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ORIGIN & PURPOSE The Cursillo (pronounced 'kur-see-yo) movement began in the 1940's in Spain.

In 1957 it came to the U.S. And 10 years later to Rochester. The name, Cursillo de Christianidad, translates into English as short course in Christian living. The founders were dedicated to helping adult Catholics come to know Christ better. Their intention then and now was to give the laity a renewed spirituality and a clearer understanding of how Christ can work through them to bring Christian values to all environments and people with whom they come in contact. Cursillo develops a consciousness of our Baptismal responsibility to be evangelizers and leaders in the task of Christian renewal. HOW IS THIS ACHIEVED? It begins with a weekend experience where Cursillo provides the tools for this spiritual revitalization --- a simple method of holiness, formation and evangelization to bring others as well as ourselves closer to Christ. It becomes a way of thinking and a pattern for daily living while offering a Christian community of support in civic, social, parish, and economic life.

THE WEEKEND The 3-day Cursillo weekend begins on Thursday evening and closes on Sunday night. The retreat phase lasts from opening night until after Mass the following morning. After that, the group of about 30 people listens to a series of coordinated talks presented by a team of lay persons and spiritual advisers. Each talk is followed by a discussion period. Throughout the three days, there are opportunities for prayer, introspection, sharing, spiritual counseling, participation in the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation, as well as having fun, all while living in a small Christian community. HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE? To attend a Cursillo weekend, you must have a sponsor who is an active Cursillista and submit an application. If you do not know someone to sponsor you, we can help. As the initial link with the Cursillo community, your sponsor is responsible for preparing you for the weekend, establishing you in a group reunion where you live or work, and introducing you to the Ultreya Center community in your area.

AFTER THE WEEKEND Cursillistas (pronounced 'Kur-see-istahs') return home where they endeavor to apply Christian principles as they persevere in their daily lives. There are two ongoing methods of community support: GROUP REUNION An informal gathering of 3 to 6 people who meet regularly to share with one another their progress in Christian living and support and challenge each other in their spiritual lives. ULTREYA Monthly gatherings throughout the diocese for spiritual and social enrichment in order to reinforce the experience of community. WHAT ELSE SHOULD I KNOW? Although separate weekends are held throughout the diocese for men and women, if you are married, both you and your spouse should be willing to participate and submit your applications together. Due to the intensity of the weekend, you should plan to attend at a time when you are not under extraordinary stress. It is a Catholic weekend. However, other Christian denominations offer similar opportunities for renewal.

IS CURSILLO FOR YOU? As your Catholic faith gets challenged in our pluralistic world, ask yourself: Do I want a deeper understanding of what it means to be a Christian? Do I want to enrich my life and live my faith daily? Do I wish for a closer personal relationship with Christ? Do I need fresh information about the Church and my role in it? Do I want to be more effective as a Christian leader? Do I desire a Christian community with which to share my faith journey? If you answer Yes to these questions, Cursillo will help you develop, live and share your spirituality in today's society.

WE ARE CHALLENGED... The leadership of the Movement is provided by Secretariat and led by a Lay Director, Spiritual Directors and other laity. We are shepherded by the Bishop in our challenging work of bringing the world closer to Christ. If you would like to know more about how you can be part of the international Cursillo community, contact the people below. CURSILLO COMMUNITY DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER NEW YORK www.rochestercursillo.com FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT:

An Encounter With Christ

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