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Abstract 22 Abstract for Arxiv.


Geometrization and the mathematical context for the solution of physical stability: Nuclei, general atoms, molecules, and the solar system etc.
This relatively new (since 2002) and relatively simple context of math containment provides the setting for a solution to the problem of finding the math structure for the observed stable material systems which are so fundamental and so prevalent. It also provides a basis for a quantitative structure which is defined on a finite set. However, these stable physical systems go without any valid math structure (for these systems) in a currently accepted math context of indefinable randomness (eg improperly defined elementary event spaces), non-linearity, (global) non-commutativity, or only locally commutative, (eg quantitative inconsistency, eg chaos) all defined by a contrived descriptive structure of convergence and divergence onto a continuum. Where these math structure are together used to explain (or identify) the (stable) properties of physical systems. But such a math context really only applies to physical systems in a chaotic transitioning process (eg reactions in weapons) and for feedback systems (eg guided missiles) whose range of applicability is difficult to define, and it is a context which applies to quantitative complexity (eg secret codes). But it is also used by the media to create an illusion of expert mastery and expert complexity. Though many difficult problems now have solutions: nuclei, general atoms, molecules, a new way in which to analyze crystals, and the stable solar system, due to these new ideas (expressed in this paper), this means that these relatively new ideas should be dominating the attention of the professional mathematicians and physicists, but they are not. Note: Apparently, waves which possess physical properties can be successfully related to solutions by function-space techniques. Apparently there are stronger social forces involved in an inability of a public, or of an expert-class, to discern truth. The US propaganda system is the sole authoritative voice for all of society and it is the propaganda system which directs the attention of the researchers. These researchers are dependent on a funding process. However, these same researchers claim to be the personifications of the highest cultural attainments in the society, nonetheless they have social positions of being both wage-slaves and societys, so called, top intellects in regard to a religious personality-cult, expressed through the media, so public-worship consolidates their belief in their far too authoritative mathematics and physics dogmas, which has failed to solve the problem of the cause of physical stability for nearly 100 years (ie it is a failed dogma), ie the media turns top intellectualism and the dogmas upon which such a measure of intellect rests (the intellectual winners of the competition whose rules, in the education system, are defined by an, essentially, absolute authority) into a religion, this deep religious belief in what the media labels as science [Copernicus would have a more difficult time persuading others to consider an alternative way in which to organize and fashion language within such a current religion (2013) of expert authority, than the difficulties he had in regard to the authoritative religion of his time]. The professionals are following their deep beliefs as dictated to them by the propaganda system. Apparently these professionals can rigorously prove properties which are contained in a world of illusion, eg where a description based on randomness also possesses well defined geometric properties, eg particle-collisions. It should be noted that the best interpretation of the Godels incompleteness theorem is that precise languages can be very changeable when reduced to the elementary levels of assumption, context, containment, organization etc. Yet the failure to describe the stable underpinnings of physical existence has not been seen as a crisis of the knowledge which is being derived from the currently accepted authoritative dogmas of math and physical description. The inability of the current scientific authority to describe the stable properties of fundamental physical systems is, in fact, a complete and total failure of that authority.

There are other social organizational properties which manage society, and with which one must deal, there is a vast social organization in regard to management of the math and physics (or science) communities, eg managing personality types, similar to the management of personality types in politics and the justice system. In the new context of containment one uses the most prevalent of the stable geometric patterns identified in the Thurston-Perelman geometrization, namely, the discrete hyperbolic shapes, and the properties that these shapes possess, as identified by Coxeter. Furthermore the ability to surround a hole by a closed shape, so that a continuous deformation is limited, ie the holes introduce stable properties into the context of the continuity of shape. The discrete hyperbolic shapes [with component interactions mediated by discrete Euclidean shapes (tori)] are also very rigid shapes with very stable spectral properties. That the solar system is stable is evidence, which can be interpreted, to prove this new context for mathematical descriptions of the physical world is true, especially, since the professionals have no valid model of stability for any of these many fundamental stable systems.

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