oxygen cylinders. Vital safety equipment such as Ejection Seats and its various sub systems like parachute pack, jettison jack, PEC, drogue gun and barostatic time release units are serviced and repaired in a separate bay.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Maintenance support to Outstation Bases Overhaul Division provides maintenance support to aircraft at various Air Force bases. In addition to maintenance of aircraft at Outstation Bases, the Division also undertakes repair of aircraft, engines, retro-compliance of modifications and snag rectification at the Operating Units on 'as and when' required basis. Supply of Spares and GHE Overhaul Division supports the fabrication of Ground Handling Equipment for Aircraft and Helicopters. It also supplies the spares for Ground Handling Equipment. Services to other Divisions Overhaul Division supports other sister Divisions of HAL by providing servicing facilities for rotables required for different projects executed by them. New Projects Modification of Fire Control Radar on Maritime version of Jaguar Aircraft is being carried out by the Division. Indigenisation The Division is aggressively pursuing indigenisation of components which are critically required for the servicing of Aircraft and Engine




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Outsourcings of HAL overhaul division Bangalore Overhaul Division undertakes fabrication of GHE / GSE. This activity is carried out through outsourcing. Stringent quality control systems are employed during the approval / acceptance of outsourced components. The decision for outsourcing depends on number of factors i.e., time and capacity (cost factor), control of quality or production, design secrecy, Unreliable suppliers, specialized knowledge of suppliers and work force stability. Outsourcing is resorted for:

Fabrication of project spares identified for Indigenization. Manufacture of Ground Handling Equipment and Ground Support Equipment. Fabrication of tools and fixtures. Calibration of gauges. Jig referencing and plating operations.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore


Table: 1 Canteen Shows the opinion of the respondents about the canteen facilities: SL no Excellent 1. 2. 3. 4. Cleanliness and 2% hygiene Seating Arrangement Maintenance Food & Water 2% 2% 18% 10% 60% 29% 20% 59% 2% 30% 50% 18% Good 12% Satisfactory 69% Poor 17% Facilities Rating

Source: Primary data Interpretation: Cleanliness and Hygiene: 69% of the respondents felt that it is satisfactory, 17% opined it is poor, 12% said it is good and 2% of the respondents feels it excellent. Seating Arrangement: 50% of the respondents felt that is seating arrangement it satisfactory, 30% felt its good, 18% feels its poor and 2% as excellent Maintenance: 60% of the respondents feel its satisfactory 20% says its poor, 18% feel its good and 2% responds excellent.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Food and Water: 59% say its poor, 29% of the respondents feel the quality is satisfactory, 10 % of them say its good and 2% say its excellent. Graph: 1 Canteen Facility Shows the opinion of the respondents about the canteen facilities:



50% Excellent Good 30% Satisfactory Poor





Cleanliness and Hygiene

Seating Arrange ment


Cleanliness and Hygiene




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 2 Housing Facilities Shows the number of respondents owning a house. Sl no 1. Yes 28% No 72%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: Majority of the respondents (72%) do not own a House. The company is not providing any housing loan facility but they do provide an Interest scheme where the company pays some amount of money towards the interest. The company can provide employees with housing loan facility of different low interest scheme




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 2 Housing Facility Number of respondents owning a house.









0% .

Yes 28%

No 72%




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 3 Housing facility Shows the number of respondents residing in. Sl no 1. 2. 3. 4. Live in Company leased House Town ship Rented House Own House No of respondents 2% 24% 46% 28%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: Majority (46%) of the respondents live in a rented house 28 % own a house, 24% live in a town ship and 2% live in a company leased House. As it is analysed Majority of the employees reside in a rented house and the employees are not satisfied with current allotment of Quarters. So care must be taken and a proper Schedule must followed while allotting the quarters




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 3 Housing Facility Shows the number of respondents residing in.

50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% A B C D




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 4 Medical Facility First Aid facility provided by the company. Sl no 1. Yes 74% No 26%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: Majority (74%) of the respondents are aware of the first aid facility available in the company. There is health center available in the premises with duty doctors and trained personnel Majority of the respondents are aware First facility provided by the company.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 4 Medical Facility Shows the medical facility provided by the company.

