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Solutions t o B Problems

Note that

&rtj =


R e f erring to Egua tion (2-2 1, we obtain

Note t h a t

3 sin (5t

45 ") = 3 sin 5t cos 45'

-+ 3


5t sin 45'

--3 So we have


s i n 5t + 3 cos 5t


Note that

Referring to Equation (2-21, we obtain


f(t) =

t <U


t 1 0

Noting that
cos 2 W t cos 3wt = + ( m s 5 d t + c Q s & J t )
w e have


L [ f ( t= ~ )

[%ms 5

~ + r tn s r ~ t ) ]


The function f I t ) can be written as

f(t) = (h
The Laplace transform of f(t) is
~ ( s= )

- a)


- a)
~ ( - a)] = t

[~(t)] =

J [(t - a )


B-2-6. -

f[t) = c l[t

- a)

- c I(t

- b)

T e Laplace transform oE f ( t ) is h
~ ( a =c )

e-a S -- c -- 2 (,-as e-bs S



The Function f ( t ) can be written as

So the Laplace transform of f ( t ) becomes


a approacl~eszero, t h e l i m i t i n g value of F(s ) becomes as follows:

F ( s ) = lim ad0 a+O


- 12.5

a 2s

2 5 =-as

= lim


( 2 . 5 e-(a/5)s

2 . 5 .-as)

= lirn a+O

- . s e-(a/5)s 05

2 . 5 s e-as


The function f(t) can be w r i t t e n as

So the Laplace transform of f(t) becomes

The limiting ~ l u 05 F(s) as a approaches zero is e

l i m F(s) = l i r n
ad0 a30

- as

e* -=


y = x
y(O+) = $(O+)

The i n i t i a l value of y can be obtained by use of the initial value theorem as follows:


= J'+[y!t)l

= d;rGct,1

= sX(S)

- x((U)

we obtain


Note that

Referring to Problm A-2-12,

we have

f ( t ~emst dt =

e-st at = 1

Referring to Problem A-2-12,

we obtain


%(s) can thus be written as

and the inverse Laplace transform of Fl(s) is



FZ(s) can thus be written as

and the inverse Laplace transform of F Is) is


m inverse Laplace transform of F (s) is e




E (s) can thus be written as


and the inverse Laplace transform of F ( ) ,s



i p ) = -3 . t

B t .2 -t


3 .2 -t

2 -2+-+----2- 5 s + l s

5 s + L

3 s + l

+- 5

Rre inverse Laplam transform of f ( s ) is

The inverse Lapla-

transform of F(S) is

f { t )=

S ( t ) 'F



f(t) = e-t cos 3t

1 - - e-t

sin 3t


The inverse Laplace transform of F(s) is


The inverse Laplace transform of F l s ) is

The inverse Uplacre transform of ~ ( s ) is

fit) =

1 1 -(t - - sin

L L J ~ ~


~ ( s= )

C - (1 - e-as) , b e-as s2 S

a >O

The i m r s e Laplace transform of F(s) is

f(t) = ct

- c(t - a)f(t - a) - b

l(t - a)

A MATUG program to obtain p r t i a l - f r a c t i o n expansions of the given function F(s) is given b l e w .


From this eamputer output we obtain

F(s) =

- -0.25 2s2

s4 + 333 +

s + l



05 .

The inverse Laplace transform of F(s) is

f(t) = -0.25 e-*t + e-t

0.75 + 0.5t

A possible MATLIE! program to obtain partial-fraction expansions B-2-25. of the given function F(s:l is given b l o w .

num = [O 0 3 4 I]; d e n = [ l 2 5 8 101; [r,p,kJ = residue(num,den) r=

0.3661 - 0.4881i 0.3661 + 0.4881i -0.3661 0.0006i -0.3661+ O.0006i


-1 -2758 + I.0309i - 1.2758 - 1.0309i


0.2758 + 1 .go81i 10.2758 1.9081i


From this cmputer output w obtain e

Since the poles are complex quantities, we may rewrite F ( s ) as follows:

Then, the imrerse Laplace transform of F(s) is obtained as

f(tl = 0.7322 e092758t m s 1.9082t + 0.9762 e00275Bt sin 1.9081 t - 0.7322 e-1-2758t cos 1.0309t

+ 0.001204 e-1*2758t sin 1.0309t

'Ihe Laplace transform of the given differential equation is

Substitution of the initial conditions into this l a s t equation gives

SoJ=ving for X ( s ) , we obtain

The inverse Laplace transform oE K(s) is

x(t) = 5


This is the solution of the given differential equation. ---

- -






= 0,


= o

The Laplace transform of this differential equation is

Solving this q a t i o n for X ( s 1 , we obtain

The inverse Laplace transform of X ( s ] is

This is the solution of the given differential equation,


x(0) = 0,


d ; + & + x = l ,

20 = 2 1)

The Uplace transform of this differential equation is


sx(0) -

1 G(o)] + 2[sx(s) - ~ ( 0 )+ x ( s ) = ) s

Substitution of the initial conditions into this equation gives

Solving this last equation for X ( s ) , we get

The inverse Laplace transform of ~ ( s giws )

x ( t ) = 4 e-005t s i n 0 5 .t


cos 0 5 .t

- e-0*5t sin 0.5k

= l + 3 e-0*5t sin 0 5 .2

a s 0.5t

Taking the Laplace transform of b h i s differential equation, we obtain

2[sZ~(s) sxIO)

- s(03 1 + 7 ~ a i s - x(0) 1 + 3X(s) = 0 )


By substituting the given initial conditions into this last equation,

~ [ s ~ x ( s )3s]

31 + 3XCs) = 0

Solving for X [ s ) yields

Finallyf taking the inverse laplace tmnsform of X(s), we obtain

-0.5t x ( t ) = 3.6 e

- 0.6



.. * x = sin 3t,

x(0) = 0,

k(0) = 0

T e Laplace transform of this differential equation i h s

Solving this equation for Xis), we get

The invezse. Laplace transform of X(s) gives

x(t) =


sin t

- -s i n I 8



B-3-2. Assume that the W y of known mmnt of i n e r t i a J through a small angle @ akrout the v e r t i c a l axis and then equation of motion far the oscillation is

' is turned


where k is the torsfanal spring constant oE the string. be m i t t e n as

This equation can

The period TO of this oscillation is

Next, we attach a rotating m the period T of oscillation.

y of unknown mmnt of inertia 9 and measure The equation for the perid T is

By eliminating the trimown torsional spring constant Ir from Equations (1) and ( 2 ) , we obtain

T e unknown moment of inertia J can therefore be determined hy measuring t h e h perid af oscillation T and s u b s t i t t t t i n g it i n t o Equation ( 3 ) .

B-3-3. of t h e b l l as x ( with x(0) = 0. - Define the vertical displacement equation aof motiont )for the system The positive direction is downward. The

with initial conditimsx(O) = O m a n d G ( 0 ) = 2 0 m / s .
Sowe have

I\snrme that at t = tl the ball reaches t h e ground.


frm which w e obtain

The ball reaches the ground in 2,915 s .

B-3-4. Define the torque applied to tfie flywheel as Tmotion for the system is

The equation of

f o which we obtain rm

%y substituting n m r i c a l values into this equation, we have


T = 1256 N-III

Integrating this equation,

(T = braking torque)

Substituting the given numerical values,

Solving for TJJ, we obtain

Hence, the deceleration given by the brake is 5.33 rad/s2.

T e total angle rotated in 15-semnd period is obtained from h


Assume t h a t we apply force F to t h e spring system.

F = k x + k ( x - y ) 1 . 2


~liminatingy f r a the preceding equations, we obtain

Hence the equivalent spring constant

is given by


The equations for the system are

Eliminating y fo the two equations gives rm

The equivalent spring constant k


is then o b b i n e d as

Next, consider the figure s h m below.

Note that A A B D and d C B E are


So we have

which can be rewritten as

K(OB +


+ OR) = -- - 4 El OA(OB

Solving for OC, we obtain


The force f due to the dampers is

In terms of the ermivalent viscous friction coefficient beq, force f is given by

The force f due to the dampers is


where z is t h e displacemnt of a point &tween damper bl and damper (Note t h a t the same force is transmitted through the shaft.) b2. From Equation (I), w have e

In terrns of the equivalent viscous friction coefficient is given by

f = hq(y

k tforce f

- );

By substituting Equation (2) i n t o Equation (13, we have



Since the sane force transmits t h e shaft, we have

where displacement z is defined in the figure Below.

In t e r n of the equitalent viscous friction coefficient, the force 5 is given by f= - 4) (21

From Equation (1) w have e
bl& + b ; + bgi = b ; + b2G + b ; 2 l 3

By substituting Equation (3) i n t o Equation

1 1 ) ~ we


Hence, by comparfng Equations ( 2 ) and ( 4 1 , we obtain


The equation For khe system is



+ k +Ic ) x = O 2 3

The natural frequency of the system is


?'he density

p of

the l i q u i d is

where A is the cross-sectio~lala r e a of the inside o f the g l a s s tube.

mathernakical ~ d e for the sysken is l


The natural frequency is

system is

For a mll displacement x, the torque balance equation for the

** mx(2a) =

- k(TI



Tire natural frequency is

A modified diagram for the systim s h m in Figure 3-55 is -3-14. given below.

mathemtical model for the system is given by the following t y ~ equations:


= -,, ke

- k2(e1 - 82)
- 82)

J$32 = k2(91

B-3-15. The following t w a equations describe the nation of the system and they are a mathematical model of the system.

mlx = - ~ ( x ~3

I .

m2$ = -kzy
Rewriting, we obtain

- kG - $1 p(t) ( - kl(y - x ) - q(j.- i )



A mathematical. m o d e l for the system is


The equations of motion for the system a r e

Noting that x = 2 y , R8 = x - y = y r and J = the three equations can b rewritten as " 1 - I R @2= - @ = M 2 2 ( T - T~)R ~
*. a = -

~ j * icy = TI + T* ;
Eliminating T2 f m t h e preceding equations gives

1 -M~+N?+]CY

m l


I - 2nrj;

By changing y into xt

The natural frequency 4s


XE mass m is pullecl down a distance xo and released with zero i n i t i a l velmity, the motion of mass rn is


Referring to the figure below, we have

(Note that since x is m a s u r d where T is the tension i n the wire. from the static equilibrium position, the term mq does not enter the equation.) For the rotational motion of the pulleyr WE have

Eliminating T frm Equetions (1) and (2), we obtain

Since x = Rlflr w have e


This Last equation is a mathematical model

of the system. the system is
The natural frquency of


The equation of motion for the system is

Substituting the given numerical values for m, b, and k into t h i s equation,

we obtain

wherex(0) = 0 1 and ?(o) = 0 . . The respofise ta the given initial condition can be o b t a i n e d by taking the Laplace transform of t h i s equation, solving the resulting equation for ~ ( s ) , a n d finding the inverse Laplace transform o f The LapPaee transform of Equation ( 1 ) is X(s)

By subsbituting the given initial conditions ink0 this l a s t equation, w e get

Solving t h i s equation for X l s ) gives

The inverse Laplace transform of this last equation gives

x ( t ) = 0.1(J--

e-t s i n 3t + e l t


. -. -



The equation of notion for the system is

where Fk = &(mg


s i n 30').

~ewrittingthis equation,

= 0.066 F

- 0.3(mg - 0.5 F)

For a constant speed motion, $ = 0 and the last equation becomes

106 F .1

- 0.3





Ti equations o mtion for the system are fe f

.. Mx=T0.




Elimination of T frm khese two equations gives

By substituting M = 2, m = I, and

JLK= 0.2

i n t o this l a s t equation, we get

Noting t h a t z ( 0 ) = 0, w e have

P s s w e that a t t = t

x(tl) - x(O) = 0.5 m.


Thus, the velocity of the block when it has maved 0.5 m can be found as


The equations of motion for t h e system are

where x = R8 and J = $ mR 2

So we obkain

The natural frequency of the system is

B-3-23. Assume that the direction of the static friction force F is to S the left as shown in t h e diagram below. The equations for the system are

where J = $ . ' ~ m Since the cylinder rolls without sliding, we have x = I?@. Consequently,

By eliminating

from Equations (I) and (2), we have

Since is found to be equal to -(1/3)F, the magnitude of Fs is one third of F and its direction is opposite to that assumed in the solution.



