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Perguruan Tinggi Raharja Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 40 Modern-Tangerang, Banten 15117 Telepon : 021-552-9692, 021-552-9586 Fax : 021-5529742


Praise turning author presented to Almighty God that always bestows His mercy and grace so I can finish this task as much as possible. Intent and purpose of the writer in the making of this task is to get the results that will be able to support the learning activities. The title of this paper is "OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT BAHASA INGGRIS 1". On this occasion, too, the author would like to thank all those who have helped me in the planning and preparation of this paper. The authors recognize that there are still many shortcomings of this paper, both of material and presentation techniques, given the lack of knowledge and experience of the author. Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions very fine writer. Hopefully, this paper can be useful for all classes especially for students STMIK Raharja.

Tangerang, January 1st 2012

Juita Kristinna



Introduction ........................................................................................................... ii Table Of Contents ................................................................................................. iii Always attend the class, come on time and bring the module ............................... 1 Make a simple composition about yourself at least 2 paragraphs .......................... 3 Make a dictionary to each of reading material ....................................................... 5 Make a journal/ English diary to each of reading material .................................. 14 Presentation in front of class 2x ........................................................................... 24 Follow Raharja Career ......................................................................................... 25 Communicate in English 5x in group facebook ................................................... 27 Group meeting 2x (Make questions of the problems) .......................................... 30 Follow 2 seminar/ trainings held by REC ............................................................ 33 Submit project report on time .............................................................................. 35


1 Status : Achieved

I always attend the class, come on time and I always bring the module in the class.



2 Status : Achieved

I was made a simple composition about myself at least 2 paragraph and i have been submitted.


Good Morning my friends. Lets me introduce myself to you.

My full name is Juita Kristinna. My nickname is Ita or Juita. I am now 18 years old. My birthday on 14 October 1994. I live in a residential kroncong permai EB 1 No.56 Rt 05/03 Jatiuwung Tangerang. I am now studying at STMIK Raharja, Department of Informatics, Software Engineering concentration. My NIM is 1222471868. I am a Christian. I am the first child of two brothers. I am have a younger brother named Toni Andreanto. My brother now 2nd grade junior high school in SMPK. Mawar Saron. My father was an employee in PT. Gajah Tunggal, and my mother a housewife. My brother now 13 years old. My mother 38 years old and my father now 48 years old. I am graduated from Eleven Senior High School in Jatake Tangerang. In there I had majored science. My hobbies listening to music, singing, and watching movies with my friends. I like all the songs but I really like western songs. I often karaoke with my friends. One of the songs Selena Gomez Who Says. I also love to sing because of the little I've invited to sing and dance in the church. My dad also likes to play the piano for me , and therefore I like to sing. I really loved my little family, my big family, and my friends. I am very grateful to God and very happy with my life.

3 Status : Achieved

This is my dictionary on each meetings at BI101I class.

Dictionary To Each Of Reading Material

First Meeting Lyre A Stringed Instrument Of The Harp Class Used By The Ancient Greeks Flute Musical Instrument Like A Thin Pipe, Played By Blowing Across A Hole At One End Poet Revive Plot One Who Writes Poetry, A Maker Of Verses To Restore To Consciousness Or Life Plan Or Outline (Of The Events Of A Story, Esp Of A Novel Or Drama) Mythology A Branch Of Knowledge That Deals With Myth Libretto The Text Of A Work (As An Opera) For The Musical Theater Guise Splendid Aria Recitative A Form Or Style Of Dress Possesing Or Display Splendor A Striking Solo Performance A Rhythmically Free Vocal Style That Imitates The Natural Inflections Of Speech And That Is Used For Dialogue And Narrative In Operas And Oratorios Duet Piece Of Music For Two Voices Or For Two Players Solo Piece Of Music (To Be) Performed By One Person Second Meeting Spot Small (Esp Round) Mark Different In Color From What It Is On Sunspot (Astron) Dark Patch On The Sun At Times, Often Causing Electrical Disturbances And Interfering With Radio Communications Storm Occasion Of Violent Weather Conditions Badai Bintik Pd Matahari Tempat Solo Duet Samaran Megah Nyanyian Tunggal Recitative Kata-Kata Nyanyian Mitologi Penyair Menghidupkan Kembali Alur Seruling Gambus