80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes No




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 5 Medical facility Shows the respondents utilized the contents of the first aid kit. Sl no 1. Yes 55% No 45%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: Majority of the respondents (55%) are aware and utilized the contents in the first kit. The response pattern indicates that fist aid box is being used when in need However: these are concern for non utilization by about 55% of the employee the reason for non utilization is not forth coming in the response. even though first aid box is available around. First aid box need to be kept at convenient places, awareness, among employees should be brought about regarding its availability and training should be given to the employees as to the use First Aid box The situation can be, there is no knowledge of availability of the first aid box or the employees are treating themselves




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 5 Medical Facility Shows the number of respondents utilized the content of the First Aid Box.

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% No Yes




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 6 Medical Facility Availability of an Ambulance room in the company premises Sl no 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Availability Always Frequently Occasionally Rarely Not available No of Respondents 50% 26% 8% 9% 7%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: The above table shows that (50%) of the respondents feel that Ambulance room facility is always available, (26%) say its frequently available, 8, 9, 8 say occasionally, Rarely &, Not available respectively. There is a separate ambulance room provided at every division. Majority of the respondents are happy with the availability of the ambulance. Room at the company premises




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 6 Medical facility Availability of an ambulance room in the company premises.

50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% A B C D E




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 7 Medical facility Shows the opinion of the respondents about the services in the ambulance room. Sl no 1. 2. 3. 4. Response Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor No of respondents 4% 32% 56% 8%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: About 56% of the respondents feel the service in the ambulance room is satisfactory respectively. Duty doctor and trained personnel are recruited to serve at the ambulance room, and Majority of the respondents are satisfied about the service in the ambulance room. However a small percentage (8%) are not satisfied can be made aware of the facility. 32% of the respondents felt its good and 8%, 4% feel its poor & Excellent,




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 7 Medical Facility Shows the opinion of the respondents about the services in the ambulance room.

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% A B C D




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 8 Medical Facility Shows the opinion about the medical reimbursement facility provided by the company. Sl no 1. 2. 3. 4. Response Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Respondents 4% 37% 55% 4%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: 55% of the respondents are satisfied with the reimbursement facility, 37% feel its good and 4% of each of them feel its excellent and poor. The company has tie ups with many Hospitals which specializes in cardiac problems and the company reimburses 100% of the incurred expenses only if treated in these guided Hospitals. However the employees who have been treated other than the recommended hospitals will not be eligible to claim the reimbursement. So company must make an effort to tie up with as much hospital as possible.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 8 Medical Facility Shows the opinion about the medical reimbursement facility provided by the company.

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% A B C D 4% 37% 4% 55%




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 9 Transportation Facility Shows the awareness of Transportation facility available at HAL. Sl no 1. Yes 94% NO 6%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: Majority of the respondents are aware of the transportation facility provided by the company.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 9 Transportation Facility Shows the awareness of Transportation facility available at HAL.





Yes 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%





A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 10 Transportation Facility Opinion on the charges for the transportation. Sl no 1. Yes 89% No 11%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: Majority of the respondents i.e. 89% of the respondents feel that the charges for the transportation is nominal and only small percentage of the 11 feel that its not nominal. The response pattern explain the situation that the Majority of the respondents are satisfied with the charges that are charged on the transportation




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 10 Transportation facility Opinion on the charges for the transportation.



Yes 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%





A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 11 Transportation Opinion on the transportation facility. Sl no 1. 2. 3. 4. Response Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor No of respondents 6% 38% 54% 2%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: 54% of the employees are satisfied with the transportation facility 38% of them are happy, 6% of them are delighted and 2% of them are unsatisfied.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 11 Transportation Opinion on the transportation facility.