The equation of motion for the system is

ntx = F



sin 3 0 -

-pg p

cos 30,

x(0) = 0,


= 0

By substituting the given numerical values into this equation, w obtain e


x =F

- 1 x 9.81

x 0.5

- 0.2

x 1 x 9.81 x 0.866



Assume that a t t = tl, x ( t ) = 6 rn and

i(tl) =

5 ds.

Tx?n -

6 = (F

- 6.604)

1 - tI2 2

F m the last two equations, tl and F are fomd to h

Tfieref ore,
Work done by force F = F x 6 = 8.69 x 6 = 52.14 N-m
Work done by the grav3btional force =-mg

s i n 30mx 6

- =

9 8 x 05 x 6 = .1 .

29-43 N-m

Work done by the sliding friction force

- 0.2 x mg m s 30'

x 6


The kinetic energy T is

' 2 T = 1 ~ H2 e~ +'
The p t m t i a l energy U i s
U =t@f(1


= + ( M + + ) I ~ ~ ~

- cos 0 ) +
- m s B)

- m s 0) dJ

- (M+-+)gj?(l

Since the system f s conservative, we have

= constant
Noting that d(T + U)/dt = 0, we obtain



+ (M +


sin 81

j= )

Since 0 is not identically zero, we have


8 +

M m + 3

For small values of 0 ,

So the natural frequency is


T"he k i n e t i c energy T of the system is

and the potential energy U of the system i s

= 'j


+ % k p l

- e2) 2

+ )i k2o2Z

Using the law of conservation of energy, we have

Noting that d ( T + ~ ) / d " , = 0, we obtain


61 and

i) are not i d e n t i c a l l y zero, we must have


B-3-28. A t t = 0 (the instant the mss M is released' to m e ) t h e kinet energy T and the potential energy U of the system are I 1

The potential energy I s measured relative to the floor.

plkential energy U
A t the i n s t a n t m s m h i t s t h e fnmr t h e kinetic energy T and the as 2 of the system are 2


v2 is t h e velocity of the hanging mass m and G2 is the angle of rotakion of the pulley both at the instant the mass hits t h e f l o o r ; re2 - v2, and J = % mpr 2

Using the law of consenration of energy, we obtain

By substituting ret = v2 into this l a s t equation,

, = + M V ~ ~ + + I 2 T V ~ . . ) ~ ~ ~ V ~ T


Solving this equation for v


The force F necessary to move t h e weight is

F = n 9 = 10OO x 9-81 = 1962 pJ l 5 5

The p o w e r P is given by

where tJ = m~fx.

So w obtain e


From the figure shmm to the right, we obtain

To keep the bar AB horizontal when prlling the weight n g , t h e rnament a b u t p i n t P must balance. Thus,

Solving this equation f o r x, we obtain


Note that

Gear ratio = 1/30

Since the power T L W l 0 2 the motor is

the torque T2 of the driven shaft is

B-3-32. Assume that the stiffness of the shafts of the gear nite, t h a t there is neither backTash nor elastic defamation, nt.mber of teeth on each gear is proportional to the radius of the angular displacement of slraf t 1 and shaft 2.as 0 and Q2, I By applying Newton's second law to 'the system, we obtain shaft (shaft 1 )

t r a i n is i n f i and t h a t the gear. Ikf i n e respectively.

far the mtbr

where Tm is the torque developed by the motor and TI is the laad torque an 5@ar 1 due to the rest of the gear t r a i n .

For s h a f t 2 , we have

where T2 is the torque transmitted to gear 2 . i equal to that of gear 2, s

Since the work done hy gear 1



= n /n

, Equation

( 2 ) can be written as

Substituting Equation ( 3 ) into ~quatlon (I), we get

The equivalent moment of inertia of the gear t r a i n referred to the motor s h a f t is

Notice that if the r a t i o n /n

is very ttntch smaller than unity, then the 1 2 is negligible. effect of J2 an t h e equivalent mwnent of inertia J eq
&-3-33. The equivalent mament of inertia J of mass m referred to the motor m s h a f t axis can be obtained frcm

where oE is the angular acceleration of the motor shaft and 5 is the linear acceleration of mass rn. Since d r = 2, we have

The equivalent mcment of inertia Jb of the belt is obtained fo rm

S i n c e there is no slippage b e t w e e n the belt and the pulleys, the work: done by the belt and the right-side pulley ( ~ ~ and ~ ) by the belt and t h e 0 that

left-side pulley (T2Q2) must h equal, or e

where T is the load torque on the motor shaft and T is the torque trans1 2 rnitted to the left-side p u l l e y s h a f t , is t h e angular d i s p l a c m n t of the motor s h a f t , and G2 is the amy~lardisplacement of the left-side pulley shaft. Since the two pulleys are of t h e same size, we have BI = B2. Hence

For the motor s h a f t , we have

Also, for the left-side pulley shaft, we have

Since TI =

5' we ham

Since 0 = B2. this Last e q u a t i o n becomes


The equivalent moment of inertia J of the system with re eq s h a f t axis is

to the mtoi


So we obtain


figure 4-55 can be r e a w n as s

h below-

From the right side diagram w obtain the follaring equations: e

10 i

+ 20(i 1

- i3) = E
+ i 1 = ZO(i


i2 + 10(i2 + ig) = E

100 i, + 1O(i

- i31



So w e obtain

Solving f o r i2, ve get

Figure ( a )

Figure (b)

Figure I c )

Fran Figure ( a ) abwe w find R 1 = ZR2. e

Referring to Figure (b) above, w e


So R

is obtained as

By substituting R1 = 2R2 into this l a s t equation, w e obtain

!t%en, frm Figure ( c ) a m , current i is obtained as

B-4-5. When switch and w have e

is open, resismm between points A and B is l60R

When switch S is closed, resistanm between points A and B is

So we haw

Cansequently ,

Solving for Rj w obtain e

R = 25.R
M6 - . -

F m the circuit diagram we obtain


Each of the p r d i n g two sets of equations constitutes a rrratharatifal model

f o r the circuit.


Fran Figure


we have for t > 0

Taking Lapface transfom of Equations (1) and ( 2 ) , w get e

1 1

* R2[%(s) - T(s)I'

where i -) ' ( o

is g i m by

t = 0

F m Equation ( 3 ) we have

'men Equation ( 4 ) can be rewritten as

Substituting Equation (5) into Equation (6)we obtain

Tbe inwrse Laplam transform of this last equation gives

Referring to Equation 15 1

W E have

B-4-8, -

A t steady stake (t

< 0) we haw


For t 2 0 the equation for the circuit is

By d i f f e r e n t i a t i q this l a s t quation, we obtain

Th-e Laplace transform o f this q u a t i o n is


- i(O)]

LI ( s ) = 0 C




The inverse Laplace ttansfonn of I(s) gives


The equations for t h e system are

where Jeq is the equi~lentmoment of inertia of the system referred to the motor rotor axis and is the equivalent viscous friction coefficient of
the system referred

By taking Idplace transform of Equations (1) and ( 2 ) , w e obtain

Elimination of Eb(s) from the above two equations yields

(R, + L s I ( ) ,),s

+ l(bsB1(5) = E , ( s )

The Laplace transform of Equation (3) is


shl(s) + b SB


= KIa(s)


By substituting Equation (5) into Equation ( 4 ) , w obtain e

The numerical values of the equivalent moment of inertia Jq viscous friction coefficient b are, respectively, eq

and equivalent

Substituting these numerical v a l u e s into m a t i o n (61, we get

Since B2/B1= N /N = n = 0.1, ue have the transfer function B~(s)/E,(s) as

1 2



From the circuit shown to

t h e sight, we obtain

we have

X S O ,since
w obtain e

Equation (1) san be written as


transforming this equation and simplifying, we get


transforming Equation ( 2 ) , we obtain

fran which w e obtain

By substituting Equation ( 4 )

i n t o Equation (31, we have

frm which the transfer function Eo(s)/Ei (s) can be obtained as


From the circuit diagram shown, we obtain

we have

Also, since

i3 = 14
we get


Substituting Equation (2) i n t o Tquation (1)and simplifying, w obtain

Hence the transfer function Eo(s)/?Zi(s) is given by


The transfer function can given in t e r n of camplw impedances Z1 and Z 2 as follows:





ZL = Ls,

-I z

RCs + 1



Note that


The transfer function Eo(s)/Ei(s) can be given by

B-4-17. Then

Define the voltage at point A

as ek.

Define the voltage at point B as


Noting that
and K 3 1, we must have > EA(s) =



frm w h i c h we obtain


The voltage at point A is

e =- 1 ~ (e + 2



The voltage a t point B is


Thus, equating Equations (1) and ( 2 ) we obtain

Define the displacenent of midpoint between kg and b as x3. W-19. Then the equations for the system are

Using the force-voltage analogy, t h e preceding equations may k CcmVerted to

Rtle last three equations can be modified to


1 dt

ti, +
R(i2 ~

i2)dt +



)dt = e(t)

L 2

i3) +

( i 2 - il)dt = 0


- i2)


- ig)dt

From these thee equations we ean obtain

the analogous electrical system as shown to the right,

B-s-20. Define the cyclic current in the left loop as il and that in t h e r l g n t Loop as i2. Then t h e equations for the circuit are

which can be rewritten as

Using the force-voltage analogy, we can convert the last two equations as follows:

From these equations an analogous mechanical system can be obtained as shuwn to the r i g h t .




By substituting t h e given numerical v a l u e s i n t o



R-5-2. l solve t h i by using ttm different approaches: - We st hhea lexact methods problem other based on the use of an average one based on and the

Solution by the exact method.

For t h e liquid-level system we ha-

Py substituting C = 2 m 2 , Pi = 0.05 n 3/s, and p = 0.02 equation, we obtain

lfi into t h i s last

k t

fi = x.

Then H = x 2 and dII = 2x &,

So we


A s -

that at t = t

t k level reaches 2.5 rn.

Then, t


is obtained as


* -&


= - ZM)xly+1WO

dx 5-Zx

- 200( 6- 1) t moo

'5 " (

- 2x)l

Solution by use o f an averaqe resistance. (21 average resistance I? is obtained from

Since Q = 0 0 .2

5, the

~ e f i n e h = H -1.


= a i - 0.02

and qo=h/R.

For the liquid-level

Which can be rewritten as

substituting C = 2 m , R = 129 s/m2, this l a s t equation yields

and qi = 0.05

- 0.02

3 = 0.03 m / s i n t o

Taking Laplace transforms of both sides of this l a s t equation, w e obtain


- h(O)]

3. B 7 + H(s) = 5


Solving t h i s q u a t i o n for H ( s ) ,

The inverse l a p l a c e transform of this last equation gives

Assume that at t = t

1 '

h ( t ) = 15 ..

The value of tl can be determined frm



we have

his solution has $een obtained by use of an average resistance.


The equations for the Piquid-level system are

C dh

1 1

(6 + q - 6 - q,)dt

Since Rl = hl/ql

and R 2 = h2/q2, the system equations

can be rewritten as

From Equations (1) and (2) w obtain e

By differentiating Equation ( 2 ) with r e s w t to t, we get

+ - -1- - dh2 -

R2 d t

RL d t

By eliminating dh /dt from Equations ( 3 ) and (41, w obtain e 1

dZh2 R C R C 1 1 2 2 &2


2 2

&2 dt

+h 2


Substitution of h2 = RZq2 into this last equation y i e l d s

dZq2 - +(RIC1 + dt2

R C R C 1 1 2 2

R C ) -dq2 + q 2 = 4 2 2 dt

Hen= the transfer function of the

the output is g i m by

system when q is the input and q2 is


The equations for the system are

Thus, we have

From Equation (1) we obtain

ClsHl(s) =

2 [H2(s1 R1

H~(s) 1

From Equation ( 3 ) we get

By adding Equatfons (I), (21, and (31, and taking the Laplace transform of the resulting equation, we obtain

By substituting Equations ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) i n t o Ekqaticm (6), we get

Since H3(s)

= A 3 f ~ 0 ( ~ ) ,this last equation

can tR written as

This is k ? transfer function r e l a t i n g Q O ~ S ) ~ and Q~(s) =


For t h i s system




= -0.005Jii dt

Assume that .the head moves d m frm H = 2m to x for the 60 sewrid m d o. Then


~ . ' H

dR = 4.005

which can be rewritten


Taking logarithm of both sides of this last q u a t i a n , we obtain


3.5089 log x = 1wI0 10

x = 1.652 m


Frm Figure 5-32 we obtain

Using the e1ect;rical-liquid-1-1 analogy given below, e q a t i d n s for an analogous electrical system can be obtained.

