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Jrlpura ls iadla`s thlrd saallest
hlll, state, lccated la the \crth-eastera
part cl the ccuatr,. it ls bcrdered ca the
\crth, \est aad :cuth b, aaladesh, ca
the last b, the state Mlzcraa aad ca the
\crth-last b, the state \ssaa. Jrlpura state
lles betweea !!5o tc !+3! \crth
latltude aad betweea )00) tc )!!0
last lcaltudes ccerla aa area cl 10,+)1
sq. ka. Jhe state ls sub-dllded latc lcur
dlstrlcts \est, :cuth, \crth aad uhalal.
\cccrdla tc the ceasus repcrt !000-!001
the tctal pcpulatlca cl the state was
31,)1,1o8 cl whlch acre thaa 83 are
the rural pcpulatlca. Jhe cllaate ls usuall,
hct aad huald, teaperature raaes lrca
10-350. Jhe aaxlaua hualdlt, ls abcut
88 whlle the alalaua ls +0. :tate
receles aa aerae cl !+.) ca ralas
wlthla a ,ear. \bcut o3 cl the aaaual
ralalall ls caused b, the :cuth-\est
acascca. Jhe scll ls laterlte la the hllls
aad allulal la the plalas. Jhe lcrests la
the state are aalal, trcplcal eerreea,
seal eerreea aad aclst declducus aad
ccer .18 cl tctal ecraphlcal area.
ia Jrlpura, 1) scheduled trlbes
are lcuad tc dwell, lz. Tripuri, Mog,
Riang, Shantal, Koki, Noatia, Lusai,
Halam, Jamatia, Chakma aad cthers.
\aca all the trlbal ccaaualtles, the
Tripuri ls the larest la slze, ccaceatrated
la laterlcr lcrests aad reacte areas cl
\est aad :cuth dlstrlcts cl Jrlpura.
Tripuris hae thelr cwa dlalects,
bellels, custcas, tradltlca aad cultural
herltae. Jhe, bulld thelr hcuse b,
baabcc aad wccd la hlll tracts aad
cultlate cereals, pulses, lrults, etc. la
Jhum llelds. Jhe, alsc ccllect arlcus
plaats lrca aearb, lcrest lcr lccd, lcdder,
A study on ethnomedicinal usage of plants among
the folklore herbalists and
Tripuri medical practitioners: Part-II
Koushik Majudar and 8 K uatta
|laat Jaxcaca, aad |al,aclc, Labcratcr,, uepartaeat cl Llle :cleace
Jrlpura |alerslt,, :ur,aaaalaaar, \artala - )) 130, Jrlpura, iadla
0crrespcadeat authcr, l-aall. kcushlkaajuadar80,ahcc.cc.la
Received 3 January 2006; Accepted 3 October 2006
Jhe paper deals wlth the ethacaedlclaal appllcatlcas cl 50 plaats b, Jrlpurl trlbes
lahabltla haalets ca dlllereat hlll, terrala aad laterlcr dease lcrest cl :cuth aad \est dlstrlct cl
Jrlpura. Jhese 50 plaat specles belca tc +o eaera cl 31 laallles. Jhe specles are eauaerated la
alphabetlcal crder la tabular lcra. Jhe ethacaedlclaal lalcraatlca ca the plaats preseated
belcw ls ca the basls cl lclklcre herballsts aad Jrlpurl aedlcal practltlcaers (Ochai) whc are er,
laalllar wlth dlllereat allaeats, s,aptcas aad the acde cl treataeat cl these crude drus. Jhe
lccal trlbal pecple stlll bellee aad express thelr respect aad hcacur tc the kacwlede cl Ochai
as lt ls esseatlal lcr surlal cl thcse pecple whc lle la reacte hlll, terrala aad caa act allcrd ccstl,
allcpathlc drus.
Keywords. lthacaedlclaal plaats, Jrlpurl trlbes, lclklcre, Ochai, Jrlpura state, iadla.
lrt code, lnt. cl.