Excellent Poor





A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 12 Working Environment Opinion of the satisfactory level of the present working environment. Sl no 1. Yes 80% NO 20%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: A high number of employees i.e. 80% are satisfied with the present working environment and 20% of them are not satisfied. The overall response points to high satisfaction level of employees with regard to the working environment




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 12 Working Environment Opinion of the satisfactory level of the present working environment.






A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 13 Working environment Opinion about the working environment. Sl No 1. 2. 3. 4. Facilities Rating Excellent Lighting 11% Ventilation 5% Rest and Lunch 2% Room Sanitary condition 2% Good 52% 46% 12% 26% Satisfactory 28% 28% 44% 26% Poor 9% 21% 42% 46%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: Lighting: 52% of the respondents felt that lighting facility is good, 28% opined it is satisfactory, 11% felt it is excellent and 9% of them felt it is poor. Ventilation: 46% of the respondents felt that it is good, 28% said it is satisfactory, 21% opined it is poor. 5% of them feel its excellent. Rest and Lunch room : 44% of the respondents are at the satisfactory level 42% of the respondents fell its poor, 12% of the respondents said its good and only 2% opined the condition as excellent. Sanitary condition: 46% of the respondents felt that sanitary condition is poor, 26% of the respondents said it is good and satisfactory respectively and only 2% opined that condition is excellent. Rest and Lunchroom are provided only to the female employees this facility can be extended to the other employees also.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

46% of the employees are not satisfied by the sanitary condition cleanliness and Hygiene factors must be taken care of.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 13 Working environment Opinion about the working environment



40% Excellent 30% Good Satisfactory 20% Poor

10% 0%

Sl no 1 2 3 4

Facility Lighting Ventilation Rest and lunch room Sanitary condition




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 14 Safety and social security measures Opinion about the safety facilities provided by the company. Sl No 1. 2. 3. 4. Response Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor No of respondents 2% 28% 50% 20%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: 50% of the respondents felt that the safety facility provided by the company is satisfactory 28% of the respondents feel it is Good 20% of the respondents opined that it is satisfactory and only 2% felt it is excellent. The overall rating of the safety facility provided company appears to be satisfactory because majority of the respondents owe for it. However: the unsatisfied (20%) can be taken care by proper awareness programs about the safety facility made available to them by the company.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 14 Safety and social security measures Opinion about the safety facilities provided by the company.

50% 20%








A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 15 Safety and Social Security Measures Opinion about the Ways of safety measures provided. Sl no 1. 2. 3. 4. Safety Measures Good Equipment Good Training Safety Appliances Proper Layout No respondents 28% 28% 34% 10%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: 34% of the respondents feels that the safety measure is through safety appliances, 28% of them feels its through the good equipment and good training respectively and 10 % of them opined that its through proper layout. The overall rating of safety measure taken by the company appears to be good the responses are positive with respect to the safety measures taken by the company.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 15 Safety and Social Security Measures Opinion about the Ways of safety measures provided.

35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% A B C D West 0%

ABCDTable: 16

Good Equipment Good Training Safety appliances Proper Layout

Safety and Social security Measures




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Opinion about the social security measures. Sl no 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Social security measures Provident fund Group Insurance scheme Death Gratuity Compensation under W.C act Death relief assistance Retirement Gratuity % of the respondents (100) 96% 86% 66% 36% 68% 78%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: 96% of the respondents are aware of the provident fund availability, 86% of them are aware of group 78% are aware of the retirement gratuity, 68% of the respondents are aware of the death relief assistance, 66% are aware Death gratuity and only 36% of the employees are aware of the compensation under W.C act. Awareness programs about different security measures provided by the company can be organized for the benefits of the employees




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 16 Safety and Social security Measures Opinion about the social security measures.