C (capacitance)

R (resistance)

Analogaus equations for the electrical system are

Based on Equations ( 5 ) through (81, we obtain the analogous electrical system shuwn below,


The equations for the liquid-level. system of Figuse 5-20 are

Using t h e table of electrical-liquid-level analogy shown in the s~lutian of Problem B-5-6, we can obtain an analogous electrical system. The
analogous electrical equations are

Based on Equations 15) through ( 8 ) " r= system shown on n e t t page.

03tzin t h e analogous electrical

B-5-8. -

pv = mR,irT

In this problem
p = 7 X 205

+ 1.0133 x 105

= 8.0133 x

lo5 ~

/ m ~ abs

The mass m of the air in the tank is

If ttre temperature of canpressed air is raised to 4bec, then T = 273 + 40 = 313 K and the pressure p beccanes

= 7.547 x 105 ~ / m 2gage = 7.695 kgf/m2 gage

= 109.4 1bf/in.*



mte t h a t

where q is t h e flow sate through the ~ 1 ~ and is given by x 3


from which we obtain


RCS + 1

Pil s )
For t h e bell-

and spring, we haw the following equation:


= lot

T e transfer function x(s)/Pi (s) is then given by h


Note t h a t
= 0.5 x 105 NJm 2 gage = 1.5133 x 105 N/m 2 abs

= 0 N/m 2 gage = 1.0133 x 105 N/m 2 a b s P2 If p2 3 0.528pl, the speed of air flaw is subsonic. So the flaw throughout the system is subsonic. T e flow rate through the inlet wive is h

The flow rate through the outlet valve is

Since bokh valves have identical flow characteristics, w have TT = K = R. e 1 2 The equation for the system is

A t steady state, ve have d p i d t = 0 and t h i s last equation k c o m s

5 2 5 2 = 1.2633 x 10 N/m abs = 0.25 x 10 N/m gage


For the toggle j o i n t shown in Figure 5-37, w e have


Neglecting the Mgher-clrder terms, a linearized equatlcm for the system can $e written as


- f(E) = a(H - A)

f(E1 =

f ( 4 ) = 0,2

Thus, a linearized m a t i o n becames

A linearized equatian for the system is

- z = a ( x - 2)

where 2 = 2, E = 20, and

Thus, a linearized equation becomes

A linearized mathematical d e l is

where Z = 11,

= 5, z

- = 356, and

Thus* the l i n e a r l z d equation is

Define the radius and angle of rotation of the pinion as s and 8, respectively, Then, relative displacement between rack C and pinion B is re.

Relative displacement between rack A and rack C is 2re and this m s ut q u a 1 displacement x, Therefore, we have

Since x = r0 + y, we obtain


The heat balance equations for the system are

c1 1 = ae


- ,)at


C2dG2 = (q,

- s,)dt

Noting t h a t

Equations (1) and (2) can be modified to

f o which w get rm e

By eliminating Bl(s) frcm the preceding two equations, we obtain

Thus the transfer function

E b Z ( s ) f l l ( s ) can be given by

B-6-1. &fine the current in the circuit as i (t) where t q u a t i a n for t h e circuit f o r t 9 0 i s

2 0.


Since the capacitor is not charged for t equation becaes

< 0, the

laplace transform of this


we obtain

T e i m f s e Laplace transform or E() h ,o


B-6-2. -

The equation for the circuit is

Since q(0) = 0 and i10) = {(o) = 0, the Laplace transform o this la* -af tion gives
LS~Q(S)+ RsQ(s) + - Q ( s ) = E 1


Since khe'current itt) is d q ( t )/atr we have

The current i ( t ) w i l l be o s c i l l a t o q if t h e t w o roots of the characteristic


are cmmple~ mnjugate.

Case 1

If two roots are real, then the current is not osci-

(Two roots of the characteristic equation are complex conjugate):

For this case' define


The inverse Laplace transform of I ( s ) gives

The current i(t) approaches zero as t approaches infinity.

Case 2 (Two rmts of the characteristic equation are r e a l ) :

For this case define

Its) = E


+ b)

The inverse Laplace transform OF I ( s ) gives

N o t i e that


L b-a


The current i ( t ) can thus be given by

B-6-3, Referring to the -t o the right, we havecircuit diagram shown


Z1 = R1


= R



Eo(s 1



KP2s + 1
( E + R ~ ) C ~ S1 ~ +

2 '

Next, w shall find the response eo(t ) when the input e . (t) is the unit step e Z function of magnitude E. Since

the Inverse Laplace transform of E0(s) is

which gives t b response to t h e s t e p input of magnitude E

~6-4 - , The system equations are


which can be rewritten as


+ kly = k1xi + blxo

Noting that x,(O-) = O and y ( O - ) = 0 , by t a k i n g the two equations w obtain e

b; -

transform of these

By eliminating Y ( s ) from the preceding two equations, we get

Simplifying ,


?he response

of the systm to xi(t) = Xil(t) can be obtained by taking the

inverse Laplace transform of

as fellows:


The equations of motion for the system are

k (x.
1 1

xo) = b (&

- y)

Rewriting these equations,

Noting that x ( 0 - ) = 0 and also yl(0-1 = 0, 2-transforms of these t w o equations becane

Elintinatfng Y ( s ) from the l a s t two equations, we obtain

which can be simplified as


Since the i n p u t xi(t) is given as

we have

Tne response Xo(s) is t h e n obtained as


we have


B-6-6. -

First note that

Since R2 = 1 5 Rlr C = C .

, and

R C = 1, we obtain
1 1

and the transfer function %(s)/Ei(s)


Since the input; ei(t) is given by

w have e


Hence, the response eo(t) can be obtained as follow:


we obtain the respanse eoIt) as follows:

e (t) = Ei (0.4 e-2t

- 0.4

e- (L/3)t


lqarithmic d e c r e n t = In

'to l -= -I
X l




Solving for



substituting n = 4 and xo/xq = 4 into t h i s last equation, w obtain e

Noting t h a t Wn =@

and 2

5% =

b/m. w e find



The system equation is

(rn+ 2 ) G + & + ) ~ = p

Substituting the given ntm#rical val~es = 20 kg and p = 29 = 2 x 9 8 N m .1 into this l a s t equation, w e obtain
2 2 2 + b j t + h =2~9.81

At steady state
l a S S = 2 x 9.81

From Figure 6-48 (b)p

, x

= 0.08 m.


Solving for k, w obtain e

2 x 9-81 = 0.08 k'




3.34 r a d / s ,

b 2 2 U n -3

we obtain

E-5-9. -

FOP the x direction, the equation of motion is

For the rotational motion of t k pendulum,

Rewriting the preceding t mationst m

+ r (cos 0 n g

iZ % 51 1 s i n 8 = - m2g 1sin + sin


x +

. *




sin 8

b2 +
" 1



Thus the equations of motion for t h e system are

;+ ;






sin O

i + 2k 2

" 1


" 1

=a .

The equation of mtian for t\e s y s t e m is

1 kg, k = 100 ~ / m ,p ( t ) = 10 &(t) N, x(0-1 = 01 m, and G(0-) = 1 . By substituting the given n m ~ i c a v a l v e s into the system equation, l we obtain

rn =


Taking the

a- transfarm of

this l a s t equation gives

Solving for X(s) gives

The inverse Laplace transform of X ( s ) gives


sin =lo

10t+ 0.1 cos 10t

L e t us d e f i n e another impulse force to stop the nmtion as A 8 (t T , *ere ) A is the undetermined magnitude o the impulse force and t = T is the unf 'fhm, determined i n s t a n t that this impulse is to be given t t h e system. o






x = O


t h e equation of motion for the system w e the hn is


impulse forces are given


L- transform of

this last equation gives

[ m s 2 + k ) ~ F s ) 1 + A e-ST

Solving for X(s) ,

me inverse taplace transform of X(s) is

If the mation of mass m is to be stopped at t = T, then x ( t ) mst be identically zero for t k T . Note t h a t x ( t ) can be made i d e n t i c a l l y zero for t > T if we choose

Thus, t k Xmti0n o f mass m can be stopped by anokher impulse force, such as

The system equation is

2 + b;t



= 0,



transform 0 5 this q u a t i o n is
(ms2 + bs)X(s) = 1

Salving for X ( S ) ~we get

m response x ( t ) of the system is e

The velacity G(t ) is

I $(t) = - e-(b/m)t m

The initial velocity can also be obtainl;d by use of the initial value thwrm.

' Z c nwrnenL u1 itjestla of t . 1 ~wndulum about 1l The a n g l e o f rotation of the the pivot is J = m i 2 . pendulum is 8 rad. D e f i n e the force t h a t a c t s on the pendulum a t the time of sudden stop as F(t ) Then, k h e torque that a c t s on the pendulum due to the force F(t) is F ( t ) K cos 8. The equation for the pendulum system can be given by

We shall linearize this nonlinear ajvaiirn 4 erruning angle 9 is small. (Although @ = 20" is not quite small, the resulting linearized q u a t i m i will give an approximate solution.) By approximating cos Cl f 1 and s i n 0 f 8, Equation (1) can be written as



Since the velocity of the car at t = 0- is 10 m / s and the car stops i n 0 3 s, the deceleration is 33.3 rn/s2, . By a s d n g a constant acceleration of magnitude 33.3 m/s2 to act on the mass for 03 seconds, F ( t ) may & g i m by .

Then, Equation ( 2 ) may be written as


1 = 0.05

m, this l a s t equation becmes

Taking Laplace transforms of bath sides o f this last q u a t i o n , we obtain

where we used t h e i n i t i a l conditions t h a t 8(0-) = 0 and B(0-) = 0. Solving Equation ( 3 ) for @ ( s ) ,

The irrverse Laplace

transform of Qls) gives

Note t h a t l(t 0-3) = O for 13 ,< t 0 3 .. Let us a s s m e t h a t at t = tl, 0 = 2 0 8 = 0.3491 rad.

Tbenbytent a t i w l y assuming t h a t tl occurs before t = 0.3, we solm the following equation for tl:



which can

3 simplified to x

T e result is h

Since tl = 0.0327 < 0 3 our aasrenptim was correct. . The terms involving l(t - 0 - 3 ) i n E q u a t i o n ( 4 ) d o n o t a f f e c t t h e v a l u e o f tl. It takes approximately 33 ms for the pendulum to swing ZOO.


The equation of motion for t h i s system is

By substituting t h e numerical values for M, b, k, and g i n t o this equation, we obtain

By taking the Laplace transform of t h i s l a s t equation assuming zero initial conditions, we obtain

The inverse Laplace transfo m of X I S ) gives xdt) = 0-04905(l

- e-1*6666t cos 5.5277t - 0.3015


e-l-666fit s i n 5.5277t)

N e x t , w shall obtain the response e Note that: X ( s ] can be written as

x ( t ) versus t with MATUB.

Now d e f i n e

nm=[Q 0


R possible MATLAB program to obtain the response curve is given belcrw.

% ***** MATLAB program to solve Problem B-6-14


num = [O O 1.6351; den = [ I 3.3333 33.33331; step(num,den) grid title('Respoase ~(t)') Idabel('t sec')

The resulting response curve x ( t ) versus t is sham k I m .