~ \o1K 3o/00, \!3L 1/00
Curculigo capitulata
Lasia spinosa
Explorer: Research Article
Natural Product Radiance, Vol. 6(1), 2007, pp.66-73
luel, luralture aad haadlcralt aad lcr the
treataeat cl dlllereat allaeats, stlll the,
depead ca lccal aedlcal practltlcaers,
pcpularl, kacwa as Ochai. Jhe Ochai
pcssess er, rlch experleaces abcut the
dlaacsls aad treataeat cl seeral serlcus
tc alacr dlseases, the, are eaerall,
speclallst la the art cl tradltlcaal lclk
aedlclae aaca thelr ccaaualt,. ut
scaetlaes the, perlcra arlcus aalcal
rltes aad wcrshlps lcr the treataeat cl
seeral dlseases b, usla llcwer, lrult,
stea, leal, bud cr rcct cl plaats, sacrlllces
pleca, hea, pl aad cats, etc. aad
eachaatla aaatras
. Jhelr kacwlede ls
passed ca lrca eaeratlca tc eaeratlca
thrcuh cral tradltlca. ucweer, auch cl
the tradltlcaal kacwlede has reaalaed
secret wlth Ochai.
Jhls area reaalaed uaexplcred
lrca ethacbctaalcal pclat cl lew. \er,
llttle wcrk has beea dcae expect lew
scattered repcrt
. Jherelcre, lt requlres
acre laestlatlca aad research ca thls
aspect. Jhe purpcse cl thls stud, ls tc
reccrd the utlllzatlca cl plaats used b,
Tripuri trlbal aedlcal practltlcaers
(Ochai) lcr the treataeat cl seeral
dlseases. \s thls tradltlcaal kacwlede cl
herbal aedlclae ls dlalalshla, thls
ethacbctaalcal dccuaeatatlca wlll be
helplul tc presere the rlch trlbal cultural
herltaes cl thls state.
Materials and Methods
lleld trlps were carrled cut
durla !003-!00+ la dlllereat Jrlpurl
trlbal belts cl :cuth aad \est dlstrlcts.
Jhe sure, was ccaducted b, adcptla the

prcpcsed b, }ala & 8ac
, aad }ala
& Mudal

. Jhe
b c t a a l c a l
l al cr aat l ca
was ccllected
b, later-
l e w l a
the Ochaiaad
elderl, perscas.
\ c u c h e r
speclaeas were
Tripuri tribes selling wild vegetables used as medicine
Asclepias curassavica
Oroxylum indicum
Costus speciosus
Explorer: Research Article
Solanum anguivi (Khamka) [arrow mark] Monochoria vaginalis (chisri) [arrow mark]
1able 1: lthnoedicinal plants used by the Tripuri tribes
S. So. 8otanical nae/laily local nae ivailab- rarts used lses
8engali (8), ility status
1 Ageratum conyzoides |chaadl (), \lld Leaes Jhe julce cbtalaed alter crushla the teader
linn. /\steraceae uchaatl (K) lresh leaes ls applled ca cld wcuads tc
preeat lalectlcas aad lcr qulck healla.
! Aloe barbadensis Mill. 0hrlta kuaarl (), 0ultlated as Leaes uall lass cl leal deccctlca ls lea lcr
Llllaceae 0hrlt kaachaa (K) ardea plaat abcut a lcrtalht tc treat burala seasatlca
durla urlae passla (u,surla).
3 Amaranthus spinosus linn. Kaata aate, Kata \lld \hcle plaat 1-! :pccaluls cl lresh rcct laluslca alca
\aaraathaceae a,ra (), Kuttulla wlth a plach cl ccaaca salt ls lea crall,
basu (K) la thrcat lalectlca. Leaes aad stea are
used as eetable b, trlbals.