Hurl Stream Shifts

Violently In A Particular Direction Current Change In Position Or Direction

Melemparkan Aliran Pergeseran


Partly Shaded Region Around The Shadow Of An Opaque Body



Rod Connecting The Centre Of A Wheel To The Edge


Account For Apparently Granule Polarity

Explain The Cause Of Clearly Seen Or Understood Small Hard Piece Of Possession Of Two Contrasted Or Apposite Qualities, Principles Or Tendencies

Account Untuk Rupanya Butir Polaritas


Serious Of Events Taking Place In A Regularly Repeated Order



Distance North Or South Of The Equator Measure In Degrees

Garis Lintang


Thing That Appears To Or Is Perceived By The Senses



Distance East Or West (Measure In Degrees) From A Meridian, Esp That Of Greenwich Third Meeting

Garis Bujur

Unmanned Vehicle

Having No Crew Any Conveyance For Goods Or Passengers On Land.

Tak Berawak Kendaraan

Breakthrough Overcome Sluggish Affect Oceanography Oceanographer Vulnerable Damage Submarine

Major Achievement Get The Better Of Slow Moving Have An Influence Or Impression On The Science And Study Of Oceanic The Person Who Studies About Ocean. Adj That Is Liable To Be Not Protected Against Attack Adj Existing, Designed For Use, Under The Surface Of The Sea

Penerobosan Mengatasi Lamban Mempengaruhi Ilmu Samudra Kelautan Rentan Kerusakan Kapal Selam

Aerial Vantage Cruise

Adj Existing In, Moving Through, The Air. Advantage Sail About, Either For Pleasure, Or In War, Looking For Enemy Ships

Udara Keuntungan Pesiar


Floating Object, Anchored To The Bottom,


Used To Show A Navigable Channel Or To Indicate Reefs, Submerged Wrecks, Etc. Slick Cloud Smooth, Slippery A Visible Collection Of Particles Of Water Ice Suspended In The Air Fourth Meeting Yield Give A Natural Product, A Result Or Profit/ Amount Produced Dropping What Is Dropped, Esp Dung Of Animals / Animal Waste Straw Dry Out Stalks Of Wheat, Barley, Rice And Other Grains, As Material For Making Hat, Mats. Lime White Substance (Calcium Oxide, Cao) Obtained By Burning Limestone, Used In Making Cement And Mortar. Designate Leached Mark Cause (A Liquid) To Percolate Through Some Material Accelerate Increase The Speed Of; Cause To Move Faster Or Happen Earlier. Fifth Meeting Evolutionary Paleontological Developing Paleontology / Study Of Fossil As A Guide To The History Of Life On Earth. Insight Migration Understanding More From One Place To Another ( To Live There) Herd Number Or Company Of Animals, Feeding Or Going About Together. Evidence Anything That Gives Reason For Believing, That Makes Clear Or Proves Instigate Toes Incite, Goad Each Of The Five Derisions Of The Front Part Of The Foot Miocene Relating To Or Denoting The Fourth Epoch Of The Tertiary Period Extinct No Longer In Existence Punah Miosen Menghasut Jari Kaki Bukti Kawanan Wawasan Migrasi Evolusioner Paleontologis Mempercepat Menunjuk Tercuci Kapur Jerami Menjatuhkan Menghasilkan Licin Awan


( Of Animals ) Brought Under Control And / Or To Living With Human Being Accustomed



Decant ( Formal ) Come Or Go Down Sixth Meeting



Seizure ( As Of Land ) In Execution Of A Write Of Extent In Great Britain



Increasing In Rate With Increase In Texable Base


Admitted Inadequate

To Allow Scope For Not Adequate ( To A Purpose ); In Sufficient

Diakui Tidak Memadai

Manuscript Distinct

Writing As Apposed To Print Presenting A Clear Unmistaken Able Impression

Naskah Berbeda

Copyright Properties

To Secure A Copyright On Possessing Property Seventh Meeting

Hak Cipta Properti

Western Angling Trace Trench Landscape

A Storm With West Winds The Act Of One Who Angles A Course Or Path That One Follows A Long Cut In The Ground A Picture Representing A View Of Natural Inland Scenery

