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Studio: Row House No. 168, Gate No. 1, Roseland Residency, Near Dutta Mandir, Pimple Saudagar, Pune-411027. M.S. India.

AUM BHOOR BHUWAH SWAHA, TAT SAVITUR VARENYAM BHARGO DEVASAYA DHEEMAHI DHIYO YO NAHA PRACHODAYAT. Summary of the Gayatri Mantra Gayatri Mantra (the mother of the Vedas), the foremost mantra in Hinduism and Hindu beliefs, inspires wisdom. Its meaning is that "May the Almighty God illuminate our intellect to lead us along the righteous path". The mantra is also a prayer to the "giver of light and life" - the sun (savitur). ITS MEANING Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life, Remover of pain and sorrow, The Bestower of happiness, Oh! Creator of the Universe, May we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light, May Thou guide our intellect in the right direction.

Gayatri Mantra in Sanskrit

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- Sun Salutation

"Surya" refers to 'sun' and "Namaskar" means 'salutation' in Sanskrit. Surya Namaskar involves series of 12 yoga postures which are done in one long continual process.

Sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Stand erect in Tadasana with your legs close together and palms joined together in front of your chest. Exhale completely. Inhale and raise your hands above your head and bend backwards. Exhale and bend forward. Inhale and extend your right leg behind as far as possible supporting yourself on the hands and left leg. Keep the right leg straight and look in front. Exhale and take your left leg behind and place it in alignment with the right leg. Your body should be resting on your hands and feet. Keep your body straight and firm. Exhale and lower your body to touch the floor. Inhale and raise your head and trunk with a slight back arch. Exhale and now raise your body up, keeping the palms and feet still on the ground to form an inverted 'V'. Keep your head hanging in between your hands. Look at your navel. Inhale and bring your right leg forward and look up. Keep the left leg extended backwards. Exhale and bring the left leg forward and keep bending down from your waist. Inhale and raise your trunk. Stretch your arms overhead with palms joined. Exhale and bring your arms down to the sides slowly. This completes one round of Surya Namaskar.

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Caution: Expectant mothers should not perform this yoga pose. It is advised not to practice Surya Namaskar if you are menstruation. Do not practice this yoga pose if you suffer from back aches. Hernia and high blood pressure patients should never practice Surya Namaskar.

Benefits: The nervous system gets toned. Surya Namaskar enhances memory. Hair related problems like dandruff, hair fall, premature graying can all be treated with this pose. Blood circulation to all parts of the body improves. Surya Namaskar helps in reducing abdominal flab. Your spine gets stretched and becomes supple. It restores a young glow to your face and helps get rid of signs of aging. Insomnia can be overcome with this yoga pose. Surya Namaskar revitalizes you and makes you stronger. It stimulates the peristalsis and thereby helps in regulating bowel functioning.

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SHAVASANA The Corpse Pose

Sequence: 1. Lie flat on your back with your legs together but not touching, and your arms close to the body with the palms facing up. 2. Keep your eyes gently closed with the facial muscles relaxed and breath deeply and slowly through the nostrils. 3. Starting at the top of the head and working your way down to the feet, bring your attention to each part of your body, consciously relaxing it before proceeding on to the next. 4. Remain in the shava-asana for between 3 and 5 minutes or longer. If you become sleepy while in the shava-asana begin to breath a bit faster and deeper. Details: Shavasana (corpse pose, also known as mrita-asana) is a yoga asana often used to begin and conclude a yoga session. It is a relaxing posture intended to rejuvenate body, mind and spirit. While savasanais a good way to reduce stress and tension, it is not recommended for meditation as it has a tendency to induce sleepiness. Drowsiness or restlessness of the mind while in Shavasana may be counteracted by increasing the rate and depth of breathing

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The Plough Pose "Ardha" means 'half' and "Hala" means 'plough' in Sanskrit. This pose is the first step to doing the full halasana posture.

Sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lie down on your yoga mat on your back with your legs stretched out. Bring the heels and toes of both legs close together. Relax your body. Stretch your arms on both sides with the palms facing the floor. Press the palms down. Now inhale and raise your right leg slowly until it is 90 degrees or then as high as possible. 7. Keep your leg straight and make sure that it does not bend at the knee. 8. Continue inhaling while holding your leg straight at the height you feel comfortable. 9. Hold your breath for a few seconds. 10. Begin to exhale and bring your leg down slowly back to the floor. Complete the exhalation. 11. Repeat the same process with your left leg. 12. Do three cycles of the above, alternating legs. 13. When done, relax your body. 14. Reverse the steps to return to the shavaasana. Caution: It is preferred that you practice this pose on an empty stomach. Your back and head should keep touching the floor at all times. When raising or lowering the legs, they should not shake. Menstruating women as well as pregnant women should not practice Ardha Halasana. Benefits: You can practice this asana even on your bed before you get up in the morning. This will help cure constipation. Ardha Halasana helps regulate bowel movements. It helps build up elasticity of the abdominal region. Practicing the asana several times a day brings relief to people with varicose veins. The pose prevents hernia. Women suffering from menstrual disorders should practice Ardha halasana.