+ Ampelocissus barbata uul,laa (K) \lld Jubercus rcct urled rcct pcwder (! spccaluls) alxed
(wall.) rlanch./\ltaceae wlth a lass cl luke wara water ls takea
crall, lcr 10 da,s tc et rellel la herala pala.
5 Aporusa dioica Muell. haaa pata (), \lld Leaes Leal paste ls applled la the lcra cl plaster
-irg. /luphcrblaceae \aaa (K) ca the allected area durla serlcus bcae
lracture. :caetlaes !-+ leaes are tled up
ca the lajured area aad chaaed alteraatel,
alter ! da,s uatll reccer,.
o Asclepias curassavica linn. Kaktuadl, 0ultlated 8cct urled rcct pcwder cl thls plaat ls alxed
\sclepladaceae Krlshaa-kall (), as well as wlld wlth lresh leaes cl Alternanthera
Kall-saa (K) sessilis ut. (\aaraathaceae) aad bark cl
Bombax ceiba linn. (cabacaceae) la
a ratlc cl 3.1.1. Jhe crushed alxture ls
thea scaked ceralht la hall lass cl cleaa
water, the llltered sclutlca ls lea la eapt,
stcaach lcr the treataeat cl chclellthlasls
(all bladder stcae).
Boehmeria platyphylla |llatcra (), \lld Leaes uall cup cl leal laluslca alca wlth llttle
u.uon /|rtlcaceae 8cjaatl (K) suar ls prescrlbed la case cl acute d,seater,.
8 Calamus viminalis et, ettcal, 0rcla 0ultlated Jeader leaes \bcut cae cup cl leal deccctlca alca wlth
willd./\recaceae bet (), 8alsck, as well as wlld hall spccalul cl black salt aad cae
8alcrcsua (K) spccalul cl hcae, ls lea lcr the treataeat
cl asthaa aad ccuh.
ccllected wlth thelr help lrca the aearest
lcrest area. Jhe speclaeas were prcperl,
drled, acuated aad presered alter
ldeatlllcatlca usla staadard lccal aad
relcaal llcras
aad speclaeas were
depcslted la the herbarlua cl ctaa,
uepartaeat, Jrlpura |alerslt,.
Explorer: Research Article
\s dlrected b, Ochai aad elderl,
perscas Tripuri pecple ccllect the raw
aaterlals lcr aedlclae preparatlcas lrca
the aearb, lcrests aad llelds. Medlclaes
are prepared at hcae b, bcllla, crushla,
alxla the aaterlals aad preparla the
paste cr deccctlca, etc. Jhe ethac-
aedlclaal plaats are arraaed
alphabetlcall,, lla lalcraatlca ca alld
bctaalcal aaaes, laall,, lccal aaaes,
aallablllt, status, parts used, ethac-
aedlclaal uses, dcses aad thelr acde cl
adalalstratlca la the Jable 1.
S. So. 8otanical nae/laily local nae ivailab- rarts used lses
8engali (8), ility status
) Calotropis gigantea (linn.) \aaa, \kaada (), \lld Leaes aad latex Mature leaes (!-3) alter warala ca
k.8r. ex iit. /\sclepladaceae \bua (K) cpea llre placed lcr seeral tlae ca the
allected area cl the bcd, durla sullerla
lrca rheuaatlc pala. Latex alsc lccall,
applled as aatlseptlc ca wcuads,
partlcularl, tc treat serlcus aall deca,
durla rala, seasca.
10 Casearia elliptica willd. \uarl (K) \lld Leaes Leal deccctlca (1-! cup) wlth black pepper
llaccurtlaceae ls lea as aedlclae lcr stcaach pala aad
lcr the treataeat cl latestlaal wcras.
\11 Cinnamomum obtusifolium 8aa tejpata, aa \lld ark uae cup cl lresh bark alter bcllla la water
Sees /Lauraceae tejpata (), ls lea wlth cae spccalul cl suar aad hall
Kalllu (K) spccalul cl salt lcr stcaach dlscrder.