Barat Angling Jejak Parit Pemandangan

Eastern Coastal Plate Average Tremendous

Coming From The East Across An Entire Nation Or Continent A Smooth Flat Thin Piece Of Material Equaling An Arithmetic Mean Being Such As May Excite Trembling Or Arouse Dread, Awe, Or Terror

Timur Pesisir Piring Rata-Rata Dahsyat

Unfortunately Person Pressure

An Unfortunate A Social Outcast The Burden Of Physical Or Mental Distress

Sayangnya Orang Tekanan


A Shaking Or Trembling Of The Earth That Is Volcanic Or Tectonic In Origin

Gempa Bumi


Causing Discomfort Or Annoyance

Terasa Tdk Enak


The Quality Or State Of Agreeing, Coinciding, Or Being Congruent.


Originated Likelihood Measure Devastate

Begin / To Give Rise To Initiate Probability / A Strong An Adequate Or Due Portion To Bring To Rain Or Desolation By Violent Action

Berasal Kemungkinan Mengukur Menghancurkan


Breaking Or Being Broken Eighth Meeting


Aquatic Diverse Crusted Discriminate

Growing Or Living In Or Near Water Quite Unlike In Quality Or Character Ancient, Venerable Able To See Or Make Small Differences, A Discriminating Taste In Literature

Aquatic Berbeda Berkulit Mendiskriminasikan

Decompose Encounter

Separate Into Its Parts A Meeting Between Hostile Factions Or Persons

Membusuk Menghadapi

Demonstrates Current

Show Clearly By Giving Proof In Common Or General Use Generally Accepted

Menunjukkan Arus

Redefine Minute

To Define Very Small Ninth Meeting

Redefine Sangat Kecil


The Formation Of A Solid In A Solution Or Inside Another Solid During A Chemical Reaction

Curah Hujan, Salju.


A Layer Of Gases That May Surround A Material Body Of Sufficient

Yang Berhubungan Dengan Atmosfir. Salju


Precipitation In The Form Of Flakes Of Crystalline Water Ice That Fall From Clouds


To Stretch Out Or Put Forth (A Body Part)

Jangkauan, Daerah, Sampai Pada, Membentang.

Equally Computing

Identical In Size, Quatity, Degree, Intensity. Broadly, A Term Describing Any GoalOriented Activity Requiring, Benefiting From, Or Creating Computers.

Dengan Sama. Menghitung.



The Process Of Precipitating Snow Is Called Snowfall.

Salju Yang Turun.


Exhibiting The Qualities, Traits, Or Characteristics That Identify A Kind, Class, Group

Secara Khas.


The Context In Which It Is Used (Aviation, Geometry, Geographical Survey, Sport, And More)

Tinggi, Ketinggian , (Dari Permukaan Laut Dan Bumi ).


Able To Detect The Presence Of Nearby Objects Without Any Physical Contact. Eleventh Meeting


Faithful Faith Promulgation Rejects Outright Imposed Mere Sculptor Sculpter Innate Truth Spontaneous Benches Contours Reflect Proportion

Keeping Loyal And True Speed Widely Put Aside, Throw Away Openly, With Nothing Held Back Take Advantage Of Not More Than Artist Who Sculptures Art Of Making Representation In Stones Possessed From Birth Quality Or State Of Being True From Natural Impulse Long Seat Of Wood Or Stone Outline Express; Show The Nature Of Relation Of One Thing To Another In Quantity

Setia Iman Pengumuman Menolak Sekaligus Dikenakan Belaka Pengukir Ahli Patung Pembawaan Lahir Kebenaran Spontan Bangku Kontur Mencerminkan Proporsi