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- Wind Relieving Pose

Sequence: 1. Lie flat on your back on mat. 2. Keep your legs together and hands by the side of your body. 3. Exhale and stop breathing. Lift up your left leg by gripping with both of your hands and bend it in such a way that your knee touches your chin now press your thigh against your abdomen. 4. Now hold your breathe as long as you can and remain in that position. 5. Come back straighten your leg, breathe slowly and relax. 6. Now repeat the same process with your right leg. Press thigh against chest and stomach. 7. Come back straighten your leg, breathe slowly and relax. 8. Now cross your fingers and grip both of your leg with your hands and press it against your abdomen hold it as far as you can. 9. Come back straighten your leg, breathe slowly and relax in Shavasana. Benefits: 1. Pawan Muktasana is a great asana for your stomach, liver and intestine. 2. It increases your appetite. 3. Helps in relieving gaseous accumulation and constipation. 4. This asana also strengthen your lower spine. 5. Pawan Muktasana also helps to cure your enlarged lever and Jaundice Problems.

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- Spine Twisting Pose

Sequence: 1. Lie flat on your back, bend your legs at the knees and bring your feet near the hips. Interlock the fingers of both your hands and keep them under the head. 2. Now exhale and put a little pressure on the waist. Twist your knees to the right, simultaneously turning your head and neck to the left. Maintain normal breathing. 3. Again, while exhaling, twist the knees to the left turning the head and neck to the right. Repeat this three to four times on each side. Return to the normal position and then relax. Like Katichalana (cross leg-twisting pose) lie in Shavasana, bring legs together and hands together. 4. Fold both your legs and cross right over the left. Inter-locks finger of both your hands and keep them under your head. Look towards the left and vice versa. Change the leg, left over the right. While exhaling, twist the leg right and look at left and vice versa. Maintain the final position for a minute, breathe normally and return in reverse order. Benefits: This asana is very good for relieving back pain and also helps in digestion and joints pains. It maintains the omen, hips chest, knees, shoulder and spine.

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Sequence 1. Inhaling raise right leg exhaling twist it towards the left side and try to hold your toe, both the hands parallel to your shoulders. 2. Repeat the same practice with left leg. Benefits: 1. Good for sciatica, calf pain, slip disc and lower back pain. (B)

1. Place the right foot over left knee and exhaling twist to right side try to touch your knee on the ground. 2. Similarly practice with left foot.

Benefits: Good for back pain, removes excess fat from waist region, good for the knee ligaments.

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The Fish Pose

Sequence 1. Lie flat on the back in the shava-asana. 2. Keeping the buttocks on the floor, inhale and raise the head, shoulders, back and upper arms off the floor arching the back and raising the chest up. Tilt the head back and place the top of the head flat on the floor. 3. Raise the elbows off the floor bring your hands up just below the chest and join them at the palms with the fingers pointing straight up (form the anjali-mudra or salutation hand gesture). Hold for the duration of the inhale breath or breath gently through the nostrils to remain in the posture longer. 4. Return to the shava-asana. Benefits: 1. The Matsya-asana creates a great expansion and stretching of the chest which helps relieve upper respiratory congestion as well as benefits the heart. 2. Additionally, the sinus are drained and opened from the inversion of the head, Stretching of the neck and pressure placed on the top of the head. 3. The thyroid and parathyroid glands are stimulated as well.

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Bridge pose is a gentle inversion that works with gravity to open your entire chest and shoulder area. Because the chest is lifted up towards the chin, the thyroid gland is being massaged. (Your thyroid makes the hormones that regulate your metabolism.) Sequence: 1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet hip-distance apart and flat on the floor. 2. Reach down with your fingertips to see if you can feel your heels. 3. If not, walk your heels a little closer to your body. 4. Press your weight into your feet to lift your hips up towards the ceiling. Keep your thighs parallel. Bring your arms over your shoulder. 5. Release and roll slowly back to the floor. Repeat two more times. Caution The person suffering from neck injuries should avoid. Those with low back pain or knee pain should be careful. Benefits 1. Strengthens back, gluteus, legs and ankles 2. Opens chest, heart and hip flexors 3. Stretches the chest, neck, shoulders and spine 4. Calms the body, alleviates stress and mild depression 5. Stimulates organs of the abdomen, lungs and thyroid 6. Rejuvenates tired legs 7. Improves digestion

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Leg Cycling Pose

This is an effective yoga exercise for weight loss and ensures faster weight loss.