1! Cissus repens lak. Maraarlalata (), \lld Leaes aad \cua shcct aad leaes are cccked as trlbal
\ltaceae Kcllre (K) ,cua shcct lccd called Godhak alca wlth crabs aad
dr, llsh tc reduce sleeplaess. \ speclal t,pe
cl curr, prepared lrca the teader leaes ls
takea lcr dlarrhcea aad d,seater,.
13 Coix gigantea Koenig ex }uaer aa, \lld as well as :eeds ur, seeds (!-3) are tled up wlth a ccttca
koxb. /|caceae Kuach (), M,ra, cultlated strla arcuad the aeck cl chlldrea whea
Marku (K) sullerla lrca caltla. :caetlaes 1-!
lresh seeds are chewed alter aeals lcr ccd
dlestlca. ur, seed pcwder ls used alca
wlth bclled water lcr d,seater,. :cae
Ochai alsc prescrlbe the seed deccctlca as
aa abcrtllacleat.
1+ Commelina paludosa Kaashlra, Kaaa,a \lld \hcle plaat :aall blue llcwers are rubbed ca the bcd,
8lue /0caaellaaceae lata () durla ltchla. Leaes are crushed latc paste
wlth llttle turaerlc pcwder aad applled ca
wcuads aad lracture cl dcaestlc cattle.
15 Costus speciosus (Koenig) Kec, aadhul (), \lld \cua shcct \cua shcct ls crushed aad bclled wlth a
Sith /0cstaceae Malluaa kathaaa aad rhlzcae plach cl salt aad lea crall, (1-! cup)
(K) twlce a da, lcr 15 da,s tc cure chlld ccuh.
lresh rhlzcae ls crushed aad the extract ls
alxed wlth a lass cl bclled allk lcr adults
whc take lt thrlce a da, lcr lle da,s tc cure
ccld, ccuh, asthaa aad d,spepsla.
1o Crinum asiaticum linn. aa pl,aj (), 0ultlated as ulbs lresh bulbs are rladed tc extract julce aad
\aar,llldaceae Makal, Jakha (K) craaaeatal the julce alter sua dr, ls prescrlbed tc rub
wlth a sclt ccttca ca the areas cl tcaslllltls.
1 Curculigo capitulata Leadl pata (), \lld 8hlzcae \ part cl lresh rhlzcae ls used alter
(lour.) Kuntze s,a. L,dca (K) reacla the eplderals tc stcp the bleedla
C. recurvata ur,aad. cl a cut area. :cae tlae drled rhlzcae
u,pcxldaceae pcwder ls dlrectl, used ca bclls lcr qulck
Explorer: Research Article
S. So. 8otanical nae/laily local nae ivailab- rarts used lses
8engali (8), ility status
18 Curculigo orchioides Jalaull (), \lld |ader rcuad \cccrdla tc lccal aedlclae aea the dru
6aertn. /u,pcxldaceae L,ssrup (K) parts ls prescrlbed tc ccatrcl the ejaculatlca cl
seaea aad ls alsc eaplc,ed tc et rellel
lrca aeastrual pala. Jwc spccaluls cl
uaderrcuad part`s deccctlca are takea
crall, durla aeastrual c,cle.
1) Curcuma aromatica Salisb. \aada, aa \lld 8hlzcae lresh rhlzcae ls crushed latc paste aad ls
/lalberaceae hallud (), applled lccall, tc cure ltches.
alaa sllllk (K)
!0 Curcuma zedoaria kosc. :athl, uallka (), \lld 8hlzcae \bcut 100 cl rhlzcae ls crushed latc
/lalberaceae Jhaktlrajak (K) paste aad alxed la a cup cl cat allk, alter
1-! hcur thls paste ls applled lcr aassala
ca scables. Jhe deccctlca cl rhlzcae ls
prescrlbed tc lacrease sexual ltallt,.
