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Jason Randhawa The New Earth exists within you right now.

In order to experience a New Earth yo u must align with its high vibrational frequency. Here are 10 easy techniques to help you accomplish this: 1. Trust that you will always be looked after. Act as if there is an infinite no n-physical world that is there to protect and guide you. It has been proven to me that this world actually does exist. I have come to thi s understanding because of many of my personally learned lessons and experiences . Also, many other people have had experiences that suggest that this spiritual world exists. It is the world through which this physical world that you now exp erience was born. This is a very empowering belief to hold. Even if it is not true, this belief wi ll keep you going, and will allow you to rise above yourself. Thus effectively r aising your vibrations 2. Tell the Truth. I have found that in most cases, lying tends to lower a person s personal vibratio nal level. Next time you are on the verge of telling a lie, ask yourself: What is the worst thing that could happen if I told the truth? Is it really worth sacri ficing my spiritual vibrations and joyous experiences for? Remember lying is not bad , since there is really no such thing as good or bad. It is all a perception. In most cases it is just more beneficial. Also, as we move into a New Earth, many people are becoming more and more intuitive. This results in more people being able to sense lies. So, telling the truth will help you on many levels. 3. Accept Responsibility. You should take complete responsibility for your life and one thing will allow you to take back all of your energy of energy/power will instantly raise your vibrations. The te responsibility, you will feel amazingly empowered. You u will be healing the entire planet. 4. See Yourself As A Master. The following is an excerpt from Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird Spalding in Book 4, on page 159: To advance, you must come to see yourself as a Master. You must conduct yourself as a Master. There is no one who can teach you mastery, nor is there anyone who can give you mastership, for they are already yours. Practice is required. You m ust live as a Master lives, think as a Master thinks, act like a Master acts bef ore you would know a Master if you were to meet one. 5. Come from the Heart and rid yourself of all Fears. As you release your fears, your vibrations must rise to a level beyond fear. Fea r constricts the wellness of life. You must learn to open your heart in spite of fear and allow wellness into your life. If you truly come from the heart, you c annot have any fears. 6. Sweet Dreams the events in it. This and power. This surge moment you take absolu will be healed, and yo

You have the ability to create your night. The importance of this is that many p eople believe you create your reality when you sleep. As you lay in your bed, be fore you fall asleep, suggest to yourself that you will have pleasant dreams tha t will raise your vibrations, thus completely restoring your good spirits and vi tality. If this is the last idea/imagery remaining in your head as you fall asle ep, this technique will work wonders for you. 7. Avoid multitasking, live completely in the now If you are eating dinner, completely focus on eating and enjoying your dinner. D o not watch TV or read while you will eat. Do your best to completely focus on w hat you are doing in that particular moment and nothing else. This will maximize the activity s effectiveness and its joyfulness. 8. Don t wear a watch. Try to avoid using a watch or looking at the clock regularly. If you can give li ttle or no attention to time, you will be able to let your inner self/heart/intu ition guide you. This inner guidance will let you know when the best time to go somewhere is, or, the best time to do your homework, or fall asleep, and even wa ke up. This will really help you get closer to yourself and help you get use to the idea of no time. 9. See the Truth. Make it a HABIT of seeing beauty in everything. 10. Be your own teacher. Stop looking for some teacher/guide to show you the way or give you some message. There is no message that anyone can give you that you don t already have. It is a lot easier to simply give the message to yourself, thus skipping the middleman. When you are ready you will give that message to yourself, every time! But, many people take a less rewarding path to the message/information they seek . They give the message to themselves by going out and finding someone else who knows it. It would be much more rewarding for you to give the message to yoursel f. This one idea is really the only idea you need. This technique should be very liberating. The Vibrational UniverseWhen you understand this, you will tear down the boundar ies you have put up around your knowledge/lessons. Everyone has access to Infini te Intelligence if they believe they do. So get rid of the formality of getting ad vice/information from others, when it is a lot closer, within you!

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