Sequence 1. Lie on your back on the floor and look upwards. 2. Keep both the arms straight close to your body and palms touching the floor. 3. Place feet close to your buttocks, heels and toes touching each other. 4. Take deep breath and hold. Bend the knees. 5. Bring left feet close to the buttock and right leg fully extended at an angle of 30 degree. 6. Now bring right feet close to the buttock and left right leg fully extended at an angle of 30 degree in a circular manner. 7. You will move both your legs as if you are doing cycling. 8. Carry on till you feel comfortable. 9. Take rest in shavaasana. Repeat once or twice. Benefits This exercise is a variation of Katichalana and is useful in relieving pain in the back, legs and shoulders. as and liver.

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The Boat Pose

Sequence: 1. Lie flat on the floor with your arms by your side. 2. With exhalation you lift both of your legs straight in the air and at the same time lift your upper body from the ground with your arms stretched out towards your legs. 3. Hold the posture until you feel your muscles getting tired and slowly place your body back onto the floor. 4. Increase the length of holding the yoga posture with each time you practice. Benefits The boat pose strengthens your belly muscles as well as your thigh muscles. Internally it is beneficial for kidneys, thyroid gland and prostate glands. Naukasana improves digestion and is a good exercise for training your belly. Tips and Help You can either increase the length of holding or the frequency of repetition. If you want to lose weight with yoga poses, you can repeat Naukasana more frequently and it will burn extra fat from your belly and thighs. Cautions: Do not practice Naukasana if you have heavy asthma or if you suffer from diarrhea or headache. Women should not perform the boat pose during menstruation.

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- The Camel Pose

"Ushtra" refers to 'camel' in Sanskrit. In this yoga pose the practitioner's body resembles a camel, hence the name.

Sequence: Stand straight with your legs shoulder-width apart. Kneel down on the floor maintaining the gap between the knees. Only your knees and toes should be touching the floor. Rest your buttocks on the heels and sit at ease. Hold the heels of corresponding legs with your hands. Press the heels down with the palms. Inhale and exhale a few times in quick succession. As you inhale slowly raise your posterior from the heels and come up on your knees and toes. 9. Pull the shoulders in and simultaneously push your hips outwards. 10. Place your palms on the buttocks with fingers pointing down. 11. Exhale slowly and raise your chest upwards. 12. Bending your trunk at the waist, bring your head and neck backwards, arching the spine as much as possible. 13. Keep your face pointing upward. 14. Look up. 15. Complete exhalation. 16. Breathe deeply 4-5 times. 17. Change the position of your feet. The upper part of the feet should now be resting on the floor. 18. Drop your hands straight down to catch the ankles. 19. Continue to bend backwards and increase the arch without straining your neck. 20. Stay in this pose for about a minute, breathing deeply and in rhythm. 21. To exit, bring your hands back to the waist and then bring the upper part of your body up, with inhalation. 22. Kneel straight up. 23. Assume the sitting posture. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

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Caution: People with neck or lower back injury should not perform this pose. High and low blood pressure patients should avoid this pose. If you suffer from migraine, do not practice Ushtrasana. Benefits: This pose helps expand the chest and thus increases lung capacity. The abdominal organs are stimulated. The entire chest, abdomen and neck get a good stretching making them flexible. Slouching can be rectified with regular practice of Ushtrasana. The lumbar vertebrae are massaged and they attain flexibility. Good practise for PCOD.

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- The Locust Pose In Sanskrit "Shalabha" connotes 'locust'. The final posture resembles a feeding locust, head lowered and tail up, hence the name.

Sequence: Lie down on your stomach with legs close together and hands on the sides. Make sure your abdomen, chest and chin are touching the ground. Clench your fists and keep them facing upwards. Inhale and hold your breath. Taking support of the fist, raise both legs backwards straight up, without bending the knee. The body from navel upwards should be on the ground. The chin should be touching the ground. Raise your legs as much as you can. Hold the legs in the raised position for five seconds. Exhale slowly and bring your left leg down. Complete exhalation. Relax. Caution: Beginners should refrain from straining the legs while raising them. Practice Ardha Shalbhasana first before graduating to Shalbhasana. The clenching of fist should neither be too tight nor too loose. Hernia and cardiac patients should not perform Ardha Shalbhasana. The asana should not be practiced by expectant mothers. Benefits: Muscles of lower back and legs get strengthened. It helps reduce flab from thighs, hips, waist, abdomen and buttocks. Waist becomes supple and resilient. Heart muscles get massaged and function well. Regular practice of the pose can get rid of a bulging tummy. Edema of ankles and feet can be treated with Shalbhasana. Regular practice of the pose increases lung capacity. Faulty spinal curvature is corrected. Person suffering from bronchitis can get relief with this yoga pose.

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In Sanskrit, the word "Bhujanga" means 'cobra'. In the final posture of this asana, the trunk resembles a cobra with its hood raised while the joined legs represent the tail.