Be Still Present After A Part Has Gone Or Has Been Taken Away



Not Natural Or Real; Made By The Art Of Man


Respect Utilization

Detail; Particular Aspect Utiling Or Being Twelfth Meeting

Hormat Pemanfaatan


The Chief Aim Of Which Was To Discover



How To Change Ordinary Metals Into Gold Predecessor Dogma Merit Former Holder Of Any Office Or Position Beliefs; System Of Believe Quality Or Fact Of Deserving Well; Worth; Excellence Authentic Treatises Inferior Asserted Resorted Cryptic Genuine; Known To Be True N. Book, That Deals Carefully Lower In Rank Make A Claim To (One Rights, Etc) Make Use Of For Help Secret; With A Hidden Meaning; Or A Meaning Not Easily Seen Progress Attracted Forward Movement; Advanced Get The Attention Of; Arouse Interest Or Pleasure In Struggle Throughout Despite Devoted Fight; Make Great Efforts All Or Right; From End To End Of Prev. In Spite Or Give Up (One Self, Ones Time, Energy, Etc) Thirteenth Meeting Explanations A Set Of Statements Constructed To Describe A Set Of Facts Which Clarifies The Causes, Context, And Consequences Of Those Facts. Effort Earnest And Conscientious Activity Intended To Do Or Accomplish Something Incessantly Cooperatively Continuing Without Interruption. Working With Others On A Task As Part Of A Team. Shared A Device Or Piece Of Information On A Computer That Can Be Remotely Accessed. Located Describing A Position On The Surface Of The Earth. Congenially Having The Same Tastes, Habits, Or Temperament; Sympathetic. Mentioned The Act Of Referring To Something Briefly Mentioned Congenially Terletak Berbagi Henti Kooperatif Usaha Penjelasan Memperjuangkan Seluruh Meskipun Dikhususkan Menarik Kemajuan Otentik Risalah Inferior Menegaskan Terpaksa Samar, Rahasia, Tersembunyi Leluhur/Pendahulu Pantas, Patut, Manfaat Jasa


Or Casually. Posed To Assume Or Hold A Particular Position Or Posture, As In Sitting For A Portrait. Experimented Aircraft The Process Of Conducting Such A Test. A Machine That Is Able To Fly By Gaining Support From The Air, Or, In General, The Atmosphere Of A Planet. Incorporated The Forming Of A New Corporation (A Corporation Being A Legal Entity That Is Effectively Recognized As A Person Under The Law). Slightly Superior Craft To A Small Extent Or Degree. A Profession That Requires Some Particular Kind Of Skilled Work. Fourteenth Meeting Branch (Sometimes Referred To In Botany As A Ramus) Or, Rarely, Faggot, Is A Woody Structural Member. Conduct A Personal Behavior, A Way Of Acting And Showing One's Behaviour. Stray From A Feral (Abandoned Or Escaped) Domestic Animal. Credit Unions A Member-Owned Financial Cooperative, Democratically Controlled By Its Members. Loans A Debt Evidenced By A Note Which Specifies, Among Other Things. Excess Demand In Insurance, Similar To Deductible. An Economic Principle That Describes A Consumer's Desire And Willingness To Pay A Price For A Specific Good Or Service. Abroad Overseeing Over A Wide Space. To Survey, Look At Something In A Wide Angle. Augmented A Live, Direct Or Indirect, View Of A Physical, Real-World Environment Whose Elements. Fueling Confirmed Something Consumed To Produce Energy. Being Firmly Settled In Habit; Inveterate. Mendorong Dikonfirmasi Diperbanyak Luar Negeri Mengawasi Kelebihan Permintaan Pinjaman Para Pemberi Kredit Menyimpang Dari Mengadakan Cabang Sedikit Lebih Ungggul Kerajinan Dimasukan Bereksperimen Pesawat Berpose


4 Status : Achieved

Here is all about my journal from First Meeting until Last Meeting.



