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Recreation Program Report 2012

Since March 2012 over 140 people with disabilities and a further 200 family friends and carers have been enjoying a unique blend of activities run by the Dreamfit Foundations Recreation Program supported by Apache Energy. The primary focus of the program in 2012 has been the delivery of free community events with 8 complete and 2 more due to be run throughout the remainder of the year. Key challenges for organisations and families have been taken into consideration during program planning, highlighting the need to deliver across a range of metropolitan venues, that are inclusive, and that offer a step by step supported process toward participation. Some of the key disability organisations that have engaged in the program so far include Therapy Focus, Brightwater Care Group, Rock Bay, Centre for Cerebal Palsy, Autism Association, Selby St Recreation Centre, Rise, Intrework and Inclusion WA.

Due to the high demand for the program and in an effort to give more participants the opportunity to take part, a number of activity days have been run on more than one occasion. Most days see a range of vehicles and activities on offer and depending on abilities a range of supported options are provided. Modifications and adaptions like joystick controls, electronic on/off switches, ramps and two purpose built gantry hoists have increased access to more people whilst at the same time reducing the need for manual transfers.

140 200 12 10

Participants with Disabilities

Family, Friends and Carers

Different Accessible Activities Offered

Community Events


Disability Organisations

Landsailing in Warnbro The Sandgropers Land Yacht club based in Warnbro, have had a 2 year relationship with the Foundation after initially identifying their capacity to cater for a broader cross section of society in 2010 when they embarked on a project that would see UWA students create two seater land yachts instead of the traditional one seater . On the 17th March and 28th April a range of people with different abilities their friends and families got the chance to experience the sport and the club an opportunity to promote membership and ongoing participation options.

Abseiling and Flying Fox in Gooseberry Hill With the in kind support of staff at Adventure Out, three Rock Adventure days have been successfully delivered with one more scheduled in December. From the beginning it was clear that there was always going to be a great level of interest showed in any type of adventure based activity. The demand we have experienced and the testimonials received from both support workers and participants have confirmed that an experience out of the ordinary is valuable in many ways. It offers a level of personal challenge for the participant and the flow on effect from this is aone of personal growth and well being.

Kelvins story
At just 17 years old, Kelvin was left with an acquired brain injury and limited mobility after a motorcycle accident in Bali. His disability means for the past 30 years he has been unable to sit up and must remain in a reclined position. When his sister Jenny showed him footage of the flying fox activities on YouTube his eyes lit up and she knew immediately he wanted to do it. After speaking to Dreamfit Recreation Program Manager and the expert team at Adventure Out, a plan was made that would see Kelvin descend the line on a rescue stretcher, allowing him to remain reclined for the descent. On September 22, Kelvin was transported to the top of Stathems Quarry and transferred into the rescue stretcher. The stretcher was then secured to a 20m flying fox line and Kelvin was lowered down the into the quarry. He reached the base to sound of cheers and applauds from his family, friends, volunteers and fellow participants. His sister Jenny was grateful for the help of Dreamfit and Adventure Out in providing such a unique opportunity and allowing Kelvin to once again enjoy the same adventurous activities he had as an able bodied 17 year old.

Archery at Whiteman Park Archery WA hosted a day in August which saw over 30 participants have the chance to experience how the sport can cater for a range of abilities. The organisation has always promoted itself as being an inclusive sport so it made sense that the two organisations work together to provide an opportunity. People with various intelectual, sensory and physical disabilities attended and as well as experiencing archery got a chance to have a go at accessible Go Karts, Quad bikes and Boccia.

I had another great day with Dreamfit Foundation. This time at the WA Archery Centre, I had never done Archery & with some help holding the bow for me, I managed to hit the target a few times. The Dirt Buggie was the highlight of the day for me. Once I was hoisted on the Buggie I was off around the circuit a few times. I would like to do it again.
- Kane Sinfield (Participant)

Kane and his mother enjoyed the day together

Water Fun at Shelley Beach and Rockingham Foreshore With the onset of summer, activity days have become water specific and we have found that this has appealed to a whole new crowd of participants. On the 9th September, the 14th October and the 25th November the Dreamfit accessible ski boat and wheelchair accessible Trimaran Pontoon gave participants the chance to cruise on the river, to go for an adrenaline pumping ride in the ski boat or be towed on an inflatable biscuit. Over the 3 days, over 60 people attended.

Taking part in Dreamfit has been particularly beneficial for one of our clients, a young man with spina bifida, we have noticed that since taking part in your activities his confidence has grown immensely, he is now talking to groups of new staff here at Rocky Bay about his adventures with you & how it has improved the quality of his life.
- Sally Smith, Team Leader Rocky Bay

Volunteers and 2013 In order to deliver these opportunities, a volunteer recruitment drive was implemented and has resulted in seeing our volunteer base grow from 10 to 35. The reward of participating in the events and witnessing the satisfaction and enjoyment in a first hand manner has kept the volunteers engaged regularly and the appeal is attracting ages from anywhere between 17 and 65. With the success of this years program we have scheduled 21 free days in 2013. The new year will see activities being offered during the week for those accommodation services who only cater for Monday to Friday programs.

Summary Not only are participants getting unique opportunities that would otherwise not be available, they are gaining the flow on personal benefits that social interactions can result in. Many of our participants not only come for the activities on offer but for the social opportunity of meeting new people and establishing positive relationships. The benefits of participating in adventurous activities has been proven over and over again and this year Dreamfit with Apaches support has expanded this opportunity to over 140 participants who will go onto be more confident in their engagement with others.

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