Sequence: Lie down on your abdomen with the forehead and nose touching the ground. Keep your hands on either side with palms facing upward. Legs should be close together with heels touching each other. The soles should be facing upwards. Relax. Now bring the palms of both hands to the shoulder level so that they are parallel. Place palms flat on the ground with fingers close together. 7. Make sure the elbows are touching the sides. 8. Raise your head and place the chin on the floor. 9. Slowly raise your head further bending the neck and head backwards to the maximum limit. Do not raise the chest yet from the ground. 10. Inhale. Balancing on the palms further raise the head, shoulders, chest and the abdomen in a smooth flow. The navel should be touching the ground. 11. Tense the muscles of the back and the nape. 12. Try to bend the neck and head as far back as possible. 13. The spinal column should be curved up gradually and in a continuous move, releasing the pressure on the palms. 14. Look up and fix your gaze.. 15. Make sure both the legs are close together. 16. Hold your breath and stay in the posture as long as you feel comfortable 17. Slowly return to the initial position in the reverse order. Exhale while assuming the starting posture. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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Caution: Always perform the pose on an empty stomach. Do not practice Bhujangasana during pregnancy. People suffering from hernia, peptic ulcer and high blood pressure should not perform this asana. Benefits: Flab is reduced especially of the hips, abdomen and waist. This asana helps overcome fatigue after a tiring day. Bhujangasana helps to get a proper posture and also get rid of back humps. Your posterior, arms, shoulders and wrists will become stronger. People with low blood pressure should practice Bhujangasana Stiff neck and back can be treated with this pose. It helps relieve all pains in the neck and the back. Your digestive system improves and can be helpful in treating loss of appetite.

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- Bow Pose

In Sanskrit the word "Dhanus" means 'bow'. The final posture assumed in this pose resembles a tightly drawn bow. Your trunk and thighs represent the curve of the bow and the hands and legs the bowstring.

Sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Lie flat on the floor with the abdomen, chest and chin touching the ground. Keep your hands on both sides. Keep both legs a bit apart. Relax your whole body. Bend your legs backward and grasp the ankles firmly with your hands. First raise your chin and then bend your head and neck backwards. The chest should still be touching the ground. Inhale slowly and pull your legs up. Keep raising your head, neck, chin, chest, thighs and knees backwards, such that only the navel region is touching the ground Balance your body on the navel region. Pull your legs and arms arching your body as much as possible. Gradually, bring your knees, feet and toes together. Look up and fix you gaze on the ceiling. Holding your breath maintain this posture until you feel the strain in your back. Start exhaling slowly and gradually return to the starting position. Caution:

Pregnant women should not practice this pose. If you are suffering from slipped disc, hernia, colitis, stomach ulcer, heart problems, and high blood pressure, do not perform the pose.

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Benefits: Pain in the neck, back and lumbar region can be treated with this pose. Diabetic patients should perform this pose. Dhanusasana can relieve you of rheumatic pain. The pose benefits women a lot in reducing flab of abdomen, waist, hips and thighs. The pose improves the flexibility of the entire body. If you suffer from constipation or flatulence,Dhanurasanacan give you relief. The pose improves the digestive system. Urinary problems and dyspepsia can be cured with this pose. The buttocks and thigh muscles are both strengthened. Muscles of the pelvic region, lumbar region, and the abdominal area are made stronger and suppler. Sciatica can be treated with regular practice of Dhanurasana. The heart, liver, spleen, bladder, the genital organs and the solar plexus also benefit form this pose.

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- The Snake Pose

Snake pose in another in line of the easy poses on back pain relief and cure. This pose is very easy to practice and regularly practicing this along with the other back bending pose will cure you of back pains. This pose strengthens your back and stretches the shoulders, therefore good for maintaining a good body posture.

Sequence: 1. Lie on the mat with face facing downwards on your stomach. 2. Take your hands on the back and clasp the fingers together. 3. With inhalation lift your upper body. Try to use the back muscles for the lift and go up as much as possible. 4. Try to stretch you arms and lift them as much as possible. 5. Stay in this pose for 10 to 15 seconds. 6. Come back slowly to normal position with exhalation. 7. Repeat for two to three times. Benefits: 1. Back is strengthened. 2. Opens up the lungs and therefore beneficial for Asthma patients. 3. Strengthens the shoulders and arms and makes them shapely.

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Sequence: Sit straight up and assume Padmasana. Intertwine the fingers of both hands to form a finger lock. Inhale and raise the arms above your head. Stretch the arms so that they are straight. The posterior and knees should remain on the ground. Turn up your palms over the head. Exhale. Inhale and now and stretch your arms further up feeling the tug on the shoulder blades. 9. Stretch your trunk upwards and remain in this posture for about ten seconds. 10. Exhale and return to Padmasana. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
You can also perform the pose with the palms joined together and fingers stretched up.

Benefits: This Yoga pose prevents and relieves stiffness in the region of your shoulders. It also helps in relieving rheumatic pain. Parvatasana also helps free movement and in developing ones chest muscles. Your abdominals are sucked in and your chest expands increasing, to a very great extent, your lung capacity. This makes muscles flexible.