The equation of motion f o r the system is

By substituting the numerical values of m, kl, k2, and bl i n t o this equation, we obtain

Laplace transforming this equation, we get

Solving this equation for X(s),


sx(0) +


+ 4x(O)

+ 4s


Since x(0) = 6-05 and g(0) = 1, X ( s ) becanes

The inverse Laplace transform of X ( s ) gives

x ( t ) = 0.05 e-2t m s 2


+ 0.3175

e-2t sin 2. f- t 3

This equation gives the time xespQme x(t) The response m m e x(t1 versus t can be obtained easily by use of NATLAE. Noting t h a t X(s) can be written as
X(s) = 0.05~2 + 1.2s s2+4s+16
we may define


den = [I


and use a step camand. "ke following MRTLAB program will generate the reqmnse x(t) versus t as s h m below.
% ***** PvlATltA3 pro_nfam to solve Problem B-6-15*****

mrn = L0.05 I .2 0 ; 1 den=[I 4 161; st ep(num,den)

~d tit1e(lriesponse x(t)3 xlabelrt secq> ylabel(k(t)')

In this system F is the input and x2 is the output. B-6-17. Figure 6-57, we obtain the following equations:


Laplace transforming these t -atimsr m we obtain

assuming zero i n i t i a l conditions,

By eliminating XI(s3

f r a these two equtltionsr we get

simplifying this last equation, w get e

from which xe obtain

By substituting numerical ~ l u e s ka, k2, blr and b2 into this l a s t for equation, we obtain

Since the input F is a step formof ZM, we have ~ ( s = 21s. ) be obtained from

x2(s) can

The inverse Laplace transform of X ~ ( S gives )

The response curve x 2 ( t ) versus t can be obtained with MATLAB as follows: F i r s t note t h a t

Then, define

and use a step comnand. The following MATLAB program will yield the response curve x 2 ( t ) - T e resulting response curve is shown i the h n

figure below.
% ***** MATLAB program to solve Problem B-6-17 *****

num = [O 0 0.83; den=[l 6.4 81, step(num,den) grid titl$Response x(t)3 xlabel('t sect) ylabel('x(t)')

Referring to the figure showr to the B-5-18. right, w e ham


Z2(s) = Rl +



1 ClS

Zr(s1 =

R ~ C ~ S1 +

Z~(S= )

RrCls + 1

By rmbstituting the given nrrmerical wlues for Rl, R 2 , C1, and C2, we obtain

men ei (t1 = 5 V ( S*p

input )l is applied to the system, we have

The reqmnse curve e() ,t

MA'lTAEl program

versus t can be obtained by entering the follmj-lng

i n t o the mqmter.

The resulting response curve eo(t) versus t is shown below.

R e m e BdU

I Sec

Note that

Notice t h a t the response curve is a sum o two exponential curves and f a step function of magnitude 5 .


T e equation of m t i o n for the system is h

whesex1(0)= 0 and

G(OE = O .

The laplace transform of t h i s equation is

By substituting the given numefical

values of

k, P, and c3 into this l a s t

equation, we obtain

Solving for X ( s ) ,
X(s> =


- -5
96 s2

(s2 + 100)(s2 + 4 )

- -1

1 0

+ loo

The inverse Laplace tsansfarm of X(s) gives the response x ( t ) x(t) =

(sin 2t

- -sin ' 5


B-7-2. -

The equation of motion for the system i s

By substituting the *ven

nwrtlerlcal va3ues into t h i s equation, w get e

+ 2 ; + 2 0 0 ~ 5 sin 6t 4; =


+ 1 3 + fOOx = 25 s i n 2; .

73king the Laplace transform aE t h i s last equation, w o b i n e


t 12s

100)X(s) = 25 .

Solving for ~ ( ) , s



The i m s e laplace transfarm of X ( s ) gives

x(t) =

3 -e4t 1856

s i n 8t +

-eat 464

t e x

8t +

sin 6 t

m s 6t


1 - s -



1 RCs + 1


For the input e. (t) = E sin L3 t, the steady-state output e ( t )is g i m by 1 i 0


T e equations of motion for the system are h

which can be m i t t e n as

Since we are interested in the steady state behavior of the system, we can assume that all initial conditions are zero. Thus, by assuming zero initial conditions and taking the Izlpkace transforms of the last two equations, we obtain

(m2s2+ bs + K)x*(s) = (h+ k)x1(s)

R n Equation (2) we have a

Substituting Equation (3) into Equation (1) and simplifying, w obtain e

The transfer function Gl(s) between X1( 3 ) and P(s) can thus b obtained as


fram M h we obtain c

The steady-state output i ( t )a n , therefore, be given by

xl(t) = G ( j w ) P s i n dt + 11

L l
G (jW)

NgXt, referring

between X


to Equation 131 we have the transfer function G2 (s) and P ( s l as fallows:


The magnitude and angle of G ( j W ) are given by


The steady-state output x (t) can be given by

xz(t) =

I ~ , ( j w ) P sin



tension =

2 mu s = 0.1

X 6.28

1 = 39 M .4

Tne tension in the card is 3.94 N. 'rhe maximum angular speed can be obtained by salving the f o l l d n g q u a t ion for #


maxfrmrm angular speed that can bE? attained without breaking the card is

1.59 Hz-


F m the d i a g m shown
centrifuqal force gravitational force

klokr, w e


nUJ2r - 0.15


Solving for W

, we


B-7-7. -

The equations of m t i o n for the system are

MZ + & + m = m t d r


Tf 10 % of the excitation form is to 1 transmitted to the foundation, the s Thus tranmnissibility m s be q u a 1 to 0.1. ut

Since 5 is desired to be 0 2 w substitute J = 0.2 into this last equation* ., e

Solving for

', we find


Nating t h a t & > O ,

velnuat h v ! ae*

= 22.28.


k = 1 . x 103 N/m 77

The amplitude of force F transmitted to the foundation is t


By substituting x


= z into this last equationr we obtain


The Zaplace transform of this equation, assuming zero initial conditians, is

Far the sinusoidal input y = Y sin&)

t r

The steady-state amplitude ratio of z to y i s

Thus, the amplttude of sinusoidal dinplacetnent y of the base is equal to t h e

amplitude of the relative displacemer~tz. If w<< W , we have

So the acceleration

of the base is ptopartional. to z.

B-7-9. - for Define the displacement of spring k2 as y . motion t h e system are

'Then the eqmations of

T e f o r e f(t) transmitted to the foundation is h

By taking laplace transforrrrs of Equations (1) and (21, assuming zero i n k t i a l conditions, WF obtain

By eliminating YCs] fran t h e last two equations amd simplifying, w e get

The Laplace transform af Equation (3 5 is


w e have


T e farce transmissibility TR is h

T e amplitude of the force transmitted to the foundation is h

B-7-10. Define the d i ~ p l a - ~ k o f the t o p e n d of springk as z . 2 the equations of mtim for the system ape


where p = P s i n w t ,

Rewriting these equatfom,

Laplace transforming these t w o qtatims, assuming zero i n i t i a l m d i t i o n s ,

w obtain e

Eliminating Z(s) fran the last t equations and simplifying gives m


the transfer function ~(s)/P(s)is obtained as

W E motion transmissibility T is R

?RIPvibration amplitude X( jW ) of 'h machine is .e


The equations of matian for the system are

d + & + k x + ~ ( x - y ) = p = ~ s i n ~ t

Laplace tsansfoming these t w o equations, assuming zero i n i t i a l wnditicms, we obtain

Eliminating Y ( s ) E m the Last t w o equations and simplifying, w obtain e

Note t b t if/-=#,

then X ( j W ) = 0 .


we have

By substituting


= U 2 Into this last equation, ve get




ma LrlL


p ka


The amplitude of dbration

05 mass

m, is P. &

8-7-12. Assuming ma11 angles Q1 and system rriay be obtained as fo L m l :

e2 the

equations of nation for the

Rewriting these equations, w obtain e

which can be simplified to

To find the n a t u r a l frequencies of the free yibntionr we assume the motion to be harmonic. That is, w assume e

= A sin W t ,

I2 B =



= -A&



e2 =



Substituting the preceding expressions i n t o Equations (1) and (2), w e obtain

Since these equations must be satisfied at all times and s i n d t cannot be zero a t a l l times, the quantities in the brackets must be equal to zero.

For constants A and B to be nonzero, " determinant of t h e coefficients of , Equations (3) and ( 4 ) must be equal t o zero, or

This determinant equation determines the natural frequencies of the systemEquation (5). can be rewritten as

This last equation can be factored as follows:


The first natural frequency is w l (first W e ) and the second natural frequency is L3 ( second mode) .
2 A t the first natural freqwncy W


we obtain from


(3) the following expression:

kit2 -

[~ote that w e obtain the same .result from Equation ( 4 ) . ] Thus, at the first nrode the amplitude ratio A D k a m e s unity, or A = B . This means that both masses move the same munt in the same direction. This mode is depicted in

Figure ( a ) below.

the second natural frequency & = LJ2 we obtain from Equation (3)
ka -

-A E 3


-9-+kaLL---I mlt2 P m1t2



- - - m2


[we obtain the same result fran Equation (4). 1 At the second mode, the mis means t h a t amplitude ratio A D becomes - m /m or A = (m2/ml)~. 2 1 masses mave i the opposite direction. This mode is depicted in Figure (b) n shown b e l o w .


T h e ~ a t i o n s c E m t i m f o rthesystemare

mx =


(x + f l s i n



-I2sin Ilk2
1 and the preceding two

For small angle B, we have sin 8 m a t i o n s becnne

+ 8 and cos +3

Notice that if flkl = [2k2t then the coupling terms become zero and equations become independent. However, in this problem


Therefore, mupling exists between Equation (11 and Equation (2). To f i n d the natural frequencies f o r the system, assume the following harmonic motion:
x =A s h u t r
= :



Then, frm Equations [I) and (2) we obtain

For amp1itudes A and 3 to be nonzero, the determinant of the coefficients of Equations 13) and ( 4 ) must be equal to zero, or

Thfs determinant equation determines t h e n a t u r a l frequencies of the system.

Equation ( 5 ) can ke rewritten as

which can be simplified to

Notice that this last: equation determines the natural frequencies of the system. By substituting the given numerical values f o r l l , 1 2 , kl, k2, m, and J into Equation (6), we o l ~ t a i n

a4- 1 4 0 W 2 + 3920 = O
Solving this q u a t i o n for W *, w e get


The first natural frequency is Cdl = 6.2205 rad/s and t h e second natural frequency is u = 10.065 rad/s.

To determine the modes of vibration, notice t h a t from Equations (3) and



By substituting the given numerical values into this last equation, we obtain

For the first mode of vibration ( &J = 6.2205 rad/s) t h e amplitude ratio A h 1 becomes as follows:

Notice that the ratio of the displacements of springs k and k are 1 2

'h f i r s t mcde of vibration is sham in Figure ( a ) on next page. I e

Figure ( a )

For the second mode of vibration ( W = 10.065 rad/s) the ampl&ude 2 ratio A/B k c m e s as

Hence the ratio of the displacements o= springs k and k becomes 1 2

The secand mode of vibration is sharn in Figure (b) below.

Figure (b)

B-7-14. The system shown in ? i p e 7-50 is a p i a l case of the system shown in Figure 7-32 (Problem A-7-14). By defining





Equations (740) and (7-41) become as follows:


that satisfies Equations ( 7 - 3 8 ) and (7-39) bcmes as follows:

X)ef ine

By substituting Ld12 into Equation (I), w obtain e

Similarly, by substituting uZ2 Equation (13, into


[We get the sarrte result if we substitute dl2or Hence we have

aZZ t o in

Equation ( 2 ) , ]

which means that: in the first mode of vibration (with frequenq dl), the ma5ses mE in the S a m? d i mtion by the s:u n e m In the second mod .brat ion ( w i t 1I E r e qency w 2) r tht2 msse in opposite dir ; by the same amount. Figlures ( i3 ) and l u ) s r i m on next page d e p l c t the first m d of vibration and second mode of vibration, respectoe

Figure ( a )


The equations of motion for the system are

Substituting the given numerical mlues into these two equations and simplifying, we have

To find the natural frequencies of the free vibration, assume that the motion is harmonic, or

. *



. I

If the preceding expressions are substituted into Equations (1) and

(2), we obtain (-A

a 2

+ II.A

- B) sin

Since these two equations must be satisfied a t all times and s i n u t cannot be zero a t all times, w e must hsve


For constants A and B to 'b? nonzero, the determinant of the coefficient matrix must be equal t;o zero, or

which yields

which can be rewritten as


t~ 2 -

7.2985)C d2

13.7016) = 0

Hence r

The frequency of the first mode is 2.7016 rad/s and t h e frequency of t h e second mode is 3.7016 rad/s. Frun Equations ( 3 ) and (4!, we obtain

By substituting

uI2 = 7.2985

i n t o A D , we obtain

Similarly, by substftuting w 2Z = 13.7016 into A D , we get

n Hence, at the first m o d e of vibration, two masses rm

in the same direction, while a t the second mode of vibration, two masses move i n opposite d i m tions.

