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Solid Biomass
The use of solid biomass to generate energy has the longest global tradition and is still the most commonly used of all renewable ene rgy technologies. Solid biomass includes all dry or dried plant material, such as bulk plant materials and plant pa rts. German systems technology for us ing solid biomass in ene rgy gene ration ha s undergone continuous de velopment, making it highly reliable and providing solutions ta ilored to meet cus tomer requirements in the be st way possible.
BM U / Bernd M ller

ENERLOG GmbH M+W Group SEEGER ENGINEERING AG manufacturer Lambion Energy Solutions GmbH

Technologies and applications

The energy released whe n burning solid

Biomass C HP plant in Pfaffenhofen, Germany: waste conveyance on biomass boiler (boiler front).

biomass in modern he ating systems is utilised very efficiently. W ood, mainly in the form of split logs, wood chips and pe llets, is the primary energy source. Manua lly operated, pa rtly automated and fully automated furnaces and boilers with electronically regulated firing systems have be en developed to burn this wood, resulting in a low-emission combustion process with a pa rticularly high efficiency factor of up to 90 per cent. The highly efficient technologies German companies offer are global leaders in all performance classes, ranging from modern burners for heating individua l rooms or for heating water, to small boiler systems for heating hous es and apartment buildings up to biomass boilers that efficiently supply heat for multiple properties and/or industrial processes. Modern woodburning stoves made by German manufacturers not only boast an attractive design but are also very efficient. German manufacturers are particularly skilled in the areas of smallscale firing systems and intellige nt control and management technologies, as w ell as in the development of convenient furnace feeding systems, achieving relatively high levels of efficiency and greatly reducing emissions. Solid biomass is also used to generate electricity in combined heat and power plants (CHP). The waste heat produced by this electricity ge ne ration is then, for instance, utilised in local and district heating networks or made available to industrial processes as vapour or heat. It can also be used to produce cooling for industrial purposes, for refrigerated warehous es or for cooling buildings. Heat and electricity can be ge nerated not only by burning but also by gasifying solid biomass. Depending on the cha racteristics of the combustion material and the capacity of the plant, fixed bed, fluidised bed or entrained flow gasifiers can be used. Resulting wood gas is then used to produce electricity in combus tion engine systems or gas turbines with high electrical efficiency. Using the waste heat for combined heat and power generation can significantly increase overall efficiency. Highly efficient combined heat and power plants developed in Germany that run on biomass are world leaders in this technology. There are currently approximately 50 German developers and suppliers offering ultra-modern plants in the ten kilowatt to ten megawatt range. Synthe sising generated wood gas into biofuel is currently being tested as an alternative at a pilot plant in Karlsruhe.



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