JOURNAL FIRST MEETING In this time i learn about First Meeting. The title of the First Meeting is The Development of Opera. I read the first paragraph and i know the Histori Of Opera, who mention that accepted date for the beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As a part of thee celebration of the marriage of King Henry IV of France to the italian aristocrat Maria De Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Peri produced his famous Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. After i read the second paragraph i can know the Develophment Of Opera, opera begin performed in many place throughuot Europe by the late 1600s. Now in opera used italian librettos.The European form deemphasized the dramatic aspect of the Italian model. New orchestral effects and even ballet were introduced under the guise of opera. In europe use orchestral effects and even ballet, and singer too. Thats information which i found in First Meeting.

JOURNAL SECOND MEETING In this time i learn about Second Meeting. The title of the Second Meeting is The nature of Sunspot. After i read the first paragraph i know about the Controversial Sunspot Theory. The controversial sunspot theory, great storms or eruptions on the surface of the sun hurl streams of solar particles into space and eventually into the atmosphere of our planet, causing shifts in the weather on the Earth and interference with radio and television communications. And then, i read the second paragraph i can find and know about Pictures of Sunspot. A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra, a word derived


from the Latin word for shadow, which is surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel. After i read about third paragraph i can find and know about the Range and Size of Sunspot. Sunspots range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for billions of square miles. After i read the fourth paragraph i know that the sunspot have also been observed to occur in cycles, over a period of eleven years. And after i read the fifth paragraph i cant find theory that completely explains the nature and function of Sunspot. Thats information which i found in Second Meeting.

JOURNAL THIRD MEETING In this time i learn about Third Meeting. The title of the Third Meeting is Technological advances in Oceanography. After i read the first paragraph i can know that recent technology advances in manned and unmanned undersea vehicles along with breakthoughs in satellite technology and computer equipment, have overcome some of the limitations of divers and diving equipment for scientists research on the ocean. And after i read the second paragraph i can know that the oceanographers have been relying more on satellite and computers than on research ships or even submarine vehicles because they can supply a greater range of information more quickly and more effectively. Thats information which i found in Third Meeting.

JOURNAL FOURTH MEETING In this time i learn about Fourth Meeting. The title of the Fourth Meeting is Fertilizer. After i read the first paragraph i can find two contents of Fertilizer. They are Natural substance such as animal droppings, ashes from wood fires,


straw, and lime. And chemical fertilizer became widely accepted as normal agricultural practice. Today, both natural and synthetic fertilizers are available in a variety of forms. Than after i read the second paragraph i can fine three formulas of synthetic fertilizer, they are consisting of three numbers such as 4-8-2 or 6-6-4, which designate the precentage of content of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, potash. Recently, liquids in number one in popularity, solids in number two and powder in number three because to less to convienient than either solids or liquids. And then after i read the third paragraph i can find effect of fertilizer. That the surplus of fertilizerthus can damage not only the crop but also the animals or human being that eat the crop. Chemical fertilizer in water can make death of fish. To much in grass can cause digestive disorders in cattle and in infants who drink cows milk. Thats information which i found in Fourth Meeting.

JOURNAL FIFTH MEETING In this time i learn about Fifth Meeting. The title of the Fifth Meeting is The Evolution of the horse. After i read the first paragraph i can know about develophment of horse, has been recorded from the beginning through all of its evolutionary stages to the modern form. The information can be know from the fossil. Then after i read the second paragraph i can know that horses appeared long before human beings according to the theories of geologists. In Europe, the hipparion encountered another less advanced horse called the anchitheres, which had previously invaded Europe by the same route, probably during the Miocene Period. And after i read the third paragraph i can know that the pleistocene age both the architeres and the hipparion had become axtinct in north america, where


they had originated , as fossil evidence clearly indicates. For many years, the horse was probably hunted for food by early tribes of human beings. Thats information which i found in Fifth Meeting.

JOURNAL SIXTH MEETING In this time i learn about Sixth Meeting. The title of the Sixth Meeting is Websters work. After i read the first paragraph i can know about the biographi of Noah Webster. They are about his born, graduated, job, and his invention. Then after i read the second paragraph i can know about his career and his invention for second volumes.In 1807, Noah Webster began his greatest work, An American Dictionary of the English Language. In preparing the manuscript, he devoted ten years to the study of English and its relationship to other languages, and seven more years to the writing itself. And after i read the third paragraph i can know about the first author to gain copyright protection in united stades by being awarded a copyright for his american speller. And in the last edition of his copyyright, ironically, under the uncopyright Webster name. Thats information which i found in Sixth Meeting.

