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Newsletter: January 2013

Memories of the Xmas festivities in Dublin and sitting 'tomando el sol' in Marbella are now fading fast. The crew here in Dublin are back from their homelands in Portugal, Spain and Greece, only Lizzie in South China is still outstanding till Jan 16th. Barbara will do a late Xmas holiday in Sardinia next week. Already, the office is buzzing with foreign voices being skyped from afar. Firstly, welcome to Joao Miguel born to Liliana Costa and her husband Nuno on Dec 23rd in Porto. Congratulations to them, enjoy these early precious moments. Eileen O'Malley Also on Dec 23rd, I met up with Graciane Gorre in Shelbourne - she was back in Dublin for 2 days. Graciane from Paris was our first Intern and what a un rayon de soleil she was. She now works in recruitment in Paris. She spear headed us into Skypes and Dropbox. Welcome too, to Porto office - Marta Teixeira and Lisa Reiter, who will assist Ana Andrade with candidates to Germany. Wishing us all Health, Wealth and lots of joie de vivre in 2013. And, as gaeilige, Go n'eirigh an bothair linn go leir. ~ Eileen O'Malley (Director) In December we were very busy with Doctors and Nurses recruitments events for the NHS-UK. Luckily however, we all managed to take some time off work Over Christmas to visit our respective home- countries and spend the holiday season with our families. The start of 2013 is full and exciting for us: In February we have our first Group of Spanish Nurses Starting in a NHS hospital in Crew- Manchester, and the First group of Greek nurses starting work in nursing homes in Northern Ireland. We would like to wish them all our nurses Best on their new life and career. Dublin Office Furthermore we already have a busy schedule with Upcoming recruitment events for Doctor, Nurses and Physiotherapists. Wish you a very happy and Prosperous New Year 2013. ~ Carlos Prez (Spain), Eleana Tiropoli (Greece), Liliana Silva (Portugal) Au mois de dcembre, notre agent Paris a eu des entretiens avec nos candidats en vue du recrutement des infirmiers pour placer dans les tablissements de sant en France. Entrevues avec des kinsithrapeutes pour travailler en France ont aussi lieu depuis le mois d'octobre. Nous esprons avoir des entretiens entre ceux-ci et l'employer franais au mois de fvrier, dans notre bureau Porto et souhaitons que cet vnement soit un grand succs! En plus, en dcembre et janvier, nous sommes alls des coles et centres de formation en sant pour prsenter les offres de Best Personnel aux professionnels de sant, ce qui s'est rvl un outil assez utile pour divulguer nos offres et l'entreprise elle-mme. ~ Silvia Mendes Silvia Mendes Janvier dit bonjour l'anne 2013 qui nous promet une belle diversit au niveau des recrutements internationaux pour le Royaume Uni, Irlande, Belgique, France et Allemagne, malgr les basses tempratures de l'hiver et le soleil froid, ple et doux qui vient tard et part de bonne heure. Les fleurs natront bientt sur les arbres, comme la visite de nos clients pluriculturels. En janvier nous recevrons nos clients anglais pour un prochain recrutement d'infirmiers portugais et au mois de Fvrier notre nouveau partenaire franais nous visitera pour la premire fois Porto afin de connatre nos candidats kinsithrapeutes. Plein de grandes aventures s'approchent ! ~ Edwige Silva Edwige Silva No passado ano de 2012, ajudamos mais de duas centenas de profissionais portugueses a encontrar ofertas de trabalho compatveis com as suas expectativas e competncias. Muitos partiram para a aventura da emigrao cheios de receios e preocupaes e acabaram por conseguir integrar-se na comunidade, desenvolver a prtica da sua profisso, auferindo um salrio justo. Este ano as nossas expectativas so de aumentar ainda mais estes nmeros, colocando disposio dos milhares de enfermeiros portugueses fora do mercado de trabalho, cada mais e mais diversificadas ofertas, em pases diferentes e instituies de sade diversas. Ana Teresa Vimos tambm, este ano que passou, a nossa equipa de profissionais dedicados aumentar e a "famlia" Best Personnel ganhou tambm um novo membro - entramos em 2013 cheios de energia para continuar a crescer, sem nunca perder de vista o acompanhamento personalizado de cada candidato, que sempre nos caracterizou! ~ Ana Teresa

Ik wens iedereen een succesvol en gelukkig Nieuw Jaar en ik verwacht dat ook dit jaar, mogen wij veel verpleegkundigen helpen om een betere baan te vinden en Ik hoop dat wij antaal nieuwe interessante projecten aan onze kandidaten zullen voorstellen. Een tweede groep van kandidaten die in Vlaanderen zullen werken is bijna klaar met hun intensieve cursus Nederlands, ze hebben 140 uur in totaal gevolgd en waarschijnlijk zullen ze in februari naar Belgi vertrekken. Meer en meer kandidaten waren succesvol geplaats in verschillende rusthuizen in Brussel en op dit moment zijn wij naast verpleegkundigen, ook zorgkundigen aan het rekruteren. Iva Nemeckova Het is geen geheim dat er ook in 2013, een enorme aanvraag voor gezondheidszorgpersoneel door heel Belgi zal zijn. ~ Iva Nemeckova Ol, chamo-me Marta, tenho 27 anos e comecei a trabalhar no escritrio do Porto no final de Novembro. Tem sido uma tima experiencia e uma agradvel surpresa ver que j consigo fazer as entrevistas sozinha o que me faz sentir til e motivada a continuar a aprender e a querer ser um elemento importante nesta equipa fantstica. Na prxima semana vamos ter uma sesso de entrevistas aqui no Porto e estou ansiosa para ver como decorre o evento. Acima de tudo estou ansiosa por ajudar os nossos candidatos a alcanarem os seus objetivos profissionais e serem to proactivos e experientes como querem ser. Marta Teixeira O ambiente c no escritrio excelente e todas me aceitaram como parte da equipa e foram, e continuam a ser, muito atenciosas e pacientes comigo, sempre dispostas a ensinar-me e a ajudar-me a ser a melhor profissional que posso ser. As expectativas para 2013 esto em alta, que seja um timo ano! ~ Marta Teixeira Well, 2013 has started very much with a bang as opposed to a whimper! We used to reckon Decembers were quiet months in this industry but the last one was the busiest of any month I have seen. We have also had a large number of 'travelers' in the first week of January and I am expecting that to continue throughout the month. This includes Nurses, Doctors and allied health professionals. Our first 2013 event is next week and I travel to Portugal on Sunday for it. Early March is scheduled now for a dual Portugal, Spain event with respect to Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists for the United States. Ireland is embroiled in the dispute over the proposed new Nurses scheme here in the South with the Nursing Unions firmly opposed to the jobs being offered by the Government at 20% below current rates for entry level Nurses. Obviously there are savings to them with the current large agency spend shoring up the manpower shortages, so this one has a way to go. Many other European markets are waking up to their Nursing shortages but one thing is clear and that is that the English speaking world has the advantage that many Internationally Educated Nurses have studied English from School as a second language. Language skills are undoubtedly going to become ever more important in the jobs market into the future as the world 'shrinks', so to speak, with the improvements in communication, that we are all seeing day by day. I cannot help feeling that demographics are also going to be so important in the next few decades with both the issue of population ageing through better healthcare, the 'baby boomers' and also the disparity in population growth rates between different Economies globally. We certainly do live in 'interesting times' as the proverb goes. ~ Danny Roberts

Daniel Roberts

Candidates in Germany

Lisa Reiter

Christmas Dinner

Yours sincerely, Eileen O'Malley Director www.bestpersonnel.ie

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