Retirement Gratuity


Death Relief Assistance


Compensation Under W.C act


Death Gratuity


Group insurance scheme


Provident fund





A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 17 Safety and Social Security Measures Opinion about the social security measure. Sl 1. 2. 3. 4. Response Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor No of respondents 8% 32% 60% 0

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: 60% of the respondents are satisfied by the social security measure provided by the company, 32% feel its good, 8% of them feel its excellent and none have opined that its poor. The overall rating of social security measures appears to be very good The responses are positive with respect to the social security measures This is a clear sign of good administration and better user facility.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 17 Safety and Social Security Measures Opinion about the social security measure






20% 32% 10% 8% 0% A B C 0% D

A-Excellent B-Good C-Satisfactory D-Poor




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 18 Advances Opinion about the different advance schemes available. Sl No 1. 2. 3. 4. Advance Schemes Festival Advance Conveyance of the advance Housing Loan facility Vehicle loan facility No of respondents (100) 82% 70% 0% 98%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: 98% of the respondents are aware of the vehicle loan facility, 82% of them are aware of the festival advance, 70% of the respondents are aware of the Conveyance of the advance and company does not provide housing loan facility but however a part of the interest will be paid by the company which is liable by the employee to any outside financial institution. The company does not provide housing loan facility it is suggested to provide the employees with housing loan facility with low interest.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 18 Advances Opinion about the different advance schemes available.

Vehicle loan facility


Housing 0% loan facility

Conveyance advance


Festival advance 0% 20%




80% 100%




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Table: 19 Advances Opinion about the advance scheme of the company. Sl no 1. 2. 3. 4. Response Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor No of respondents 6% 27% 41% 26%

Source: Primary Data Interpretation: 41% of the respondents are satisfied by the advance scheme provided by the company, 27% feel its good, 26 % of them felt its poor and 6 % of them opined the advance scheme as excellent The response pattern indicates that the majority of the respondents a satisfied with the advance scheme available to them however: a small percentage of. the respondents who are not satisfied can be made aware of the different advance schemes and its details.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Graph: 19 Advances Opinion about the advance scheme of the company.

41% 27% 26% 6%

Excellent . Satisfactory Poor





A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

CHAPTER-5 Findings, Suggestions& Conclusion

The initial objective of the Study was to measure the satisfactory level of employees of HAL overhaul division Bangalore with regard the welfare facility. The respondents were carefully collected selected as to include actual uses of one or more facilities. The study included areas were the employees are exposed to hazardous, chemicals and manufacturing installations. Even the service section also operates under hazardous conditions. The process of overhauling involves exposure of employers to high temperature, heavy sounds hazardous inhalations. Keeping this in view more stress was to welfare facilities under factory situation in the study based on the response to following findings are listed.

Canteen facility: Cleanliness and hygiene, seating arrangement and maintenance has just satisfied the employees. Food and water facility has dissatisfied them.


Housing facility: Majority of the employees reside in a rented house and the employees are not satisfied with current allotment of Quarters


Medical facility: The response pattern indicates that fist aid box is being used when in need However: these are concern for non utilization by about 55% of the employee the reason for non utilization is not forth coming in the response. The




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

situation can be, there is no knowledge of availability of the first aid box or the employees are treating themselves even though first aid box is available around.


Transportation facility: Majority of the respondents are aware and are satisfied both in terms of charges and facilities made available


Working environment: The overall response points to high satisfaction level of employees with regard to the working environment But however employees are not satisfied with the rest and lunch room and sanitary conditions of the company


Safety and security measure: The overall rating of the safety facility provided company appears to be satisfactory because majority of the respondents owe for it.

The overall rating of social security measures appears to be very good The responses are positive with respect to the social security measures This is a clear sign of good administration and better user facility 7. Advances: The response pattern indicates that the majority of the respondents a

satisfied with the advance scheme available to them.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Suggestion and Recommendations Chefs can be provided with Aprons, Gloves and Stewarts can also be provided with an apron, which increases the hygiene condition of the canteen room. The number of chairs and tables can be increased by which the employees can be seated comfortably The quality of the food can be enriched. Water purifiers can be installed. The company can provide employees with housing loan facility of different low interest scheme As it is analysed Majority of the employees reside in a rented house and the employees are not satisfied with current allotment of Quarters. So care must be taken and a proper Schedule must followed while allotting the quarters First aid box need to be kept at convenient places, awareness, among employees should be brought about regarding its availability and training should be given to the employees as to the use first Aid box Employees who have been treated other than the recommended hospitals will not be eligible to claim the reimbursement. So company must make an effort to tie up with as much hospital as possible. Rest and Lunch room are provided only to the female employees this facility can be extended to the other employees also.46% of the employees are not satisfied by the sanitary condition cleanliness and Hygiene factors must be taken care of.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Proper awareness programs about the safety and security measures facilities that are been made available to them by the company.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