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Details : The word Yogamudra is derived from the two words 'Yogaj and 'mudra'. Sequence: Sit in Vajrasan. Keep both hands at the back, Hold one wrist with the other hand. Exhaling slowly, bend forward. Draw the abdomeid inside and touch the ground with the forehead. Breathe normally in the final pose. Benefits : Strengthens the internal organs of the abdominal region. Constipation is relieved. It stimulates overies and uterus in women. Premature ejaculation is corrected in men. Caution : Diabetic patients should not do this.

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- Beneficial Pose

In Sanskrit the word "Bhadra" means 'beneficial'.

Sequence: Sit in an upright position and assume Sukhasana. Stretch out both legs in front of you close together. Bend your legs at the knee and bring the feet towards the body. The knees should be pointed outwards. 4. Join the soles of the two legs with the toes and heels close together. 5. Using the thumb, forefinger and middle finger clasp the toes and fore part of both Feet together. 6. Maintain an erect posture. 7. Bring the feet closer to your body while bending the elbows outward. 8. Widen your thighs and gently bend the knees downwards. 9. Keep drawing the feet inwards until they are well placed close to the perineum. 10. Place the heels on either sides of the perineum. 11. Sit straight up. 12. Remain in this position for 10-15 seconds, breathing normally. 13. Release the finger lock. 14. Slowly stretch out the legs in front and return to starting posture. 1. 2. 3. Benefits: The pose can relieve stiffness of knees, hips and ankle-joints Bhadrasana should be practiced for healthy kidneys, prostrate, and urinary bladder. Tension is released from the spinal coccygeal and sacral regions. Practicing of this posture helps in blood supply to the muscles and ligaments of the uro- genital region. The pelvis and groin muscles are strengthened. Inner thighs get toned up.

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"Simha" means 'lion' in Sanskrit. In this pose you assume the posture of a seated lion.

Sequence: Sit erect in Vajrasana. Keep your palms on the respective thighs. Raise your buttocks and criss-cross your legs, right leg over the left leg. Keep your head, neck and spine erect. Spread out your fingers between your thighs. Inhale deeply. Open your mouth gradually. Exhale slowly and take out your tongue and stretch it out as much as possible. Make a "ha" sound like the roar of a lion from the back of your throat. 9. Look up at your eyebrows. 10. Make the roaring sound 2-3 times. 11. Exhale and come back to starting posture. 12. Alternate the cross of the legs and repeat. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Caution: Do not perform this pose if you have a knee injury. Benefits: It helps clear the air in the chest. It can cure bad breath. Blood circulation of neck muscles improves. Simhasana helps relax chest and facial muscles.

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"Marjari" means 'cat' in Sanskrit.

- The Cat Pose

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Sequence: Get down on all fours with your palms and knees on the floor and the back straightened out, forming a table top. Keep your knees right below the hips. Straighten your arms, so that the wrist, elbow and shoulder are in one straight line. Keep your head in the center. Do not let the head hang down. Fix your gaze on the floor. Inhale. Exhale and raise your spine so that it forms an arc. Make sure your knees and shoulders are in position. Bring your head down. Inhale and bring the spine down to assume table top position. Caution: People with neck injury should avoid this pose. Benefits: The spinal cord is stretched and gets massaged. The abdominal organs benefit from this pose. Practice of Cat pose helps reduce stress.

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VAKRASANA- Twisted Pose

"Vakra" means 'twisted' in Sanskrit. In this pose the practitioner's trunk gets twisted to the left and right sides.

Sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sit erect on the floor with legs stretched in front. Keep your hands on either side with palms touching the ground. Fold your left leg at the knee and place it near the right thigh vertically. The sole should be lying flat on the ground. Your left thigh should be touching the chest. Place your left palm on the floor near the right palm. The fingers of both hands should be facing each other. 7. Taking support of the palms, turn the upper part of your body towards the right. 8. Try to look over your shoulder. 9. Continue breathing normally. 10. Stay in this posture until you feel the strain in your back. 11. Return to original position by turning your neck and trunk and then lifting your left hand. 12. Open out your left leg. 13. Repeat the same steps as above changing sides and limb.

Benefits: Vakrasana alleviates backaches. The spine gets extended and attains elasticity. Flab on the lateral side of the abdomen gets reduced. Vakrasana is very beneficial to the nervous system. Vital abdominal organs like the liver, spleen and intestine get toned. Good anti diabetic pose.

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- Mountain Pose "Tada" means 'mountain' in Sanskrit. The hands in this posture form a peak, hence the name.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Sequence: Stand straight with legs together and hands hanging on both sides. Look in front. Inhale and raise both your hands. Fold them at the elbow and bring the palms towards the chest. Join both the palms. Exhale. Inhale slowly and raise your hands above the head with the palms joined together. The fingers should be pointing upward. Raise your heel and stand on your toes. Stretch your arms as far up as possible. To return to the starting position first put the heels down. Exhale and slowly lower your hands. Caution: Do not perform this pose if you experience dizziness. Benefits: This pose can correct your posture. Regular practice can help in increasing height. Back pain and visceroptosis can be treated with Tadasana. Flexibility of spine increases.

