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Spring 2013 Opening Conference Northwestern Michigan College January 7, 2013

Welcome From Board of Trustees

Bob Brick, Chair

Cheryl Gore Follette

Susan Sheldon Ross Childs

Doug Bishop

Kennard Weaver

Bill Myers

Welcomes and Introductions Recognition - Accomplishments and Results Updates - College, Region, State, National Whats Next? Close

What is that ONE-THING, that if we do not accomplish it, we will not be here? It will make us irrelevant or put us out of existence?

Learner Success

What are important results you know you/we accomplished in the fall semester? What did you/we do for whom at what value? Who did it? Where did they do it? What did they do?

Learner Success Financial Thriveability National & International Competence Networked Workforce Lifelong Relationships New Credentials

Launched NMC in Photos on the NMC web site Public Relations and Marketing won awards in two categories in the Midwest region of the National Council for Public Relations and Marketing Social media campaign increased Facebook fans from 1,400 to more than 4,400, and Twitter followers from 400 to 1,500 Started the process of Reverse Transfer and have one signed agreement in place with GVSU

Disbursed $11,125,906 in Federal, State and Institutional Aid NMC Admissions and Outreach Services High School Visits 18 schools Student Success Coaches were hired and provide 37 hours a week of academic and emotional support 1700 Total Advising Sessions 35 tutors covering 37 different NMC courses

45 active student groups on campus 15 Alternative Spring Break interviews and 5 ASB student development meetings Pine Palooza - Over 600 students served Health Services has cared for 580 unduplicated patients for 1,033 billable appointments and 576 walk-ins for a total of 1,609 patient visits Student Wellness activity: Red Ribbon Day: Just say no to Drugs and Alcohol

Comprehensive enrollment schedule with TBA Early College developed and finalized Kristy McDonald's professional communications service learning class collected more than 18,000 items that were donated to local food pantries Jane Zlojutro's cost management accounting class took learning into action by planning, budgeting, and producing jars of soup that were donated to Father Fred

John Fitzpatrick attended the NACCE entrepreneurship conference in Chicago where he was awarded a $5,000 grant The Project Management class created and built a number of trash cans for use at the beaches CIT Developer program has received approval from the Advisory Committee and Curriculum Committee NMC Writing and Reading Center staff presented at the International Writing Centers Association Conference in San Diego, California, October 2527

20 engine and 20 deck GLMA cadets are scheduled to sit for their Merchant marine Officer's licenses in January. Exams will be given at GLMA Tom Gordon, Brian McCall, Mindy Morton and Jim Press led NMC's observance of Constitution Day Mindy Morton is the Academic Advisor for NMC's Native American Student Association. The Association is working with the GTB Tribal Council and planning a Powwow here at NMC

Visual Communications and NMC entered into a University Agreement for Mobile IOS development with Apple The NMC Audio Tech Program got its start this Fall The NMC Choirs and the NMC Children's Choirs were special guests at the Traverse Symphony Orchestra's "Home for the Holidays" performances Library introduced a texting reference service

Learning Resources and Technologies with the help of the League of Women Voters, registered 213 new voters and helped 150 students figure out where and how to vote. Five academic study abroad opportunities currently slated for spring and summer 2013 (Costa Rica, Russia, England, Peru, Wales) The math department started using online homework in our developmental classes 08, 23, and MTH111

Math Dept offered Calculus III on site at West Senior High. It was successful with Adam Shafer teaching the class Social Science Dept developed a 3+1 Criminal Justice Bachelor degree program with Ferris Social Science is presenting two papers at the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference in Leicester, UK Five UAS students hired mid semester. Average salary over $100,000

FAA part 141 renewal achieved by Aviation Training Department received approval of training agreements under the terms of the New Jobs Training Program. $180,000 and 62 new jobs. Audio tech is also is partnering with LIAA to produce a new local origination television show Picnic at the Opera. Facilities completed: East Hall roof, Sidewalk repairs, Clock Tower repair, Parking Lot seal/strip/repair, several energy projects continues, Auto Tech lighting retrofit --- all under budget!