Next, we s h a U obtain the vibrations x ( t ) and y(t) subjected to the given initial conditions. Laplace transforming Equations (1) and ( 2 ) ,

Substituting t h e given initial condition3 into the preceeding t w o equations

we get

~liminatingY(S) frm Equations ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) ,

which can be simplified t o

Similarly, we can obtain Y ( s ) as follows:

we rewrite X(s) and Y ( s )

To obtain the responses x(t) and y ( t ) to the given initial conditions, as follows:

Possible MATLAB programs to p l o t x ( t ) and y ( t ) , respectively, are given next. The resulting plots x ( t 1 versus t and y ( t ) versus t are shown on next page.
% ***** MATLAB pro_mrnto obtain vibration x(t)
num = [0.05 0 0.5 0 01.


d e n = [ l 0 21 0 1001;
t = 0:0.05:30; x = step(num,den,t);

plot(t,x) grid title('Vibration x(t) due to initial conditionds') xlabel('t sec') ylabd('x(t)')

****#I A n A B progranl to obtain vibration y(t) *I*** M

num = [0 0 0.5 0 01;
den=[l 0 21 0 1001; t = 0:0.05:30;
y = step(nurn,den,t);


pIot(t,yl grjd title('Vibration y(t) dare to initial conditionds') xlabel('t sec')


B-7-16. All necessary derivations of quatians for the system are given in Problem A-7-16. The e q u a t i ~ n s for the system are

Referring to Equation 17-54) we have

Case ( a ) :

For the initial condition..;

x(0) = 0.2807,



y ( O ) = I,

~ C O = 0 )

Equation (33 becomes as fellows:

By substituting

Equation ( 4 ) into Equation (23 and solving for ~ ( s ) ,W


S u b t i t u t i n g y ( 0 ) = 1 i n t o the l a s t e y a t i o n and simplifying, we get

To obtain plots of x ( t ) versus t and


following M4TLAE program into the m p u t e s . shown in Figure ( a ) .

versus t, w e may enter the The resulting plots are

% ***** MATLAB p r o p o l to obtain x(t) and y(t), case (a) *****

numl = [0.2807 0 01; n u d = [I 0 0 ; 1 d e n = [ l 0 7.19221; step(num I ,den) hold Current plot held step(num2,den)
text(2,-0.5,'x(t)') trn(3,0.3>'flt)')

title(Responses x(t) and y ( t ] ~ to initial conditions (a)') due xlabel (It sec') ylabel (k(t) and y(t33

Case (b):

For the i n i t i a l conditions

x(0) = 1.7808,
G(03 = 0 , y ( 0 ) = -1,


= 0

we obtain the following expressions for ~ ( s and ~ ( s ) : )

k MATMI3 pragram for obtaining plots of x( t ) versus t and y(t) v;ersus t is 5 below. T e resulting p l o t s are shown in Figure (b) below. h

*A **** * MATLAB program to obtain x(t) and fit), case (b)

numf =[1.7808 0 0 ; 1 m = [ - l 0 0; 1 den=[] 0 27.8081; step(num1,den) hold Current plot held step(num2,den) texf(l.7,l. S,"x(t)') text(3 -5,-1 .Slfi(t)? title(Responses x(t) and fit) due to initial conditions (b)") xlabel ('t sec') ylabel ('x(t) and fit)')

* * * **



For the i n i t i a l conditions

~ { o = 0.5, r


= O,

y(o) =


+(o) = o

obtain the followhq expressions for XIS] and Y ( s } :

s h u n below.

MATLAB program to obtain plots of x ( t ) versus t and y(t) versus t is The resulting plots are shown in fiqure (c]

% ***** MATLAB progranr to obtain x(t) and fit), case (c)


nmml = [0.5 0 2.5 0 0 1 num2 = 1-0.5 O -7.5 0 Q; ] den=[] 0 35 0 2003;

t = 0:0.02:5;

x = stq(mm 1,den,t);

pfot(t,s'el) hold Current plot held y = step[nuM,den,t); P~o~~~,Y*~~')


text(l.1,-0.3,'y(t)3 title('Responses x(l) and y(t) due to initial conditions (c)? xlabel ('E sm') yfabel ('x(t) and y(t)')

Rsswmes: x(l) and dl)due to hRlal oondinions (c)

B-8-1. diagrms -h m Simplified b l w k The are s to the right,
transfer function ~ ( s ) / R ( sis )


Simplified block diagrams for the system are shown $elm.

The transfer function ~ ( s ) h ( s is )

Define the i n p u t impedance and feedback impedance as Z and Z B-8-3, respxtively, as shown in the figure bel,>w. 1 2


Since el

0, Laplace transKorms af voltages e.(t) and e(t) are obtained as


E ~ ( s ) = ZII(s) = R I(s)




The Mntrol acbion is propartianal plus integral.




Let us define d i s p l a m n t s e, x , and y as shown in the figure

Fur relatively small angle 8 we can construct a block diagram as s h m below.

F r a the block diagram we obtain t h e transfer function Y(s)/B(s) as folloucts:

Since in such a systm ~ a / o (a + b) 1 is designed to be very large -red [ to I, ~(s)/B1sI may be simplified to

see that the piston displa-nt y is proportional to d e f l e i o n angle 9 of the control lever. Also, from the system diagram w see t h a t fox each e m L l Mlue o y , t h e r e is a corresponding value of angle dm Therefore, for f each -12 angle e of the control lever, there is a mrresponding steady-state elevator angle 8.


moves upward. This movement acts as the input to the hydraulic tontroller. A positive error signal (upward motion of the sleeve) causes the power p i s t a to move dawnward, reduces the fuel mlve apeningc and decreases the engine Referring to Figure ( a ) shorn below, a block diagram for t h e system speed. can be dram as shown i n figure (b) on n e e page.

If the engine spsed increases, the sleeve of the fly-ball -mar

Figure ( a )

Figure Cb)
From Figure (b3 the transfer function Y(s)/E(s) is obtafned as

K 8





aI t a2 bs



Since such a speed mtruller is usually designed such t h a t

the transfer f u n c t i o n ~ ( s ) @ ( s ) kcomes

Thus, the control action of this s p d controller is proportional-plus-intq-. 1


For the first-order system

the step response curve is an q n e n t i a l 50 the the constant T can k determined from such an exponential m ily. Erom Figure 8-99 the time c o n s t a n t T is 2 s . If this thermometer is placed in a bath, the temperature of f i c h is increasing at a rate of 10C/rnin = 1/6 "C/s, or

where a is a constant, then the steady-state error can be determined as follows? Noting that

we obtain



Thus, the steady-state error is 1/3*~. For a second-order system:

A typical response c u m , when this thermwneter is p l a d in a bath held at a constant temperature, is shown below.


The closed-loop transfer function of the system is

For the unit-step input, w e have

B-8-9. -

Since MP is specifimf as 0 0 , we h w .5 a


S o l v i n g Ear the damping ratio



The s e t t l i n g time ts is specified as 2 seconds.

So we





The closed-loop transfer f u n e i o n of the system is

c(s1 -

s3 + 2s2 + 10s + 100


T h i s system is unstable m u s e two m l e x-conjuqpte closgd-loop poles are in t h e right half plane. To vi: malize the urtstable r e s p n s e , WE may enter t h e folrmring MATLAB program ilIt0 the c m u.er The resulting D Pt . unstable response olrve is shown in Lh- I CLYU e: UIL next page. ~ r To make the system s t a b l e , i is necessary to reduce the gain o f the t system or add an appropriate -nsator.


num = [0 O 0 1001; d e n = [ l 2 10 l11 C0;


stvInunldqt) ?id t i t l m i t - S t e p Response of Unstable System') AabelCt sec') yla bel('c(t )')

0:o.1 5 ;

From the chara&eristic polynomial, we find

The rise t h w tr is obtained frm

t = ,

W d


=w,JG= 4 JCTZ- 3.46

we have

?he peak time

$ is obtained


The maximum overshoot Mp is

The settling time t is ,


The closed-loop transfer fun~tlonfor the system is

From this quation, we o b t s i n

Since the damping ratio

is specified as 0 . 5 , we get

Th;lref ore, we have

0.5(1 + KKh) = T e settling tine i specified as h s


Since the feedfomard transfer function G I s ) is



K 2s + .L

+3 -


1 28+f,+mh

the s t a t i c velocity error constalt Kv is

This value m s be equal to or greater than 50, ut


Thus, the-conditionsto be satisfied can be surmaarized as follows:


From W a t i a n s (1) and (2),

wz gwk

Frm Equation ( 3 ) we obtain

If w choose K = 5000, then w get e e

Thus, w e determined a set of values of K and Kh a s follows: R = 5000,

Kh = 0.0198

With these values o f K and Kh, a l l specifications are satisfied.


Since R ( s ) = l/s2, the output C ( s ) is obtained as

Since the system is underdampecl, C(s) can be written as

The i n v e r s e Laplace transform of C(s) gives

The steady-state error ,e ,

for s unit ramp input is

= lim

?he steady-state


e r r o r can also 6e obbined by use of the f i n a l value Since t h e error signal ~ ( s ) is

we obtain the steady-state error eSS as


The characteristic equation is

T e Routh array for this equation is h


For the systm to be stable, there should be no sign changes in the first column. This requires


- H>0,

K > o

Hence, we get the m e of gain K f o r stability to be g


8-8-15. Since the system is of higher order (5th order), it is easier to find the range of gain K f o r stability by first plotting the r m t laci and then finding critical p i n t s (for stability) on the soot loci. The open-loop transfer function G(s) can be written as

The MATLAB program given on next page w i l l generate a plot of the root loci for the system. The resulting root-locus plat is s h m also on n


num= [O 0 Q I 2 43;
d e n = [ ! 11.4 39 43.6 24 0 ; 1 rIocus(num,den)
Waning: Divide by zero v = [-8 2 -5 51; axis(v); (wis('squareq) gtid

title(Root-Locus Plot (Problem B-8-15]?

Based on this plot, it can. be s e m that the system is cbnditianally &able. Pill critical points for stability lie on the j# axis.
To deternine the crossing p i n t s of the r m t laci with the j axis, d substitute s = ju3 i n t o the characteristic equation w h i c h is


(ju)5 11.4(ju)ld + 39(ju1)3 + (43.6 +

~ ) ( j l d ) *I24 +


This equation can be rewritten as

By equating the

real part; and imaginary part equal to zero, respectively,

we obtain

Equation (2) can be written as

From Equation (3)



By substituting Equation ( 4 ) into Equat.ion (11, we get

which can IE simplified to

The roots of this l a s t q u a t i o n can b easily obtained by use of the Ft4ZZAB e

prcqram given below.

The rmt-locus branch in the upper half plane t h a t goes to i n f i n i t y crosses t h e jul axis at MJ = 1.2130, icl = 2.1509, a n d w = 3.7553. The gain values
at these crossing p i n t s are obtainel a s follows:

K =

-1.2130~ + 39 x 1.2130~ - 2 %

= 15-61

for hJ = 1.2130

R = -2.1509~ + 39

2.1509~ - 24

= 67-51

for OJ = 2.1509 for W = 3.7553

o1 r

-3 . ~ 5 5 3 ~39 x 3 - 7 5 ~ 3 ~ + - 24 2

, 163.56


the K values above, we obtain t h e range of gain K for s t a b i l i t y as me system is s t a b l e if


A MATLPlB program

to p l o t the root loci and asymptotes for the

following system

is given b l o w and the result5ng root-locus p l o t is shorn on next pageN o t e t h a t the equation for the asymptotes is

num=[O 0 0 0 I]; d e n = [ l 1.1 10.3 5 01; numa=[O 0 0 0 I]; dena = [I 2.1 0.4538 0.083 0.0057193; 19 r = rlocus(num,den);

plot(rsl-'1 hold Current plot 'held


v' [-5 5 -5 51; axis(v); axis('square7 titlerPlot ofRoot Loci and Asymptotes')


The open-loop transfer function G(s) is

The fallawing MATLW pragram will generate a r m t - l m s plot. resulting plot is shown on n e page.


num=[O 0 0 I 1 ; 1 den=[l 7 10 0 01; rlocus(num,den) v = 1-6 4 -5 51; axislv); &sCsquare')

grid titlflmt-Locus Plot (Problem B-8-1713

Frm the plot we find that the critical Mlue of gain R for stability corresponds to t h e crossing pint of t;le rwt I m s branch that goes to infinity and the imaginary axis. Hence, we first f i n d the crossing

frquency and then find the m r r e s p d i n g gain m l u e .