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In Sanskrit the word "Vriksha" means 'tree'. In this pose the practitioner holds his body still like a tree.

Sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Stand erect in Tadasana with your feet joined together. Keep your legs straight and your arms on either side. Lift your right leg and fold it at the knee. Holding the ankle with both hands, pull the leg up. Rest your right foot on the upper part of the left thigh. The toes of the right foot must be pointing downwards. The folded right leg must be perpendicular to the left leg. Balance your body properly on your left leg. Join the palms of both hands in front of your chest, fingers pointing upward. Inhale slowly and gradually raise both your hands up above your head. Keep your arms slightly bent. Stretch your hands and body further up to the maximum limit. Gaze ahead. Keeping your balance, relax for as long as possible. Bring down your hands to chest level. Lower your right leg. Repeat the above steps with the opposite leg. Benefits: Rheumatism patients should practice this pose to alleviate the pain. Vrikshasana strengthens the ligaments of feet, tendons and arches. Neuromuscular coordination improves with the practice of this yoga pose. Leg muscles become stronger and get toned.

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Details: 'Chakra' in Sanskrit is a wheel. The bent body in this asana resembles a potter's wheel. This asana is also called katichakrasana. Steps: Stand with feet together, hands on the sides, touching the thighs, fingers pointing downwards. Raise one arm straight above, touching the ear of that side. Benefits : The spine becomes more flexible sideways. Side Bending Chakrasana: This asana can also be done with taking distance between legs.

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- The Triangle Pose

In Sanskrit, "Tri" means 'three' and "Kona" means 'angle'. In 'Trikonasana' you assume a posture whereby your feet resemble the three sides of a triangle.

Sequence: Stand erect with your legs sufficiently apart and hands on both sides. Inhale and raise both hands to shoulder level. The palms should be facing downwards. Stretch your arms to the sides. Exhale slowly. Take a few normal breaths. Inhale deeply. Exhale slowly and twist your trunk at the waist to the left. The hands should remain straight and parallel to the floor. The feet should be firmly on the ground. Complete exhalation. 7. Holding your breath maintain this posture for a few seconds. 8. Take a deep breath. 9. Exhale slowly and now bend your right hand downwards and try to touch the big toe of the left foot. 10. Do not bend your knee. 11. As you reach for the toe, turn your head and neck to the left. 12. Place your right fingertips on your left toe. 13. Stretch your left hand perpendicularly upwards. 14. Turn your head down and gaze at the right toe. Shift your vision to the raised finger tips. 15. Complete exhalation. 16. Hold this posture for a few seconds. 17. Inhaling slowly, get back to standing posture. 18. Exhale and follow with a few rounds of normal breath. 19. Repeat the same steps as above by twisting to the right changing the arms. 20. You can thus carry out three rounds. Note: If you are a beginner try to touch any portion of the leg as near to the toe as you can manage. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Caution: People with a slipped disc should not practice this yoga pose. Benefits: Trikonasana relieves pain of the knees, waistline, joints, hips, elbows and the neck besides back pain. Trikonasana also boosts appetite. The pose can cure constipation by enhancing bowel movements. The hips and buttocks get toned. The pose can rejuvenate you after a hard day. Excess flab in the hips, waist and abdomen will be reduced with regular practice of Trikonasana.

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Veerasana (Veerbhadrasana) - Warrior Pose

"Veer" refers to 'warrior' in Sanskrit. In this posture the body assumes the position a warrior takes before attacking. Hence the name Veerasana or Warrior pose.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Sequence: Stand erect in Tadasana with legs joined together and arms by the sides. Stretch your left leg and place it in front while exhaling. Bend the left leg at the knee so as to form a right angle between the thigh and calf. Join the palms of your hands and place it on the knee. Keep the right leg straight. Inhale and raise both hands above your head. Stretch your arms further up. Bend the upper part of your body backwards. The inner side of upper arms should be touching the ears. Balancing your body, bend your neck and head downwards. Increase the curvature of the back to the maximum limit. Gaze up. The right leg should not bend and the sole of both feet should be on the ground. Stay in this posture till you feel the strain. Exhale slowly and straighten your trunk. Inhale and bring the hands down on the knees. Return your left foot to the original position aligned with the right foot, as you exhale. Relax and perform the same with your right leg stretched forward. Caution: If you suffer from shoulder or neck problems, do not perform this yoga pose. Benefits: Shoulders, arms and legs gain strength. Thighs and calves get extended and thus toned. Spinal column becomes flexible with the practice of Veerasana.