!1 Dalbergia volubilis koxb. uarbarl (), \lld 8cct :aall pleces cl lresh rcct are rcuad tc
labaceae Laachaaa (K) aake paste aad chewed wlth a plach cl
salt tc cure deatal pala aad carles.
!! Dendrophthoe falcata \aura (), \lld ark Jhe swcllea part ls crushed aad the hall
(linn.f.) ltting. aadha (K) cup cl extract ls lea alca wlth bclled
Lcraathaceae allk tc treat rheuaatlsa aad tc laduce
deep sleep.
!3 Dischidia rafflesiana wall. att pata (), \lld Leaes ialuslca lrca the succuleat leal ls
\sclepladaceae aadl-kurl (K) prescrlbed lcr resplratcr, dlscrders aad the
paste cl the leal ls used tc et rellel lrca
auscle pala.
!+ Elephantopus scaber linn. 0c-jlbba, \lld \hcle plaat 8cct paste ls alxed wlth lew black peppers
\steraceae |craaulc, tc aake latc saall pllls aad takea twlce
:h,aadulua (), dall, alter aeal tc treat leuccderaa. \t the
:aak-bcbaal (K) saae tlae leal julce ls alsc adlsed tc be
rubbed ca the spctted area.
!5 Eupatorium cannabinum :lajhu-pata (), 0ultlated Leaes Leaes deccctlca ls takea crall, la leer. it ls
linn. /\steraceae Mulkhuau (K) alsc prescrlbed lcr ller ccaplalats.
!o Eupatorium odoratum uurkl, Marlcha (), \lld Jeader leaes Leaes are rladed aad the paste ls takea tc
linn. /\steraceae M,chcadl, Muju (K) stcp bleedla lrca cuts aad wcuads.
! Hibiscus surattensis linn. :arba-aaell () \lld Leaes :peclal t,pe cl curr, ls aade lrca lts teader
Malaceae leaes whlch ls lea tc the patleats
sullerla lrca jauadlce.
!8 Homalomena aromatica 0aadhurl (K) \lld Leaes aad lresh rhlzcaes are crushed aad paste ls
Schott. /\raceae rhlzcae applled ca bcd, tc treat lallaaaatlca.
Leaes are alsc cccked as eetable whlch ls
ccd la dlestle dlscrders.
!) Houttuynia cordata Mach pata (), 0ultlated Jwls aad leaes \ speclal t,pe cl scup ls prepared b, bcllla
1hunb. /:aururaceae \lshla (K) the leaes aad a cup cl scup ls lea three
tlaes a da, tc cure d,seater,.
Explorer: Research Article
S. So. 8otanical nae/laily local nae ivailab- rarts used lses
8engali (8), ility status
30 Hyptis suaveolens roit. Jckaa (), \lld :eeds ur, seeds are scaked ceralht la a lass cl
Laalaceae Jukkaa (K) water aad takea la the acrala la eapt,
stcaach alca wlth saall aacuat cl suar
lcr abcut a week la case cl burala
seasatlca durla urlae pass (u,surla) aad
cther urlaar, ccaplalats.
31 Kalanchoe pinnata |atharkuachl (), 0ultlated as Leaes uae cup cl leal deccctlca wlth a plach cl
(lak.) rers. /0rassulaceae Muslhaata, ardea plaat ccaaca salt ls lea !-3 tlaes a da, tc
Kusakathaa (K) cure blccd d,seater,. Jhe saae aedlclae ls
lurther prescrlbed la case cl kldae, stcae.
3! Lagerstroemia microcarpa Mluchla (K) \lld Leaes it ls repcrted that the leaes` deccctlca ls
wight /L,thraceae er, uselul ll takea crall, twlce a da, la case
cl dlarrhcea aad d,seater,.
