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PHONE: 780-467-5730, EMAIL: sttomsherwoodpark@gmail.com, WEBSITE: sttomsherwoodpark.com A Mission Church of Jesus Christ Seek, Shape, Serve January 13, 2013

Advent Worship
Baptism of the Lord: Isaiah 43: 1-7; Psalm 29; Acts 8: 14-17; Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22 8 am Eucharist: Preacher/Preside: The Rev. Stephen London Lay Administrant : Betty Lucas 9 am Eucharist: Preacher/Preside: The Rev. Stephen London/The Rev. Chris Dowdeswell; Lay Reader Louis Kwantes; Hospitality: Team 2; 1st Reader: Jim Revill; 2nd Reader: Brenda Saluk; Lay Assistants: Brenda Saluk & Betty Hopfner. 11 am Eucharist: Preacher/Preside: The Rev. Stephen London/The Rev. Chris Dowdeswell; Greeters: Fiona Hess & Sharon Marks; Ushers: Craig Dobson & Dale Purkis; 1st Reader: Marjorie Merz; 2nd Reader: Neil Assmus; Lay Reader: Judy Purkis; Lay Administrants: Neil Assmus & Roy Parker. nd 2 Sunday after the Epiphany: Isaiah 62: 1-5; Psalm 36: 5-10; 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11; John 2: 1-11

World Wide PRAY for the church in Lake Malawi Today, we remember in our prayers: Michael & Tammy, (Central Africa), The Rt. Rev. Francis Kaulanda. Margaret, Nancy, Jenn, Michaela, Amanda, David, Nancy, Here at Home: the Colchester Cemetery Committee, Sydney, Hillary, Jean, Tim, Sarah, Dale, Toni, Ed & Mae, Ladies Potpourri, and small group Bible studies. Helen & Dave, Vera, Vic & Susan, Jill, Kate and all those Specifically at Home: we pray for David Holehouse & known to the Lord alone. Leslie Maze; Ken & Jane Holman; Rob & Kim Wereley. Flowers on the altar this morning are given to the Glory of God. You are invited to contribute to the flowers in the sanctuary by filling out the form in the foyer. Please place your $45.00 cheque clearly marked Flowers into the offertory plate.

Office Hours: .Tues.: 8:30 2:30; Wed. 8:30 2:30; Fri.: 8:30 4:30. Occasional changes to normal schedule may occur. Please feel free to call the office to confirm that someone will be available to you. Thanks!

Snow shovelling: Its that time of year again! Please sign up for this very important task. Sign-up sheet in the foyer. Thanks so much!
Vital Church Planting Conference: The Diocese of Edmonton is very excited to be hosting our third Vital Church Conference, Being Disciples, February 5th-7th, 2013,at the Matrix Hotel. This conference aims to gather Christian leaders throughout western Canada to learn from each others ministries and from the experience of innovators in mission and discipleship in the Church. The conference will be led by Bishop Graham Cray, Archbishops' Missioner and Team Leader of Fresh Expressions UK; James Penner, head of James Penner & Associates Empowering Youth; and Terry LeBlanc, co-chair and founder of My People International. The purpose of the conference is not only to learn from speakers, but to worship together and encourage, inspire, and support one another in our own mission of being and making disciples. A highlight of the conference will be a time for ministry sharing, a kind of trade show that will give us the opportunity to meet and interact with Christian leaders engaged in innovative ministries. For more information please see the website: www.edmonton.anglican.org/vital-church

YOUTH GROUP Winter Schedule. Grade 5 & up! Join us at the church and have some fun! Bring a friend or 2 with you! All are Welcome! YOUTH. Each week a new adventure! Beginning again on January 9th. 5:30-6:30. BIBLE STUDY and light supper 6:30-8:30. YOUTH All youth are welcome to come to both or just one wherever their heart leads them! Contact: Kim (780) 850-3190 Devon (780) 686-3384

Jan. 13th Baptism of the Lord, services at 8, 9 & 11 am Soupd Up Worship 5-7 pm Jan. 14th Womens Bible Study 1:30-3:30 Mens Crib 7 9 pm Tapestry 7 - 9 pm Jan. 15th Vestry meeting 7 - 9 pm Jan. 16th Hour of Prayer 1:30 2:30 pm Youth Bible study and meeting 5:30 8:30 pm Jan. 17th Choir practice 7 - 9 pm

Refugee Team invites you to a New Years tea today at 1 pm at the home of Marion Bulmer, 8 Craigavon Bay, Sherwood Park. Each person is to bring a small plate of appetizers or an even smaller plate of sweets. All are welcome, tea followed by a short meeting. RSVP to Marion at 780-464-6927, if attending.

Please join us for the hour of prayer at St. Thomas on Wednesdays from 1:30 2:30 pm. Hope to see you there!
Visit us on facebook at www.facebook.com/sttomsherwoodpark.

Looking for a Sunday evening worship service? A chance to come together with other young people and worship God? Come out and enjoy soup and buns at 5 pm, and stay for modern worship music with The Decided and an interactive, media-focused message. Child care provided.
Ladies Potpourri See the sign-up sheet in the foyer to join us in forming the 2013 St. Thomas Ladies Potpourri group. Thanks!

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