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Procedure: Hold your right nasal with thumb, breathe in from left. Now open right nasal and close left nasal with middle and ring finger and breathe out from right nasal. Now breathe in from right nasal. Now close right nasal and open left and breathe out and in from left nasal. and so on. Duration : at least 10 mins. Benefits: heart, high BP, heart blockage, vat-cuf-pit, arthritis, cartilage, bent ligaments, sinual fluid reduced, parkinson, paralysis, neural related, depression, migraine pain, asthma, sinus, allergy. Regular practice of this Pranayama has the capacity of cleansing all your innumerable Nadis, which makes the body healthy lustrous and strong. Blockages in the arteries of the heart are removed and the arteries become clean, making the circulation unimpeded. If this Pranayama is practiced for 3 or 4 months regularly, 30 to 40% of blockages in the arteries are dissolved and removed, preventing the phenomenon of heart attack. Pathogenic cholesterol, triglycerides, H.D.L. and L.D.L. also get controlled, making the arterial channels clear for effective and unimpeded flow of blood in the heart. Negative thinking is replaced by positive approach to life. It increases enthusiasm and spirit, the Sadhak becomes fearless and feels blissful. In short, this Pranayama has the effect of cleansing the body, and the mind and cures almost all the diseases from which the Sadhaka has been suffering. Tips : Breathe into lungs not to stomach. No organ in stomach absorbs oxygen. Do not hurry. Do it slowly. Rest whenever needed (in any pranayam).

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Kapal means forehead and Bhati means light. Hence, Kapal-Bhati refers to that exercise which makes the forehead luminous and lustrous. Kapal-Bhati Pranayama makes its Sadhaks head luminous.

Procedure : Push air forcefully out. Stomach will itself go in. Duration : Start with 30 times or 1 min. increase upto 5 mins min. upto 10 mins max. Benefits : Aabha, Tej, obesity, constipation, gastric, acidity, Croesus(liver), hepatitis B, uterus, diabetes, stomach problems, cholesterol, allergic problems, asthma, snoring, concentration, and even cancer. Face become Lustrous and attractive. Diseases related to Kapha like asthma, respiratory troubles, allergies, sinus, etc. are cured. Diseases of heart, lungs and brain get cured. Obesity, diabetes, flatulence, constipation, acidity and diseases pertaining to kidneys and prostate glands etc. are cured. If done regularly for five minutes daily, it relieves constipation, Blood sugar becomes normal and weight in the abdominal region reduces considerably. Blockages in the arteries are also cleared. Peace and stability of mind are achieved. No negative thoughts occur. Troubles like depression are cured. Chakras are purified and chakras from Muladhar-Chakra to Sahsrar Chakra are filled with pious Cosmic Energy. Organs in the abdominal cavity viz. stomach, pancreas, liver, spleen, intestine, prostrate and kidney function more efficiently and develop immunity towards diseases. This is the best exercise; benefits accrued by this cannot be obtained by several other asanas. It strengthens the intestines and improves digestion. Tips : Heart and high BP patients, and weak people do it slowly.

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Procedure : Close ears with thumb, index finger on forehead, and rest three on base of nose touching eyes. Breathe in. And now breathe out through nose while humming like a bee. Duration : 10 mins Benefits : tension, hypertension, high BP, heart, heart blockage, paralysis, migraine pain, confidence, concentration Detailed Procedure Breathe in till your lungs are full of air. Close your ears with both the thumbs and eyes with the middle fingers of your hands on respective sides with little pressure. Press forehead with both the index fingers lightly. Close both the eyes. Then press eyes and nose bridge from the sides with the remaining fingers. Concentrate your mind on Ajna Chakra (between eye-brows) . Close your mouth. Begin slowly exhaling, making humming sound of a bee, while reciting OM mentally. Repeat the exercise 11 to 21 times according to your capacity. Shiva Sankalpa (Vow) at the time of performing Bhramari Pranayama: This Pranayama should be done with the thought that your individual consciousness merges with the divine cosmic consciousness. Your mind should be full of the thought that divine bliss is descending on you, that deep divine wisdom fills your entire being. Exercising this Pranayama with such thought will endow you with divine light and you will be able to meditate effortlessly. Benefits: With the practice of this Pranayama the mind becomes steady. It is beneficial in conditions like mental tension, agitation, high blood pressure, heart disease etc. It is also useful for meditation.

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Sheetkari breathing has a cooling effect on your body.

Sequence: 1. Sit erect in Padmasana. 2. Place your hands on corresponding knees and assume Gyana Mudra. 3. Part your lips keeping the teeth together. 4. Hold your tongue tip against the lower teeth. 5. Inhale through your mouth with a hissing sound. 6. Continue inhaling till your lungs are filled. 7. Now close your mouth. 8. Exhale through both the nostrils immediately. Benefits: It gives relief during hot days. Effective to reduce acidity. It can kill hunger and thirst. Your entire body gets cooled. You can achieve clean skin through regular practice of Sheetkari Breathing.