33 Lasia spinosa 1hw. /\raceae Kata kachu, Kattush, \lld 8hlzcae aad |aste lrca teader leaes ls aade lcr
Kattlsh () teader leaes exteraal use la buras. ueccctlca cl rhlzcae
ls alsc uselul la astrlc aad stcaach prcbleas.
3+ Markhamia stipulata Kca ach (), \lld Leaes aad bark Leaes deccctlca wlth 5- black pepper (la
(wall.) See. 0hcaa (K) the lcra cl tablets) ls lea as tcalc lcr
lacalaceae alter deller, ccaplalats. :cae paste cl
bark alca wlth austard cll ls applled la
case cl auscular pala aad rheuaatlc dlscrders.
35 Mikania cordata (8ur.) 8elul lata (), \lld Leaes Jhe leaes are used as aatlseptlc ca wcuads
kobins. /\steraceae Kuacs latt (K) aad tc stcp bleedla. it ls lccall, used as a
ccd tcalc lcr dcaestlc cattle.
3o Monochoria vaginalis Kcchurl, Kashcrl \lld \hcle plaat ueccctlca cl lresh rcct ls lea la aausea.
rresl. /|catederlaceae (), 0hlsrl (K) \hcle plaat ls cccked b, the trlbal pecple
aad uselul la dlestle dlscrders.
3 Mucuna nigricans (lour.) Mllltarl lata (), \lld Leaes aad rcct \ speclal t,pe cl ash ls aade b, burala the
Steud. /labaceae :aachu (K) tubercus rccts aad the pcwder, ash ls
applled tc cure eczeaa aad scables. Leaes
(!-3) are crushed latc paste whlch ls applled
tc check bleedla lrca cuts aad wcuads.
38 Mucuna pruriens (linn.) \lakushl, aaarlcla, \lld Leaes aad seeds Leaes` deccctlca ls used exteraall, ca bclls
ut. /labaceae uaadakar,aaa, aad scables. Leaes paste ls alsc applled ca
urlr lata (), cuts aad wcuads. ur, seed pcwder (1-!
capp, latt (K) spccaluls) alca wlth cae lass cl wara
water ls takea eapt, stcaach tc check
latestlaal wcras.
3) Mussaenda incana wall. aa-aussuada \lld Jeader leaes \bcut !-3 spccaluls cl leaes deccctlca ls
8ublaceae (), Khuaurahu lea tc chlldrea tc cure lral leer. it ls
(K) takea three tlaes a da, uatll reccered.
+0 Neptunia prostrata |aallajuk (), \lld \hcle plaat Jhe whcle plaat ls a er, ccd tcalc
(lak.) 8aill. Kharl (K) partlcularl, lcr thcse whc are sullerla lrca
Mlacsaceae jauadlce.
+1 Ocimum americanum aa tulsl (), \lld Leaes Leaes deccctlca ls prescrlbed la stcaach
linn. /Laalaceae aata (K) ccaplalats.
Explorer: Research Article
S. So. 8otanical nae/laily local nae ivailab- rarts used lses
8engali (8), ility status
+! Oroxylum indicum Jhaaa, :caa, \lld Leaes aad bark Leaes deccctlca ls prescrlbed b, Ochai tc
vent. /lacalaceae :aapatl, :ahaaa treat the weakaess due tc lcw blccd pressure.
(), Jakkharua, Jhe lresh bark cl thls plaat ls alxed wlth
Jhakhuru (K) laaature seeds cl Carica papaya linn.
la the ratlc cl !.1 aad the alxture ls
rladed latc paste aad aade latc saall
pllls, !-3 pllls are lea wlth betel leal la
case cl aeastruatlca ccaplalats.
+3 Paederia foetida linn. 0aadha bhadall, \lld Jwls aad leaes :peclal t,pe cl curr, ls prepared wlth leaes
8ublaceae 0aadal (), aad twls alca wlth llsh aad crabs aad
uukupul (K) takea wlth rlce tc reduce rheuaatlc pala
partlcularl, durla ecllpse. Leaes are alsc
prescrlbed as blccd purlller.