It can be concluded from the above study that all the respondents are aware of the welfare facilities provided to them by the company. We can find that level of satisfaction the employees towards these facilities are at the satisfactory level, The overall opinion of the employees as regards to existing welfare facilities are satisfactory However few welfare facilities such as canteen, housing and sanitary condition of the company has a few unsatisfied respondents which would be taken care of Excluding these most of the respondents appeared to be quite happy working for HAL.




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

A study on Employee welfare measures at

Hindustan Aeronautical limited, Overhaul division Bangalore. Questionnaire
Section I Personal information: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Section II Information about different welfare facilities available at HAL. I. Canteen Sl Facilities n o Your Opinion Excellent Good Satisfactor Poor y Name Age Sex Education Qualification Designation Work experience : __________________________ : __________________________ : __________________________ : __________________________ : __________________________ : __________________________




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

1 2 3 4

Cleanliness and hygiene Seating arrangement Maintenances & services Food & water

II. Housing Facility. 1. Do you own a house? loan from the bank? 3. You are residing in a? a) Company leased house b) Township c) Rented house d) Family house III. Medical Facility 1. Does the company provide you with first aid appliances? Yes [ Yes [ medicine in the ambulance room? a) Always available b) Frequently available c) Occasionally available d) Rarely available e) Not available [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] No [ ] No [ ] ] 2. Have you ever utilized the content of the first aid box for you self or for anyone else? 3. Is there an ambulance room in your company? If yes, how do you rate availability of [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] Yes [ Yes [ ] No [ ] ] 2. If yes, have you availed any house-building advance from the company or housing ] No [




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

4. How do you find the service in the ambulance room? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ]

5. How do you rate the medical reimbursement facility provided by the company? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ]

IV. Transportation facilities? a) Does the company provide transportation facilities? b) Are the transportation charges normal? c) How do you find the transportation facility? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor V. Work environment. a) Are you satisfied with the present working environment? Yes [ b) If yes rate them. ] No [ ] [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] Yes [ Yes [ ] No [ ] No [ ] ]




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Sl Facilities n o 1 2 3 4 Lighting Ventilation Rest & Lunch Room Sanitary condition

Your Opinion Excellent Good

Satisfactor Poor y

VI. Safety and Security Measures 1. How do you find safety facilities provided? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor 2. Ways of safety measures provided according to you are? Good equipment Good training Safety appliances Proper layout [ [ ] ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ [ ] ] [ ]

Other specify______________________________________________________ 3. Social security measures provided for you according to you are? Provided fund Group insurance scheme Death gratuity Compensation under W.C act [ ] [ [ ] ] [ ]




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

Death relief assistance Retirement Gratuity 4. Rate the above facilities? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor V. Advances 1. Different advances schemes available. a) Festival advances b) Conveyance advance c) Housing loan facilities d) Vehicle loan facilities

[ [ [ [ [ [

] ] ] ] ] ]

[ [ [ [ ] ] ]

Others specify_____________________________________________________ 2. How do you rate the festival advance scheme of your company? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor VII. Suggestion 1. Do you have any suggestion in improving the companys welfare activities? [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ]




A Study on Employee Welfare Measures adopted in Hal Overhaul Division Bangalore

References Books Title of the book 1.Research methodology 2.P.M & I/R Author C.R. Kothari N.G. Nair & Latha Nair Publication K.K. Guptha, S. Chand & Co Dhanpat Raj & Co

3.Human Resource ManagementT.N.Chabra concepts and issues Web Sites

1. http://www.hal-india.com 2. http://www.vigyanprasar.com 3. http://www.google.co.in




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