Housekeeping and grounds completed Fall clean-up on Campus, removing 980 yards of leaves and placed leaves in compost Safety and Security completed 87.5% of the fire drills mandated by the state, with one more cycle to complete all eight drills per building per year Administrative Services achieved clean/successful NMC and Foundation Audits Business Office developed Student Group training on deposits, fund raising and expenses

Completed a strategic assessment of NMC Foundations fundraising programs Extended Education and LRT implementing online registration Set the highest goal in history ($450,000) for the NMC Annual Campaign. As of this writing, we have achieved 48% of goal ($216,158)

NMC May the friendship between NMC and our group members last forever!

Foundation Innovation Grants were awarded to:

A collaborative project involving several program areas submitted by Constanza Hazelwood to explore potential benefits and challenges of LED vertical agriculture indoors Dave Bajema/Hybrid Automotive program to create an electric powered/programmable mini bike Ben Will, a student in the Audio Tech program to develop programming using digital controllers and Ableton Live

What else has changed since we last talked? In our environment and in our college? Where are we?


Employment Property values MPSERS NEW DEADLINE - January 9, 2013 Community College Baccalaureate - HB4496 School Finance Rewrite Budget expectations & Personal Property Tax Financial aid, MOOCs, $10,000 degrees, and

State Government


Talent III Designing the 21st Century Learning Experience Enhancing Developmental Education Building Lifelong Relationships Review Classification and Compensation Systems Technology Planning Master Capital Plan Accreditation CCB Headlee Partnerships

Student feedback and follow up with absent students in the first three weeks of class Afternoon today. Sessions presented by the AQIP Team. Please attend.

Developmental Boot CampNext week. Helps students to progress to next level.

Compensation Review Process

The modelapplying mutual gains process
We are here

Clarify the Issue

Identify values, interests

Evaluate current systems

Research, Evaluate Options

Build a consensus option

Each new step of the process allows for further clarification, refinement of earlier steps


Next Steps, Targets: Classification and Compensation

Discussion Draft 1/4/13

Work Group Research possible strategies. Narrow list for further study.

Work Group Evaluate/refine strategies

Work Group Evaluate/refine strategies. Draft Final Proposal

Work Group Refine/submit proposal

HR Create draft Classification Structure

HR Gather feedback on draft Classification; refine

HR Finalize Classification Structure

HR/Business Office Put numbers, dollar figures to strategies

HR/Business Office Put numbers, dollar figures to strategies President Take Proposal to Board of Trustees

President Gather Board feedback

President Gather Board feedback

President Gather Board Feedback

Our learners and employees will want access to all information/services/applications anywhere/anytime. Our learners and employees will have their own device and expect to use them to do what needs to be done. Learners will want to be able to collaborate with each other, both in the classroom and online. Instructors will want to have a variety of learning approaches available to them: simulations, gaming, collaboration, holography, etc. Most classes will use the web more and more, with the use of inclassroom time changing, and in some cases, decreasing. Our learners and employees will expect support 7x24. Employees will be able to get the reports and analysis they need when they need it There will be a tension between the organizations needs for security and the individuals need to do all of the above

AQIP Systems Portfolio Due November, 2013 AQIP Process and approach is being modified AQIP A3 is being modified now Will require accelerated activities and work flow

NLN (Nursing) on track for September 2013 Visit. Target for accreditation by June 2014

Permissive in four areas Maritime Technology Culinary Arts Energy Production Technology Cement Technology Establishing timelines and teams now

Headlee Reinstatement

What it does for NMC and our community


Alignment of math and English STEM early college align virtual presence

What? Thats not enough? Work to complete those projects in process Continue to look for opportunities Continue Planning and Budgeting cycle

Ensure that NMC learners are prepared for success in a global society and economy. Establish national and international competencies and provide leadership in select educational areas connected to the regional economy and assets. Deliver learning through a networked workforce. Establish lifelong relationships with learners. Transcribe most learning to establish credentials of value.

An awareness of the radical transformations that are occurring in higher education and elsewhere A sense that you can make a difference every day A belief that its not about youbut it is A commitment to ask what (else) can I do to help? A tolerance that lets us ask and address hard and uncomfortable issues A recognition that we are doing good work and accomplishing important results An appreciation for all that your colleagues and our communities do to help our learners succeed

Keep Learning at the Center

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