++ Polycarpon prostratum 0laal shak (), \lld \hcle plaat \bcut 1-! cup cl plaat deccctlca ls lea la
(lorssk.) ishers 8 ukhate (K) eapt, stcaach durla sullerla lrca
Scheweinf. /0ar,cph,llaceae aalarlal leer.
+5 Pongamia pinnata (linn.) Karaaa (), \lld as well as ark 1-! :pccaluls cl bark laluslca ls lea wlth
rierre /labaceae |atla (K) rcad slde aeaue a cup cl wara water thrlce a da, durla
tree blccd d,seater,.
+o Solanum anguivi aa-beua (), \lld lrult Jhe lresh ,ellcw rlpe lrults are crushed aad
lak. /:claaaceae Khaakha (K) aa extract ls aade wlth water aad ls takea
cae cup dall, la eapt, stcaach tc cure
astrlc trcubles. lrults are lccall, used b,
trlbal pecple la arlcus dlshes.
+ Spilanthes paniculata ussuadul (K) \lld \hcle plaat lresh rccts aad leaes are lea tc chew
wall. ex ut. /\steraceae wlth wara water tc cure tccthache.
+8 Sterculia villosa koxb. |dal (), \lld |etlcle \bcut +-5 lresh petlcles cut la saall pleces
:tercullaceae Laaba (K) are scaked ceralht la hall lass cl water
aad ls lea eapt, stcaach tc the
wcaaa sullerla lrca leuccrrhcea aad alsc
durla palalul aeastruatlca.
+) Wendlandia tinctoria Khuashu (K) \lld Leaes lresh leaes` paste ls used lcr healla
(koxb.) ut. /8ublaceae wcuads partlcularl, caused b, aa,
pclscacus blte.
50 Ziziphus funiculosa aabaral (), \lld 8cct ueccctlca ls prepared lrca the cld rcct
8uch.-ua. ex wall. 0hl,aa bulaa (K) bark cl thls plaat aad ls used as eardrcp la
8haaaaceae case cl earache.
Jhe preseat paper prcldes the
ethacaedlcc-bctaalcal use cl 50
aedlclaal plaat specles b, Tripuri
ccaaualt, lcr the treataeat cl bcth
chrcalc aad teapcrar, dlseases. Jhe, are
laalllar wlth surrcuadla plaats wealth
Explorer: Research Article
aad thelr explcltatlcas. Jhe stud, reeals
that aaca the aedlclaal plaat abcut lle
plaats are used as aatlseptlc ca wcuads
aad cuts lcr qulck healla, lcur plaats
lcr kldae, aad urlaal dlscrders, seea
plaats lcr auscle aad rheuaatlc pala, slx
plaats lcr aeastruatlca aad cther sexual
dlseases, lle lcr dlarrhcea aad d,seater,,
three lcr leer, ccuh aad resplratcr,
dlscrders, twc plaats lcr dlsease llke
jauadlce aad deatal palas aad slal, lcr
dlsease llke serlcus bcae lracture, all
bladder stcae, thrcat lalectlca, tcaslllltls,
herala, aall deca,, leuccderaa, earache,
ller ccaplalats, etc. \aca these plaats,
Cissus repens lak. (Koffre) ls used
tc reduce sleeplaess sc that the, caa wcrk
at a stress lcr a lca perlcd whlle
Dendrophthoe falcata (linn. f.)
ltting. (Bandha) ls used tc laduce deep
sleep. uurla the sure, lt ls alsc lcuad
that Aporusa dioica Muell.-irg.