JOURNAL SEVENTH MEETING In this time i learn about Seventh Meeting. The title of the Seventh Meeting is the San Andreas Fault. After i read the first paragraph i can know about San Andreas Line. The San Andreas Line is a fracture at the congruence of two major plates of the earths crust, one of which support most of the north american continent, and the other of which underlies the coast of california and part of the ocean floor of pasific oceaan. The fault originates about six hundred miles south of the Gulf of California, runs north in an irregular line along the western coast to


San Francisco, and continues north for about two hundred more miles before angling off into the ocean. And after i read second paragraph i can know that the San Andreas Fault passes uncomfortably close to several major metropolitan areas, including los angeles and san francisco. In addition, the San Andreas Fault has created smaller fault systems, many of which underlie the smaller towns and cities along the California coast. And for this reason, californians have long anticipated the recurrence of what they refer to as the Big One, a chain reaction of destructive earthquake that would measure near 8 on Richer Scale. Thats information which i found in Seventh Meeting.

JOURNAL EIGHTH MEETING In this time i learn about Eighth Meeting. The title of the Eighth Meeting is Characteristic of Protozoans. After i read the first paragraph i can know about the protozoans is the most primitive form of animal live. The protozoa, mimute aquatic creatures, each of which consists of a single cell of protoplasm. And then after i read the second paragraph i can find several features discriminate among the three groups on their form of movement. And then after i read the third paragraph i can know about protozoans cell demonstrates all of the major charecteristics of cells of higher animals. And after i read the fourth paragraph i can know about the colonies of protozoans physically connected to one another are responding uniformly to outside stimulate. With the data currently available, nearly 40,000 species of protozoa have been identified. Thats information which i found in Eighth Meeting.


JOURNAL NINTH MEETING In this time i learn about Ninth Meeting. The title of the Ninth Meetinf is Precipitation. After i read the first paragraph i can find several form of precipitation that reaches the ground. Precipitation, commonly referred to as rainfall, is a measure of the quality of atmospheric water in the form of rain, hail, snow that reaches the ground. The average annual precipitation over the whole of the United States is thirty-six inches per year. And after i read the second paragraph i can find several factors which effect the amount of precipitations. The amount of precipitation that an area receives is a combined result of several factors, including location, altitude, proximity to the sea, and the direction of prevailing winds. Thats information which I found in Ninth Meeting.

JOURNAL TENTH MEETING In this time i learn about Tenth Meeting. The title of the Tenth Meeting is the Acacia. After i read the first paragraph i can know about what is acacia? Useful of acacia used to building simple daub, mud and wattle.Acacia is called a wattle in Australia, and the structures are said to be made of daub and wattle. Then after i read the second paragraph i can know that the acacia have been proven capable of survival in hot and generally arid parts of the world. However, only a dozen of the three hundred Australian varieties thrive in the southern United States. And after I read the last paragraph I can know costum of blossoming the acacia. The acacias in February has been commonly attributed to its Australian origins, as if the date and not the quality of light made the difference for a tree in its flowering cycle. Thats information which I found in Tenth Meeting.


JOURNAL ELEVENTH MEETING In this time i learn about Eleventh Meeting. The title of the Eleventh Meeting is Natural Architecture. After i read the first paragraph i can know about organic architecture maintains natural values.If these natural principles are upheld, then a bank cannot be built to look like a greek temple. Then after i read the second paragraph i can know about natural principles deside about design not style, expressed by means and modes of construction that reflect unity, balance, proportion, rhythm and scale.Like a sculptor, the organic architect views the site and materials as an innate form that develops organically from within. And then after I read the last paragraph I can know about the view of organic structure is a part of nature. Natural light, air, and view permeate the whole structure, providing a sense of communication with the outdoors. Thats information which I found in Eleventh Meeting.