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Chair Yoga is for everyone. No matter what age you are or what condition you are in you can experience the health benefits of yoga. Did you know you can perform most yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and relaxation techniques from a chair? This form of yoga is very easy to do no matter what condition you are in. Desk Job Tension Reliever If you work at a desk all day this form of yoga can be a great tension reliever. When you get caught up in an assignment, especially when working at a computer; your body just locks into one position and muscles get tense. Youre so involved in what you are doing that you dont feel the results until the end of the day. Just taking a few minutes out of your work day to perform just one or two Chair Yoga postures, to reduce the likely hood of tense shoulders and back or even tension headaches, will make a difference. These yoga stretches will rejuvenate you. An important point to remember is to never push your body to the point that causes pain. You will still get the benefit of the postures even if you are not very flexible. The best part is, if you do yoga on a regular basis your flexibility and strength will increase. Also be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any exercise practice, especially if you have any special health concerns. In fact, dont limit your office chair yoga practice to work. Try these yoga exercises when flying, on a train, in a bus, if you have limited movement. There are endless situations to take advantage of and benefit from chair yoga exercises. BEST OFFICE CHAIR YOGA EXCERCISES: 1 Eagle Arms (And legs) Sit erect and place arms in front of you at a 90 degree angle. Cross your arms so that the right arm is above the left. Interlock your arms and press your palms together with the tips of your fingers pointed upwards. Feel yourself contracting. This pose strengthens triceps, shoulders, and back muscles. Its a good preventative measure against carpal tunnel syndrome. For your legs, simply cross your legs and interlock them with one foot behind the other.

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2 Lotus Preparation Lotus is the traditional seat for meditation. You can just sit comfortably in your desk chair, with your neck and spine straight and erect, to begin to calm your brain. Place your hands palms up, with the thumbs and first fingers touching. If practical in the office setting, practice crossing your legs to build up the Lotus position. This will helps free your spine from the stress of sitting at your desk all day. Traditional Sanskrit texts say that Padmasana, Or Lotus destroys all disease. Note: Lotus is a two-sided pose, so be sure to practice both leg crosses.

3 Twist Place your palms on the arm of your chair and turn your chest and abdomen to the right, moving your left shoulder forward and your right shoulder back. Expand your chest fully and feel yourself detoxifying. Twists are great for the spine, your abdominals, and the obliques. Repeat on the other side.

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4 Mountain Pose Sit erect, clasp your hands, and extend your arms forward. Turn the palms away from you and raise your arms until the palms face the ceiling. Stretch and feel yourself growing taller as you reduce the stress in your head, neck and shoulders. This posture lengthens your sides. If you want, add to this posture by bending your arms to each side.

5 Thread the Needle Sit in your chair and cross your right leg over your left knee. Flex both feet and lift them off the floor. Thread the needle by clasping your hands around your left leg, just under your knee. This posture stretches hip rotators, outer thighs, and relieves tension in the lower back. Be sure to reverse sides.

6 Restorative Poses Before returning to work, give yourself a few minutes to relax. After all, in yoga, for every action, there is a reaction. This relaxing pose is so simple, but is very effective in reducing stress in your facial muscles and helping to prevent fatigue. Simple cross your arms and place them on the surface in front of you. Then rest your head on your crossed arms.

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Breathe in and as you bend forward breathe out and let your head and arms hang over your knees. Relax into the position and hold for a few seconds while breathing normally. Breathe in as you slowly come back up to seated position. 2. Spinal Twist

Eases tension in upper back and neck.

Sit facing forward place your left hand on the outside of your right knee. Place your right arm over the back of the chair. Breathe in and breathe out as you twist to the right. Turn your head as well. Push against your right knee to create more leverage. Breathe normally and hold the position. Release slowly and come back to facing forward and repeat on the opposite side. 3. Side Stretch

Increases circulation and flexibility in the spine.

Sit facing forward with feet slightly apart, breathe in, and raise your arms out to the sides. Breathe out and bend to the left, reaching toward the floor with your left hand and your right hand pointing toward the ceiling. Breathe in come back to starting position. Repeat with your right side. 4. Knee Squeeze

Increases flexibility of the spinal column, improves respiration, and reduces waistline.

Breathe out completely then breathe in with both hands around the front of your knee pull your knee to your chest, while holding the in breath. Lower your head to your knee hold for a few seconds and release slowly while breathing out. Repeat with your right side.

relaxes lower back, improves digestion and respiration.

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5. Leg Lifts

Sit and hold each side of the chair for balance. Breathe out and breathe in as you lift your straightened left leg and flex your foot. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly breathe out while lowering your leg. Repeat the same for your right leg.

strengthen legs and lower back, and improves circulation to your legs and feet.

6. Sun Pose

Sit back in the chair with legs apart and arms by your side. Breathe out completely then breathe in and with a sweeping motion bring your arms up over your head. Look up and stretch. Breathe out while bending forward between your legs and if you can put your palms on the floor. Slowly breathe in while raising back up with arms over head again, then lower your arms to the side. There you have it Chair Yoga the perfect routine for anyone in almost any condition. Do these yoga stretches once a day or even just three times a week and you will experience improvement in flexibility and strength.

improves circulation to your head, massages internal organs, and limbers your spine and hips.

Compiled by BalancedBodies

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