Amangls used lcr the saae purpcse
(l.e. lcr jclala the bcaes) b, three
dlsslallar ccaaualtles aaael, Tripuri,
Jamatia aad Santhal uata preseated
la thls paper alsc ladlcate that cut cl 50,
1) aedlclaal plaats are alsc used b,
Jrlpurl trlbe as suppleaeats tc eetables.
ut la acst cases lccal trlbe ccasuaes
all 1) aedlclaal plaats wlthcut sullerla
lrca aa, partlcular dlsease as thcse plaats
seres twc lcld beaellts. Jhe, alsc bellee
that ll these aedlclaal plaats were
ccasuaed prelcusl,, the, wculd act hae
sullered lrca thcse partlcular dlseases.
esldes, whea the, suller lrca
aa, serlcus uakacwa dlsease the, c tc
Ochai. Jhe, are well ersed wlth dlllereat
t,pes cl allaeats aad s,aptcas aad the
tradltlcaal aedlclae prclded tc the
patleats hae beea prcea la thelr
ccaaualt, slace tlae laaeacrlal b,
trlal aad errcr aethcds. Jhe lccal trlbe
shcws the hcacur tc the kacwlede cl
Ochai as lt ls er, cheap aad lalthlul aad
alsc related tc thelr relllcus eactlcas.
ased ca the abce lalcraatlca
acdera scleatlllc experlaeats caa
ealuate lurther lcr alldatla these
Jhe authcrs are ratelul tc |.
lswas (il:), ullslcaal lcrest ulllcer aad
0hlel lxecutle ulllcer, Medlclaal |laat
card cl Jrlpura, lcrest 8esearch ullslca,
\artala lcr ccastaat eaccuraeaeat aad
aecessar, lacllltles. :peclal thaaks are alsc
due tc Mr. :. 8. |cddar, :ealcr 8aae
ulllcer, lcrest 8esearch ullslca, \artala,
whc prclded acral suppcrt aad aluable
suestlcas lcr preseat wcrk. \e alsc
express cur slacere ratltude tc all Ochai
aad Jrlbal lalcraaats lcr thelr
cccperatlca aad help durla the stud,.
1. araaa uu|, Jreatlse Jradltlcaal :cclal
iastltutlcas cl the Jrlpurl 0caaualt,,
ulrectcrate cl Jrlbal 8esearch, 0ceraaeat
cl Jrlpura, 1)83.
Explorer: Research Article
!. ueb u, Medlclaal plaats cl Jrlpura :tate,
Indian For, 1)o8, 9+, 53-o5.
3. Majuadar Kcushlk, :aha 8eeaa, uatta K
aad hakta J, Medlclaal plaats prescrlbed b,
dlllereat trlbal aad aca-trlbal aedlclae aea
cl Jrlpura state, Indian J Trad
Knowledge, !00o, 5 (+), 55)-5o!.
+. :lah u, u,aalewta JM aad cra |},
lthacaedlcc ctaalcal :tudles la Jrlpura,
iadla, Ethnobotany, 1)), 9, 5o-58.
5. }ala :K aad 8ac 88, \ uaadbcck cl lleld
aad uerbarlua Methcds, Jcda, aad
Jcacrrcw`s |rlaters aad |ubllshers, \ew
uelhl, 1).
o. }ala :K, Methcds aad \pprcach la
lthacbctaa,, \atlcaal ctaalcal 8esearch
iastltute, Luckacw, 1)8).
. }ala :K aad Mudal \\, uaad cck cl
lthacbctaa,, lsea :lah Maheadra |al :lah,
!3- \, \ew 0caaauht |lace, uehradua ,
8. ueb u, Jhe llcra cl Jrlpura state, \cls. !,
Jcda, aad Jcacrrcw`s |rlaters aad
|ubllshers, \ew uelhl, 1)83, 1)8).
). uccker }u, Jhe llcra cl rltlsh iadla, \cls.
i-\ii, L 8eee & 0c. Ltd, Keat, 18!-18).
10. |rala u, eaal |laats, \cls. !, ctaalcal
:ure, cl iadla, 0alcutta, 1)o3.

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