JOURNAL TWELFTH MEETING In this time i learn about Twelfth Meeting. The title of the Twelfth Meeting is Alchemy was the predecessor of modern chemistry. After i read the first paragraph i can know about alchemy was the predecessor of modern chemistry. The fundamental premise of alchemy derived from the best philosophical dogma and scientific practice of the time, and the majority of educated persons between 1400 and 1600 believed that alchemy had great merit. Then after i read the second paragraph i can know about authentic works on European alchemy are the English monk Roger Bacon and the German philopher st.Albertus Magnus. Then after I read the third paragraph I can know that the early alchemists were artisants.


And after I read the last paragraph I can know about discovered chemical properties, and invention many of the tools and techniques used by chemist today. Thats information which I found in Twelfth Meeting.

JOURNAL THIRTEENTH MEETING In this time i learn about Thirteenth Meeting. The title of the Thirteenth Meeting is The reasons why the Wright brothers succeeded in manned flight. After i read the first paragraph i can know about the reasons why were the wright able to succed in the possibility of manned flight. And then after i read the second paragraph i can know about both were glider pilots and experienced the practical aspects of aerodynamics. And then after I read the third paragraph I can know that the wright brothers had designed more effective wings for the airplane than had been previously engineered. And after I read the last paragraph I can know about they were able to bring the rasio of weight to power within acceptable limits for flight. Thats information which I found in Thirteenth Meeting.

JOURNAL FOURTEENTH MEETING In this time i learn about Fourteenth Meeting. The title of The Fourteenth Meeting is The Federal Reserve System. After i read the first paragraph i can know about what is the federal reserve system. And then after i read the second paragraph i can know about the systems primarily function. After I read the third paragraph I can know about the responsibilities of the federal reserve system.


And after I read the last paragraph I can know that the Fed does not stray from the financial policies established by the executive branch of the government. Thats information which I found in Fourteenth Meeting.


5 Status : Achieved

This is a print handout of the task presentation the third and eighth meeting .


6 Status : Acheived

I've followed Raharja Career in STMIK Raharja at October, 22th 2012 and this is a photo copies.


Because of raharja career photo copies can not be sent via email, so I took a photo of raharja career.


7 Status : Achieved

I have communicated with my friends in the BI101Is group on Facebook more than five times.




8 Status : Achieved

I was completed to make a sentence of problems in TOEFL with my group.


GROUP MEETING 1 Location Members : : Juita Houses 1. ELY SUSANTI (1222472352) 2. JUITA KRISTINNA (1222471868)

Problem 22 (Factual Conditionals Possible Result) Correct : If I have much money, I will buy a big house

Problem 47 (Possessive Pronouns Before Part Of The Body) Correct : She cut her hair like as her sister

Problem 48 (Relative Pronouns that Refer to Person and Things) Correct : That man who helped your cat yesterday

Problem 52 (Count Nouns) Correct : I hope give me one flower everyday

Problem 57 (Singular and Plural Expression of Noncount Nouns) Correct : My Grandmother give me two piece of ring for me and my sister


GROUP MEETING 2 Location Members : : Ely Houses 1. ELY SUSANTI (1222472352) 2. JUITA KRISTINNA (1222471868)

Problem 58 (Classifications Kind and Type) Correct : I can find several kinds of snake after I read this book

Problem 62 (Determiner A and An) Correct : I have a job for you

Problem 68 (Much and Many) Correct : I have many friends in University

Problem 83 (Emphasis Too) Correct : This bag is too expensive

Problem 90 (Specific Similarity Quality Adjectives) Correct : My hand is as cold as ice


9 Status : Achieved

I followed seminars from Perguruan Tinggi Raharja. I also followed an IT Training in Perguruan Tinggi Raharja about How to make an e-book from iMac or iPad.


Because of raharja career photo copies can not be sent via email, so I took a photo of raharja career.


10 Status : Achieved

My Objective Assessment have been done. And submit project report on time and i have been sent my objective assessment to dwi.sloria@raharja.co


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