The characteristic equation for t h i s systent is

By substituting s = ju) into the characteristic equation, we obtain

( j d 1 4 + 3 ( j # 1 ~ + 0 ( j d ) 2 +Z ~ ( j u )+ Z = O 1

which can be rewritten as



3 .


j U (-7&J2

2 ~ =) 0

By equating the real part and imaginary part of this last equation to zero, respectively, we get

u 4-

L O ~ J ~Z K = 0 +

CI ) .

Equation ( 2 ) can be rewritten as

By suketitutimg Equation ( 2 ) i n t o Equation (11, we find

t ~ 4 lo&



which yields

5 stability .

Since W = is the crossing frequency vith the j W ads, by substituting w = E i n t o Equation ( 3 ) w obtain the critical value of gain K for e

Hence tfie stability range for K is


The angle deficiency is


- 126' -

120 =

- 6oe

A lead compensator can contribute 60*.

L e t us chwse the zero of the l e a d compensator at s = -1. Then, to obtain phase Lead angle of 60 *, the pole of the cmpensator m u s t he locate3 at s = -4. Thus,

The gain K can be determined fr m t h e nlagnitude condition. a

m the lead rompensator beromes as f=rllows:

The f e d f o r w a r d transfer function i s

?"he following MATLAB program w i l l generate a root-locus plot. resulting plot is shown on next page.


num = 1 0 8 81; 0 den=[! 4 0 01; rloms(num,den)

v = [-6 2 4 41; axis(v) axis('squarel)

grid titlc('Root-Locus Plot (Problem B 8 1 ) ) --8'


Real A*if

Note that the closed-loop trznsfer function is

The closed-loop poles are located at s = -1 2 j

5and s = -2.

B-8-19. T e MATUlB program a i m below generates a root-locus p l o t h for the given system. The :ing plot is shorn on next page.

nutn = 6 0 O I]; 0 den=[[ 5 4 0 ; 1

, rlocus(t~urn,den)
v = [-6 4 -5 51; axislv); axis("square") grid tit le('Root-Locus Plot (Problem B-8-T9)y

Note t h a t constant-7 points (0< 5<1) 1 straight line having angle 8 frm the jW axis as shown in the figure k l a w , From the figure we obtain .-

Note also that
= 06 .

8 =


line can be defined by

s = -0.7%

+ ja

where a is a variable (0 < a (oo ) To find the value of K such that the damping xatio J of the dominant closed-lcxn, mles is 0 6 .can b found . by finding the intersection of the line s = -0.7Sa + j a and root locus, The intersection point can b determined by solving the following sime taneaus equations far a.

By substituting E q u a t i o n (1) into Equation (21,

which can be rewritten as

~y equating t h e real

part and imaginary part of t h i s l a s t equation to zero, respctively, we obtain

Equation (43 can b rewritten as s

which can b written as



From Equation ( 3 ) we f i n d
K = -1.8281a3 + 2. 1875a2

3a = 2.0535

for a = 0.5623
for a = 10.3468

K = -1.8281a3 + 2.1875a2 + 3a = -1759.74

S i n the K value is positive far a = 0.5623 and negative .for a = 10.3468, ~ we choose a = 0.5623. The requixd gain R is 2,0535. Since the characteristic equation with K = 2.0535 is

the closed-loop poles can be obtained by use of t h e following MATLdB prqram

Thus, the closed-Imp poles are located at

T e unit-step response of the systm with K = 2.0535 can be obtained h by entering the following MRTLAE program into the caputer. The resulting unit-step response curve i s h m an next page. s

m m = [O 0 0 2.0535]; den= [ I 5 4 2.05351; step(num,den) &rid ticEe(Vnit-Step Response (Problem B-8-19]? xlabelrt Sect) , ylabeE(Uu0utput9


T e closed-loop transfer funct,ion of the system is h

~ ( s c as + bs + ab) 2

s3 + s

~ ( s 2 as +


+ abl

Since the dominant closed-1pales are located at s = -1 f jl, t h e characteristic equation must he divisib1.e by


where s = - W is the unknown t h i r d pole. Ey dividing the left side 05 this last equation by s2 + 2s + 2, we obtain
53 + K S + (1 + aK + bR)s ~

abK = ( s 2

2s + 2 ) l s + K


+ (aK + bK

2R + 3)s + Kab


?he remainder of d i v i s i o n must be zero.

Hence we set



- 23

= 0

Since a is specified as 0 = 5 r hy s u k t i t ~ t i n g = 0.5 into these two a equations, we obtain

By substituting Equation (1) i n t o Equation (21, w e h a w

Then, by substituting K = 2 i n t o Eguation

I l ) r

we get

2b=1.5X2 - 3 - 0

T e PFD controller with K = 2 and b = 0 kcoms h

Thus, t h e controller beccxnes a P'D controller. The open-loop transfer function bxanes

The closed-loop transfer fmction (with b = 0 and K = 2 ) becwnes as


The root-lacus plat for the designed system can be obtained by enterring the following MATLAB program :.nto the computer.

num = 1 1 0.52; 0 den= [ l 0 11; r!ocus(num,den)


[-2 1 -1.5

1-51; axistv); axis('sguare')

&rjd title(Root-locus Plot (Problem B-8-20]?

The resulting root-lmus plot i s shown on next page.



8-9-3. -

A Bode diagram of the PI cont!t-oiler

is shown in Figure (a )

A Bode diagram

of the ml controller is shown in Figure (b).

F i g u r e (b)


Lead ne.t:wor-k

Lag network


The equation o f motion for

the q s k m is


A_ transfo m

of this equation, using zero i n i t i a l conditions, givfs


Notice that t h i s system is a differentfating system. For the unit-step input X ( s ) = l/s, the output 8 ( s ) becomes

The inverse Laplace transform of 01s ) gives


1 -,-(k/bSt R

Note that if the mlue of l r b is large, the response B( t ) approaches a Fhlle signal as s h m in Figure ( a 3 b l o w Since

we o m i n

" 'I
= 90O

Figure ( a )

- tan-' Wb

The 6teady-state output e , t s()

is therefore given by
d X

eSS It]= -

sin( Crl t + 9' 0 -


-1 W b )

Next, substituting [ = 0 1 m, k = 2 ~ / m , and b = 0-2 N-si'm into G ( j L J ) .


A Bode diagram

of G ( j t d ) is shown below.
Bode Dlaqmn (Problem0 9 ) .6


Noting that

we have

B-9-8. A possible MATLAB progmn for obtaining a Bode diagram of the given GCS 1 is s h m on next page. T e resul t i n g Bode diagram is ahown h also art next page.



0 0 320 6401; 9 72 64 0 ; 1

w = logspace(-2,3,IOO);

bode(nupden,w) subplot(2,1,1); title('Rode D i a w (Problem B-9-8)')

3-9-9, A possible MBTLF_B program to obtain a Bode diagram of the given The r e s u l t i n g Bode diagram is shown on next page. ~ ( sis sham below. )

num=[O 20 20 lo]; den=[l 11 10 03; w = lo_espace(-2,3,100]; bode(num,den,w) subplat{2,1,1); tit le(Sode Diagram (Problem 3-9-9)')

A pssible WfTI.AB program for obtaining a Nyquist plot of the g i w n ~ ( s is shown bzlow. ) Note Chat to plat G ( j W ) locus only fox e w 0, w use the following command:

The resulting Nyquist p l o t is shown an n.ext gage.

num = [O

0 0 1J; d e n = [ l 0.8 1 01; w = O.I:O.1:100; [re,im,w] = nyquist(num,dqw); plot(re,im)


Y = 1-3

23; ~ s ( v ) axis('squate? ;

~d titlewyquist Plot (Problem B-9-10$':1 XIabeI('Rea1 Axis'] ylabelC1Lmagh i s ' )

Since none of the open-loop poles lie in the right-half s plane and the G I j cc) 1 locus encircles the -1 + jO p i n t twice clockwise if G( j ul ) locus i plokted from W = s to d = , the closed-loop system is unstable.

I -

B-9-11. A possible MATLAB program f o r obtaining a Nyquist plot o f the given ~ ( s is sham below- The resulting N y q u i s t plot is shown on next ) Since none of t h e open-loop p l e s l i e in the right-haif s plane page. and frm the Nyquist plot it can be seen that the G { j W ) lorus daes n o t encircle the -1 + jO point, the system is stable.

n u m - [O 0 0 20 203 den= [I 7 20 50 01;

w = 0.1:0.1:100; [re,im,w] = nyquist(num,detr,w);





gtjd titfe('Nyquist Plot (Problem B-9-1 I)')

d a b e l ( R d Axis') ylabel(7mag h i s ' )

A possible EaTLRB prqram for obtaining a Nyquist plot of the B-9-12. me resulting N y q u i s t plot is shown un next given GIs) is s h m below. page


num = [O 1 2 I]; den = [1 0.2 f 1 J; w = 0:0.005: 10; [re,im,w] = nyquist(nuqden,v~); plot(re,im) v = [-3 3 -3 31; aXis(v 1; isfsquare') grid title("Nycluist P o (ProbIem B-9- 12)') It xlabel('Real A x i s ' ) ylabel(7rnag Axis')

Fran the plot, it is seen that the G ( j W ) lozus encircles t h e -1 + jO t w i c e a 8 a 1 f s =rid f r u n W = - w to W = 0 to W = & . Referring to t h e Nyquist stability criterion (see page 497). we hare
N = n m k r of doclnrise encirclmmt of the -1 + jO p i n t = -2

P = n m h r of poles o G ( s ) In the right-half s plane = 2 f Note that there are

h open-loop poles n

in the right-half s plane, because

0 . 2 ~ 2+ s + 1

Z =

number of zeros of 1 + G ( s ) in the right-half s plane

Thus, there are no closd-loop p l e s in t h e right-half s plane and the closed-loop systan is stable.

B-9-13. function

A closed-loop

systm with t h e following open-loop transfer

E(S)H(S) =

s2(~is* 1)

( T >O) ~


is tmskable, w h i l e a closed-loop system with the follbwing open-laap transfer function is stable.

Ndte that Nyquist plots of t k s e two systems are shgvnm next page. G ( j w 1 H l j L . d ) laci s t a r t fram negative infinity on the real axis (&r = 0) and approach the origin I w = clo ) The system with the o p n - l o o p transfer function given by Equation (1) encircles the -1 + jO point twice clockwise. The system is unstable. The system with open-loop transfer funckion given by equation ( 2 ) does not encircle the -1 + jO point* Hence, this system is s t a b l e ,





For t h i s system

~y setting K

1, we draw a Nyquist diagram as shown below.

Note that

The ~ ~ q i i locus crosses t h e negative real axis at CT = -0.442. st for stability, w e require


The same result can also xobtained analytically.


by getting the imaginary past of G ( j w ) equal to zero, we obtain

Solv;ing this equation for the smallest positive

=rue o f u r we obtain

Ld = 2.029 Substituting Cu = 2.029 i n t o G ( j w ) yields

~(j2-029) =

K 1 + 2.029~

( m s 2.029

- 2.029

sin 2.029)

The critical value of K for stability ran k obtained by letting G(jZ.029) = -I, or 0.4421 K = L
Thus, t h e range of gain K for stability is

The q u a d n t t e term kn the denominator has the undamped natural frqumcy of 2 raa/s and t h e damping ratio of 0.25. Define the frequency corresponding to the angle OF -130 to be

Solving this last equation for dl, f i n d W 1 = 1.491. we n u s , the phase a n g l e becomes equal to -130* at C J = 1.491 rad/s. A t t h i s frequency, themagnitudemust b e u n i t y , or IG(jdl)I = 1. T e required h gain K can ke determined from

Setting I~(j1.49111= 0.2890K = I, we find

Note that the phase crossover frequency is at U = 2 rad/s, since

f ~ ( j 2 )= - / j ~/ - 0 . 2 5 x 22

+ 0.25


j2 + 1 = -09'

9 0 .


The magnitude IG(j2)1 with R = 3.46 b c m s eo e

Thus, the gain margin is 1.26 dB. R = 3.46 is shown below.

The Bode diagram of G ( j W ) with


Note that


j Cc' + 0 1 . j ~ + o . 5


ZK(10j 4 + f 3 jW(~jJ+llJjLJ+l)

shall plot the W e diagram when 2R = 1 .

That is, w e plot t h e Bade

diagram o f

~ o j+ I d


( 2 j LO c l ) ( j d + 1)

The diagram is shown below. me phase crurve shows that the phase angle is -130' at w = 1 ~ d / s . Since w require the phase margin to be e 50, the magnitud j1.438 must be q a l to 1 or 0 dB- Since the Bode diagram irrdic .hat (G( j1.43811 is 5.48 dS, w e need to choose 2K = -5,48 dB, or

Since the phase r u m s lies above the -18~' line for all Ld margin is + ~ dB. s

, the gain

B-9-17. Let us use the following lead compensator:


G() ,s

= k O (

d ~ s + 1

=R ,

I s + -T

Since , K

is specified as 4.0 s-1, we have

1 eT

IC, = l i m sK,d

Ts + 1

U T s + 1

K = K,dK s(O.ls+l)(s+I)


L e t us set K = 1 and define R c q = K.


N e x t , p l o t a Elode diagram of

The following MATLAB pryram prduces the W e diagram s h m klm.

num = I0 0

0 41:

den=IO.f 1.1 bodelnum,den)


subplot(2,l , I 1; title('8ode Diagram of G(s)

= 4/{slO. Is+ J l s + I)]') (

From this plot, the phase and gain mrgins are 1 * and 8 , 7 dB, respectively. 7 Since the specifications call for a phase margin of 45 ' let us choose ,

(Tkis means that 1' has been added to canpensate for the shift in the gain 2 crossover frequency.) The maximum phase lead is 40'. Since



1 -u' 1
- N F

(& = 40 O)

i s d e l ; e n ~ i r ~ cas 0 . 2 1 7 4 d

~ u s choose, inskead o f 0.2174,M t o b e t

0.21, or

Next s k p is to dctcrmi r c t l ~ e k mrncr rrcquencies @ = TJT and d = l/(d T) N o t c ? tlraI; t h e miximutn phase-lead angle &, or t i f pad mrp?tisalor. le occurs at ttie q e m t r i c man or thc t w o carnor frequencies, or W = ~ / ( G T ) . 'I'l~e arwunt or tile n l o r l l i i c a L i o r ~ i n tile rnagrlitude curve at tu'= l / ( & T ) due to t h e inclusion or the term (Ts + l}/(d + 1) is Ts

we need to find the frequency p i n t where, when the lead cmpnsator is The magnitude I ~ w ) jI is ( a d d d , the total magnitude kmnes 0 dB. we select this frequency to -6.7778 dB corresponds to &J = 2.81 rad/s. be the new gain crosswer frquency Q Then we obtain

, .




The open-loop transfer function becomes as

The CLosed-loop transfer function is

The following MRTLM!- program produces the unit-step response nwe as

shown below,

num=[O 0 O 3.1064 41; den = [0.0163 I 0.2794 1.263 P step(nu m, en) d


4.1064 41;

titIe('Ur Jt-Step Response of Compensated System (Problem B-9- 17)') KEabel('1 wc'] ylabeI('0utput c(t)')

Similarly, the following MATLA3 program produces the unit-ramp response

cvrve as s h m on next page.

c = step(num,den,t);

ensated System problem B-9-17)')

B-9-18. form

To satisfy the xequirments, try a lead compensator Gc(s) of the


where K = Kc&.
50 s-l, w have e

Since t h e s t a t i c v e l o c i t y error c o n s t a n t Kv isgiven as

We shall now plot a W e diagrmn of

The following MATUB program produces the Bade diagram shom on next page.

num = [O 0 501; den=(I 1 01; w = lopspace(-1,2,100);

bode(nrm,den,w); subpIot(Z,1,I); title(8odc Diagram of GI (5) (Problem B9-18)y

From this plot, the phase margin is found to & 7 . ~ ~ The gain margin . is + dB. Since the specifications call for a phase maruin of 50 O r the additional phase lead a n g l e nr 3tisfy se m r glin requirement is 42 .ZO. We may a : s num pha:se leadI r q i'ed ~ to h 48'. This means t h a t 5.8 ' te for t h e :d to a shift in the gain crosswer frequency. Since


&, =

l-ol 1 +oC

= 0143. .175 F$, = 48 mrreqmnds to Note that ol = 0.15 -corresponds to&=47.65Jb.) Whetherwe c h m s e 8 , = 4 8 " o r & , = 4 7 . 6 5 7 " d c e s n o t make much difference in t h e final solution. H e n c e , w e choose o = 0.15. ( step is to determine the corner frequencies W = 1SS and T) of the lead compensator. Note that the m a x d phase lead angle &, m s at the geometric mean of the two comer frequencies, or W = 1 The m u n t o f the modification in themagnitude curve at # .= l / ( L ~ T )due to the inclusion of the tern (Ts. + l ) J ( d T s+ 2 ) is
The nc&
ti, = l/(o(

Note t h a t

W n e d to f i n d the Frequency point where, e

when the lead rompensator

The frequency at which

is added, the t o t a l magnitude beccmes O dB-

t h e magnitude of G ~ ( ~ L L ' is q u a 1 to -8.239 dB S s kt& = 10 and 100 r a d / s . From t h e Rode diagram w find t h e frequency p i n t w h e r e e N o t i n g t h a t this freI G l ( j ~ ) I = -8.239 dB m s a t k 3 = 1 . 4 rad/s. 1. quency corresponds to 1 / ( K T ) , or

we obtain

T e lead c a n p n s a t o r thus determined is h

cc(s) = yC


= Kc




S f -

+ 29.4347

where Kc is determined as

The folLowhg MATTAB program produces the W e diagram of the l e a d ccanpensator just designed. It is s h m on next p g e .

num = [ I I .325 501; den = 1 11; w = lo, 1,3,100); bode(num,aen,w); subplot(2,2,I); titIeC'Bode Diagram of G4s) = SO(O.2265~ 1)/(0.03397s + 1)3 +
Tbe open-loop transfer function of the designed system is


The following MATTAR program produces the Bade diagram of G ( ) ( ,SGS which is shown on next page.

From this Bode diagram, it is clearly seen that the phase margin is approximately 5 2 " , the gain margin is + w dB, and ? = 50 s-1; a13 specifications ? , a m met. ~ ~ I I tS e designed s v s t m is satisfactory. h,
~d unit-responses of the Next, we shall obtain thle unitoriginal uncompensated systm and th rnsated system, The original uncompensatd system has the following closed-loop transfer function:

The closed-loop transfer function of the cmpnsated system is

The closed-lmp p l e s of the campensated system are as follows:

The MATLkB proqsam given belw produces t h e wit-step responses of the uncompensated and campensated systems. The resulting r e s p n s e cumes are shown on next page.

nurn=[O 0 I]; den= 11 1 I]; nvmc=[O 0 1000 4415.21; denc = 13 97.3041 1088.3041 4415.21;
t = 0:0.01:8;

cl = step(num,den,t); c2 = step(nurnc,denc,t); plot(t,cl,t,c2) title("Unit-Step Responses of Uncompensated and Compensated Systems')

xlabel('t Sec')
ylabel.IDutputs') text( 1, I .25,'Compensated system') tm(2,0.5,'Uncompensatd system?

The MITLAB prqram given &low produces the unit-ramp response of the uncanpensated system and mmpnsated system. The response c m s are

shorn on next, page.


I]; dm=[l 1 1 01; nurnc=[O 0 0 1000 4415.25; denc = [3 91.3041 1088.jD41 4415.2 01; t = 0:0.01:8; cl = step(num,degt); c2 = step(nurnc,denc,t); plat(t,c17t,c2,t,t) titlHVnit-Ramp Responses of Uncompensated and Compensated Systems') xlabel("tSec') ylabel(lJnit-Ramp Input and System Outputs')


0 0

text(l,5,'Campensated system') r x ( ,I . 5,Vncompensated system') et4

Notice frm the unit-ramp respanse cu f o l l m the input ramp very closely. error in fellowing t h e i n p u t can be s zero for 0 . 5 X t . (The steady s t a t e
0.C2. )


?at the rompensated systm ;he compensaW system the : 0 < t < 0.5, but it is almost in themit-rampresponse is


The differential equation for t h e systm is

This is a s-nd-rder




need t w o state variables.

Define state variables xl and x2 as fullom:

Then we obtain

The output

y for the system is simply xl.


Y =


'Ihe state space representation far this rptm is given by


The system q a t i o n s are

Then we obtain

The standard skate space representation for the system is


The equations for the system are k


- Z) = bl(k


- j)

= k2y

By taking laplace transforms of these t w o equal:ions, assuming the zero i n i t i a l conditions, w e obtain

By eliminating Z ( s 1 from the l a s t two equations,

which can k simplified to




U s i n g Equations 21) and (21, Z(s)/U(s) ran be obtaind as follows:



Then, Equations (25 and (3) can b~ written as



Equations 14) and ( 5 ) can be written as

Rewriting ,

from which we get:

1 x 2 = - -aT

a - i


T i is the state q u a t i o n . hs

F m Equation (6) we have

Frm Equation ( 7 ) we get


This is the output equation.


Note t h a t


which can be rewritten as

which is w i n l e n t to

T h i s equation can be w r i t t e n as



men, m a t i o n (13

from which the state equation can IE obtained as

Noting that y = eo = x + b u , the output equation can k given by 0

Equations ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) give a s t a t e space representation f o r the givlen system.

Method 1:

T e s y s t m differential equation can bE? written as h

Canparing t h i s equation with a standard third-order equation:

w find e

Referring t o Problem A-10-12,

we obtain

T h ~ the state equation and output equation are r

Method 2 :

Referring to Problem A-10-13,

~(s?/U(s) be written as can


Then we have

...+ 18; z

+ 192; + 6402 = u

Ikfi n e


Hence, the s t a t e space representation for the system by this approaeh fs


The equations for the circuit are

~ubstitutionof ql = xlt

$ - X ~ ' 9 2= x3 i n t o the last t w u equations yields -

H e n c e we have


A partial-fraction v s i o n of Y (s ]/u(s) gives

Notice that

Then, f r a the p d i n g equations for

~l(s).~ ( s ) ,and x

x3(s) we obtain


By taking the

inverse Laplace transforms of the last four quatims, w get e


In the standard state space xepr@sentation, we have


The equations f o r the system are


tht from Equations (11 and ( 2 )

Also, frm m a t i o n (3)


- 3(x1 - U )

+ 3(x1

.. - i - U ) +

Thus, q u a t i n g m a t i o n s ( 4 ) and (5) and simpl!:.fying, w e obtain

Substituting xl = y into this l a s t equation, we get

.I .



['She same result can be obtained by use of Equation (10-51). ]


The eigenvector

ziassociated with an eigenvalue Xi is a -or

that s a t i s f i e s the following equation :

which can b rewritten as e

example of eigenvectors corresponding to eigerlvalue





An example


Wf ine

The eigenvedors for t h i s matrix can be determined by solving the following

equation for x.

which can be rewritten as

which, i n turn, gives


= arbitrary constant

X* = 0

x3 = arbitrary ~ n s t a n t


where a and b are arbitrary nonzero constant.

Notice that

Note that

a m linearly independent vectors.

linearly independent eigenveetsrs.

The e i g e r n e o r s of matrix M involve two B

N a , define

The eigemeckors for this matrix can be determined by solving the following

equation for


which can be s m i t t e n as

from which w obtain e

x = arbitrary canstant 1

3 = arbitrary constant
x3 = arbitrary m n s t a n t


where a, b, and c are arbitrary nonzero m s t a n t ,

N o t i e that

Thus, the eigenvectors of matrix C involve three linearly indepndent eigenvectors.


A MATLAB pragram to obtain a state-space representation of this system is

given on next page. Based on the MATLA13 cbutput we get the EoPloKing state spa- equations:

num = [6 6 25.04 5.0081; d e n = [ ] 5.03247 25.1026 5.008]; [A,B,C,D] = tf2ss(num,dm)

-5.0325 -25.1026 -5.0080 1.OOOO 0 0 0 1.0000 0

0 0

0 25.0400




Referring to Equation (10-511, WP have


Noking that


The solution of the s t a t e q u a t i o n is

Since x(0) = 0 and u(t)


l(t). we obtain
x(t~ =

If e ~ , ' ~

B dT

Note that




& -l[(s1 - A ) - ~ ]

b .


- I B d T =a T .
m b .

Alternate solution Referring t Example 10-9, we have for the unit-step o i n p u t the following solution:

Since x(O) = w in the present case, we have 0 w .


x(tl = m jI-'(ett




and x ( t ) is given by


The solution to the s t a t e equation when u ( T ) = T can be g i m by

Note that



The equation of motion for the system is

By substituting the given numerical values for al, b, and k i n t o this last equation, we obtain

where u is the input and y is the output. By t a k i n g the Laplace transform of Equation (11, assuming the ~m i n i t i a l conditions, we have

Since the input u ( t ) is specified as a step displacement of 0 . 5 m, we have

With this input, Equation ( 2 ) can be rewritten as

The following M A W program w i l l generate the desired r e p = . resulting respbnse curve is s h m belaw.


num = [0 0.5 01; den=[[ 1 0.51; stepCnurqden)

titlerstep Response (Problem B-I 0-17)') xlabell't Sec')


This is because the Note that t h e respnse reaches zero as t increases. transfer function Y(s)/U(s) given by Equation ( 2 ) involves s in the nume-


Onit-step response: The following MATLAB prqram y i e l d s the u n i t d t e p response of the given system. The resulting unit-step respnse curve is shown kllou.

A = [-5.03247 1




0 01;

B = [l;b;O];


D = [O]; IY*%tl=~W3CAB,C,D);

titEe('Unit-Step Response (Problem B-10-IS)? xlabelrt sect) ylabel("Outputy(t)')


Unit-ramp response: Referring to pages 596 - 599, w can obtain the e unit-ramp response of the system by entering a MATLAB p q a m similar to M A W Program 10-7 into the computer. Note that

x4 is the butput of the system and is the unit-ramp respnse.

The follow-

ing M A W pregsam produces the unit-ramp response. ponse curve is shown on next page.

The resulting res-

A = [-5.03247 1
0 B = [1;0;0]1; C = 1 25.04 0





0 = [O]; AA = [A zeros(3,I );C 0 ; 1

BB = [B;O];

cc = [C


DD = [O]; t = 0:0.01:5;
t4qtI = step(AtiBB,CCDD, Lt); x4= [O 0 0 I]*x'; pl~t(t,x4,5t)

t i t l e ( V n i t - h p Response (Problem 33- 10-18)') xlabelrt Set')

ylabel('lnput and Output')

we obtain

sin(tclRT + 0 ) = sinlrlm m s 0

+ cosd

sin 8

~ [ x ( r c r ) = cm e l

[ s i n ~ + sin ~ l

o 7 ~Q)SYJ~I ,

+ sin 8

1 - z -1 mslFT -1 22 msWT + z - ~

( m s O ) Z - ' I S ~ ~ W T ) + (sin 0 ) (1

22-= cosLdT



- z'l



2-I s i n ( W T

- 8)

2f1 msWT +


By defining m = k

- h, we obtain

1 &zinged to

Since x (KT

- hT)

= 0 f o r k < h, the limit of sumation in

can be
k = h

k = O


!Zince X(z) = X l ( z ) X 2 ( z ) t

by mmparing E q w t i m s (1) and (21, w o m i n e

Differentiating X(z) with


to z, ~e obtain

Multiplying lmth sides of the l a s t equation by -Tz gives


Thus ve have



- e'aT

3~ --



s - 1

-aT z - e -aT


The inverse z transform of X ( z ) gives

~ ( k= L )


-aT -aw e



can be rewritten as




x(z> =

we have

II -

-T e ]z1)(2 eWT}

X(z) =

-T 1-e I


z - e-T



Referring to Table 11-1, w f i n d e

By writing 6' = a , w obtain e

H e n c e we have

%king the inverse z transform of each tern of this last equatizm, we obtain

3 2 1:-1 a(k) = a k a Hence


Since a = , l ' e

we ktave

~ ( k= )


* 1)

k = 0 , I f 2,



The z transform of the given difference equation becomes

Suhstitwting. the initial data into this last equation, we get


The L ne

z transform of X(z) gives

B-11-11 ,

If a # 0, then


= x(0)

+ +

1 = 1
a = 1 + a

x(2) = x(1)

x/31 = x(2) t a2 = 1


x(k) = l + a + a ' + - . -

, - = 1 - ak k1 l - a

l a f 1, a # 0 ) ( a = 1)

If a = 0, then
~ ( k= 0 )
k = 0 , I,


(a = 0 )

2 T e pulse transfer function for G I s ) including the z e m r d e r h P hold is obtained as follaws?

The p u l s e t r a n s f e r function f o r t h e


The inverse z transform of t h i s l a s t equation gives

Clamparing this d i f fesence equation with the standard s m d 4 r d e r difference


Define state variables as follows:

xl(k) = y ( l )

- h#(k)

h = b = O
0 0

= b

- alhO = 1

Also, define
h2 = b2
Then the state variables;
5 I k ) = y(k)

- alhl - aZhO= 2


1 .


+ l) - u(L)

Referring to Section 11-6, the s t a t e equation for the system can k given by

The output equation is

N o t e that a numkr of d i f f e r e n t state space represenbtions are possible far

t h e system.


Frm t;be given transfer function w obtain e

Define a state variable x as

(me input Variable is u and the output ~ r i a b l e y . ) Then w have t k is e following continuous-time s t a t e equation and a u t p u t equation:
x = - a x + u

T e discretized s t a t e epuation is o b b i n d as h


Hence the discrete-time state space representation for the system is given by

The pulse t r a n s f e r function for the discretized system is obtained from Equation ( 1 1 - 5 8 ) as follows:


Referring to Equation (11-501, the purse transfer functfm F ( z )

is given by

The discretized state equation is



and HIT) can be obtained as follows:

. c



we have

Thus, the discrete-time state equation is given by

where T = 0-1 s,

Theoutput q a t i o n is

Referring to Equation (11-581, the pulse t.raflsfer function for t h i s discretized system is given by

The discretized


equation is

L .




m be obtained as fellows:


we have


Thus, the discretized state space representation o f the system becames as follaws :

where T = 0.2 s.

Referring to Equation (11-583, the pulse transfer fmctim is obtain&

as fbllows:

8-11-18 The given s y s t m has no input function, but is subjected to initial conditions. It is similar to free vibrations o a mechanical f system consisting of a mass, danrper, and spring.
Cbnsider first. the following system:

a state

space representation of the system is


~ ( k = m(k) + )


Notice that the cneffirients bg, bl, and b2 affect o n l y matrices C and

Next, consider the case where the system has no input (u = 0 . ) For such a case, MATLAX? prduces a p u l s e transfer f u n c k i a n o f the fcllawing

form :

If the original system bad an input function u such that

MATLAB prcduces the pulse transfer function

The following FlA?ZAB program w i l l yield a discrete-time state-space rep1resentation w lLen the sampling period T is 0.1 s. This p r q m w i l l alsc3 y i e l d t h e pc~Lsetransfer fmction,

num = 1 0 0 ; 0 3 den=[] 2 101; [AB,C,DJ = tDss(num,den); [ G , q = c2d(A,B,O. 1)

0.7753 -0.8913 0.08g1 0.9536

0.089 1 0.0046

0 0 0


denz =
1.0000 -1.7288
0.8 I87

Eased an the MkTLAB output, the discrete-time s t a t e equation is

The pulse transfer function obtained frm the M A W output is

If the original system had an input function U, the numerator becomes nonzero. The difference q u a t i o n carresponding to Equation (1) is

The i n i t i a l data y ( 0 ) and y(l) are g i w n by

Note that the original differential equation system given by


y + 2; + 10y = 0,

y(0) = I,


has t h e response curve (free vibration curve) a s s h m in Figure ( a ) ,

Figure ( a )
F Sec

m e MRTLABprogram used to obtain this c u r e is given below.

num=[l 2 01; den=[1 2 101; stepCnuqden) grid title(Tontinuous-Time System with y(O) = 1 and ydot(6) 0 (Froblem B-I 1-18)') xlabel('t Sec') ylabel('0utput y(t) of Original Continuous-Time System')

The response curve (free vibration curve) of the discretized version of the system given by Equation ( 2 ) is shown in F i g w e { b ) .

The MATLA3 program used to obtain this

curve is given b l m .

= [I -0.7752 01; den1 = [l -1-7288 O.Sl87J; u = [ l zeros(I,50$]; k = 050; y = filter(mm1 ,den1,u); plotCky,"*,siy,'-l) uid title@iscretised System with y0 = 1 and y(35- 10.9536 (Prob B-11-18)') () xlabel('k') yEabel('Output y(k) when SampIing Period is 0.1 srx')



The pulse transfer function f o r this system m y be obtained by use t h e MATUB prqram s h m on n & page.


num = [O 0 21; dm= [i 3 23; [rlB,c,DI = tf2ss(num,den); [G,W = c2d(&B,O I); [numz,demj = ssZtfIG,H,C,D)
nllm =


0.0091 0.0082

E .0000 - 1.7236 0.7408

m pulse transfer function obtained here e

i s

n m
G(2) =


0.00912-1 + 0 0 8 ~ 2 ,02'
1 - 1.72362-1

+ 0.74082-2

This result is identical w i t h the pulse transfer function obtained in PKQ~~BII A-11-12.

Taking the z transform of this difference equation, we obtain


The Fibonacci series can be generatd as the response of X ( z ) to the Kronecker delta input, where X ( z ) is given by Equation (1)and t h e ICronecker d e l t a input u ( k ) is defined by

following MATWIB prrqmm w i l l generate the Fibonacci series.

x = fiIter(num,den,u)

Columns 1 through 6

Columns 7 through 12

Columns 13 t h u g h 18

Columns I 9 through 24
2584 4181 6765



Colums 25 through 30








t h a t column 1 corresponds to k = 0 and c o l m 31 corresponds to k = Thus, the Fibonacci series i givw by s

The following MATLMl program will generate a plot of t h e mit-step response up to k = 50. The resulting unit-step response is s h m b l o w .

0 0 0.3205 -0.18&5]; den=[1 -1.3679 0.3679 0.3205 -0.18851; u = ones(l,51); k = 0:50; y = filter(nwqden,u);

num = [O

~lot(ky,"~r v = [O 50 0 1.21; axis(v)


titlewd-Step Response (P~*oblem B-11-21)>


T e following MATLAB program will generate a plot of the unit-h response of the system up to k = 16. (The sampling period is I s . ) The resulting plot is shown on next page.

mrm = [O 0.5 15 1 -0.1452 -0.2963 0,05283; den = [ 1 - 1.8528 1.5906 -0.6642 0.05281; k = 0:16; x=[k]; y = filter(nurqden,x);

plotCky,'~',k~,'-',k,k'-3 grid titIcfUnit-Ramp Response (Ftoblem B-1 1-22)') xlabel('kl) ylabel("y(k)3

B-11-23. below.

A MATLAB prQgram to discretize the given equation is presented (The sampling period T is 0.05 s. )

~ l i MAT& s

program produces the output as shown on next p a p .

From the MATLRB output, the discrete-time state equation is given &bow.

1.0389 -0.0006
q ( k


0 0
1100 .00
0 0560

k .0259





T e END h

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